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2009 Vol.7 No.3
Published 2009-06-01
LI Zhi-An-;Luo-Zhi-Dong-;Diao-Yuan-;Liu-Xian-Chun-;Cao-Wen-Hua
Construction of soil and water conservation digitalization in China
Based on analyzing the achievement and problem in the construction of soil and water conservation digitalization,the paper brought forward the thought on the construction of soil and water conservation digitalization in China,included the targets,tasks,contents,distribution and ensurence measures of it.The targets of construction include to set up the perfect system of monitoring soil erosion and soil conservation,which making up of soil erosion field observation,remote sensing,scientific examination,and information network;to construct technical platform which taking on data collection,processing,transmission and issuance;to form information service system.The contents of construction include technical standards,information infrastructure,the database of soil and water conservation,the platform of operation appliance service and information service,appliance information system,and construction environment.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 1-5 [
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JIAO Jian-;Xie-Yun-;Lin-Yan-;Diao-De-Feng
Study on rainfall-runoff erosivity index in Northeastern China
Rainfall-runoff erosivity reflects the erosive forces of rainfall and snowmelt runoff from snowmelt,and the amount and rate of runoff likely to be associated with them.Located at mid-high latitude,soil loss caused by snowmelt runoff is a main part in soil erosion in Northeastern China.For predicting soil erosion by models,it is necessary to quantify snowmelt-runoff erosivity(
) and rainfall erosivity(
) separately.This paper proposed the method of estimating snowmelt-runoff erosivity by using daily runoff and sediment yield data from 21 typical hydrological stations and daily precipitation records of precipitation stations.Precipitation records from 234 climate stations was used to estimate rainfall-runoff erosivity index(
).In addition,the spatial distribution of rainfall-runoff erosivity was analyzed.The results show that once the average percent of snowfall to annual precipitation is no less than 10%,snowmelt-runoff erosivity can be estimated by using precipitation amount during November to April(
W·h·a) in this region,which increases from the northwest to southeast,with annual rainfall showing a similar pattern.This analysis will improve the accuracy of soil loss prediction and contribute to soil conservation plan in this region.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 6-11 [
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LV Chun-Hua-;Zheng-Fen-Chi
Evaluation of soil quality during vegetation restoration in the Ziwuling Area of Loess Plateau
Taking research sites located at sunny hillslopes of natural vegetation restoration with different age(1-140 a) in the Ziwuling Area of Loess Plateau as a case study,selecting sensitive indicators from 16 soil physical,chemical and biological attributes of topsoil(0-20 cm) through correlation analysis,the paper assessed soil quality index(
) during vegetation restoration in the Ziwuling Area through statistic analysis method and principal component analysis.Results indicated that,during vegetation natural succession in the Ziwuling Area,soil total porosity,mean weight diameter(MWD),organic matter,available P,invertase activity,alkaline phosphatase activity,fungi,and microbial biomass were selected as soil quality assessment indicators.Soil quality index increased with vegetation restoration during over 140 years.
shifted from 0.155 9 to 0.850 9 during more than 140 years' natural vegetation succession,and
was 4.2-27.5 times greater than that on bare and fallow land.Based on
change trend,evolution process of
could be divided into 3 stages,that were,
increased rapidly at the beginning of vegetation restoration(1-20 a);
increased fluctuant in the mid-term of vegetation restoration(20-40 a);
increased steadily in the later period of vegetation restoration(40-140 a).For different vegetative types during vegetation restoration,
followed the order: forest land>shrub land>grassland.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 12-18 [
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HAN Xiao-Jie-;Ji-Shi-;Liu-De-Feng-;Tun-Yun-;Chen-Lin
Surface roughness coefficient and its influencing factors on the slope of typical forests in Jinyun mountain of Chongqing
Surface roughness coefficients on the slope of forestland in Jinyun mountain of Chongqing by using the Manning Formula are conducted based on the measured field experiments data in 4 typical forests(
Pinus massoniana
,mixed with
Pinus massoniana
and broadleaf trees,broadleaf forest and
Phyllostachys pubescens
