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2019 Vol.17 No.3  Published 2019-06-30
Foundamental Studies
1 JIA Jianbo, LIU Wenna, WEN Shizhi, WANG Zhongcheng
Effects of CO2 concentration and soil moisture on leaf stomatal traits and gas exchange parameters of Phoebe bournei
[Background] It is of great significance to study the changes of plant physiological parameters under climate change for soil and water conservation and vegetation restoration. Phoebe bournei is a unique and rare species in China. It needs to live in a place with better site conditions. Thus, how to adjust the relationship between transpiration and photosynthesis of P. bournei to adapt to changes in soil moisture and CO2 concentration, under global climate change, is an urgent problem to be solved. In order to understand the underlining mechanisms of effects of CO2 concentration and soil moisture on leaf stomatal traits and gas exchange parameters of Phoebe bournei, indoor simulated experiments were conducted.[Methods] Utilizing artificial incubators, 4 CO2 concentrations (400, 500, 600, and 800×10-6) and 2 soil moisture gradients (14%-16% (drought) and 25%-27% (field capacity)), a total of eight water-carbon control conditions were set to cultivate 5-year-old P. bournei for 4 months. The new leaves were collected to measure the indicators, including stomatal density, opening extent of stomatal, stomatal conductance, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and intercellular CO2 concentration. Meanwhile, water use efficiency was calculated.[Results] 1) The response of leaf stomatal density to CO2 concentration was more sensitive than to soil moisture gradient. High CO2 concentration resulted in the reduction of stomatal density of leaves in tip, middle and tail. The stomatal density was higher in field capacity than drought. The higher the CO2 concentration was, the greater the difference of stoma density under different moisture gradient was. 2) The sensitivity of stomata opening extent to soil moisture response was higher than that of CO2 concentration. Under the same soil moisture gradient, for every 100×10-6 increase of CO2 concentration, the proportion of pore opening decreased only about 2%-4%. With different soil moisture gradient, the range of stoma opening ratio was around 15%-50%. 3) CO2 concentration had strong influences on the net photosynthetic reaction rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency of Phoebe bournei. They showed exponential relationships with CO2 concentration. Especially in field capacity, the response relationship was faster than under drought. However, the effects of soil moisture gradient on leaves gas exchange parameters were weaker.[Conclusions] The sensitivity of stomatal density and gas exchange parameters of Phoebe bournei to CO2 concentration was higher than that to soil water. However, stomatal opening extent and conductance responded more strongly to soil moisture.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 568 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1233KB] ( 519 )
8 LIANG Yue, JIAO Juying
Analysis on rainfall standards while sediment occurring in small watersheds on the Loess Plateau
[Background] Soil erosion has been recognized as the most important environmental problems worldwide. Rainfall is acknowledged as the direct dynamic factor of soil erosion on the Loess Plateau. The obtainment of erosive rainfall standard is essential in calculating rainfall erosivity and predicting soil erosion. But not all of the sediment caused by rainfall will arrive the outlet section of small watershed (<100 km2), thus the rainfall event under which sediment can reach to the outlet section of small watershed is called sediment generating rainfall of small watershed. There have been extensive studies on erosive rainfall standard on the Loess Plateau, but the research on the standard of sediment generating rainfall has been rarely reported.[Methods] On the basis of the observation of 20 small watersheds on the Loess Plateau, we determined the standards of sediment generating rainfall in small watersheds by fitting the regression relationship between rainfall amount calculated with area weighting factor method and the proportion of cumulative sediment yield to the total sediment yield at the inter-event timescale based on observations of not less than five years. The amount standards were obtained by the regression relationship when the proportion was given to 95%. Besides, the response of the standards of sediment generating rainfall to underlying surface conditions of small watersheds were also analyzed.[Results] 1) The amount standards of sediment generating rainfall in 20 small watersheds ranged from 7.48 to 33.51 mm. 2) In the Loess Hilly-gully Region, the amount standards of sediment generating rainfall in ungoverned watersheds and governed watersheds were 7.5-14.0 mm and 15.6-16.4 mm respectively. In the Loess Plateau-gully Region, the amount standards of sediment generating rainfall in governed and forested watersheds were 14.1-16.8 mm and 33.5 mm respectively. 3) The amount standards of sediment generating rainfall in governed watersheds were all higher than those of their paired ungoverned watersheds. In small watersheds with larger area, the implementation of soil and water conservation such as check dams and reservoirs significantly increased the amount standards of sediment generating rainfall. While, in smaller watersheds, soil and water measures in slope (such as revegetation and terraces) also increased the amount standards of sediment generating rainfall. 4) The amount standard of sediment generating rainfall in one watershed was not a fixed value, varying dynamically with the modification of underlying surface conditions.[Conclusions] There is a large difference in the amount standards of sediment generating rainfall in different watersheds. In general, the amount standards of sediment generating rainfall will increase with the soil and water conservation in small watersheds. This study may provide valuable information for calculating rainfall erosivity and improve the prediction accuracy of sediment yield in small watershed scale. The results of this study can also provide a reference for the evaluation of soil and water conservation benefits on the Loess Plateau.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 8-14 [Abstract] ( 610 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 823KB] ( 416 )
15 LIU Yulin, ZHAO Guangju, MU Xingmin, GAO Peng, SUN Wenyi
Impact of rainfall erosivity variations on sediment load in the Weihe River Basin in recent 55 years
[Background] Severe soil erosion in the Weihe River basin has attracted much attention due to its impact on land degradation, river bed siltation and sedimentation in reservoirs. Investigations on variations of sediment load and its response to climate change and human activities may provide good reference for river basin management.[Methods] The present study applied the Mann-Kendell non-parametric test, double cumulative curve method and Kriging interpolation to analyze the dynamic variations of rainfall erosivity and sediment load by using daily precipitation data from 23 climate stations and annual sediment load time series at 3 hydrological stations in Weihe River basin from 1961 to 2015.