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2022 Vol.20 No.4  Published 2022-08-30
Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring
1 XI Hong, ZHANG Zhilan, SHI Dongmei, SI Chengjing, YANG Jun
Runoff and sediment characteristics and trend analysis of Liujiagou small watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
[Background] The relationship between runoff and sediment in small watershed is a complex physical process of the interaction between rainfall and underlying surface. Rainfall and human activities cause a significant impact on the relationship between water and sediment in small watersheds. Monitoring the occurrence and transmission direction of soil and water loss process is conducive to revealing the mechanism of runoff and sediment yield in small watershed. [Methods] The inter-annual variation of runoff and sediment transport was analyzed by mathematical statistics, and the annual inner diameter flow and sediment transport were calculated using the runoff and sediment transport of each month for many years. Combined with Mann-Kendall rank correlation test, the trend of runoff and sediment transport in Liujiagou small watershed was explained, and the power function of fitting equation reflected the correlation of runoff and sediment. [Results] 1) The average annual runoff, sediment transport and peak discharge of small watershed were 582000 m3, 206.00t and 12.49 m3/s respectively. The variation coefficient of annual sediment transport was 151.92%, which was much higher than that of annual runoff of 42.50%. The annual inner diameter flow and sediment transport were mainly concentrated from May to September, accounting for about 85% of the whole year. The inter-annual variation of runoff in the small watershed was large, and the inter-annual sediment transport fluctuated. The maximum runoff coefficient was 2.38 times of the minimum runoff coefficient, and the variation coefficient of annual sediment transport was greater than the annual runoff and annual rainfall. 2) The abrupt change points of runoff and sediment transport in small watersheds began to change from 2006 to 2007. The abrupt change points of sediment transport were more than that of runoff. The significant abrupt change points of runoff in small watersheds occurred in 2018, and the abrupt change points of sediment transport mainly occurred in 2006, 2012 and 2020. 3) The annual rainfall of small watershed had a greater impact on runoff (coefficient of determination 0.7454) and less impact on annual sediment transport (coefficient of determination 0.3658). The annual runoff, sediment transport and rainfall were positively correlated, indicating that the quality of monitoring data was valid. The inter-annual variation of rainfall and runoff in small watershed was small. The variation of runoff was affected not only by precipitation, but also by other factors. The ecological restoration project of soil and water conservation generally reduced the runoff and sediment yield of small watersheds.[Conclusions] This paper studied the change of runoff and sediment characteristics and land use change under different time scales, analyzed the sediment status of inter-annual and annual inner diameter flow and fits the sediment correlation equation, which may provide scientific reference for the layout of soil and water conservation measures and the optimization and adjustment of land use type structure in small watershed.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 341 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 879KB] ( 351 )
10 GU Chaojun, ZHU Yongqing, HUANG Liwen, MU Xingmin, SUN Yu, SUN Qishi, CHEN Yifang
Effects of different land uses on the runoff and sediment yield in red soil slope, Jiangxi
[Background] Red soil zone is one of the most severe hydraulic eroded area in China, Jiangxi province belongs to the typical southern red soil area, and the area of soil erosion on the red soil slope exceeds 20% of the total land area of the province. The influence of external forces on the slope erosion of soil is the main cause of soil erosion. Thus,figuring out the influence of external force on red soil slope erosion is of great importance to land management and agricultural development.[Methods] In this study, the small watershed of Tiger Mountain in Taihe county, Jiangxi province, red soil zone in the south was selected. A total of 6 runoff communities with a slope of 8° of 20m long and 5m wide were set up in the slope runoff field.The amount of soil erosion was calculated based on the amount of sediment. This study analyzed the relationship of runoff and sediment yield on the red soil hillslope with rainfall and land-use, based on observed runoff data from Tiger MountainWatershed Comprehensive Observation, using correlation analysis and regression analysis methods.[Results] The average annual reduction benefit of soil and water conservation measures adopted by the experimental station in 2018-2020, the runoff and sediment yield can be reduced by 20.60% to 83.99% and 58.48% to 99.53%, respectively, and the sediment reduction benefit was greater than the reduction benefit. Between different land uses, the capacity of forest land interception was large. Between different months,over 60% runoff discharge and sediment yield occurred during June and July. [Conclusions] Compared to bare land, grasss land showed better performance on decreasing the capability of water and sediment transfer on hillslope. The suggestion in the process of local soil and water conservation ecological construction, mixed forest measures should be appropriate, attention should be paid to the care and management of under-forest vegetation in single-species woodlands, increasing the coverage under the forest. At the same time, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of soil erosion during different periods.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 10-18 [Abstract] ( 376 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1176KB] ( 241 )
19 XI Hong, TANG Jidou, SHI Dongmei, RAN Wenjian, YANG Jun
Effects of slope on the runoff and sediment yield in purple soil sloping farmland of Chongqing
