Effect of spatial distribution of soil and water conservation forest on the runoff of single-rainfall events in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau |
Zhang Jianjun1,2,Na Lei1,Zhang Bo1,Zhang Rui1 |
1.College of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Forestry University,100083, Beijing;2.Chinese National Ecosystem Observation and Research Station,042200,Jixian,Shanxi: China |
Abstract Disposition of soil and water conservation forest is a crucial problem to accelerate the recovery of vegetation and enhance soil and water conservation efficiency on the Loess Plateau.Based on calibration and validation of the distributed rainfall-runoff model HEC-HMS,effect of coverage of soil and water conservation forest and its spatial disposition on rainfall runoff process in a small watershed were analyzed in this paper.HEC-HMS was found to well represent the major storms that account for high percentage of soil loss.As forest coverage increased,runoff coefficient and peak discharge were reduced significantly,which implies an improved modulation of rainfall events with high intensity.And runoff coefficient and peak discharge of certain rainfall event reached the lowest level when soil and water conservation forest was disposed on the upper and middle part of watershed,indicating that disposition of soil and water conservation forest on the upper and middle reaches can help result in a better effect on water conservation.
Received: 24 April 2009