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2016 Vol.14 No.6  Published 2016-12-31
Foundamental Studies
1 Sun Qian, Li Zhanbin, Yu Kunxia, Lu Kexin, Tang Shanshan
Parameters of sediment transport model for individual rainstorm in the Loess Hilly and Gully Region under changing environment

[Background] Climate change and human activities have intensified the spatial-temporal distribution of water and soil resources, resulting in the laws of watershed runoff-producing and sediment yield more complex, thus the study of the relationship between runoff and sediment transport at individual rainstorm in the changing environment is of great importance. Six watersheds in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Yuanzhou, Hebao, Huangjiahe, Longde, Pengyang, and Xiazhai), located in the Loess Hilly and Gully Region, were selected as study targets. [Methods] The data of flood peak, the sediment peak, the flood volume and the sediment load were firstly calculated from the rainstorm data of Year 1984 -2014. The runoff erosion power, the Mann-Kendall trend test and the Pettitt change point test were then used to analyze the characteristics of these hydrological variables in the six typical watersheds.The runoff erosion power was applied to predict the sediment transport modulus. The Mann-Kendall test was mainly applied on the analysis of the trend of flood peak, sediment peak, flood volume and sediment load series, and the Pettitt test was used to analyze the jump year of these series. [Results] 1) All the flood peak, sediment peak, flood volume and sediment load series of the six typical watersheds in Ningxia presented significant decreasing trends, except for the Hebao watershed. 2) The change points of the flood peak, sediment peak, flood volume and sediment load were all around 1998 and 2003. 3) The relationship between runoff erosion power and sediment transport model was plotted using logarithmic coordinates, and the relationship was well fitted by the power function, indicating that the sediment concentration was predicted by the runoff erosion power. 4) The relationships between the runoff erosion power and the sediment transport modulus were quite different before the change-point and after the change-point. [Conclusions] In the same basin, the power parameter b of the power function in the two parallel hydrological stations are similar, but parameter b of two series-wound hydrological stations are of slightly larger difference. The power parameter b is also influenced by both climate change and human activities, b is 0.6 before the change-point, and it tends to be 0.85 after the change-point. The runoff erosion power is less than 1 after the change-point, thus the increase of parameter b indicate that the sediment transport modulus decrease under the same runoff erosion power. There are two reasons for the increase of the parameter b after the change-point. One is that climate change leads to the decrease of runoff, and the other reason is human activities have changed the underlying surface of the basin, making the sediment yield decreased more significantly. Therefore, the power parameters b of the rainstorm sediment transport model can be used as a reference index for soil and water conservation and the improvement of regional ecological environment of soil and water loss.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 400 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2004KB] ( 751 )
10 Cheng Zhuo1,Bofu Yu2,Fu Suhua1
An assessment of runoff process-based models for plots in China Loess Plateau

[Background] The surface runoff is one of the most significant components of hydrologic process. It's also the main force of soil erosion and transportation. As the process-based data for runoff is poorly accessible in comparison with that of rainfall, as well as runoff volume, the calculating of runoff rates based on accessible data turned out to be the key point for relative researches such as the evaluation of hydrologic progress and assessment on soil erosion and loss. [Methods] Aiming at acquiring event-based runoff rates as accurately as possible given rainfall progress and runoff volume which were relatively easy in terms of accessibility, three simply-structured infiltration models: known as Model I-constant infiltration capacity, Model II-constant runoff coefficient and Model III-spatial variable infiltration rates, were examined in this paper. Each of 3 models has only one parameter, with constant infiltration capacity known as index for Model I, self-explanatory runoff coefficient for Model II, and spatially average maximum infiltration rate for model III. The models were evaluated and compared based on 107 rainfall-runoff site events from 3 plots of Shejiagou watershed in Tuanshangou, Zizhou experiment station of the Yellow River Basin. To test the model efficiency in different time scales, process-based rainfall data was resampled at time intervals of 1 min, 6 min and 15 min separately, and consequently the outcome of runoff rates were obtained depending on the pattern of import data. [Results] The results,based on moderately 6-min data, showed that the model with constant infiltration capacity performed best with higher model efficiency (0.84) and lower mean absolute error (5 mm/ h) in predicting of peak runoff rates, compared with Model II(0.65, 6 mm/ h) and Model III(0.82, 6 mm/ h). The same pattern occurred to the calculation of effective runoff rates. Results for the distribution of relative errors in peak runoff rates and effective runoff rates by Model I were also acceptable as the error mainly distributed around zero with about 60% out of 107 site-events in the range from - 20% to 20%.According to the responses to different time intervals of data collecting, the estimation accuracy of Model 玉in simulating peak runoff rates was obviously improved as the time interval increased from 1 to 15 min,with model efficiency increasing from 0.69 to 0.92, and a decrease of mean absolute error from 17 mm/h to 2 mm/ h. And consequences of effective runoff rates showed a similar pattern, which might indicate that the application of the model was much appropriate in situation without large-density processed data.[Conclusions] The results can serve as providing efficient method of calculating runoff rates, and furthermore peak or effective runoff rates for areas lack of process-based runoff data, and are also conductive to the quantitative description and simulation of hydrologic process, soil erosion and transportation process.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 10-17 [Abstract] ( 259 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 790KB] ( 688 )
18 Tang Keming, Zhang Guanghui, Sun Zhenling
Seasonal variation in soil detachment capacity of grasslands and its influencing factors

[Background] Soil detachment capacity by concentrated flow is an important parameter in many physically-based soil erosion models. The seasonal variations in soil detachment capacity and its influencing factors are crucial for accurate prediction of soil loss but not fully quantified in grasslands. [Methods] This study was conducted to investigate the seasonal variation and quantify the potential factors causing changes in soil detachment capacity. The temporal variations in soil detachment capacity for two grasslands and one bare soil were monitored at 20-day intervals from April to October 2011. Undisturbed topsoil samples were taken and subjected to 6 different flow shear stresses (=6.5 -23.4Pa) in a laboratory flume with the fixed bed to measure soil detachment capacity by concentrated flow.Soil bulk density, soil cohesion, and root mass density were measured at the time of sampling to reveal the observed variations in soil detachment capacity. [Results] Distinctive seasonal variation patterns were found throughout the growing season. The seasonal variability in soil detachment capacity under grasslands differed significantly from that of bare soil. Soil detachment capacity in grasslands was relatively high from mid-April to last-June, then declined quickly with grass growth, and maintained at a very low level from mid-July to early-October. In the end of growing season, soil detachment capacity in grasslands increased slightly. For the bare soil, soil detachment capacity was relatively high in the mid- April and declined gradually in May, June, and July. It reached the minimum at early-August, then increased again and continued to the end of the measurement period. The mean soil detachment capacity of bare soil was 10.6 and 23.7 times greater than of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) soils, implying that the bare soil was much more erodible than grasslands. Seasonal variation in soil detachment capacity of grasslands could be mainly explained by variations in soil cohesion and root mass density. Soil detachment capacity declined exponentially as root mass density and soil cohesion increased. No statistical significant relationship was found between soil detachment capacity and soil bulk density. [Conclusions] The experimental results showed that soil cohesion and root mass density affected largely on seasonal variation in grasslands, and the soil detachment capacity of grasslands could be well estimated using shear stress, root mass density, root diameter, and soil cohesion. The results of this study aid understanding of soil erosion mechanisms and development of process-based erosion models to simulate the seasonal variation in soil detachment, and provide scientific evidences for the configuration of soil and water conservation measures in small watershed.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 18-25 [Abstract] ( 381 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 883KB] ( 660 )
Applied Studies
26 Xia Zhengang, Deng Yusong, Zhao Yuan, Ding Shuwen
Relationship between soil shear strength and soil moisture of granite collapsing hill in southeast of Hubei Province

