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2009 Vol.7 No.6
Published 2009-12-31
WANG Zhao-Yi-;Liu-Dan-Dan-;Shi-Wen-Jing
Grain erosion induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake and its control
Grain erosion is defined as the phenomenon of detachment of grains from bared rocks under the action of insolation,temperature changes,and freezing and thawing,movement down a steep slope triggered by wind and shaking,and cumulates at the toe of the mountain forming a deposit fan.The Wenchuan Earthquake,occurred in Sichuan on May 12,2008,caused numerous rockfalls,avalanches and landslides,which damaged vegetation and left scars on high slopes.Consequently grain erosion occurred throughout the earthquake area.Grain erosion caused flying stones injuring humans,and resulted in numerous slope debris flows.The laws of grain erosion and control measures are studied by field investigations and field experiments.It is found that the most serious grain erosion occurred in spring and early summer because of intensive insolation of sunshine and temperature change. Wind is the triggering agent for grain falling from the slope.Experimental results show that the amount of grains falling from the slope per time is proportional to the fourth power of wind speed and the size of grains increases linearly with the wind speed.The experiments also demonstrate that grain erosion may be controlled with some moss species.Moss spores were mixed with clay suspension and splashed on the bared rock.A layer of green moss appeared on the rock and stopped the grain erosion,because the moss layer cut off the sunshine and mitigates temperature difference.Many huge bared mountains suffering grain erosion in the earthquake area can be quickly greened by using helicopter to spray moss spores and clay suspension.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 1-8 [
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SHEN Shen-Zhou-;Tao-Wen-Yi-;Li-Mian-;Xiao-Pei-Jing-;Guo-Jian-Beng
Influence factors of runoff energy consumption and denudation amount on loess slope
We analyzed the soil erosion amount,runoff energy consumption and denudation amount under different flow amount and different slope degree to study the influence factors of runoff energy consumption and denudation amount on loess slope in hydraulic research base of yellow river institute.The observation data showed that: the amount of soil erosion increased with flow amount raise on 20° slope,the stable amount of soil erosion under 1 L/min flow amount condition was 1% of that under 5 L/min or 7.5 L/min flow amount condition;The stable amount of soil erosion under 3 L/min flow amount condition was 20% of that under 5 L/min or 7.5 L/min flow amount condition;On the same condition,the amount of soil erosion on 10°slope was 1/10 times than that on 20° or 30° slope;The slope energy consumption under 1 L/min flow amount condition was about 16.6 J/min,and 1/3 of that under 3 L/min flow amount condition,1/5 of that under 5 L/min flow amount condition,1/8 of that under 7.5 L/min flow amount condition;On the same condition,the slope energy consumption were near on 20° and 30° slope,were smaller 0.3 J/min than 10° slope;The denudation amount were near of 5 L/min or 7.5 L/min flow amount condition,and 2.5 times as large as the denudation amount of that under 3 L/min flow amount condition,50 times as large as the denudation amount under 1 L/min flow amount condition;The denudation amount were near on 20°or 30° slope,were 40 times as large as the denudation amount on 10°slope.The result could supply foundation datas for the Loess Plateau management.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 9-13 [
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XUE Sha-;Li-Tie-Bin-;Dai-Quan-Hou-;Li-Feng-;Liu-Guo-Ban-;Di-Qing
Restoration dynamics of plant community on abandoned arable land under erosion environment
In order to understand the characteristics and dynamics of plant community on abandoned arable land on Loess Plateau,11 abandoned arable lands with different ages were studied systematically through the approach of substituting the temporal serial with spatial serial.The results showed that with the increased in the number of years of land abandonment,the plant community's coverage and above-ground biomass increased gradually.There is a positive correlation between the species diversity index and abandoned age which can accurately reflect species richness and dynamic change objectively,but correlate with community dominance negatively.The evolution tendency which rise at the beginning,then drop and also rise can reach the peak of the species diversity index after land abandonment for about 3,10 and 25 years.The stability of plant community structure has a close relation with biomass,diversity,coverage and dominance,which strengthen stepedly with the progress of restorative succession and provide a foundation for ecological restoration under erosion environment.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 14-19 [
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LIU Liu-Song-;Shi-Hua-Zheng-;Xu-Dong-Sheng-;Wang-Hong-Jie-;Lin-Gong-Yan-;Sun-Wei-Xia-;Zhang-Li-Meng