),compared to crop-land,in Jinyun mountain,Chongqing City of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in April 2008.The results show that the values n of the surface roughness coefficient vary from 0.007 9 to 0.270 4.The value n of
Pinus massoniana
is minimum and the value n of the mixed with
Pinus massoniana
and broadleaf trees is maximum.The descending order of surface roughness coefficient of 4 typical forests is as follows: mixed with
Pinus massoniana
and broadleaf trees,broadleaf forest,
Phyllostachys pubescens
Pinus massoniana
.The relationships between surface roughness coefficient and litter depth is shown as linear relationship,the formula of surface roughness coefficient(y) and litter depth(x) is: y=0.0205e
is 0.9237 respectively,and there is a logarithmic relationship between surface roughness coefficient(x) and infiltration capacity of surface water(y),the formula is: y=37.25lnx+188.47,
is 0.7782.The infiltration capacity of surface water increases with the increase of surface roughness coefficient.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 19-23 [
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DIAO Feng-Yu-;Xu-Hua-Shua-;Liu-Pu-Ling-;Shi-Xin-Ge-;Chen-Tian-Lin-;Liao-Xin-;Li-Bei
Spatial variation of soil moisture on the grass and shrub land under simulated rainfall in Loess area
Based on the observation data of soil moisture under forty-two simulated rainfalls in Yangou watershed of the Loess Area,responses of soil moisture to the simulated rainfalls on grass land and shrub land under two slopes with different management(undisturbed,cutting,plowing) were studied.The results were as follows: Under five supplementary rainfalls(accumulation presipitation 291.2-357.7 mm),according to the standard deviation and variation coefficient of soil moisture,the effect of land management on soil moisture in the 0-100 cm soil layers showed that: the soil moisture in undisturbed grassbush land could be divided into active layer(0-10 cm),relatively steady layer(10-70 cm) and sub-active layer(70-100 cm);the whole soil profile of cutting land(0-100 cm)was a relatively steady layer;plowing land was divided into active layer(0-10 cm)and relatively steady layer(10-100 cm).Under a single rainfall(presipitation range 46-85 mm),the active and relatively steady layers would become thinner gradually or disappear with the increase of precipitation,while the sub-active layer increased,changes of the moisture content in the whole soil profile tended to be uniform.It was suggested that more sensitive descrimination sandards which were standard deviation(s) and variation coefficient(Cv) should be used to divide the soil layer according to moisture variability under high intensity supplementary rainfall: active layer,s more than 1.4,Cv more than 0.12;sub-active layer,s changes from 0.9 to 1.4 and Cv changes from 0.08 to 0.12;relatively steady layer,s less than 0.9 and Cv less than 0.08.Soil moisture was increased with the slope decreasing.Slope had a more siganificant effect on soil moisture in undisturbed land and cutting land compared to plowing land,and the effect of slope on soil moisture in 50-100 cm soil layer was more siganificant than that in 0-50 cm soil layer.In conclusion,soil moisture in depth of 0-100 cm gradually increased after a single rainfall,and soil moisture of the profile became gradually stable.Land management as well as slope had siganificant effects on both the change intensity of soil moisture and changes of that in different soil depth.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 24-29 [
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HUANG Yi-Bin-;Luo-Xu-Hui-;Zheng-Zhong-De-;Zhang-Wu-Sheng-4;Huang-Xiu-Qing-;Dan-Jie
Effects of different exploitation manners on soil and water losses in hilly orchard
Youxi County is located in the middle part of Fujian Province and belongs to the mid-subtropical monsoon zone.From 1996 to 006,long-term observation was carried out to study the effects of 5 exploitation manners on soil and water losses.Results showed that the average annual rainfall in last decade was 1 575.5 mm,and the evaporation was 1 461.1 mm.The annual rainfall is mostly amassed in the first half of the year and the rainstorm of which occupies 11% of raining times and 50% of rainfall amount in the whole year.Strong rainfall frequently occurred in May,June,and August.During these periods,measure was needed to control soil and water losses.The land exploitation by building terraces had the higher function to avoid occurrence of runoff than that by down-slope.The coefficient of run off in terrace plots was 0.068 8,with obviously lower than down-slope plots(0.286 5).Green covering measure had high function to increase soil water content and to control soil erosion than clean tillage.The 0-30 cm soil water content in green covering plots increased 0.8%-0.9% than in clean tillage plots.Green covering plots was not found soil erosion,but in clean tillage plots,soil erosion was serious.For terrace exploitation,erosion was found on wall,annual erosion mount was 10.3 kg/m,and erosion modulus for down-slope exploitation was 2 388.2 t/(km