[Background] Purple soil is one of the main types of sloping farmland in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, which causes a lot of soil erosion under the action of rainfall and runoff all the year round, posing ecological threats to the safety of the reservoir area. In order to study the effect of slope on the characteristics of sand yielding in purple soil sloping farmland, and to further clarify the characteristics of sand yielding in purple soil sloping farmland under different slopes, the process of sediment yielding in purple soil sloping farmland under rainfall conditions was studied.[Methods] Based on the typical sub-rainfall and sediment production data of 5 runoff plots with different slopes (5°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 25°) in Tangfang Slope Runoff Observation Field, Wanzhou district, Chongqing from 2014 to 2017, combined with changes in rainfall, cropping system, field management and crop coverage, the characteristics of runoff and sediment yield in purple soil sloping farmland under different slopes were analyzed.[Results] 1) The runoff depth of sloping farmland has a positive correlation with the slope as a whole. The increase of the runoff depth gradually slows down with the increase of the slope. When the slope increases from 5° to 10°, the runoff depth increases between 66.56% and 1327.27%, and increases from 10°. When it reaches 20°, the runoff depth increases between 2.55% and 300.00%, the maximum runoff gradient is mainly 20°, and the minimum runoff gradient is mainly 5°.2) The sediment yield generally increases with the increase of the slope. When the slope exceeds 20°, the sediment yield begins to decrease; the maximum sediment yield slope is 20°, and the minimum sediment yield slope is 5°, the increase of the slope also leads to the weakening of the erosive force of raindrop splashing, and the sand production decreases with the increase of the slope. 3) The adoption of a reasonable planting system improved the crop coverage of sloping farmland, enhanced the soil fixation capacity of crop roots, and effectively reduced the runoff and sediment yield of sloping farmland by strengthening rainfall interception, slowing runoff and increasing infiltration.[Conclusions] Overall, the maximum 30-minute rainfall intensity and sub-rainfall in the slope and rainfall characteristics were the main factors affecting the sand yield of the purple soil sloping farmland. The research results can provide a reference for the evaluation of soil and water conservation effect of purple soil slope farmland and the layout of farming management measures, and provide a scientific basis for soil and water conservation in small watersheds.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 19-25 [Abstract] ( 350 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1243KB] ( 321 )
26 HOU Shuyan, LIU Xujun, LIU Jianxin, YANG Yajuan, ZHANG Kai, LIU Gang
Effects of soil and water conservation measures on the runoff and sediment yield in black sloping farmland
[Background] The main causes of soil and water loss of sloping farmland in northeast black soil region are the concentration of rainfall and low vegetation coverage on gentle and long slopes of sloping farmland. Therefore, it is an important measure to protect soil and water by effectively preventing and controlling sediment production on slope surface. In this paper, Liangshigou watershed in Keshan county, Heilongjiang province, located in the core area of black soil, was selected as the research object. Under the condition of natural rainfall, we studied the images of runoff and sediment yield of different slope farmland by different water conservation measures, aiming to provide reference for the management of slope farmland in this region. [Methods] Method of runoff plot was used, i.e., in 3°, 5°, and 8° slope respectively, a total of 18 runoff plots with soil and water conservation measures of slope, contour tillage, ridge plant zone, horizontal terrace, ridge tillage, and bare land were set up. While runoff generated after rain, steel ruler was used to measure the water depths inside the branch barrel and collecting barrel, the runoff was calculated, sediment mixture samples were taken from sampling bottles, then were filtered, dried, weighed indoor, and finally sediment concentration was calculated. [Results] 1) The reduction rates of runoff under 3°slope contour tillage were 95.34% and 96.35%, respectively, compared with ridge tillage and bare land. Soil loss decreased by 95.49% and 97.42, respectively. 2) Compared with ridge tillage and bare land, the reduction rate of runoff by plant belt measures on 5° slope land was 86.74% and 89.49%, respectively. Soil loss decreased by 93.04% and 96.34%, respectively. 3) The reduction rates of runoff in 8° slope horizontal terraces were 55.63% and 72.57%, respectively, compared with ridge tillage and bare land. Soil loss decreased by 47.71% and 85.00%, respectively. Compared with bare land, the runoff reduction rates of 3°, 5° and 8° ridge plots were 18.3%, 21.7% and 38.2%, respectively. [Conculsions] It shows that under natural rainfall conditions, the arrangement of soil and water conservation measures such as contour tillage, ridge plant belt and horizontal terraced field significantly reduced the times of runoff and volume of runoff. It provides foundation support for slope farmland management in northeast black soil region.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 26-33 [Abstract] ( 450 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2650KB] ( 225 )
34 WANG Yousheng, YANG Zhi, LIU Bing, MA Wentao, REN Zhengyan, XIN Yan, ZHAO Yang, XIE Gang
Characteristics analysis of rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly and gully region of Ningxia
[Background] Rainfall erosivity reflects the impact of rainfall on soil erosion, which is an important factor in USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation), RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) and CSLE (Chinese Soil Loss Equation). In-depth study of the characteristics of intra-annual distribution and inter-annual variation of rainfall erosivity is of great significance to improve the accuracy of matching between vegetation cover factor and rainfall erosivity in the corresponding time period, especially for the loess hilly and gully region of Ningxia, where the ecological environment is inherently sensitive and fragile. The few detailed rainfall data of long time series in the loess hilly and gully region of Ningxia, restricted revelation of the characteristics of rainfall erosivity in 24 half-months, and the soil and water control in the loess hilly and gully region of Ningxia demands applicability of models based on daily rainfall data. [Methods] Based on the detailed rainfall data of 1207 rainfall events in Wangwa small watershed in the second subarea of the loess hilly and gully region of Ningxia, the EI30 of each rainfall event and the 24 half-month rainfall erosivities were calculated using the method of EI30 accumulation, and the characteristics of 24 half-months rainfall erosivities were clarified. Furthermore, three models of YIN Shuiqing cold and warm season model, ZHANG Wenbo model and CREAMS model, were used to validate the performance of three models on predicting rainfall erosivity at semi-month and annual scale, respectively. [Results] 1) The overall rainfall in Wangwa small watershed was dominated by light rainfall events, with <10mm individual rainfall events accounting for 70.51%, and ≥ 50mm individual rainfall events accounting for only 1.49%. 2) The annual erosivity was mainly contributed by heavy rainfall events. The erosivity with a secondary rainfall of ≥ 25mm accounted for 67.00% of the total erosivity. 