Effects of straw mulch on surface runoff hydraulic characteristics of dried and wetted red soil
Mulching soil surface with a layer of plant residue is an effective method for conserving water and soil.A laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of antecedent moisture content(AMC) and straw mulch on surface runoff hydraulic characteristics using rainfall simulator.The rainfall simulator was used to create rainfall intensity of 60 mm/h for 1 h.The study site was located at the Ecological Experimental Research Station of Red Soil,Chinese Academy of Sciences,in Yujiang County,Jiangxi Province of China.The soil used in this study was red soil derived from quaternary red clay.The runoff plot was 12 m in length and 3 m in width with a slope of 14%.Antecedent moisture content levels(dried,wetted) and percentage of straw mulch(0,15%,30%,60% and 90%) were considered as two independent variables in this experiment design.The results showed that straw mulch affected the velocity and Manning coefficient significantly.The velocity decreased quickly with increasing the mulch in the range of 0 and 30%,and decreased slowly with increasing the mulch in the range of 30% and 90%.The runoff velocity of wet soil was larger than that of dry soil under the same mulch rate,especially with the mulch rate of 0,15% and 30%.The Manning coefficient increased quickly with increasing the mulch in the range from 0 to 30%,and changed slowly with increasing the mulch in the range from 30% to 90%. The Manning coefficient of the dried soil were larger than that of wetted soils between the mulch rate of 0 and 30%,and were smaller between the mulch rate of 30% and 90%.By reduced the velocity and increased the Manning coefficient,the straw mulch could protect the soil and water from erosion.The mulch rate of 30% could have the best effect of soil and water conservation from the view of the economy.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 20-25 [
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ZHANG Jian-Jun-;Na-Lei-;Zhang-Bei-;Zhang-Rui
Effect of spatial distribution of soil and water conservation forest on the runoff of single-rainfall events in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau
Disposition of soil and water conservation forest is a crucial problem to accelerate the recovery of vegetation and enhance soil and water conservation efficiency on the Loess Plateau.Based on calibration and validation of the distributed rainfall-runoff model HEC-HMS,effect of coverage of soil and water conservation forest and its spatial disposition on rainfall runoff process in a small watershed were analyzed in this paper.HEC-HMS was found to well represent the major storms that account for high percentage of soil loss.As forest coverage increased,runoff coefficient and peak discharge were reduced significantly,which implies an improved modulation of rainfall events with high intensity.And runoff coefficient and peak discharge of certain rainfall event reached the lowest level when soil and water conservation forest was disposed on the upper and middle part of watershed,indicating that disposition of soil and water conservation forest on the upper and middle reaches can help result in a better effect on water conservation.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 26-31 [
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DUAN Jian-Jun-;Gao-Zhao-Liang-;Wang-Xiao-Li-;Zhang-Xiao-Ping-;Zhang-Cai-Xia-;Yang-Qi-Ke-;Li-Dui
Comparison and analysis of precipitation surfaces produced by CI and IC two approaches in Loess Plateau
Collecting precipitation at 74 stations in/around Loess Plateau Region from 1952 to 2001,surfaces of annual average precipitation and linear trend of Loess Plateau from 1952 to 2001 were interpolated with ARCGIS 9.3 using Geostatistical Analyst adopting "calculate then interpolate"(CI) and "interpolate then calculate"(IC) approach.The Result showed that: 1) Total annual average precipitation of Loess Plateau from 1952 to 2001 and its linear trend coefficient were 421.65 mm,421.56 mm and-0.462 1 mm/a,-0.423 1 mm/a respectively.Similarity coefficients of them were 99.78% and 95.99%,which showed a good accordance between them.2) Surfaces produced by IC approach were a little smoother than that by CI approach.Terrain analysis methodology was a visualizing method of evaluating the precision,smoothness,the spatial amount change and direction change of precipitation surface and linear trend surface.3) Area of decreasing direction of spatial trend of precipitation was mainly from Southeast to Northwest,then South to North,Southwest to Northeast and East to West where is up to 89.34% of Loess Plateau,which can be regarded as zonality distribution law.The others which belonged to non-zonality distribution law are 10.66%.4) Precipitation of Loess Plateau from 1952 to 2001 has a significant decreasing trend with an average linear trend coefficient of-0.541 0 mm/a by CI approach or-0.423 1 mm/a by IC approach.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 32-39 [
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FANG Xiang-Jing-;Wang-Wei-;Zhang-Hong-Jiang-;Cheng-Jin-Hua-;Zheng-Guo-Jiang
Vegetation restoration technique of mining wasteland in Gejiu Stannary of Yunnan Province