[Background] Collapsing hill is a serious soil erosion phenomenon in granite areas of south China, it causes severe damages to ecological condition, agriculture and economy. The decrease of soil stability usually contributes to the collapsing hills. Soil shear strength is an important indicator to investigate the stability of collapsing hills, soil moisture is also the key factor of shear strength and the critical basis for conducting the soil erosion. [Methods] This study used a direct shear test to analyze the relationship and regularity of shear strength variation with soil moisture in different soil layers.According to the variation of soil characteristics such as color and texture, soil profiles can be divided into 4 layers, including the eluvial horizon(A), illuvial horizon(B), transitional horizon(BC), and parent horizon(C). The undisturbed soil samples were collected from two collapsing hills in Tongcheng County,southeast of Hubei Province, where is one of typical granite collapsing hill regions in China. To each horizon, there were 5 soil moistures from dry to saturation by controlling the length of air-drying duration.After pre-treatment, the samples were tested for different normal pressure (50, 100, 150, and 200 kPa)and various soil moisture. All of the tests were repeated once. Excel 2010 and SPSS 22.0 were used to analyze the relationship and Pearson orrelation of shear strength and soil moisture. [Results] With the increase of soil moisture, the shear strength of layer A increased first and then decreased, others showed a trend of descent in soil shear strength, the shear strength reached the maximum in layer B and minimum in layer C. Besides, soil moisture affected the shear strength of layer B most, the shear strength of layer BC was among all the layers. Soil cohesive force presented wide variations, layer A showed a trend of decrease after first increase, the cohesive force of remaining soil layers declined with the increase of soil moisture; the cohesive force of layer B was the largest among four soil layers, while its decay amplitude was large as well; due to the lack of clay content and cementing substance the cohesive force of layer C was very low. The internal friction angle decreased with the increase of soil moisture in all of the soil layers. [Conclusions] Therefore, the shear strength of granite profiles decreases with the increase of moisture generally from top to bottom, the bottom layers of granite are fragile and more likely to be eroded, which can accelerate the formation and aggravation of collapsing hills, protecting the bottom layers is vital to prevent the aggravation of collapsing hills. This study can provide a theoretical basis for mechanism research of slope collapse and erosion hills as well as contrcol works.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 26-34 [Abstract] ( 326 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 914KB] ( 704 )
35 Wang Shidong, Liu Yi, Wang Xinchuang, Wu Chao
Suitability evaluation of mining-land reclamation based on improved decision tree model

[Background] The essence of evaluating land reclamation suitability in mining areas is a type of classifying the land reclamation for the future according to certain evaluation rules (or criteria). Thus, it is feasible and reasonable to apply classification rules with decision tree induction method in suitability evaluation of land reclamation in mining areas. [Methods] In this paper, we applied the subordinate function method of the fuzzy mathematics to improve ID3 algorithm (the Iterative Dichotomiser 3) of the decision tree, established a model for evaluating land reclamation suitability, and then applied this improved model in Pingyu Second Mining Area. Selecting 7 evaluation indexes as the attributes of measurement, and extracting 100 units which directions of land reclamation have been determined as the samples, we established the decision tree for land reclamation suitability evaluation with the improved ID3 algorithm. Then, we applied the established classification rules of the decision tree to classify them according to their attributes, to evaluate various units and to determine the reclamation directions for various evaluated units. Further, to verify the accuracy of evaluation results, we compared the most frequently used limit condition method with the proposed method. [Results] The statistics result showed that there were 365.87 hm2 suitable for arable land, 98.83 hm2 suitable for woodland and 97.98 hm2 suitable for meadow by using improved decision tree model in the studied area. However, there were 334.95 hm2 suitable for arable land, 106.26 hm2 suitable for woodland and 121.47 hm2 suitable for meadow by using limit condition method in the studied area. The 92.50 % of evaluation results of the proposed method were consistent with those by limit condition method. In inconsistent results, the grades of evaluation result by limit condition method were lower than those by decision tree model. After comparing the two methods, the results revealed that the limiting condition method was more suitable for reclamation suitability evaluation of opencast coal mine damaged land, and the improved decision tree model proposed in this paper was more suitable for mine subsidence land of underground mining. Thus, from the above comparative analysis of two methods, combined with field research, the result based on improved decision tree model were more in line with actual study area, and the reclamation directions were also more reasonable. [Conclusions] The results indicated that this evaluation method for land reclamation suitability in mining areas based on the improved decision tree did not rely on the empirical knowledge but relied on classification rules/ criteria formulated by self-directed learning of the samples.The classification results obtained were more objective and reasonable. Furthermore, once the classification rules of decision tree have been determined, they can be directly applied in other areas to be evaluated in the same region and the classification process is simple, clear and easy to be operated.This approach can provide a new thinking way for the evaluation of land reclamation suitability in mining areas.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 35-43 [Abstract] ( 355 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 883KB] ( 505 )