3) The erosivity had obvious characteristics of centralized distribution within the year. The erosivity in the 12th to 16th half-months accounted for 83.51% of the annual erosivity value, and the erosivity in the 15th half month was the highest in the year, accounting for 31.68% of the annual erosivity, which was a period of great potential water and soil loss. 4) In the calculation of EI30, detailed rainfall data was recommended. The YIN shuiqing cold and warm season model was more effective in predicting annual erosivity and semi-month erosivity when the rainfall process data was lack. [Conculsions] The results revealed the centralized distribution of rainfall erosivity in 24 half-months, and suggested the soil and water conservation measures against surface disturbances in the 12th to 16th half-months. Compared with ZHANG Wenbo model and CREAMS model, YIN Shuiqing cold and warm season model is recommended in predicting annual erosivity and semi-month erosivity.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 34-41 [Abstract] ( 513 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1882KB] ( 237 )
42 ZHANG Xiaoyuan, LIU Zhuting, LIAN Shaohong, LI Xinyao, SHU Ruojie
Dynamic change of soil and water loss in Junxu River small watershed in western Guangdong based on RCSLE
[Background] Soil and water loss is widely distributed in mountainous and hilly areas of the west Guangdong province, and its potential danger is relatively large, meanwhile the causes of soil and water loss are complex and diverse. In order to lay out targeted prevention and control measures for water and soil loss, to clarify the overall layout of water and soil conservation in small watersheds and the arrangement of key control tasks, and to implement differentiated regional water and soil loss prevention and control strategy, this paper selects Junxu River small watershed in Gaozhou city of western Guangdong province as research area, analyzes the characteristics of soil and water loss and its dynamic change, and puts forward relevant prevention and control measures of water and soil loss. [Methods] Using GIS & RS technology, taking the domestic high-resolution satellite remote sensing images of 2017 and 2021 as fundamental data, the single factor and current situation data of soil and water loss in small watersheds of 2017 and 2021 were analyzed and calculated. Combined with the current land use map, based on the average soil erosion modulus and high-intensity erosion structure index in the small watershed, the loss map of soil and water flow was determined, the dynamic changes of soil and water loss in small watershed were analyzed and evaluated, and then the prevention and control strategy of regional soil and water loss was proposed. [Results] 1) According to the calculated results, the areas of water and soil erosion in the basin in 2017 and 2021 was 55.72 km2 and 31.75 km2 respectively, the area reduced by 23.97 km2 and the reduction rate was about 43.02%. The intensity and area of water and soil loss lightened or reduced at varying degrees. However, various types of soil erosion still exist widely, which needs to be combined with the characteristics of water and soil loss of the basin, and to adopt the prevention and control strategy of water and soil loss in different areas to control water and soil loss. 2) By analyzing the current situation of soil and water loss in Junxu River small watershed of two stages, combined with the regional land spatial planning, the watershed can be divided into 3 types of areas:ecological protection area, treatment and development area and key regulation area for carrying out zoning prevention and control for three zones. Control strategies were proposed, such as strengthen prevention, promote natural ecological restoration, carry out dynamic monitoring and accurate control of water and soil loss, and promote the control strategies of sloping farmland, high-quality prevention and control of water and soil loss. [Conculsions] The research results may provide data and technical support for the implementation of comprehensive management of soil and water loss in small watersheds in hilly areas of western Guangdong.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 42-49 [Abstract] ( 334 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4196KB] ( 230 )
50 XIANG Huichang, CHANG Jin
Current situation and change analysis of soil erosion in Jiuzhou River Basin
[Background] With the rapid development of social economy, human activities have caused great damage to the surface vegetation and accelerated the soil erosion, which has seriously restricted the eco-environmental construction and sustainable development in China. However, few studies have evaluated regional soil erosion through field investigation combined with quantitative calculation of empirical model or physical model. Jiuzhou River is a typical rain-fed river with serious soil erosion in South China. [Methods] The main objective is to examine the status of soil erosion and eco-environmental construction and to provide support for the control and preventive countermeasures in Jiuzhou River, supported by remote sensing and GIS technology. The land use, vegetation cover and the distribution characteristics, area and intensity of soil erosion were extracted and calculated by the NDVI(normalized difference vegetation index), NDWI (normalized difference water index) and CSLE (Chinese soil loss equation) in the Jiuzhou River Basin in 2019, combined with field work. [Results] 1) The land use types in the Jiuzhou River Basin in 2019 were mainly woodland and paddy field, accounting for 62.0% and 11.5% of the total area of the basin, respectively. 2) The vegetation cover was dominated by high-coverage orchard garden, woodland and high coverage grassland. The high coverage orchard garden and woodland occupied 92.3% of the overall orchard garden and woodland area, and the high coverage grassland accounted for 96.5% of the whole grassland area. 3) The degree of soil erosion decreased in 2019 compared to that in 2018. And 78.7%, 57.2%, 47.1%, 48.7% and 48.6% of the slight, medium, intense, extremely intense and severe soil erosion plots in 2018 shifted to micro erosion in 2019, respectively. 4) Severe and extremely intense soil erosion occurred in the mining land and bare land areas caused by large-scale development and construction projects. [Conculsions] Land use type, vegetation cover and soil erosion degree can accurately reflect the current situation of soil erosion in the Jiuzhou River Basin. The total area of soil erosion decreased but medium, intense and micro soil erosion increased in 2019. Soil erosion caused by human activities still has a great impact on the ecological environment. In future, erosion prevention and soil conservation should be carried out on areas with high-risk of erosion.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 50-60 [Abstract] ( 433 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 9482KB] ( 181 )