Vegetation restoration technique is a hot topic for ecological restoration of mining wasteland both at home and abroad.An experiment of different vegetation restoration techniques carried on mining wasteland in Gejiu Stannary,and a comprehensive coordinate method for evaluating vegetation growth condition,soil physical properties,nutrient status and heavy metal contents of soils was presented for 5 types of vegetation plots.The results showed that sample plots of
Alnus nepalensis
Mahonia fortunei
,Pistacia weinmannifolia+Sabina chinensis and
Eucommia ulmoides
were significant differences from contrastive wasteland,which was on their standardized values.Vegetation measures could improve soil aeration and permeability,increase soil nutrient contents,cut down heavy metal contents of mining wasteland.Depending on the experimentation results,
Alnus nepalensis
Mahonia fortunei
,Pistacia weinmannifolia,and
Eucommia ulmoides
should be selected as pioneer plants for the ecological restoration of tin mining wasteland.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 40-45 [
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CHEN Zong-Wei-;Zhang-Xiang
Thoughts of soil and water conservation design for tourism highway in mountain area based on the landscape function:Acase study of the tourismhighwayfrom Muyupingin Shennongjia to Zhaojun Bridge in Xingshan County, Hubei Province
In order to give full play to the landscape function of soi and water conservtion measures of tourism highway in mountain area,we took the tourism highway from Muyuping in Shennongjia to Zhaojun Bridge in Xingshan County,Hubei Province as the example and collocated the soil and water conservation measures based on the optimization of landscape function and the coordination of landscape function. In terms of the optimization of landscape function,the highway was been divided into three landscape characteristic zones,three landscape transition zones and eight landscape characteristic spots according to the characteristics of natural,human culture conditions along the highway.At the same time,the soil and water conservtion measures were collocated in corresponding zone or spot.In terms of the landscape coordination function,the afforestation technology of ladder hollow brick facing wall,the L plant trough top retaining wall,the suspended type plant trough outer roadbed and the timber pile fence facing wall were used to landscape construction and greening along the highway.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 46-50 [
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WANG Ning-;Gu-Yan-Feng-;Jiao-Ju-Yang-;Bai-Wen-Juan-;Zhang-Zhen-Guo
Relationship between persistent soil seed bank and above-ground vegetation on abandoned farmland in An'sai of the North Shaanxi Province
In order to find the effects of persistent soil seed bank on the vegetation restoration on abandoned farmland in Hilly-gully area of Loess Plateau,investigation on the relationship between the persistent soil seed bank and the above-ground vegetation was taken.10 plots which abandoned for 3 to 31 years on different aspect were collected in this study.The result showed that there are 36 species belong to 15 families in the soil seed bank,the main species are annual,and also included some perennial and semi-shrub.The density of seed bank is between 1 908 seeds/m2 and 12 617 seeds/m2,and 80% is of annual.The proportion of annual declined with the time of rehabilitation,but the proportion of perennial and the typical species in this area increased with the time.The number of the species and the density increase firstly and then descend with the time.The serensen similarity index of above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank is 0.21-0.42.By the analysis of the fidelity of plants,all the preferential species in the area had the persistent soil seed bank,thus,it is considered that the persistent soil seed bank can help the vegetation restoration in part.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 51-57 [
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GAO Hua-Duan-;Liu-Ying-Meng
Impact of ground substance on mechanical composition of soil in Guizhou Province
Through soil investigation developed from several important ground substance,using the methods of statistics analysis,the paper studies the relationship between ground substances and soil mechanical composition.Results show that ground substances significantly affect soil mechanical or physical composition and that there are significant differences among soils developed from different ground substances such as rock fragment content,sand grain ratio and clay ratio.As a whole,the soil developed from carbonatite group has lower sand grain ratio(17.84%) but higher silt ratio(43.93%) and higher clay ratio(38.24%).The soils developed from purple sand-shale and sand-shale have higher sand grain ratio and lower clay ratio.Soil developed from coal series has similar character to carbonatite soil and soil from slate has moderate mechanical composition.The conclusion could provide the theory foundation for soil erosion research in Guizhou Province.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 58-62 [