[Results] 1) Average annual rainfall erosivity was 1 685.67 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a) in the past 55 years in Weihe River basin. The annual rainfall erosivity showed an insignificant increasing trend of 1.94 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a). The lowest value was 1 507.23 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a), occurring in 1990s, which was 10% lower than the annual average. In the 1960s, the rainfall erosivity was 1 685.67 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a), which was similar to the average rainfall erosivity in the last 55 years. The average rainfall erosivity in the 1970s was slightly lower than the average. In the 1980s and the first 15 years of the 21st century, the average annual rainfall erosivity was almost the same. 2) The rainfall erosivity ranged from 292.9 to 4 098.9 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a) in the Weihe River basin with high spatial heterogeneity. The average annual rainfall erosivity in the basin decreased from southeast to northwest. High values occurred in Huashan and Foping station, which were 2 980 and 4 098.9 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a). 3) Sediment load exhibited significant decrease during the past 55 years in the Weihe River basin. Human activities had a greater impact on sediment load at Zhangjiashan and Xianyang stations after 1990s and the contribution was higher than 100%, which resulted from increasing rainfall erosivity, as well as the vegetation restoration and soil and water conservation. From 1980 to1994, human activities accounted for 58% of sediment load reduction at Zhuangtou station, and increased up to 67% during 2000-2015.[Conclusions] This study investigated the spatial and temporal changes in rainfall erosivity and sediment load, as well the causes of variation in sediment load in the study area. The results may provide scientific bases for the future soil and water conservation in the Weihe River basin.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 15-22 [Abstract] ( 415 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2409KB] ( 477 )
23 ZHOU Wenzhi, SUN Xiangyang, LI Suyan, ZHANG Le
Effects of adding biochar and compost on the leaching of coastal saline-alkali soil
[Background] Zhongjie Farm is located in Huanghua city, Hebei province. The soil in this area is mostly salinized soil. The soil structure is poor, the nutrient is poor, and the soluble salt content is high, which is not conducive to the development of local agroforestry. In order to solve the problem of high salinity and salinity of coastal saline-alkali soil, the surface soil (0-20 cm) of Zhongjie Farm was selected, and the indoor leaching and desalination test method was adopted to investigate the effects of biochar and garden waste compost on leaching and desalting of coastal saline-alkali soil.[Methods] Biochar and garden waste compost were treated according to different mass ratios (0% as CK treatment, 2% biochar as B treatment, 5% garden waste compost as G treatment, 2% biocharplus 5% garden waste compost as BG treatment). Using deionized water as a water source, intermittent irrigation was used to simulate natural rainfall. The Electrical condunctivity (EC) value, pH value and concentration of water-soluble ions (Na+, Cl-, SO42- and HCO3-) of the leaching solution after 6 times of leaching were detected. In addition, after the leaching, the EC value of the soil, the pH values of Na+,Ca2+, Mg2+,Cl- and SO42- were detected Dual-indicator neutralization titration method for CO32- and HCO3-, silver nitrate titration method-Moore method for Cl-, EDTA titration method for Ca2+ and Mg2+, indirect EDTA complexometric titration for SO42-, and flame photometry for K+ and Na+. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) value was calculated.[Results] 1) During the leaching and desalting process, the pH of the solution from B treatment decreased from 8.28 to 8.37, and the pH of the G treatment increased from 7.67 to 8.24. The pH change trend of CK and BG treatments was close to a gradual upward trend. The EC values of each group showed a downward trend and gradually became stable. 2) The concentrations of Na+, Cl- and SO42- in the leaching solution showed a decreasing trend, and the decreasing rates of B, G and BG treatments were significantly greater than those in CK treatment. The content of HCO3- increased and then remained stable. The trend of G treatment and CK treatment was similar, but the increment was small, and the change of biochar treatment (B and BG) was small. 3) There was a significant difference in the pH value of the soil after leaching under different treatments. The order of pH value was B>CK>BG>G, and the pH of G treatment was the most obvious in 8.45.4) Compared with CK, the EC value of the soil after leaching decreased from 0.41 mS/cm to 0.20-0.27 mS/cm, the SAR(sodium absorption ration)value decreased from 3.28 to 1.19-2.03, and the Cl- content decreased from 0.30 g/kg to 0.13-0.19 g/kg; The EC value, SAR value and Cl- content of BG treatment were the most obvious, which were 0.20 mS/cm, 1.19 and 0.13 g/kg, respectively. The decrease of SO42- content in B treatment was 0.06 g/kg.[Conclusions] Adding biochar and garden waste compost to the coastal saline-alkali soil can not only significantly improve salt washing efficiency, but also reduce soil EC value and SAR. And it can reduce the content of Na+,the content of Cl-,and the total salt content in the soil. The mixed application effect of the two materials is better than that of sole application, and the addition of garden waste compost reduces the alkalization phenomenon of the coastal saline-alkali soil during leaching and desalination.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 23-30 [Abstract] ( 294 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1102KB] ( 402 )
31 GE De, ZHANG Shouhong
Influence of types and depths of substrates on hydrological performances of green roofs
[Background] The rapid development of urbanization has increased the impervious surfaces of cities, which has caused serious problems such as flooding. Green roofs, as one of the common practices for the Sponge City construction, have been increasingly gaining popularity in urban stormwater management and ecosystem restoration.[Methods] Based on observations of rainfall-runoff processes of 22 rainfall events on 6 Sedum lineare green roofs located in Beijing with 3 types (i.e., local planting soil, engineered soil, and light growing medium) and 2 depths (i.e., 10 cm and 15 cm) of substrates in 2017, the influence of types and depths of substrates on the runoff management performances of green roofs were analyzed using runoff reduction rate, peak discharge reduction rate, and delayed times in runoff generation and peak discharge as the stormwater management performance indices.[Results] The average runoff and peak discharge reduction rates, and average delayed timein runoff generation on the local planting soil and engineered soil green roofs were all lower than that of light growing medium green roofs. The average runoff reduction rates of light growing medium, local planting soil, engineered soil and green roofs were 82.2%、88.4%, and 89.4%, respectively, the average peak discharge reduction rates were 55.9%,65.6%, and 63.9%, respectively, the average delayed time in runoff generation were 48.8, 106.2, and 163.9 min, respectively. However, the local planting soil was not recommended to be used as green roof substrate because of its high bulk density and poor hydraulic conductivity. The hydrologic performances of green roofs with 15 cm depth of all 3 types of substrates were higher than that of the green roofs with 10 cm depth of corresponding substrates. The impacts of types and depths of substrates on the hydrological performance of green roofs changed with rainfall conditions. For the 11 rainfall events <10 mm, the 6 green roofs did not show obvious difference in hydrological performances, with all the runoff reduction rates of them greater than 95%. For the rainfall events larger than 10 mm, however, the hydrological performances of green roofs with local planting soil and engineered soil as substrates were better than that of the light growing medium green roofs. For rainfall events >10 mm, increasing the depth of substrate layers from 10 cm to 15 cm for all the three types of substrates could significantly improve the runoff mangement performances of green roofs (P<0.05).[Conclusions] Engineered soil and local planting soil were more excellent than light growing medium in runoff reduction rates, peak discharge reduction rates and delayed time in runoff generation. The hydrologic performances on green roofs with 15 cm depth were higher than that on the green roofs with 10 cm depth. The results of this experiment provide scientific references for the hydrologic design and performance evaluation of green roofs in cities of northern China.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 31-38 [Abstract] ( 468 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2976KB] ( 520 )