61 ZHANG Famin, YANG Kai, LI Xiongfei, LIU Zhenghong, WANG Chuanming, WANG Rong
Suitability analysis of main DEM data for the dynamic monitoring of soil erosion in Shaanxi province
[Background] Since 2018, Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China has been doing dynamic monitoring of soil erosion across the country. Up to now, three phases of national dynamic soil erosion monitoring results have been obtained and released publicly. By obtaining seven factor data in the water erosion area, calculating the amount of soil erosion in the current year with the China Soil Loss Equation (CSLE; A=RKLSBET), we carried out a graded statistical analysis of various types of information at six levels:slight, mild, moderate, strong, extremely strong, and severe. At present, the topographic factor (slope, and slope length) data used in the dynamic monitoring of soil erosion in the provincial monitoring areas of Shaanxi province and the 1:50000 topographic map have certain deviation in the slope classification, especially in that of plain areas. The graded slope cannot accurately reflect the topographical features, and this will affect, to varying degrees, various data classified by the slope. [Methods] Taking Chang'an district of Xi'an as an example, we took the three commonly used DEM data of SRTM1, NASADEM and ASTER GDEM to perform a spatial calibration with the grid DEM generated by the elevation points and contour of a 1:50000 topographic map, which was followed by a fill-in analysis on these 4 kinds of DEM data, and generation of 6 grades of slope classification maps (<5, ≥ 5°-8°, ≥ 8°-15°, ≥ 15°-25°, ≥ 25°-35°, and ≥ 35°). Finally, the 3 slope classification maps of SRTM1, NASADEM, ASTER GDEM and that of the grid DEM were used for deviation analysis. [Results] Compared with the grid DEM, the deviation of SRTM1 is the slightest of the three in spatial distribution, and is more accurate in reflecting the topographic information in the area. By SRTM1, the maximum deviation of the proportion of slope classification in plain areas was 1.15%, and that in mountainous areas was -4.80%. In contrast to this, the deviations of the other two DEM data in the proportion of slopes above 35° in mountainous areas were lower than -16%, which, obviously, cannot reflect accurately the distribution of high-grade slopes in mountainous areas. [Conculsions] The findings of the present study show that in the observed area, the STRM1 DEM is superior to the other two types of DEM data in terms of the degree of deviation of the slope classification ratio and the accuracy of spatial distribution. The data could be used as the basic topographic data for dynamic monitoring in Shaanxi province, specifically for various statistical analysis involving slope information, the calculation of soil erosion intensity, and objective and accurate reflection of the situation of soil erosion in the area.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 61-67 [Abstract] ( 407 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3992KB] ( 222 )
68 WANG Jie, ZHANG Guangying, LIU Fengchan, HU Weiyin, PAN Yanbo
Issues of soil erosion observation facilities and corresponding countermeasures: Taking Chongling catchment area in Hebei as an example
[Background] Soil and water loss monitoring is the basis of national soil and water conservation planning and deployment. At present, a relatively perfect soil and water loss monitoring network has been established in China, and automatic monitoring facilities and equipment have been widely used in the country. Compared with manual monitoring, automatic monitoring is more objective, continuous and universal, but there are also mechanical, dependence and other shortcomings. Therefore, in order to promote the efficient development of soil and water conservation monitoring work in China, it is very necessary to sort out and summarize the existing issues of soil and water conservation monitoring work at grass-roots level and sum up experience. [Methods] In view of common issues in soil erosion monitoring in China and based on the observation experience of Chongling Observation Station in Hebei province for many years, authors listed the problems of equipment, labor and data from the two observation facilities system of runoff plot and small watershed, and proposed solutions or optimization schemes for the problems. [Results] 1) Runoff plot:The range of runoff and sediment automatic observation instrument is limited, and it is recommended to set up water and sediment observation compound equipment. The precision of automatic equipment is high, which is greatly affected by the field environment, thus it is recommended to install alarm device to handle equipment failure manually in time. Automatic equipment is professional and difficult to maintain independently in the later stage, modular assembly of equipment should be explored to facilitate self-maintenance. The amount of data from automatic equipment is huge, and the task of reorganizing data is heavy, thus the management department can unify the requirements, standardize the database of manufacturers, which may reduce the amount of data sorting. 2) Small watershed:The observation facility of the control station is single and the range of measurement is narrow, it is suggested to lay compound weir according to the actual situation and condition. The standards for observation facilities are not defined well and the construction is not standardized, thus the administrative departments may normalize them. It is difficult to coordinate the automatic observation of water and sediment in control stations, so multi-point observation and multi-probe automatic monitoring equipment are suggested. [Conculsions] The targeted solutions about the facilities, equipment, personnel, system operation management, data processing and so on are put forward by sorting out and summarizing the problems. It can effectively solve the issues of the operation, management and operation of the facilities and equipment in the current observation of soil and water conservation, so that the monitoring work will be more rigorous, more scientific and more practical. And all of this will provide a strong guarantee for the national soil erosion prevention and control and soil conservation planning.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 68-73 [Abstract] ( 319 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1914KB] ( 204 )
Foundamental Studies
74 RUI Guangjun, SUN Peng, YANG Huining, XUE Qianqian, QIAN Yuechen, LIU Yating, SUI Xianzi
Spatio-temporal dynamics of dry-wet patterns in the Huaihe River Basin from 1959 to 2018