44 Zhang Yaozong, Zhang Duoyong, Liu Yanyan
Precipitation variation in Malianhe River Basin of the Loess Plateau in recent 50 years

[Background] The Loess Plateau is one of the most serious soil erosion areas in China, and it is also an important region of ecological management and constructing ecological defense. It has proved that the small watershed is the basic unit of flood control and soil conservation in the Loess Plateau, and it plays a basic role in the construction of the ecological barrier on the Loess Plateau. Rainfall is the main erosion force of soil erosion on the Loess Plateau, and it is also an important guarantee for the ecological environment construction in the Loess Plateau, and also an important factor for the social and economic development for the river basin. The temporal and spatial variation characteristics of different grades precipitation are particularly important to assess the risk of soil erosion and geological hazards. The Malian River Basin is located in Longdong Loess Plateau, belonging to the middle reaches of the Yellow River, is a first tributary of the Jinghe River. Therefore, the variation characteristics of precipitation in the Malian River Watershed in the Loess Plateau is worthy of further study of the problem. [Methods] Daily rainfall data from 1961 to 2010 at Xifeng National Base Station, Huan County National Basic Station and other 5 general stations were collected among the Malian River Basin. In order to ensure the quality of the data, the PMF method was used to examine homogenization. The statistical characteristics of precipitation in the river basin were studied using the basic meteorological and hydrological statistics method. The variation trend, abrupt change and periods of precipitation were analyzed by applying climatic tendency rate, M-K test, sliding T test, cumulative anomaly and Morlet wavelet transform. Meanwhile, change characteristics of the days and intensity about erosive rainfall and precipitation were studied. [Results] Mean annual precipitation in the Malian River Basin was 482 mm and precipitation in four seasons respectively accounted for 18%, 53%, 27%, and 2% of the annual precipitation, erosive precipitation accounted for 57% of the annual precipitation, precipitation variation coefficient was 0.19. The guarantee rate of precipitation over 400 mm in the river basin was 72%, guarantee rate of more than 500 mm was 38%. Precipitation and erosive rainfall showed a decreasing trend in the Malian River Basin during 1961 2010, the spring and autumn precipitation showed a decreasing trend, winter precipitation showed increasing trend. The abrupt change of precipitation was around 1992, the abrupt change of precipitation in autumn was the earliest in 1976, and the spring was around 1992 in Malian River Basin. The annual and seasonal precipitation had main cycles of 19 a, 11 a, 4 6 a, and 2 a. Moderate rain and light rain were the main form of precipitation in Malian River Basin. The reduction of precipitation significantly resulted from moderate and light rain during 1961 2010. There was an increased trend in intensity of precipitation and erosive rainfall during 1961 2010. [ Conclusions] The precipitation intensity has increased, thus the potential risk of soil erosion has not weakened. Soil and water conservation and desertification prevention for the Malian River Basin cannot be slacked off. Future precipitation changes are related to the ecological barrier construction in Malian River Basin, it is worth of continuously paying attention to the problem.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 44-52 [Abstract] ( 462 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1187KB] ( 670 )
53 Chen Meiqi1, Zhang Zhuodong1, Wang Xiaolan1, Zhang Keli1, Chen Yuehong2
A comparison of slope erosion sediment yield characteristics of yellow soil in Southwest China and loess in Northwest China