39 YANG Xiaoxiao, WANG Xiulan, WANG Jiping, FAN Chenchen, LI Huijie
Spatial variation analysis of soil moisture and salinity in Tianjin Binhai New Area
[Background] As the economic center of the Bohai Bay region,Tianjin Binhai New Area has the problem of soil salinization,which is outstanding. It is one of the factors restricting its sustainable development of social economy and ecological environment construction. Understanding the state of soil moisture and salinity differentiation and its spatial distribution are the basis for soil prevention and sustainable use of land resources. It is of great significance to carry out research on soil salinization in Binhai New Area,Therefore,The paper takes Tianjin Binhai New Area as the study area.[Methods] The paper used GF-1 as the data source and obtained the land use types of the study area by the method of supervised classification. Soil samples of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm in the study area were obtained from field investigation and the data of soil moisture and salinity were obtained through laboratory analysis. The paper combined classical statistics with geostatistics and GIS technology to study spatial variability and spatial distribution of soil moisture and salinity in different soil depth and land use types.[Results] 1) Soil salinity content showed a great variability and soil moisture showed a moderate variability in each soil layer. With soil depth increasing,the variability of soil moisture and salinity gradually decreased. Soil salinity variability was greater than soil moisture. 2) Soil salinity showed moderate spatial relation in the depth of 0-20 cm soil layer and strong spatial relation in 20-40 cm soli layer. Soil moisture showed strong spatial relation. With the increase of soil depth, the spatial correlation of soil moisture and salinity increased. The spatial correlation of soil moisture was greater than soil salinity. 3) As soil depth increasing,soil salinity and moisture content increased. The soil salinity decreased from northeast to southwest,showing a spatial distribution of strips and local patches. With the distance from the Bohai Sea increasing,the soil salinity decreased. From the northeastern to the southwest,the overall soil moisture content decreased first and then increased.[Conclusions] The spatial variability of soil salinity in the study area is greater than soil moisture and the variability is strengthened with the increase of soil depth. The vertical trend of soil moisture and salinity is consistent with the overall area in different land use. The results can provide theoretical basis for improvement of saline-alkali land、vegetation restoration and land use optimization in Binhai New Area.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 39-47 [Abstract] ( 435 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3636KB] ( 625 )
48 HE Yujie, YI Shuhua, CHEN Jianjun, QIN Yu
Hydraulic and thermal experiment of soil with gravel in the source region of Shule River
[Background] The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is sensitive to climate change and human disturbance. There is large amount of gravel in the soil of the QTP due to the weak chemical and biological processes. However, few attentions have been paid to the thermal and hydraulic properties of soil with gravel. Gravel in soil affects soil composition, water content, soil bulk density, soil thermal conductivity and other soil properties. The study on hydrothermal properties of gravel was few. The widely used parameterization schemes of soil water and thermal properties only considers the sandy, silt and clay soil, the understanding of the importance of gravel is not enough.[Methods] According to the different content of gravel in soil, three types of grassland were selected as the research object. In each type, three plots were selected, totally 9 plots. A 1.6 m deep soil profile was dug in each plot. Each profile was divided into four layers, namely:0-20, 20-40, 60-100, and 100-160 cm. Soil samples were taken from each soil layer and brought to the laboratory. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil samples was measured by constant-head permeameter and variable-head permeameter in the laboratory. The thermal conductivity of soil samples in the study area was analyzed by thermal characteristic analyzer (KD2Pro, DECAGON, USA). The relationship between saturated hydraulic conductivity, thermal conductivity and gravel content was analyzed by origin software. and the significance was tested by SPSS.[Results] The saturated hydraulic conductivity increases sharply when the content of gravel is more than 60%. The saturated hydraulic conductivity reaches 1.5 cm/s when the content of gravel reaches 80%. Saturated hydraulic conductivity of tillage and supplementary sowing land increases with the increase of gravel content. For all soil layers, the thermal conductivity is basically the same under two conditions when the soil moisture is zero. The thermal conductivity of frozen soil is lower than that of unfrozen soil. With the increase of soil moisture, the thermal conductivity of frozen soil is higher than that of unfrozen soil at about 10%-20%. In addition, when the moisture content of soil samples is approximately the same, the thermal conductivity of frozen and unfrozen soil samples with larger proportion of gravel is higher than that of soil samples with smaller proportion of gravel. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil, the unfrozen and frozen thermal conductivity of soil at saturation are positively correlated with soil density, the content of gravel with particle size larger than 2 mm, and negatively correlated with porosity and the content of non-gravel with particle size smaller than 2 mm.[Conclusions] The content of gravel has a significant effect on the saturated hydraulic conductivity and thermal conductivity, and future studies need to consider the effect of gravel on the soil water and heat properties.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 48-56 [Abstract] ( 453 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3088KB] ( 400 )
Applied Studies
57 WANG Yong, WANG Shidong
Dynamic change analysis of ecological quality based on RSEI: A case study of the Danjiang River Basin (Henan section)