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LIN Yong-Meng-;Cui-Feng-;Wang-Dao-Jie-;Ge-Yong-Gang-;Ke-Chun-Yan
Community characteristic of plantation of
Leucaena leucocephala
in the area with high-frequency debris flow
Based on the phytocoenological method,the characteristics of
Leucaena leucocephala
community in the area with debris flow occurring frequently in hot and dry valley of Jinsha River Basin was researched.The results showed that there are few plants species in the
Leucaena leucocephala
community.Its family and genus are scattered composition.The geographical element is simple,with a relatively higher connection to the tropical element on family level by 41.91% and on genus level by 45.16%.It was characterized by hemicryptophytes with mesophylls and microphylls,simple,coriaceous,papery,unentire leaves.Although the vertical structure of community can be divided into tree layer,shrub layer and low coverage herb layer,
Leucaena leucocephala
dominated in tree layer and shrub layer.The
Leucaena leucocephala
community was unstable,we must adjust the structure of the community to progressive succession.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 63-67 [
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WANG Xiao-Feng-;Ca-Ben-Jiu-;Gong-Wen-Feng-;Lin-Xiao-Xu-;Liu-Wen-Yong
Efficiency of nutrition and heavy metal variable features in coal ash stacking yard during vegetation restoration
This paper is conducted in the nutrient and heavy metal characteristics of coal ash substrates during natural vegetation restoration and artificial vegetation restoration in coal ash pile of Di-dao gangue fired power plant in JIXI Heilongjiang province,and the effect of different vegetation restoration on nutrient and heavy metal status of coal ash substrates is analyzed.Results are as below: 1) the nutrient content of coal ash substrates is extremely disproportion,organic matter,total N and available P are extreme deficiency,available N and available K are rich.2) During the processes of pilling up,the nutrients in the coal ash is leaching.The loss degree of total nutrition is higher than that of available nutrition.3) The artificial vegetation restoration processes could significantly improve the nutrient status of surface coal ash substrates.the organic matter content increases by 459.28%,total N content increases by 238.46%,total P content increases by 131.4%,contents of available N、P and K increase by 30.17%,56.29% and 22.58% respectively.4)Hg is the main heavy metal exceeding standard in the coal ash stacking yard and carrying soil restoration pattern decreases efficiently the amount of heavy metal in the coal ash substrates.Compared with the heavy metal in the sample fields with natural vegetation restoration,the amount of Hg,Cu,and Cr has decreases by 66.93%,68.82% and 16.09% separately.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 68-73 [
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HE Xiao-Feng-;Li-Xian-Wei-;Zhang-Jian-;Zhang-Xin-Hua-;Dai-Jie-;Zhang-Liang-Hui
Experimental on soil storage capacity and infiltration capability under different vegetation types in the Subalpine of Western Sichuan
In order to provide scientific basis for evaluating water conservation benefit and allocating stand structure,research of soil water storage capacity and infiltration capability of different vegetation types was carried out in the subalpine region of western Sichuan.The results showed that: 1) The non-capillary water capacity in the 0-30 cm soil layer of the different vegetation types has significant differences,ranged from 363.2 to 691.1 t/hm
,and in the descending order of which is primitive fir(691.1 t/hm
),spruce plantation(687.6 t/hm
),larch plantation(659.8 t/hm
),coniferous and broad-leaves mixed forests(656.3 t/hm
),shrub community(631.8 t/hm
),conifer mixed forests(620.8 t/hm
),crop land(592.2 t/hm
),locust plantation(393.36 t/hm
),bare land(363.2 t/hm
).2) The tested different vegetation types could be classified into four groups,based on soil infiltration capability.The first group,including spruce plantation,coniferous and broad-leaves mixed forest had the strongest soil infiltration capability,and the second group with a stronger soil infiltration capability was composed of larch plantation and conifer mixed forests.The primitive fir and shrub community were classified into the third group with a relatively strong soil infiltration capability,while locust plantation,bare land and crop land belonged to the fourth group.3) The Kostiakov model was used to reflect the soil infiltration of different vegetation types,whose fitting degree is from 0.894 to 0.984(
<0.01),and shows that it is suitable to describe the soil infiltration process of different vegetation types.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 74-79 [
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DIAO Fang-Ying-;Li-Jiang-Feng-;Cheng-Xiao-Qin
Niche characteristics of plant population under natural restoration on shachang mining area in Beijing Shouyun Iron Ore