[Background] The change of dry-wet conditions has great influence on industrial development, agricultural production and layout,as well as ecological environment, etc. The Huaihe River Basin is an overlapping area of climate, high and low latitude, sea and land facies in the north and south of China, and the study of its dry-wet pattern has also become a hot topic in recent years. Therefore, we carried out this study in order to provide case support for scientifically understanding the response difference law of the dry-wet pattern of Huaihe River Basin and regional system under the background of global change, to make a new attempt to explore the evolution process and quantitative means of surface dry-wet process, and also to provide background environmental data for soil and water conservation under the transition climate belt. [Methods] The Huaihe River Basin was taken as the research area, and the monthly meteorological data from 27 stations in the basin from 1959 to 2018 were selected. Based on FAO-PM56 and climate trend slope analysis, this paper introduced cloud model to carry out a quantitative description of the dry-wet pattern of the study area, the missing data were interpolated by the average data of neighboring months, and the seasonal division was carried out according to the meteorological standard and the principle of facilitating the study of the inter-annual variation. [Results] 1) The average dry-wet index in the study area was 0.882, showing a rising trend of "5 peaks and 5 valleys", with a rising rate of 0.0004/a. The cloud characteristics of the dry-wet index indicated that the overall dispersion of dry-wet index K was low, and the randomness and fuzziness were small in the past 60 years. 2) The inter-annual variation of dry-wet index K in different seasons presented the characteristics of summer > autumn > spring >winter, showing the pattern of decline in spring and autumn, of rise in summer and winter. The distribution entropy value of the four seasons had high unevenness and instability. The amplitude of change was the most stable in spring, followed by summer and winter, and the biggest decline was in autumn. 3) On the spatial scale, the distribution of dry-wet patterns in the Huaihe River Basin was similar to that of precipitation. The variation rate increased from north to south, and other stations except the northeast tended to become wetter, the dry-wet index K was more discrete and uneven in spatial distribution compared with the time distribution of the dry-wet index. [Conculsions] The dry-wet pattern of Huaihe River Basin is characterized by large spatio-temporal difference, and the quantitative description of dry-wet index K based on cloud model can be used as an important assisted means to describe the dry-wet pattern. However, due to the complexity and diversity of potential evapotranspiration factors, the mechanism of its influence on the overall dry-wet condition remains to be further studied.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 74-83 [Abstract] ( 247 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 6383KB] ( 181 )
Applied Studies
84 LU Ming, LIU Jinfeng
Disaster characteristics and mitigation of Chutigang gully debris flow, Mangkang county, Tibet
[Background] There were many debris flow gullies along the Mangkang county section of the Jinsha River. The frequent debris flow activities had destroyed the roads along the river, and even blocked the river to form a dammed lake, which seriously threatens the normal life of people in this area. In order to clearly understand the formation law and disaster-causing characteristics of debris flows in this area, this study selects the representative Chutigang gully as the research object, and we conducted detailed field investigation and analysis for providing theoretical reference for the prevention and control of debris flow disasters in this region. [Methods] In this study, the peak discharge of the latest debris flow was calculated by using the cross-section survey method:firstly, a typical channel section was selected, and its geometric parameters, channel longitudinal gradient and debris flow's mud mark high were measured, secondly these parameters were substituted into the Manning formula to complete the calculation. The outbreak scales of debris flows under different rainfall frequencies were calculated by using the rain-flood method, and the calculation results were substituted into two empirical formulas of river blocking to analyze the river blocking probability by debris flows under different rainfall frequencies. [Results] After field investigation, the solid source reserve of Chutigang gully was 625.1×104 m3, among which solid source of slope erosion was 576.8×104 m3. The peak discharge of the latest debris flow activity was 122.92 m3/s, and its outbreak scale was close to the magnitude of once in 50-year period. According to two empirical calculation formulas about river blocking by debris flow, it was known that when a debris flow with a magnitude of once in 100-year period, it may cause serious blockage of the river, and a once in 50-year period debris flow may cause minor blockages in the river. It should be alerted to the risk of debris flow blocking the main river to form a dammed lake. [Conclusions] According to the field investigation, most of the solid source of Chutigang gully was located in the middle and lower reaches of the watershed, which was prone to cause blockage-collapse phenomenon and expands the magnitude of debris flow. Based on the disaster characteristics of debris flow in Chutigang gully, a "Reinforcement+Blocking" disaster mitigation project was proposed, of which the check-dams group were mainly arranged in the middle and lower reaches of the watershed, they were used to reduce the accumulation of loose solid materials from both sides of the hillslope, and to reduce the probability of the channel being blocked. Silt-trap dam can reduce the debris flow peaks discharge and thereby mitigate the degree of erosion on the downstream channel. The treatment project can provide reference for the management of debris flow disasters in this region.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 84-90 [Abstract] ( 317 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5838KB] ( 177 )
91 LU Huiping, CHEN Jie, Lü Wenqiang, HE Youhua, DONG Yanli
Changes of water and sediment and soil erosion characteristics on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains in recent 20 years