[Backgroud] Danjiang River Basin (Henan section) is the water source of the Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Diversion Project, its ecological quality is the important reference for the protection of water sources. The implementation of the Middle Route Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project has impact on the Dan River Basin (Henan section), so we should study the changes in ecological quality of water source after the implementation of the project.[Methods] This paper chooses the Landsat series of remote sensing images of 1998, 2008, and 2017 as the data source and extracts four indicators information which include the greenness, the humidity, the heat, and the dryness. Then combines these indicators with the principal component analysis method to integrate four indicators information, using the PC1 to construct the remote sensing ecological index (RSEI), and dynamically monitoring the ecological quality and its changes in the Danjiang River Basin (Henan section) in the past 20 years, and combining the existing data to analysis the change reasons.[Results] The study results shows that from 1998 to 2017, the ecological quality of the Danjiang River Basin (Henan section) was significantly improved, and the average value of RSEI increases from 0.632 0 in 1998 to 0.636 6 in 2008, and the value reaches 0.699 4 in 2017; From the perspective of spatial distribution, the areas with better ecological quality are located in the mountainous areas where in the western and northern parts of the study area, while the poorer areas are mostly located in the population gathering areas and parts of the cultivated areas. These three groups RSEI data are used to calculate the difference and generate the change monitoring maps. After analyzing the relationship between the changes in the regions and land use conditions, it was found that the regions where ecological quality deteriorated were mainly concentrated in the northern woodland and central urban areas, and the better areas are concentrated in the arable lands in the southeast and central regions, which indicates that the ecological quality of the study area is closely related to the increase in vegetation coverage and the expansion of construction land.[Conclusions] In the past 20 years, the RSEI of the Danjiang River Basin (Henan section) has been continuously improved, shows that the overall ecological environment in the study area constantly getting better, but in part of the study area, the ecological environment becomes worse because of the influence of human activity. Using RSEI is a new kind of effective method to monitor the area ecological environment change situations, and the results can provide a reasonable and reliable reference basis for the study area's ecological protection and soil and water conservation in the future.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 57-65 [Abstract] ( 425 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3137KB] ( 385 )
66 SHI Haixia, LIANG Yin, ZHU Xuchao, CAO Longxi
Multi-scale trend analysis of soil and water erosion control effect in the red soil region of South China
[Background] The red soil region is one of the eight soil and water conservation districts in China, and it is an important production base for grain, oil, crop and timber. Soil and water erosion process in this area is complicated and difficult to be controlled, thus comprehensive managements are needed. Reasonable analysis of the effects of these managements in easing erosion is important to soil and water conservation planning.[Methods] This study was conducted based on the data from two national soil erosion surveys (Ministry of Water Resources 2002, 2011), and erosion indexes (EI) were calculated to quantify soil erosion risk. Field measured data from typical watersheds and key project counties were also adopted to analyze the effects of comprehensive harness in soil and water erosion from multi-scales. Besides, EI is a comprehensive index value based on the quantitative classification of soil erosion area and total land area in a unit, and weight transformation.[Results] 1) Soil erosion area in the whole region declined by 5 000 km2 recently with the moderate erosion level contributed the most. However, the erosion area of the light level increased. Generally, the soil erosion risk in Jiangxi, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and Anhui provinces have been controlled at different degrees. Nevertheless, the erosion risk in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan and Jiangsu provinces still need to be improved. 2) From the perspective of 177 key project counties, the soil erosion risk of 112 counties had a downward trend, accounting for 63.3%. Among them, the average value of EI in ecological civilization project declined the most, followed by national key prevention and control region, technology demonstration parks and clean small watersheds. From the aspect of distribution area, those in southern Jiangxi, central Hunan, western Anhui, Zhejiang and Fujian coastal counties showed obvious efficiency in erosion controlling. The counties in southern Hunan, southern Anhui and eastern Guangdong are still suffering relatively high erosion risk. According to national key prevention and control regions, erosion area and EI in upstream protection region of Xiang River, Zi River, Yuan River, and Li River and upstream protection region of Dong River increased obviously. 3) In the watershed scale of typical rivers, the runoff showed an inconspicuous upward trend during the past decades, while the sediment showed a significant declining trend. On the other hand, with the increase of vegetation coverage and the per capita net income of farmers, the average soil erosion modulus in the small watersheds also descended. Both indicated that the soil and water erosion control in the region has achieved remarkable results.[Conclusions] After years of treatment, the soil and water erosion risk in the region showed a general improvement and partial deterioration. The results revealed the effects of soil and water erosion control from different scales, which are of great significance for future soil and water conservation layout in the red soil region.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 66-74 [Abstract] ( 627 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1660KB] ( 372 )
75 LIANG Meixia, CHEN Zhibiao, CHEN Zhiqiang, JIANG Chao, OU Xiaolin
Stoichiometric characteristics and its ecological implication in Benggang system
[Background] Benggang is vividly called "ecological ulcer" in the south red soil area. The purpose of this study is to clarify the nutrient circulation and limitation of Benggang's plant and soil environment in the extremely degraded ecosystem.[Methods] Taking 3 Benggangs in Huangnikeng, Zhuotian town, Changting county of Fujian province representing 3 different active situations (active, semi-stable, and stable) as the study cases, and set up 3 different parts (catchment slope, collapse wall, and colluvial body) in each Benggang as sampling sites, the leaves, stems and roots of plants and the topsoil (0~10 cm) were separately collected 3 times in each site. Then the laboratory experiments were carried out. Differences among the active situations of Benggangs were examined by one-way analysis of variance. The relationship between plant and soil was analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficients.[Results] 1) There were no significant differences in the C, N, P content and ecological stoichiometric ratio among different active conditions except the N content and C:N of plant stem, the P content and C:P, and N:P of plant root. 2) The contents of C, N, P and ecological stoichiometric ratios among different plants were significantly different(P<0.05), and the contents of leave were higher than those of stem and root in the same plant. 3) With the improvement of Benggang's stability, the organic C, total N contents of surface soil were gradually increasing. The contents of organic C were from 0.650±0.098 g/kg to 4.700±0.808 g/kg, and the contents of total N were from 0.205±0.009 g/kg to 0.570±0.080 g/kg. The soil C, N, P contents and ecological stoichiometric ratios of the stable Benggang significantly differed among the 3 different active situations(P<0.05). The stable Benggang's soil organic C, total N and total P contents were the highest in the 3 Benggangs. But they were only up to 4.70 mg/g, 0.57 mg/g, 0.07 mg/g, which were far below the national level 11.12 mg/g, 1.06 mg/g, 0.65 mg/g. 4) The correlations of C, N and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios between plants and soil surface were not very relevant (P>0.05) except some individual indicators. For example, there were significant negative correlations between leave's P content and soil's organic C and total N content. There were significant positive correlations between stem's N content and soil's organic C content(P<0.05).[Conclusions] Different active situations of Benggang have important influences on soil nutrient. With the improvement of the stability, soil fertility can be improved but only be in the low soil fertility. The results prove that Benggang is the extremely degraded ecosystem and the ecological stoichiometric characteristics of plants are not mainly determined by soil nutrient conditions, but mainly affected by the characteristics of the plants, which show the adaptability of the plants to the extremely degraded ecosystem environment.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 75-82 [Abstract] ( 502 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1178KB] ( 439 )