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 30-34 [
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XU Hai-Yan-;Diao-Wen-Wu-;Shu-Heng-Feng-;Shu-Jing
Characteristics of soil loss under different land use combination of sloping farmland and grassland in the Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau
Based on the experiment plot research in Ansai Integrated Experiment Station on Soil and Water Conservation,the effects of different land use combination of sloping farmland and grassland on soil loss was discussed.Four kinds of land use combination were designed,including
setaria italica
only(Pattern a),twothirds
setaria italica
and one-third
panicum virgatum
(Pattern ab),two-thirds
setaria italica
and one-third
abandoned land
(Pattern ac),two-thirds
setaria italica
and one-third
(Pattern ad).The research results indicated that:1) Most of the sediment yields mainly happened in July and August,which had close relationships with high rainfall amount and rainfall intensity.2) Comparing with pattern a,the other three land use combinations (ab,ac,ad) had positive effects on reducing soil loss with different degrees,in which land use combination ac was the best one.3) With the slope degree varied from 10°,20° to 25°,the sediment yields of each land use patterns decreased after increased,and descending order of the sediment yield for different slope degree was 20°,25°,10°.The results could provide reference for evaluation the effect of land use on soil and water losses.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 35-41 [
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CENG Gong-Juan-;Li-Zhi-An-;Yang-Qing-Tian
Arrangement of soil and water conservation monitoring points of development and construction projects
Soil and water losses of development and construction projects,the result of integrative influence of complicated natural condition and human activities,is a typical erosion phenomena caused by human advanced which is gusty,intense and harmful.The mechanism of soil and water losses of development and construction projects is more complicated which brings difficulty to the soil and water conservation monitoring.Monitoring points arrangement is the most important basic work of soil and water conservation monitoring.Its rationality determines the objectivity of monitoring result including soil and water losses dynamics,soil and water conservation facilities implement and its effect.At present,there is no uniform criterion of monitoring arrangement which has brought uncertainty to the monitoring design work.This paper puts forward a points arrangement pattern of soil and water conservation monitoring of development and construction projects based on the theory of stratified sampling.It takes erosion type,terrain type,land-use type and function units as main control factors and adopts a four-grades controlling sub-area.The method of monitoring points arrangement can transform complicated work into relative simple work when constructing a gradual detail monitoring form whole project section into fixed points.It can help resolving the problem of the monitoring difference caused by natural condition and project characteristics.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 42-45 [
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BAI Wen-Zhong-;Wang-Ke-Qi
Characteristics of runoff and sediment and N、P loss in Nicotiana tabacum land slope in typical small watershed of Fuxian Lake
Based on the continuous observation of the nitrogen and phosphorus loss in surface runoff and sediment in under rainfall events from June to September in 2007 with a standard plot method on a Nicotiana tabacum land slope in the typical small watershed of Fuxian Lake,this article studied the characteristics the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus with runoff and sediment,the results showed that: 1) The runoff amount has strong correlation with the maximum rainfall intensity of 10 minutes(
=0.878 9),and sediment yield has strong correlation with the maximum rainfall intensity of 30 minutes(
=0.944 5);2) The loss amount concentration of TN、NH
-N gradually reduced with fertilizing time;3) TP loss has a significant correlation with the maximum rainfall intensity of 10 minutes(
=0.897 1);4) TN loss has a significant positive correlation with runoff amount,and TP loss has a very significant correlation with runoff amount and sediment yield,TN loss has a positive correlation with TP loss,the pearson coefficient is 0.542(sig.=0.106).