[Background] The northern slope of Qilian Mountains is the source of many rivers in Hexi Corridor, as an important ecological security barrier in western inland area of China, which undertakes the diverse ecological functions such as water conservation, biodiversity protection. In recent 20 years, Qilian Mountain experienced a conversion from disordered exploitation of natural resources to the gradual restoration of ecological system. Our study was conducted to provide a technical basis to scientifically evaluating the effects of ecological restoration and effectively controlling the soil and water erosion in Qilian Mountain National Park. [Methods] In this study, five representative basins were selected, to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of runoff, sediment and intensity of soil erosion using the methods of anomaly analysis and variance analysis, based on the runoff, sediment and precipitation data measured at five hydrological stations including Zamusi, Jiutiaoling, Yingluoxia, Changmabao and Dangchengwan in 2002-2021. [Results] Compared to 2002-2011, the runoff in 2012-2021 observed from Zamusi station and Jiutiaoling station in Shiyang River Basin decreased respectively by 9.82% and 2.24%, while the runoff from Yingluoxia station in the Heihe River Basin increased by 11.88%, and the runoff from Changmabao station and Dangchengwan station in the Shule River Basin increased by 7.45% and 11.47%, respectively. Overall, the variations of runoff on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains showed the decreasing trend in the eastern yet the increasing trends in the middle and western, which were mainly caused by the regional climate change. Moreover, the sediment amounts at Zamusi, Changmabao, Dangchengwan station, decreased by 38.81%, 14.45%, and 40.16% respectively, yet at Jiutiaoling and Yingluoxia station increased by 79.35% and 63.96%, respectively. The intense rainfall may be the major driving force for the increasing sediment. Further, the average hydraulic erosion modulus for all the stations were less than 500t/(km2·a) in the last 20 years, and its intensities were within the allowable erosion amount, but the intensity of soil erosion at Changmabao station had the great risk to exceed the allowable limit. [Conclusions] The problems of ecological environment on the northern slope of Qilian Mountains has been initially settled, and the ecological environment has been improved. However, the Changma River basin is prone to the excessive soil and water loss and its effective control should be paid the great attention in future.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 91-100 [Abstract] ( 448 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1068KB] ( 244 )
101 ZHOU Zhuoli, ZHANG Zhuodong, GAO Xiaofei, QU Xinmiao, HE Enpei
Comparison of centrifuge and pressure plate on soil water retention curve determination
[Background] Accurate and efficient determination of soil water retention curve is important for the study of soil water movement and soil erosion. Various measurement methods are based on different mechanisms and each method has different applicability. Comparing method differences across multiple soil types can reflect the influence of soil properties on measurement results of equipment and provide a reference for selecting suitable methods for determining soil water retention curve. [Methods] Centrifuge and pressure plate were used to determine the soil water retention curve of black soil, loessal soil, red soil, cinnamon soil and purple soil in the water erosion region. The determination range of 2 methods was 0-15300cm, and the data were divided into the low suction stage (0-1000cm) and the high suction stage (>1000-15300cm) to analyze the differences between the two methods. A paired samples t test was used to test the significance of the differences in soil volume water content determined by centrifuge and pressure plate. [Results] The water content of 5 soils measured by the centrifuge was lower than that of the pressure plate at low suction stage, contents while the result at high suction stage was the opposite pattern. The measurement results of black soil, loessal soil, cinnamon soil and purple soil had extremely significant differences (P<0.01) at high suction stage. The measurement difference of red soil was significant (P<0.05) at low suction stage, and the water contents measured by the 2 methods at high suction stage were very close. At high suction stage, soil types with high clay and silt content caused incomplete soil drainage due to insufficient balance time in the pressure plate, which was significantly different from the water content determined by the centrifuge. Soil types with high sand content were mainly affected by the change of bulk density at low suction stage, which obviously caused the centrifuge measurement result to be lower than that of the pressure plate. [Conclusions] Soil texture and pore distribution are the main reasons for the difference in measurement between the 2 methods for different soil types. For soils with high sand content, the soil volume is compressed obviously during the centrifuge determination process; for soils with high clay and silt content, the centrifuge method is relatively more suitable.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 101-108 [Abstract] ( 513 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1919KB] ( 236 )
109 YU Haipeng, YANG Xiangwei, LI Jiazuo, ZHANG Chunping, YUAN Xigong, HUANG Yunan, LIU Xia
Analysis on spatial and temporal change of land use based on geo-information Tupu
[Background] Research on spatiotemporal land use variation characteristics carries great significance to capture the land resource deployment orientation and the impact degree on ecological environment. [Methods] Relying on the land use dynamic degree model and geographic information mapping theory, this paper investigates the characteristics of spatial and temporal variations on land use and the causes of mapping changes in two sequential cells from 2009-2013 and 2013-2018 in Mengyin County. [Results] 1) The land use structure for the study area was dominated by arable land and orchard land, representing over 56% of the total land area, with forest land being the second largest. During the decade, the decrease rate of land use quantity exhibited grassland > forest land > arable land, and the increase rate presented construction land > traffic land > water area > orchard land. 2) There were significant discrepancies in the type, quantity and area of major mapping units in both sequential cells. The mapping characteristics from 2009 to 2013 primarily featured the interchange of forest land and arable land, and the conversion of arable land into construction land, occupying 71.01% of the changed area. Spatially, the most significant patterns were found in forest land → arable land and arable land → construction land. From 2013 to 2018, the mapping was primarily characterized by the occupation and replenishment of arable land by construction land, the conversion of arable land to forest land, and the occupation of grassland by construction land, with an accumulated conversion ratio of 59.80%. In terms of space, the most significant were observed in arable land → construction land and arable land → forest land. 3) The pattern of arable land use change in the study area was predominantly prophase change and anaphase change, constituting 95.98% of its changing pattern; the pattern of forest land change was dominated by prophase change, accounting for 74.01%. [Conclusions] Significant discrepancies in the rate of land use change were identified over a 10-year period in Mengyin County. From 2009 to 2013, forest land declined and construction land expanded; from 2013 to 2018, there was a significant shrinkage of arable land, with a further expansion of construction land.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 109-117 [Abstract] ( 568 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3115KB] ( 221 )