83 YANG Hanyue, ZHANG Guanghui, ZHANG Baojun
Litter and its water-holding properties of typical plant communities distributed on gully steep slopes in the loess hilly-gully region
[Background] Gully steep slopes is the geomorphic position where soil erosion is the most serious in the Loess Plateau, in which soil and water conservation has always been paid more attention to. The litter layer presents many functions effectively, such as capturing precipitation, regulating surface runoff, and preserving soil and water from erosion. However, compared with hilly slopes, relative few studies have been conducted to quantify the accumulative amount and water-holding capacity of plant litters on gully steep slopes. Moreover, the comparative study of litter on hilly slopes and gully slopes is less.[Methods] To clarify the eco-hydrological functions of plant litters located on gully steep slopes of the loess hilly-gully region, seven typical vegetation communities were selected in Zhifanggou small watershed in Ansai district, Shaanxi province. The accumulative amount of litter was determined by harvesting method. Water-holding capacity and absorption rate was measured by the immersion method. Litter coverage was estimated by sighting estimation.[Results] 1) The mean litter accumulation of shrub communities(486.94 g/m2)was significantly greater than that of herb communities (230.87 g/m2) (P<0.05). 2) The mean litter coverage of herb communities (43.1%) was higher than that of shrub communities (39.8%). The litter coverage of Leymus secalinus (Georgi) Tzvel. community was obviously greater than other communities (P<0.05). 3) The mean litter effective interception capacity of shrub communities (567.4 g/m2) was notably greater than that of herb communities (323.9 g/m2) and the largest was in Caragana korshinskii Kom. community (685.26 g/m2), while the smallest was in Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng (149.11 g/m2). 4) By analyzing and fitting the water-holding capacity and soaking time of different communities, the relationship between water-holding capacity and soaking time was obtained as:U=alnt+b.[Conclusions] The shrub litter is more effective than herbaceous litter in reducing runoff and conserving soil and water on the gully slopes. The accumulative amount, coverage and effective water-holding capacity of the typical vegetation litters on gully steep slopes were lower than those of hilly slope in the same small watershed. C. Korshinskii Kom. and Hippophae rhamnoides are the better choice for sunny slope to control erosion, L. secalinus (Georgi)Tzvel. is the preferable plant for shadow slope. The results are conducive to assessing the hydrological benefits of litter layer and allocation of soil conservation measures on gully steep slopes in the hilly-gully region.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 83-90 [Abstract] ( 532 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1011KB] ( 536 )
91 ZHAO Yingming, YANG Wenbin, LEI Yuancai, LI Wei, SUN Fei, ZHANG Ge, HAO Yuguang, LIU Fang
Root biomass per plant at different soil depths in oasis water-saving forest belt
[Background] The oasis farmland shelterbelt plays an important role in carbon sequestration. The existing biomass models are mostly flaky forest structures, with large differences between species, small DBH, lack of representativeness, and flaky forest easy degradation forming a little old tree. Uprooting to be difficult and complex, the study on the root biomass of narrow forest belt is not deep enough.Long-term observation is difficult, and the annual biomass survey reduces the benefits of forest belt conservation, wind protection, carbon sequestration, and age modeling and actual discrepancies, uprooting damage infrastructure, etc.In order to solve these problems, a model of root biomass is used to study the distribution of root biomass and its variation in different soil layers of forest belts, which provided a reference for the study of carbon storage of shelterbelt roots in narrow forest belts.[Methods] The experimental area was based on the Dengkou oasis of the Ulan Buh Desert in China,and two rows of narrow shelterbelt were selected as the water-saving structure.The space was used instead of the time to carry out the root biomass survey of the 20 target trees according to DBH. Used the fixed sample method, width,length,depth of the sample were respectively 2.3 m,2.5 m,2 m, and were divided into four layers each layer of 50 cm. The fresh weight of root was weighed, and the sampling was calculated according to the dry-to-sale ratio and biomass in the sample. Based on lateral root biomass inside the sample to calculate outside, the total biomass was the sum of the biomass inside and outside the sample plot. The model was established and analyzed by SPSS from the root biomass of each diameter to analyze the simulated biomass growth process.[Results] The study found that there were 20 growth models of root biomass and distribution of DBH and tree height in narrow forest belts, and the proportions of 0-50 cm, 50-100 cm, 100-150 cm and 150-200 cm eaverage root biomass were 59.32%, 38.68%, 1.82%, and 0.18% respectively, and the 0-100 cm soil layer contained 98% of the root biomass. The Main root was 2/3 root biomass, which increases with DBH, and the proportion of each layer increased with the exception of 0-50 cm soil layer. The lateral root was a 2-layer structure, distributed in 0-50 cm and 50-100 cm soil layer, and also increaseed with DBH, the proportion of 0-50 cm soil layer increased, and the proportion of others decreases.[Conclusions] The experiment achieved the expected results.Root biomass of oasis shelterbelt is inverted pyramid shape and distributed in shallow soil layer with Main space decreasing layer by layer and increases with increasing DBH, and distribution proportion being relatively constant.The results of this study have important reference significance for the calculation of root biomass and carbon storage in the oasis farmland shelterbelt in the arid zone and even the Three North Region.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 91-97 [Abstract] ( 407 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 969KB] ( 382 )
98 XIAO Hai, XIA Zhenyao, PENG Doudou, ZHANG Lun, LI Mingyi, XU Wennian, LIU Puling
Influence of plant root on the soil disintegration of purple soil from the water-level fluctuation zone in the Three Gorges Reservoir