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 46-51 [
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LI Gun-;Liang-Wei-;Yang-Qi-Ke
Analysis of land use pattern change in coarse sandy region of middle reaches of Yellow River
The land use information was extracted from the remotely sensed imagery of the year of 1977,1997 and 2006 automatically assisted by the computer.Based on these thematic maps,the land use dynamic degree,conversion matrix,frequency and importance indices were calculated by the combined means of GIS spatial analysis and statistics analysis.And the land use change range,speed,direction and regional diversity were analyzed from 1977 to 2006.Results indicated: 1) The area of building site and forest keep increasing,inversely,the cropland and the waste land are on the state of decreasing.From 1977 to 1997,the grassland decreases and water body increases;at the same time,from 1997 to 2006,the grassland increases and water body reduces.The mutual transformation between land use types was more violent from 1977 to 1997 than that from 1997 to 2006.2) Mutual transformation mainly between cropland and grassland,grassland and forest,grassland and waste land.3) The leading types and the major directions of the land use change are cropland,grassland,forest and waste land.The mutual transformation between cropland and grassland mainly occurs in the piece sandy and liangmao hilly regions.The mutual transformation between grassland and forest mainly occurs in wind sandy hilly region and earth-rocky mountain region.The mutual transformation between grassland and waste land mainly occurs in the wind sandy hilly region.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 52-58 [
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WANG Shu-Li-;Sun-Yue-;Chen-Hai-Yan-;Yuan-Wei-Bin
Changes of soil microbiological properties of <i>Larix olgensis</i>+Larix kaempferi plantation with the different densities
Larix olgensis
Larix kaempferi
plantation management,through the spot investigation and experimental analysis,the change of soil microbiological properties in four densities of
Larix olgensis
Larix kaempferi
plantation was studied.The four sample stands were stand 1 with 2 500 trees per hectare,stand 2 with 3 300 trees per hectare,stand 3 with 4 400 trees per hectare and stand 4 with 6 600 trees per hectare.Results showed that 1) The quantity of total microorganism and bacteria in soil was in the decline order of stand 2,stand 1,stand 3 and stand 4;The quantity of fungus was in the decline order of stand 1,stand 3,stand 4 and stand 2;The quantity of actinomycetes was in the decline order of stand 3,stand 2,stand 1 and stand 4;2)The four densities of
Larix olgensis
Larix kaempferi
plantation had the same characteristic of reducing trend of microorganism quantity,that is the deeper the soil layer,the less the quantity of microorganism,and the decline degree of stand 1 and stand 2 was smaller than that of stand 3 and stand 4;3) The quantity change of microorganism and bacteria in every density of
Larix olgensis
Larix kaempferi
plantation can be classified into three stages,slow growth stage,fast growth stage and decline stage.The fungi quantity of stand 1 and stand 2 was larger in the early stage and less in the late stage.The fast growth stage of actinomycetes quantity of stand 2 and stand 3 presented in the middle stage,the actinomycetes quantity of stand 1 and stand 4 was larger in the early and late stage and less in the middle stage;4) To the young age of
Larix olgensis
+ Larix kaempferi plantation,2 500-3 300 trees per hectare density was more suitable for the living and development of microorganism than 4 400 trees per hectare density,and 6 600 trees per hectare density was the worst density of all.This research would offer some scientific basis for choosing the density of the hybrid larch plantation.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 59-66 [
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TUN Yong-Bei-;Hao-Ai-Lin-;Xue-Jian-Hui-;Liu-Xin-Liang
Litter amount and its water-holding properties of the main types of forest communities in the upper reaches of Mingjiang River
In order to qualify the eco-hydrological effects of the subalpine forest,the dynamic changes of three types of typical subalpine forest communities such as
Quercus aquifolioide
forest,Shrub-bamboo forest and Abies
forest was investigated.The main results showed: 1) The litter accumulation of three types of forests varied from 10.00 t/hm2 to 25.20 t/hm2,the descending order is Abies
a forest,
Quercus aquifolioide
s and shrub-bamboo forest as both in May and July,and
Quercus aquifolioide
a forest and shrub-bamboo forest in September.The annual litter amount of
Quercus aquifolioide
s forest is 391.5 kg/hm2 and 1 019.6 kg/hm2 more than Abies
a forest and shrub bamboo forest respectively.2) The descending order of saturated water-holding capacity of litter is Abies
a forest,
Quercus aquifolioide
s and shrub-bamboo forest.3) The regression relationship between water-holding capacity,water-absorption velocity of litter and immerse time is logarithmic and exponential,respectively.The maxium velocity occurred during the first 5 immersing minutes,then decreased gradually,and fell to zero after 24 h.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 67-72 [
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SUN Qiang-Yan-;Tu-Xin-Xiao-;Yang-Xin-Bing-3;Yue-Yong-Jie-;Chen-Hui-Xin
Forest canopy interception of different tree species of protection forest in Miyun Reservoir watershed
