Characteristics of soil loss under different land use combination of sloping farmland and grassland in the Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau |
Xu Haiyan,Zhao Wenwu,Zhu Hengfeng,Zhu Jing |
State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology,College of Resources Science and Technology,Beijing Normal University,100875,Beijing,China |
Abstract Based on the experiment plot research in Ansai Integrated Experiment Station on Soil and Water Conservation,the effects of different land use combination of sloping farmland and grassland on soil loss was discussed.Four kinds of land use combination were designed,including setaria italica only(Pattern a),twothirds setaria italica and one-third panicum virgatum(Pattern ab),two-thirds setaria italica and one-third abandoned land(Pattern ac),two-thirds setaria italica and one-third Allgangin(Pattern ad).The research results indicated that:1) Most of the sediment yields mainly happened in July and August,which had close relationships with high rainfall amount and rainfall intensity.2) Comparing with pattern a,the other three land use combinations (ab,ac,ad) had positive effects on reducing soil loss with different degrees,in which land use combination ac was the best one.3) With the slope degree varied from 10°,20° to 25°,the sediment yields of each land use patterns decreased after increased,and descending order of the sediment yield for different slope degree was 20°,25°,10°.The results could provide reference for evaluation the effect of land use on soil and water losses.
Received: 02 September 2008