[Background] The water-level fluctuation region in China's Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) represents a disturbance zone that experiences cyclic exposure and inundation due to reservoir operations. This area has also experienced substantial erosion due to rainfall and wave effect. A special section of the slope with free face will be formed in water-level fluctuation zone because of the wave erosion. The section would suffer disintegration during the water level up. However, the influence of root on the soil disintegration of purple soil from the water-level fluctuation zone in TGR is still far from being fully understood.[Methods] Samples of purple soil collected from Zigui county, one of typical soil in the water-level fluctuation zone in TGR, were tested in the experiments. The soil samples were air-dried and gently sieved through a 5-mm sieve to remove the impurities such as roots and gravels in the soils. The soil was packed in the plant slot, 4.5 g of Cynodon dactylon seed was applied in each plant slot and sampled after growing 1 year. A home-made disintegration device was used to conduct the soil disintegration experiments with (RS) or without (CK) plant root under 10°, 20° and 30° conditions.[Results] The cumulative soil disintegration process for the CK and RS showed the similar trend as the steep increased in the rising limb and followed by the gradual increase and stable state with the increase of disintegration duration, while the disintegration rate process presented different trend between CK and RS. The cumulative soil disintegration in the whole duration and disintegration rate in the initial stage was significantly reduced because of the plant roots. The cumulative soil disintegration and the highest disintegration rate for the CK and RS enhanced with the increase of slope gradient. The plant root influence on the soil disintegration under lower middle (10° and 20°) slope was more than that under steep slope (30°). Comparing to the CK, the plant root eliminated over 50% of the occurrence of the soil disintegration of purple soil.[Conclusions] The plant root is sufficient to significantly affect soil disintegration process for both cumulative soil disintegration and disintegration rate. And the plant root is effective for preventing soil disintegration. The study will strengthen the understanding of mechanism and process of soil disintegration for water-level fluctuation region and provide a scientific basis for the sustainable use of the water and soil resources and the ecological construction in the TGR.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 98-103 [Abstract] ( 411 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 830KB] ( 415 )
104 WEN Qian, LI Xiaowan, YUN Yuhan, LI Qingsong, MENG Qingxiang
Temporal-spatial differentiation of carrying capacity of agricultural water and soil resources in Henan province
[Background] Soil and water resources are the key factors for agricultural production. Carrying capacity of agricultural water and soil resources (CCAWSR) is not only related to food security in regions but also affects economic development and quality of ecosystem. Relevant research may provide information for the reasonable utilization of land resources, regional sustainable development, and policy decision-making.[Methods] Taking key crops production province Henan in central China as the study area, this work built up an evaluation system of CCAWSR including agricultural water, soil, society, economy and ecology, and evaluated the temporal-spatial differentiation of CCAWSR in Henan province from 2006 to 2015 by using the multi-agent genetic algorithm (MGA), the projection pursuit model (PPM), and the kernel density estimation model (KDEM).[Results] 1) The main factors affecting CCAWSR in Henan province, sorted by significance in descending order, were irrigation area, proportion of investment in agro-forestry water conservancy projects, proportion of primary industry, amount of fertilizer used in farmland, area proportion of disaster-affected crops, density of population, agricultural mechanization degree, electricity consumption per unit cultivated land area, and supply and demand balance index of agricultural water resources. 2) During the study period of 2006-2015, the level of CCAWSR in Henan province decreased from -0.06 in 2006 to -0.20 in 2015, reduced by 233% in total. The CCAWSR in most cities were reduced except Zhengzhou and Jiyuan, while that in Kaifeng, Xuchang and Shangqiu decreased the most dramatically and dropped up to 585%-688%. 3) From 2006 to 2015, the spatial variation of CCAWSR in Henan province was significant. The highest value of CCAWSR was in the west and central Henan, the medium value was in the south Henan and the lowest value was in the east and north Henan. The cities with high CCAWSR reduced to 2, decreasing 50%, the cities in low CCAWSR increased to 10, increasing 2.5 times.[Conclusions] The CCAWSR generally decreased, and the spatial differentiation was obviously in Henan province. In order to promote the efficient and sustainable utilization of agricultural soil and water resources, the investment of agricultural capital and ecological protection need to be strengthened and comprehensive measures such as enlarging the proportion of effective irrigated area in farmland, increasing the application of organic fertilizers should be conducted from different aspects of resources, economy, society and ecology.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 104-112 [Abstract] ( 473 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1325KB] ( 520 )
113 WANG Zi, ZHAO Jinmei, WANG Yanhui, JIANG Zhirong
Spatio-temporal variation of the aboveground biomass of the alpine grassland in eastern Qilian Mountains
[Background] The spatio-temporal variation of biomass in the alpine grassland is very large due to the complex terrain. However, such studies are rare till now. The aims of this study is to quantify the variation of aboveground biomass in alpine grassland with slope aspect, slope position, and time in growing season, to provide a scientific basis for its rational protection, utilization, and ecosystem service evaluation.[Methods] This study was carried out in the representative region of eastern Qilian Mountains and at the semi-arid Zhuaxixiulong township of Tianzhu county of Gansu province. Four plots of 1 m×1 m were set up at the down-, middle-and up-slope on a shady slope and a sunny slope without grazing and human disturbance. In addition, as a contrast experiment, 4 plots of 1 m×1 m were set up at a level ground where grazing and human disturbance existed. Within the growing season of 2016 (June-Sept.), the aboveground biomass were investigated monthly.[Results] The average aboveground biomass in growing season on the entire shady slope (292.4 g/m2) was slightly higher than that on the sunny slope (282.6 g/m2), and both were far higher than that on the level ground (163.5 g/m2). The aboveground biomass on both sunny and shady slope decreased with rising slope position on the whole, with the growing season averages of 365.76, 268.61 and 213.30 g/m2 for the down-, middle-and up-slope on sunny slope, and 323.08, 278.61 and 275.42 g/m2 on shady slope, respectively. The aboveground biomass first increased rapidly in the early growing season, and then increased with a declining and nonlinear rate, which was in accordance with the logarithmic function. The concrete growth rate varied with slope aspect, slope position and phenological time.[Conclusions] In general, affected by the differences in water and heat conditions and soil thickness induced by slope aspect and slope position, the aboveground biomass of alpine grassland shows an obvious and complex spatio-temporal variation.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 113-120 [Abstract] ( 381 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3081KB] ( 410 )
121 FENG Jingjin, SHI Mingchang, JIANG Qun'ou
Influence of land use/cover change on soil erosion in Chaobai River Basin