118 NIU Jianlong, CHEN Guokun, HUANG Yizhong, ZHAO Jingjing, CHEN Xue, SHAO Xiaolin
Dynamic change of vegetation cover and its driving factors in Wenshan of Yunnan over the past 20 years
[Background] Vegetation is the most active factor in the natural ecosystem and the inhibitory effect of surface vegetation cover on soil erosion has been well known. Existing studies have shown that under certain other conditions (precipitation, soil and topography), vegetation coverage has a significant negative correlation with soil erosion. Therefore, analyzing the dynamic changes of vegetation cover and its driving factors is critical to regional soil and water conservation, governance effectiveness evaluation and land space planning in mountainous areas. [Methods] Based on MOD13Q1 data, this paper systematically analyzed the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of vegetation coverage in Wenshan from 2001 to 2020 using methods such as pixel dichotomy, one-dimensional linear regression equation, coefficient of variation, Hurst index and statistical methods. Spatial analysis was also employed by overlaying vegetation cover change information with land use during the past two decades to reveal the driving forces behind. [Results] 1) In the past 20 years, the annual vegetation coverage in the study area showed an upward trend of fluctuation, areas of extremely high vegetation coverage with FVC over 80% increased dramatically, ranging from 3997.22 km2 in 2001 to 15313.78 km2 in 2020. 2) Areas with improved and significantly improved vegetation coverage (84.51%) were more dominant than those areas of degraded and significantly degraded vegetation coverage (6.47%). About 80.98% of the total area was characterized by a stable vegetation coverage change, only 0.50% of the area showed a strong variability in vegetation coverage change, with a scattering distribution. However, the average Hurst index for 71.14% of Wenshan was <0.5, which indicated that there will be a certain degree of reverse decline for the future vegetation coverage change. 3) Based on overlay analysis, the dynamic change ratios of cultivated land, forest land and artificial surface were 38.14%, 35.01% and 27.67%, respectively, which were the major factors responsible for the vegetation coverage change. [Conclusions] The method mentioned in this study provides a reliable estimation, due to the consideration of time series images and multi-perspective analysis, which are potentially transferable to other mountainous areas as a robust approach for rapid assessment of vegetation coverage, as well as soil erosion control efforts. Overall, the status of vegetation coverage, the ecological environment has been continuously improved during the past 20 years, as well as the construction of ecological civilization.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 118-125 [Abstract] ( 289 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5742KB] ( 222 )
126 HONG Qian, CHEN Xiaofeng, YU Weiqing, LI Xi, LIU Qing, WANG Xijin
An expevimental study on improvement of residual soil and the plant growth in transmission line tower foundation construction
[Background] Disposal of residual soil and vegetation restoration in damaged areas emerged during transmission line tower foundation construction are the main factors restricting the project compliance of soil and water conservation. Unreasonable disposal scheme of residual soil and inadequate vegetation restoration effect would cause soil erosion during the construction period of transmission line project, and it is very difficult to rectify before soil and water individual acceptance. In order to solve the problems above, and to promote the acceptance of water and soil conservation of power transmission and transformation construction projects, it is of great significance to study the method of improving construction residual soil into planting soil. [Methods] Experiment methods were determined by searching the keywords of "soil water and fertilizer conservation" "soil improvement materials" and "plant growth promotion", consulting the relevant literature and the actual situation of transmission line tower foundation construction, excluding the relevant research of tall trees, and focusing on the soil improvement methods for the growth of herbal plants. Indoor two factor gradient experiments were carried out to improve the residual soil by the mixed application of super absorbant polymer and organic fertilizer by setting nine improvement groups and one control group (CK), improvement groups were as follows:25/50 (A1B1), 50/50 (A2B1), 100/50 (A3B1), 25/100 (A1B2), 50/100 (A2B2), 100/100 (A3B2), 25/150 (A1B3), 50/150 (A2B3), 100/150 (A3B3) according to the added grams of "super absorbant polymer/organic fertilizer", and the mechanism of soil improvement and plant growth was analyzed by principal component analysis method, in which nine indexes representing soil improvement and vegetation growth selected in this study were recombined into a group of unrelated comprehensive indexes through dimension reduction transformation. [Results] 1) Soil improvement by using super absorbant polymer combined with organic fertilizer was significant, the content of soil organic matter increased synchronously with the increment of super absorbant polymer amount, and super absorbant polymer was conducive to improving the rapid degradation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium within organic fertilizer, but excessive application of super absorbant polymer would lead to the opposite effect. 2) Organic fertilizer promoted plant growth directly. With the increment of organic fertilizer addition, the plants aboveground and underground biomasses increased simultaneously. The aboveground and underground biomasses of plants decreased inversely with super absorbant polymer used excessively. And the effect of soil mixed improvement was more significant in the early period of vegetation restoration. 3) Through principal component analysis, it can be seen that the best effect of mixed application of super absorbant polymer and organic fertilizer on vegetation restoration was in A2B2 group, followed by A1B3 and A2B3 groups. 4) The outdoor experiment further confirmed that the vegetation restoration of the improved group was significantly better than that of the control group, and the vegetation restoration effect of the experimental group was basically consistent with the comprehensive score of the indoor experiment, which confirmed the reliability of the indoor experiment results. [Conclusions] The results of this study reached the original goal in the background by providing an important reference for synchronously solving the two big problems of residual soil disposal and vegetation restoration of transmission line tower foundation construction. It also has found an appropriate theoretical and practical basis for improving the one-time success rate of water and soil conservation acceptance of power transmission and transformation construction projects.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 126-135 [Abstract] ( 309 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2817KB] ( 200 )