[Background] Karst region is one of the most vulnerable ecosystems in China, and the soil resources in this region are limited because of the slow pedogenesis processes of severe soil erosion influenced by the unique karst process. In recent decades, soil erosion resulted in large rocky desertification, reductions of agricultural productivity, and decreases of land fertility. Yellow soil is the major soil type in this region. It is essential to study sediment yield characteristics at slope scales for effective soil slope loss control, water and soil resources utilization and management. [Methods] Based on the data of field plots in Bijie of Guizhou Province in Southwest Cina and Ansai of Shaanxi Province in Northuest China, the characteristics and relationships of rainfall, runoff and sediment yield under natural rainfall events were investigated and analyzed by statistical methods, and the differences between two stations were compared and discussed. [Results] 1) Runoff and sediment yield in the yellow soil slope of Bijie mainly resulted from heavy rains and storms, and they were smaller than those of loess slopes in Ansai, and more evenly distributed. 2) Runoff was more relevant to precipitation than to rainfall intensity, which was contrary to the relationships on loess slope. As precipitation increased from A rainfall type (0 < P ≤ mm) to B type (P > 25 mm), the relationship between runoff and rainfall characteristics on yellow soil slopes changed from random to a linear function. While under the same change of rainfall type, the relationship between runoff and rainfall characteristics remained linear on loess slopes. The relationship of rainfall intensity and sediment yield on yellow soil slopes was in an exponential function, while it was in power on loess slopes. 3) When lacking process data, the equation M = 0.54e 0.11 p can be used to predict soil loss on yellow soil slope for individual rainfall events. 4) Rainfall erosivity was linear to both runoff and sediment yield on both yellow soil and loess slopes, and it was a proper indicator to predict runoff and sediment yields on loess slopes, while it was not that suitable for yellow soil slopes. Runoff and sediment yield caused by unit rainfall erosivity on yellow soil slopes were smaller than those on loess slopes. 5) Sediment yield of both yellow soil and loess slopes were in linear function to the runoff. When runoff was similar, sediment yield on yellow soil slopes was smaller to that on loess slopes. [Conclusions] It is valuable to study soil erosion factors for quantitative estimation of soil erosion, especially in Karst region. Precipitation is a dominant factor that influences runoff and sediment yield on yellow soil slopes. The more precipitation, the more runoff and sediment yield. The amount of runoff and sediment yield on yellow soil slopes are smaller than those on loess slopes, however, the soil erosion situation in the Karst region is even severer due to the scarcity of soil resources here.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 53-60 [Abstract] ( 359 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 827KB] ( 636 )
61 Liu Yan, Zhang Jianjun, Zhang Yan, A Yan, Anikezi·Rouzi, Yang Song
Variations of riverine sediment and the relationship between runoff and sediment in the source region of three rivers

[Background] Runoff and sediment play an important role in the supply of water resources, shaping the river morphology, maintaining the regional environmental and ecological system. [Methods] To explore the characteristics of river sediment and the relationship between runoff and sediment in the source region of 3 rivers (the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and the Lancang River), based on observation data of runoff and sediment at 9 hydrologic stations in the source region of 3 rivers, the change trends and change-point of sediment discharge and sediment concentration were analyzed using the Mann-Kendall trend test, Mann-Kendall change-point test methods, and the relationship between runoff and sediment was analyzed using the rating curve method. [Results] 1)There were no significant change trend and change-point of annual sediment discharge in Zhimenda hydrologic station in the source region of the Yangtze River, Tangnaihai and Tongren hydrologic stations in the source region of the Yellow River, and Xiangda hydrologic station in the source region of the Lancang River, while the trend of annual sediment discharge in Xinzhai hydrologic station (Batang River) in the source region of the Yangtze River was reduced significantly and changed greatly in 1998. 2 ) The annual sediment concentration, in Xinzhai hydrologic station, in the source region of the Yangtze River, reduced significantly, while it increased conspicuously in Huangheyan, Tongren and Tangnaihai hydrologic stations in the source region of the Yellow River, and the sediment concentration did not change apparently in other 5 hydrologic stations. A change-point of sediment concentration existed in Xinzhai hydrologic station of Batang River, in 1999, and in Tongren hydrologic station of Longwu River, in 1989. Exactly, sediment discharge in Xinzhai hydrologic station had presented a downward trend since 1999 and contrarily an upward trend in Tongren hydrologic station since 1989. 3) Relationship between runoff and sediment did not change obviously in watershed in the source region of Yangtze River controlled by Zhimenda hydrologic station and in which, in source region of Lancang River, controlled by Xiangda hydrologic station. Adversely, the relationship varied obviously in Xinzhai control area in the source region of the Yangtze River and control areas in the source region of the Yellow River. Meanwhile, the relationship between runoff and sediment in Huangheyan hydrologic station control area changed stupendously due to adjustments stem from lakes. 4) The change of the capacity of water-carrying sediment showed an obvious distribution of spatial heterogeneity, mainly divided into three types, including weakening, enhancing and stabilizing. [Conclusions] Heterogeneity of sediment transport and relationship between water and sediment were revealed in the source region of 3 rivers, which may be concerned with climate change and human activities. The above research achievements can be useful reference to plans and ecological conservations in this region and research concerning sediment concentration in reservoirs of its lower reaches.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 61-69 [Abstract] ( 283 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1102KB] ( 599 )