Based on the investigation of vegetation under 3 natural restoration periods on Shachang mining area in Beijing Shouyun Iron Ore,the niche breadth and the niche overlap were researched for analyzing the niche discipline of plant populations under natural restoration.The results show that the species of big niche breadth during 5 to 15 years restoration include
Artemisia sphaerocephala
Ulmus pumila
.The species of big niche breadth during 16 to 25 years restoration include
Ulmus pumila
Artemisia scoparia
Ailanthus altissima
,Vitex negundo.The specie of big niche breadth during 26 to 35 years restoration includes
Vitex negundo
.The niche overlap between the plant populations increases with time going on.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 80-84 [
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HE Shao-Wan-;Cheng-Ji-Min-;Mo-Hui-E-;Xiong-Chu-Qiao-;Chen-Chi-;Han-Tian-Feng-;Yang-Xiao-Mei
Soil seed bank of
Pinus tabulaeformis f/i>.shekannesis natural forest in the Ziwuling mountains
The soil samples of 54 quadrates in 4 sample plots which included 3 plot on different position of slope and 1 plot of contrast in the
Pinus tabulaeformis f
.shekannesis natural forest of Ziwuling Mountains were collected.It was studied combing the germination methods in house and investigation in ground,in expectation of opening out the characters of soil seed bank and the relationship with the aboveground communities.The result showed: 1) The average soil seed density was 1 496.7 seed/m
,the minimum density was 1 240.0 and the maximum density was 1 785.0 seed/m
.The seed density in the comparison zone of barren hill was 510.0 seed/m
.2) The vertical distribution pattern of seed bank showed that it is nearly 90% of seeds stored in litter layer and 0-7.5 cm upper layer of soil.3) 32 plant species were recorded which belonged to 20 families.Among them,perennial herbs and evergreen shrubs had the highest proportion in seed banks,which accounted for 48.3% and 41.9%.4) The species richness ranged from 2.523 to 3.082 and the species diversity ranged from 1.458 to 1.781 in the slopes.Among them,the middle slope had the maximum of the richness,and the minimum of the diversity,the upper slope had the maximum value of both the diversity and the evenness of the soil seed bank.5) The dominant plants of the aboveground communities on slope,such as
Ostryopsis davidiana
Cotoneaster acutifolius
Sanguisorba officinalis
Linn and so on hadn't been recorded in the seed bank,except
Carex rigescens(Franch)
V.krecz,Carex lanceolata Boott,Lespedeza bicolor Turcz,and Thalictrum alpinum Linn accounted for 19.7%,2.1% & 0.8%,1.7% & 3.1%,and 0.4% of the soil seed bank in the corresponding slope.The plant species composition of soil seed banks did not closely reflect the composition of aboveground communities.Some plant species not emerged out owing to their own characters of germination.6) The proportion of
Pinus tabulaeformis f
seeds was about 0.6%.In the investigation of aboveground communities,it was discovered that there were a few seedlings of
Pinus tabulaeformis f
.shekannesis on the forest floor,and about 5-7 seed/m
which indicate that the seed banks have potential germination and the forest ever has some abilities of self-renewal.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 85-91 [
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Effects of salt-resisting water retentive agent on physiology and survival rate of Acacia crassicarpa in coastal sandy soil
The effects of salt-resisting water retentive agent on growth physiology and survival rate of Acacia crassicarpa in coastal sandy soil were studied.The results showed that it had no significant effects on physiological indexes when 1 000-2 000 g salt-resisting water retentive agent to each seedling was used.However,when 3 000-4 000 g salt-resisting water retentive agent to each seedling was used,enough rainwater could be absorbed and stored by soil.So more rainwater would be supplied for seedling during drought period,which would decrease drought stress to seedling and it would increase the water potential,water content and chlorophyll content of leaves.In addition,it would keep root vigor and maintain the root peroxidase(POD).Compared with CK,the height,DBH and crown width of seedling increased 0.52-0.74 m,0.6-0.8 cm and 15-25 cm,respectively.The survival rate and preserving rate increased 26.9%-32.2% and 20.1%-36.5%,respectively.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 92-97 [
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WANG Shu-Li-;Chen-Hai-Yan-;Sun-Yue-;Zhou-Yan-Yang
Effects of pure Larix olgensis plantation improvement on the soil properties
Physical properties,nutrient status and microorganism amount of the soil were studied after pure
Larix olgensis
plantation was changed to mixed plantation in Linkou Forest Bureau of Heilongjiang Province.The results showed that the difference of soil bulk density and soil total porosity of
Larix belt
belt and
belt was not significant,but that of different soil layer in the same plantation belt was significant,and the value reduced with soil layer decline.The amount of soil organic matter,total nutrient elements and available nutrient elements reduced with soil layer decline except total K.The nutrient amount of hardwood belt and mixed belt was higher than that of
Larix olgensis