136 SHEN Faxing, ZHENG Taihui, DUAN Jian, HU Rui, YU Ronggang
Feasibility on artificial cultivation of bryophytes in rare earth tailings in southern Jiangxi
[Background] A large number of mine tailings have been generated by the excessive mining of rare earth ores. These tailings are characterized by low acidity, poor water storage capacity, low nutrient content, and high contents of rare earth and heavy metal elements, which seriously restrict the growth of plants. Biological soil crusts (BSCs) (associations of soil particles with mosses, fungi, algae, cyanobacteria, or lichens) are distributed extensively in South China, which can adapt to the arid and barren environment. Therefore, it may be used as an option for ecological restoration of mine tailings. However, limited information is available about the growth and influencing factors of artificial cultured BSCs in rare earth tailings.[Methods] Indoor incubation experiments of BSCs in the rare earth tailings were conducted to investigate the development characteristics of BSCs artificially cultivated in the rare earth tailings. Nine experimental treatments with 5 replications, including two factors (e.g. light intensity and soil water content) and three levels were randomly arranged. During the cultivation period (from November 2019 to July 2020), the coverage, plant density, and biomass of BSCs were dynamically monitored. The coverage, plant density, and biomass of cultivated BSCs were further statistically analyzed by univariate multivariate analysis of variance of a general linear model.[Results] 1) The indoor incubation experiment showed that the coverage of BSCs reached 100% in 80d, and the plant density was more than 54.8plants/cm2 in 140d, under the condition of high moisture (28%-30%). No significant differences in plant coverage and density existed among different light intensities.2) Also under the condition of high moisture, significant differences in moss biomass were observed among different light intensities in a decreasing order as follows:86.79mg/cm2 (at a medium light intensity of 5900lx), 70.15mg/cm2 (at a high light intensity of 5900lx), and 36.18mg/cm2 (at a low light intensity of 1900lx) (P<0.05). Under the conditions of medium soil moisture (13%-15%) plus medium light intensity, the coverage of BSCs was 54.07%, which was significantly higher than those under the conditions of medium soil moisture plus high light intensity and medium soil moisture plus low light intensity (P<0.05). Under the conditions of low soil moisture (5%-8%), BSCs could not grow and develop normally under all light intensities.[Conclusions] The obtained results indicate that BSCs could be used as a measure of ecological restoration in the rare earth tailings mining areas. Several moss species such as Trichostomum brachydontium, Trichostomum involutum, Anoectangium stracheyanum, and Brachymenium exile have good adaptability in vegetation restoration of rare earth tailings. Soil moisture is the most important factor affecting the development of BSCs. The optimal conditions for the growth of BSCs in rare earth tailings are soil water content of 28%-30% and light intensity of 5900lx.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 136-144 [Abstract] ( 260 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4919KB] ( 229 )
145 CHEN Shanxun, XU Sixin, ZHU Haitao, ZHANG Deshan, ZHANG Hongyan, CAI Shumei
Effects of exogenous calcium under deficient irrigation on the drought resistance of tomato seedlings in greenhouse
[Background] Drought, desertification and land degradation have become global environment problems for centuries, which lead to unsustainable development in agriculture. As tomato is one of the representative economic crops in northwest arid region, the study on its drought resistance has become a hot topic in recent years. Knowledge of physiological adaption of tomato to soil water deficit is well understood, but little is known about the effect of exogenous calcium (Ca2+) against drought at the seedling stage of greenhouse tomato. The study is aimed to investigate drought-induced physiological and morphology changes in tomato, as well as drought relief using exogenous Ca2+. [Methods] The experiment set 3 water stress levels (W90:90% FC; W60:60% FC; and W30:30% FC, FC refers to the field capacity) and 3 Ca2+ application levels (Ca0:0; Ca1:50mg/kg and Ca2:100mg/kg). The changes of soil basic physicochemical properties and the physiological characteristics of greenhouse tomato were investigated, including stomatal characteristics, root morphogenesis, protective enzyme activities, and the osmotic regulatory substance content. The desert soil in arid regions and the tomato cultival "Fenbaoli" were taken as the experimental materials. [Results] 1) The concentration of total salt, alkali-hydrolyzale nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium in soil solutions of deficient irrigation were significantly higher than that of conventional irrigation (P<0.05). 2) Deficient irrigation inhibited the growth of tomato seedlings, significantly reduced the plant moisture content, dry weight, total root length and root surface area (P<0.05). Without additional Ca2+, the root shoot ratio (R/S) of tomato was negatively correlated with the irrigation quota. Compared with W90Ca0, R/S of W30Ca0 increased by 68.9%. Meanwhile, the antioxidative enzyme (catalase) activities and the osmotic substances (proline and soluble protein) contents of the deficient irrigation treatments were evidently higher. 3) Under mild deficient irrigation, 50mg/kg Ca2+ increased leaf stomata opening degree, the number of starch grains in the mesophyll cells and the activities of antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase) in the leaves. Furthermore, in terms of severe deficient irrigation, the mesophyll cell structure was severely damaged, chloroplast membrane collapsed, grana lamella disintegrated, and Ca2+ had no significant effect on the regulation of stoma and chloroplast structure. [Conclusions] Ca2+ is involved in the defense regulation of membrane lipid peroxidation in tomato seedlings induced by drought stress. Therefore, it is possible to improve the drought tolerance for tomato in arid regions by the addition of Ca2+ during the seedling stage. The inhibition of mild drought stress for greenhouse tomato seedlings on the desert soil could be alleviated by foliar spray of 50mg/kg Ca2+.
2022 Vol. 20 (4): 145-154 [Abstract] ( 332 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4891KB] ( 250 )
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