70 Li Haitao, Liu Xiaodan, Zhang Kebin, Siraj Mammo
Ecotone definition between wetland and dry grassland in semi-arid region and the canonical correspondence analysis of plant community in relation to environment factors

[Background] Siertan Wetland is the largest wetland of Habahu Desert Wetland Nature Reserve in Yanchi County, Ningxia Autonomous Region. Through the annual vegetation investigation which has been carried out for 11 years, we found that the area of Siertan Wetland is shrinking year by year. Many researchers concluded that the ecotone is very sensitive to the change of environment, thus it can be used to predict the change of the ecological environment in advance. This study is to quantitatively determine the ecological ecotone boundary and the main environmental factors that affect the spatial distribution pattern of the species. [ Methods ] Firstly we used moving split-window technique to quantitatively determine the ecological ecotone. Use of the moving split-window technique required that:we chose an appropriate even number of representative samples as a whole window, then divided the whole window in half and calculated their dissimilarity coefficient. We continuously moved the window right to the next sampling point and repeated the operation above again, until the right window reached the final sampling points. We then draw a scatter diagram of the dissimilarity coefficient changes by quadrats. Further, according to the result of determination we divided the research area into wetland regions, ecotone and arid region, and analyzed characteristics of beta diversity in the three different habitats of the four different sample lines. Finally, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to determine which environmental factors contributed most to the distribution of the vegetation. [Results] The results showed that ecotone was determined clearly by moving split-window technique under 6 - 8 quadrats, the optimal window width of east transect line was 6 quadrates, the optimal window width of west, south and north transect line was 8 quadrates. Beta diversity index showed significant differences in different habitats. The result of CCA indicated that the total salt content and moisture content were the main environmental factors that affected the vegetation distribution in Siertan Wetland. The correlation of the two environmental factors and the first species axis were respectively 0.868 4 and 0.917 0, the correlation of the two environmental factors and the first environment axis were respectively 0.841 6 and 0.891 4. [Conclusions] According to the dimension of investigatory scale and the visibility of ecotone transitivity,appropriate window width can be chosen especially in the selection of appropriate smallest window width. Species with higher fitness for total salt content and moisture content variability are mainly distributed in wet region with serious soil salinization. The results of the study will provide valuable reference for Siertan Wetland’s restoration and protection. The future work of Habahu Nature Reserve administration should be focused on protecting Siertan Wetland from human being destruction, ensuring adequate water supply, improving the salinization land, and maintaining plant species diversity in wetland.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 70-77 [Abstract] ( 331 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 848KB] ( 691 )
78 Shi Kun, Jia Zhiqing, Zhang Hongjiang, Zhang Youyan, Li Qingxue, Feng Lili, He Lingxianzi
Root distribution characteristics of typical sand-fixing plants in Gonghe Basin of Qinghai Province

[Background] Desertification is one of the most serious environment problems in China, which has resulted in the land degeneration and affected local people life. Local economic development is also hindered by the desertification, and this situation may last for quite a long time. Gonghe Basin, located in Qinghai Province of China, is a typical desertification area. Artificial vegetation restoration, which performs well in desertification area of China, may immobilize moving dunes, control desertification and improve environment. Root is the most important plant organ of obtaining water and nutrients from soil, and also plays a key role in plant growth and metabolism. Study of root system distribution patterns means significant for the selection of suitable afforestation tree species and survival rate enhancement. [Methods] Six typical desertification control plants in local area were selected for this study: Caragana intermedia, Caragana korshinskii, Salix