[Background] Regional soil erosion changes are highly correlated with changes in land use/cover, but the influence of land use/cover changes on the soil erosion is different in various regions. A large number of related researches have been carried out in the Loess Plateau and the southern red soil area, but the studies on the northern soil and rock mountain areas are relatively less. However, the soil erosion in the northern soil and rock mountain areas is also serious, and most of them are caused by land use/cover change. Therefore, it is significant to explore their influences of land use/cover changes on the soil erosion to offer the references of land use planning and water and soil conservation for the government.[Methods] This study selected Chaobai River Basin in Beijing as study area. Using 30-year average annual rainfall data, soil attribute data, high-resolution DEM data, besides various years' remote sensing data and land use data,and the experimental methods of RUSLE and soil erosion intensity index methodology were applied to estimate the tempo-spatial distribution of soil erosion and soil erosion intensity index of the Chaobai River Basin in Beijing. On the above basis, the changes of soil erosion under different land use/covering conditions in different periods were finally calculated.[Results] The soil erosion modulus in the cropland to forestland conversion area and the cropland to grassland conversion area under the same coverage grade condition showed a decreasing trend, and the mean decreased by 362.32 t/(km2·a) and 259.54 t/(km2·a) from 1990 to 2015, while the soil erosion modulus in the forestland to grassland conversion area showed an increasing trend of 230.94 t/(km2·a). However, the soil erosion intensity index of forestland and grassland in the Chaobai River Basin of Beijing was overall greater than that of cropland, and reached the maximum in 2005, which were respectively 201.57 and 190.10. This was mainly because the degradation of forestland and grassland quality resulted in soil erosion deterioration. Although the transfer of cropland to forestland and grassland reduced part of the erosion, the soil erosion control in forestland and grassland areas cannot be ignored.[Conclusions] The research results can provide a certain technical reference for realizing the optimal allocation of land resources in Beijing mountainous areas and effectively controlling soil erosion. The government should not only pay more attention to the prevention and control of soil erosion on sloping cropland, but also strengthen the supervision of soil erosion on low-efficiency plantations with low coverage and incomplete vertical structure, and grassland erosion in the early stage of returning cropland and unmanaged grassland after abandoned tillage.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 121-132 [Abstract] ( 460 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2773KB] ( 390 )
Innovation Studies
133 LUO Zhidong, QI Shi
Spatial management system framework of soil and water conservation in China
[Background] Soil and water loss and soil and water conservation are of remarkable regionality. Soil and water loss in different regions can be manifested in different types, intensities and characteristics due to the differences of natural conditions and environment. Soil and water conservation work needs to adopt different control measures and management means due to different economic levels, land use and social development conditions in different regions. The depths and requirements of top-down spatial management of water and soil conservation are also different. Therefore, the establishment of a scientific and rational form of spatial organization and management is the inevitable requirement and important foundation for the fine, efficient and modern management of soil and water conservation.[Methods] In this study, comprehensive analysis and cluster analysis were adopted to deeply analyze the technical connotation of different types of spatial management practices, to analyze their internal structure and logical relationship, and to cluster them according to their use, nature and characteristics as the criteria of hierarchical classification. Based on the system analysis method, taking the construction of spatial management system framework as the whole research object, taking the hierarchical classification and the related links of the system framework as the key points of the main contradictions and the need for coordination, the integration of the existing spatial management status and the extension of the content within the system framework were carried out to form a scientific, reasonable and feasible overall system framework of spatial management of soil and water conservation to meet the needs of practical management.[Results] The framework of spatial management system is constructed in two latitudes:vertical and horizontal. In the aspect of vertical dimension, according to the difference of spatial management demand between upper and lower levels of soil and water conservation, the three-level spatial scale pattern of macro, meso and micro is constructed. There is clear scale positioning in different scales. By formulating and applying corresponding management rules and means, the spatial cohesion and interconnection between upper and lower levels are achieved. In horizontal dimension, according to the different purposes and target elements of spatial management, the types of spatial management are divided into three types:natural management, business management and administrative management. The three forms of spatial management exist in the macro, meso and micro scales, mainly in the macro aspect. The main purpose of natural management is to reflect the current situation of natural evaluation and to carry out spatial management of regional division based on natural geographical elements. Business management refers to the form of spatial management which focuses on the management of soil and water conservation, ecological environment management, supervision and protection, etc. Administrative management refers to the administrative spatial management based on administrative division units.[Conclusions] On the basis of systematic analysis, this paper puts forward the theory, construction method and framework content of the spatial management system framework of soil and water conservation in China. The framework of the spatial management system is based on the existing achievements of spatial management of soil and water conservation. It is the full inheritance and absorption of the existing achievements of spatial management, reduces the duplication of work and reduces the difficulty of establishing the spatial framework.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 133-139 [Abstract] ( 409 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 912KB] ( 423 )
Engineering Studies
140 BAO SAIHenna, MIAO Yanjun, GUO Yunlei, XU Yamei, WANG Mingtao, WANG Xiangtao, XIE Guoping, WANG Chuanqi
Application study on ecological bag technology of restoring slope in high-grade highways in Nyingchi, Tibet
[Background] The rapid development of highway construction in Tibet has produced a large number of highway slope engineering wounds, naturally the difficulty and investment for the restoration of slope vegetation is huge. Therefore, to explore a slope vegetation restoration measures with strong soil and water conservation for the long-term stability has important guiding significance for ecological protection and ecological restoration in highway construction in Tibet.[Methods] The vegetation restoration experiment using ecological bags were conducted on the slope and flat land in the starting section of Lin La high-grade highways. The plants were Lolium perenne, Festuca elata, Poa pratensis, and Elymus sibiricus, all are of high resistance, domesticated and screened from plateaus. The experiment incorporated 2 irrigation levels(W1=60 mL/kg and W2=85 mL/kg)and 4 nitrogen levels(N0=0 g/kg, N1=0.027 8 g/kg, N2=0.055 6 g/kg, and N3=0.083 3 g/kg)according to the saturated water content (85%-90%) of sandy loam used in the experiment and nitrogen supply level (0.05-0.10 g/kg) of local crops, for a total 8 treatments. By analyzing the change of vegetation growth and biomass under different water and fertilizer conditions for ecological bags, the effect of vegetation restoration(especially on a slope) and the best combination of water and fertilizer were obtained.