belt,the amount of total N,total P and total K in soil layer of 0-10 cm increased maximum 13.99%,8.00% and 11.23%,and available N,available P and available K in soil layer of 0-10 cm increased maximum 18.84%,12.37% and 6.71% respectively.Most part of microorganism distributed in the soil layer of 0-20 cm,and their amount reduced with soil layer decline.The amount difference of total microorganism,bacterial,fungus and actinomycetes of different belt plantation was significant,of which the decline order of total microorganism amount was
belt,Juglans belt and
Larix belt
.Study results would provide a scientific base for
Larix olgensis
pure plantation improvement.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 98-103 [
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MAN Xiu-Ling-;Meng-Qiang-Feng-;Liu-Wen-Yong
Vegetation restoration technology of stone pit wasted lands of Jixi Mining Area
In order to provide a comprehensive theoretical and technological approach for vegetation restoration on stone pit wasted lands,three measures(soil dressing,water retention agent(WRA),and nutrition bags) were selected and compared,also the effects of them on enhancing the growth of tree species(Mongolian scotch pine,Pinus densiflora var.ussuriensis,Chinese seabuckthorn,Amorpha fruticosa,Caragana microphylla) were analyzed.The result showed that: 1) the survival rate of Chinese seabuckthorn was 95.2%,higher than that of Mongolian scotch pine(67.3%),Pinus densiflora var.ussuriensis(64.1%),Amorpha fruticosa(50.1%) and Caragana microphylla(9.4%) in the foreign soil treatment.According to mean height,crown width and coverage,the growth status of Chinese seabuckthorn was the best,179.1 cm,130.6cm,65.3% respectively.And the total N,hydrolysable N concentration of its soil under the soil dressing treatment was 1.97 g/kg and 294.01 mg/kg respectively,the organic matter content was 0.91%.The mean height of Mongolian scotch pine was 70.5 cm,but the total N,hydrolysable N concentration and organic matter content of its soil was 0.45 g/kg,52.36 mg/kg and 0.46% respectively.2) Compared to contrast group,WRA could improve the survival rate and height growth of Pinus densiflora var.ussuriensis significantly,increased 103% and 22% respectively.And its organic matter content and hydrolysable N of soil was 2.6 and 3.1 times of control group's respectively.The survival rate and height growth of Mongolian scotch pine planting with nutrient bags increased 116% and 23% respectively,and its organic matter content,total N and hydrolysable N of soil was 1.8,1.8 and 1.4 times respectively comparing to control group.3) The planting way under water retention agent and the nutrition bag may also increase the underbrush quantity and the degree of cover effectively.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 104-109 [
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CHEN Li-;Xu-Xiang-Zhou-;Chai-Guo-Wei-;Hu-Yi
A field experiment to simulate infiltration processes of the urban pervious surfaces
The field experiment is an effective way to explore the infiltration properties of the urban pervious surface.This study presents a novel method feasible to the field study of the urban pervious surfaces,and provides the infiltration characteristics of the grass-embedded pavement.Then a field experiment with detailed observation of runoff processes was carried on the grass-embedded pavement.It could be concluded that: 1) The simulator was a movable and water-saving device which could do little changes on the environment near the experimental field,and it is also enough sensitive and operable.2) It is the waving grasses planted in the brick holes that blocks the runoff in the initial stage of the rainfall simulation and fluctuates the runoff process curves in the later stage.3) When the water content of the land surface was saturated,and the rainfall intensity was 1.19 mm/min,the coefficient of the grass-embedded pavement is 0.42.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 110-112 [
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LI Lin-Yo-;Jiao-Ju-Yang-;Chen-Yang
Research methods and results analysis of sediment delivery ratio
Sediment delivery ratio(SDR) is an index that reflects the transport capacity of eroded sediment in the watershed,and has both scientific significance and application values for benefit evaluation on sediment reduction of soil and water conservation and decision-making of watershed management.This paper summarizes and analyses the research methods and results of the SDR at home and abroad.There are two methods in the SDR research: direct calculation based on the definition of SDR and model calculation based on SDR models.The key of the direct calculation is how to obtain soil erosion amount,while the calculation models mainly includes three kinds at present: factor empirical model,distributed model and physical model.Based on the summarization and review of the soil erosion amount obtaining methods and existed SDR models,the research results of SDR in Yellow River Basin,Yangtze River Basin,other domestic regions,and some regions abroad are analyzed,and the problems research direction of SDR are discussed.
2009 Vol. 7 (6): 113-122 [
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