Canopy structure and precipitation features,canopy rainfall redistribution during growth period of four major tree species of protection forests in Miyun watershed were studied using fixed square arrangement method.Results show that rain throughfall is linearly correlated to rainfall outside of stands,and the regression coefficient can be used to assess evaporation ability of water stored on canopy;The interceptions amount increased with rainfall amount,and the interception percentage decreased with it,dropping down quickly during initial rainfall period and then slowly and finally reaching the canopy-saturated state.The saturated interception percentage was estimated 24.38% to 38.42% by models;Simulated four stands of protection forests by interception model,the relative error between the estimation value of this model and the measured value is below 0.8.This model can forecast seasonal and long term rainfall interception of stands.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 73-78 [
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XIAO Rong-;Gao-Zhao-Liang-;Zhang-Xin-Chang-;Song-Xiao-Jiang
Soil features on slopes of expressway under different biological protection models in the Hilly-gully Region of Loess Plateau:Taking Tongchuan-Huangling-Yan'an expressway as an example
This paper selected 18 slopes under the protection models of hole shape soil prepared seeding(HSSPS),net-suspended spray seeding(NSSS),framework seeding(FS) as study objects,analyzed slopes' soil features.The results indicate: 1) The slope of Tong-Yan expressway is dry,and the fertility is deficient.Organic matter and total N are at the extremely deficient and deficient rank.The average content of available P is 16.28 mg/kg,at medium rank.2) The descending order of soil water、soil nutrient content and plant coverage performances is shady slopes,sunny slopes;order of soil bulk density performances is sunny slopes,shady slopes.Order of water content is lower slopes,upper slopes and middle slopes.Soil nutrient content elevates gradually from the upper slopes to the lower slopes.Order of plant coverage is lower slopes,upper slopes and middle slopes,and presents obvious stratification.3) Comparing the three slope protection models,FS model has the strongest ability of control moisture,then is the HSSPS model,and the lowest is the NSSS model.4) Water content is the key factor of expressway slope protection in Loess Plateau.Moreover,application of organic and nitrogenous fertilizer,protecting and collecting surface soil,increasing phosphate fertilizer and selecting the slope's degree and inclining length reasonably are very important on water and nutrient conservation and stability of slope.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 79-85 [
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DIAO Yu-Sen-;Wei-Yong-Xia
Soil and water conservation effects of protective tillage measures on sloping farmland
For exploring the effects of soil and water conservation of different protective tillage technologies on sloping farmland of western Heilongjiang Province,the experiments on rainfall-runoff,soil water storage and soil loss for different tillage measures were conducted with runoff plots in Dongxing Village of Gannan County in 2007 and 2008.Results indicated that: the trend of the dynamic variation of soil water storage was same as the natural rain fall;all of the 3 tillage measures studied had the increasing effects of soil water storage,and decreasing effects of runoff and soil loss.Compared with conventional tillage,the measures of furrow damming had the best effect of runoff reducing,the measure of the combination of film mulching and furrow damming had the best effects on soil water storage increasing and soil loss decreasing,no-tillage with straw cover measure had the worst effects in the above 3 aspects;the measures of furrow damming,the combination of film mulching and furrow damming can deepen the soil layer of soil water storage.The research results can provide reference for reasonable selection of soil conservation measures in the semi-arid region of western Heilongjiang Province.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 86-90 [
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ZHANG Zi-Xue-;Yang-Ji-Hua-;Lv-Lan-Zhou-;Chen-An-Jiang-;Luo-Meng-Da
Quantitative analysis of influencing factors on soil erosion and water loss for sloping cropland of earth rocky mountain areas in Shandong Province
The runoff and soil erosion data were observed in four sloping cropland plots in Linqu,Mengyin,Tai'an,Wendeng soil and water onservation experimental station of Shandong Province.The runoff and soil erosion under different cropland,slope gradient,slope length and different rainfall were analyzed in order to know the rule of soil erosion and water loss of earth rocky mountain areas in Shandong Province.The results show that there are good linear relation between rainfall amount,rainfall intensity and runoff,soil erosion under same landform.The descending order of change extent of runoff and soil erosion amount is corn,peanut,wheat+peanut,wheat+soybean.There are good linear relation between rainfall amount,rainfall intensity and runoff,soil erosion amount under different slope length and gradient.With the increasing of slope length and gradient,runoff and soil erosion amount are increasing.With the increasing of rainfall and rainfall intensity,runoff and soil erosion is increasing and the increasing extent reach maximum when rainfall amount is from 50.0 to 79.9 mm and rainfall intensity is larger than 50 mm/h.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 91-97 [
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LIU Dong-Xin-;Gong-Wei-Guang
Evaluation of site quality for saline-alkali soil in Daqing