[Results] The vegetation growth in ecological bags were affected by the coupling effect of water and nitrogen. When in full irrigation and low nitrogen, for example W2N1,the seedling emergence rate was 79%, plant height was 4.97-13.70 cm, coverage was 68.33%-81.67%, density was 13 600plants/m2 and aboveground biomass was 0.032 5 g/plant, slope vegetation reached the highest level. The seedling emergence rate, coverage, density of flat land vegetation were the highest with full irrigation, medium and high nitrogen (W2N2/W2N3). However, with low water and no nitrogen (W1N0), the seedling emergence rate, height and coverage of both slope and flat land vegetation were low in the later seedling emergence stage. In addition, the seedling emergence rate, height and coverage of slope vegetation were higher than those of the flat land with 2 levels of irrigation and low nitrogen (W1N1 and W2N1).[Conclusions] The vegetation growth needs a certain water and nitrogen content, but there is limited distribution in an environment with excessive or insufficient water or nutrients, which is closely related to their resistances. Ecological bags lead to a strong regulation performance of water and fertilizer and play a protective role on the slope. Under a certain water and nitrogen coupling condition, the growth of the vegetation on the slope is better than that of the flat land. Moreover, the optimal condition of water and fertilizer in slope vegetation restoration of ecological bags is that:W2N1;that in the flat land is:W2N2/W2N3. It can be concluded that this technology is suitable for the promotion and utilization of highway slope restoration in the tableland area.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 140-147 [Abstract] ( 442 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 844KB] ( 402 )
148 BAO Yuhai, YIN Yanli, QIN Wei, CHEN Shangshu, HE Xiubin
Planning and design of a science & technology demonstration park for soil and water conservation: A case of the Nanchongyan Demonstration Park in Jianyang, Sichuan
[Background] The establishment of science & technology demonstration park for soil and water conservation (DPSWC) in China is currently still in the exploratory stage, and has not yet formed perfect planning theory and norms. In order to provide theoretical and practical basis for the planning of DPSWC, the key points and methods that should be noted in the planning of the DPSWC were discussed here.[Methods] Combining the planning practice of typical DPSWC in Sichuan province and according to the literature, national laws and regulations, and relevant documents of departments, the ideas and relevant technical points for the planning of the science and technology demonstration park were analyzed.[Results] The main content of collecting data, confirming boundary zoning, designing layout, planning investment schedule in DPSWC planning were put forward, and the working requirements of maps drafting and documents outline during the planning were also defined. Based on the above mentioned design ideas, the planning results of basic condition analysis, construction objectives, planning scope and functional zoning, construction content and schedule arrangement for Nanchongyan DPSWC were introduced. The planning achievements fully considered the characteristics of the park and determined the reasonable construction objectives. Meanwhile, the planning results also efficient integrated soil and water conservation with ecological orchards, industrial development and tourism. Furthermore, the planning achievement perfected soil and water conservation measures in Nanchongyan DPSWC and improved the effects of demonstration and science popularization.[Conclusions] Overall, the construction planning is an important basis for the pre-construction work of the DPSWC. The planning compilation should meet the basic requirements during the feasibility study stage at the pre-construction work of soil and water conservation project. It should be followed the steps of selecting site, collecting data, determining target, confirming boundary zoning, designing content layout, planning investment schedule, proposing safeguard measures and so on.
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 148-154 [Abstract] ( 426 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1749KB] ( 406 )
Research Review
155 CHENG Shiyue, QIN Wei, GUO Qiankun, XU Lirong
Review on spatio-temporal variation of extreme precipitation events in China in the past 50 years
[Background] Extreme precipitation events occurred frequently in China due to the climate change and global warming, resulting in severe soil erosion events and huge property and personnel losses, such as the torrential rains in Wudinghe Basin in 2017. Thus, studies on the extreme precipitation events and their spatial-temporal variations are of great importance for soil and water conservation planning and management. Currently, there are abundant researches on this issue across China, however, the results of these studies have not been fully and comprehensively analyzed, which limited us for better understanding the extreme precipitation events in China.[Methods] In this study, s researches on extreme precipitation in China have been collected, important information such as the extreme precipitation indices, diagnostic methods for trend analysis, interpolation methods for spatial interpolation, and the results on spatial-temporal variations were extracted from literatures according to different regions of China and then, summarized and compared with each other with carefulness.[Results] After the comprehensively review of published literature, it is found that the spatial-temporal trends were mainly analyzed based on daily precipitation from meteorological stations and a nonsignificant increasing trend for extreme precipitation was reported on the national scale, of which, the increasing trends were mainly in South China and Southwest China, while the decreasing trends in North China, Northwest China and Northwest China. However, there are still some deficiencies which may limit the further researches:first, currently the densities of rain gauges in many studies are usually sparse; second, the effects of topographical factors on extreme precipitation are usually not taken consideration, probably due to the rain gauges are sited preferably in the flatland; third, the spatial-temporal trends may be greatly affected by the inter-decadal quasi-periodic oscillations in rainfall since the study period in many studies are relatively short. These deficiencies may have lower down the reliability of current studies and then make different studies less comparable. Under this circumstance, some advices aiming to improve the further studies have been proposed in this study:first, more meteorological station should be established quickly to get more available precipitation data; second, studies on the effects of topographic factors on extreme precipitation should be strengthened, which can be initiated from small scale watershed with plenty rainfall and hydrological data and then extend to wider regions; third, the precipitation data from meteorological stations should be used combinedly with spatial coverage data, such as TRMM to improve the station based data.[Conclusions] The researches on extreme precipitation events in China have been reviewed from published literature in this study, it can bee seen that many valuable results have been reported while there are still some deficiencies. Some advices were proposed in this study for future researches and it is expected more valuable results can be acquired in the future, which are also important for practical works, such as flood control, soil conservation, etc..
2019 Vol. 17 (3): 155-161 [Abstract] ( 527 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 795KB] ( 425 )
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