Based on the ecological relationship between saline-alkali soil properties and plants,plant community type and biomass associated with soil physico-chemical properties,including pH,soil organic matter,hydrolysable nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium,cation exchange capacity,exchangeable sodium and water-soluble salt contents were surveyed and analyzed.According to the soil physico-chemical properties and herbaceous plant biomass,site classification and evaluation for saline-alkali soil of Daqing were made by using factor analysis and cluster analysis methods.The saline-alkali soil of Daqing was classified into five kinds of site types,namely,1) High biomass saline-alkali soil with slight salinity;2) High biomass saline-alkali soil with moderate salinity; 3) Moderate biomass saline-alkali soil with moderate salinity;4) Low biomass saline-alkali soil with moderate salinity;and 5) High salinity saline-alkali soil.This provided scientific reference for restoring vegetation and improving the productivity of land resources.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 98-103 [
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DAN Li-Li-;Gu-Jian-Cai-;He-Chu-Juan-;Feng-Sha-Sha-;Long-Hai-Hui-;Chen-Yu
Effects of removal lands from cultivation to afforestation on grain production of Hebei Province
Effects of removal lands from cultivation to afforestation on grain production are analyzed by means of qualitative and quantitative methods.The module of GM(1,1) is used to forecast the trend of population development of Hebei in the next eight years and the gray correlation method is applied to study factors of the total grain yield.The results show that removal lands from cultivation to afforestation leads to the reduction of cropland areas in the whole province and improves the environment of grain production at the same time which increases the grain yield per unit area.So the total grain yield is increased.The increasing population brings the large stress on cropland and grain resource. Grain yield per unit area and irrigation are the most important factors among all influencing factors and the application of chemical fertilizer is the secondary factor.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 104-107 [
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XIONG Xiao-Bei-;Liang-Jian-Hui-;Dong-Ren-Cai-;Deng-Gong-Bing
Application of participatory approach to the small watershed management
The effective watershed management is one of the key measures to tackle the problem of soil erosion and to achieve the sustainable development in the Loess Plateau of China which is an area with the fragile eco-system and suffers the severest soil erosion.The participatory watershed management(PWM) has been extensively used worldwide in natural resource conservation and proved an effective approach to coordinate the rural development and resource conservation.In this paper,the results and impacts of participatory watershed management are analyzed through a case study in Jiajiyu Watershed.The results show that those threaten factors toward the local community development can be identified through the semi-structured interview and problem tree,which also can help us to find an effective approach to figure out different management models and implement the project of the control of soil erosion.The results also reveal that the PWM helps the local rural community to achieve the social and economic development and improve the ecologic quality as well.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 108-113 [
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ZHANG Wen-Hui-;Liu-Guo-Ban
Countermeasures and strategy to vegetation rehabilitation in Loess Plateau,China
According to the experience of vegetation rehabilitation and the result of ecological safety investigation in the Loess Plateau,the functions and characters of vegetation rehabilitation had been explained,and the core content of vegetation rehabilitation combining the artificial power for promoting vegetation restoration with the natural power of plant community succession is shown in order to achieve that all area vegetation rehabilitation combing with part area vegetation rehabilitation quickly.The aims for the vegetation rehabilitation in the Loess Plateau are that biodiversity increase 10%-15% on average.The coverage of typical species of the geography belt should acheive 20%-25%.The total vegetation coverage should acheive 75%-85%.The soil erosion decrease evidently.At present,the disadvantage for vegetation rehabilitation is no enough research accumulation for technology and the theory of vegetation rehabilitation and ecological efficiency of rehabilitation is not ideal.In the future the key techno-theoretic problems should be solved as quickly as possible by the sketch ideas.The typical demonstration area for vegetation ehabilitation should be set up for comprehensive measurements for rehabilitation.The law and regulation system for vegetation rehabilitation should be formed for the Loess Plateau.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 114-118 [
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LOU Lin-;He-Fan-;Wang-Xiang-Dong-;Shu-Bi-Sheng
Research progress and thinking of biological protection technique of river bank
Biological embankment protection technique combined with soil and water conservation,eco-rehabilitation and water purification science have become a focus research item in home and abroad.This paper simply generalized the developing progress,discussed the protecting principle of biological embankment protection.And main types and their applicability were also introduced.Considering China's present condition most of problems existing in biological embankment protection researches in home and abroad were analyzed.
2009 Vol. 7 (3): 119-122 [
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