psammophila, Salix microstachya, Populus simonii and Salix cheilophila in six plots separately with area of 20 *20 m2. All the studied plants were grown in 1990s with method of cuttage forestation. Plant height and crown diameter were measured and then type trees were chosen. The root samples of type tree were obtained by whole plant excavating method and scanned by WinRhizo Pro 2500a Root Analysis System. Finally, root biomass density, root length density, specific root length, and root extinction coefficient were calculated and analyzed. The root of studied plants mainly distributes in 2 m diameter circle away from trunk, so we excavated this area to get root samples. [Results] Specific fine root length of S. microstachya (2.74 m/g) was significantly higher than that of other five species (P >0.05), indicating that the fine root activity of S. microstachya was the strongest, and it can be inferred that fine root of S. microstachya adapted best to the environment among all 6 plants. Root biomass extinction coefficients of S. psammophila and C. intermedia (0.982, 0.979) were significantly higher than that of other five species, thus they may function well in increasing soil shear resistance. The root biomass density of C. korshinskii (3.882 kg/m 3) was significantly higher than that of other five plants (P >0.05), the root length density of S. psammophila (372.728 cm/m3) was significantly higher than that of other five plants. Therefore, C. korshinskii presented the strongest ability of obtaining energy. All studied plant roots distributed mainly between 0 - 40 cm depth in soil. Root biomass density and root length density both decreased with depth and distance from trunk center. Root distribution was not affected by soil moisture content in short period. [Conclusions] As a result, it can be seen that in Gonghe Basin of Qinghai Province, S. microstachya with strong adaptability, S. psammophila and C. intermedia with strong reinforcement capability perform best in artificial vegetation recovery.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 78-85 [Abstract] ( 216 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2912KB] ( 579 )
86 Guo Mishan, Wang Qian, Gao Guanglei, Zhao Yuanyuan, Ding Guodong
Effects of sand burial and seed processing on stored seed germination and seedling emergence of Pinus sylvestris

[ Background ] Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica is an important species for ecological environment construction in the desertified regions of northern China. There has been declines in P. sylvestris plantations, barrier on regeneration has been the key factor limiting the succession of P. sylvestris plantations. [Methods] To explore the limiting factors for natural regeneration of P. sylvestris plantations, experiments in the laboratory were carried out on the effects of sand burial (depth of 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 and 3.00 cm in a container simulating the sand land) and seed processing (No-soaking, soaking in 25 -30 ℃ warm water, and soaking in 55 -60 ℃ hot water) on the germination and seedling emergence of P. sylvestris. The seeds were collected from the Yulin of Shaanxi Province, stored at room temperature, 4℃ refrigeration and - 18 ℃ frozen. The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA. [Results] 1) In range of 0 -3.00 cm, the rate of seed germination and seedling emergence was 68.9% that reached the highest with no sand burial, and decreased with the increase of burial depth, there was about 20% seeds germinated but no seed emerged under 3.00 cm depth. Sand burial caused the germination time increased, the average germination time was only 4 d with no sand burial, the average germination time reached 15 d under 2.00 cm depth. 2) The seeds stored at 4 ℃ were more superior to those at the room temperature and frozen storage of - 18 ℃, for a higher germination and emergence percentage and a shorter emergence time. Low temperature preservation was helpful to increase the seed vigor in the shallow sand burial depth (0 - 1.50 cm), but the different seed corresponded to different germination and emergence of the optimal temperature range. 3 ) The germination quality of seeds soaked in 25 -30 ℃ warm water were superior to those soaked in 55 -60 ℃ hot water and no-soaking, for a higher germination and emergence percentage, emergence rate and a shorter emergence time. Too high soaking temperature inhibited seed germination, the seed germination rate of soaking in 55 -60 ℃ hot water at 1. 50 cm depth was only 0.3% and had a long emergence time as 16 d under 1.50 cm depth. [Conclusion] 4 ℃ storage and 25 - 30 ℃ warm water soaking are appropriate seed treatment for P. sylvestris. The results can be used to provide the references to solve the problem of natural regeneration and provide technical support for the artificial breeding of P. sylvestris plantations.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 86-93 [Abstract] ( 296 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1703KB] ( 583 )
94 Liu Hanxiao, Zhu Lijuan, Shi Changqing, Zhang Sen, Zhao Tingning, Zheng Yangyang
Effects of varied immersing methods on the germination of tree seeds for the engineering slope greening in Beijing

[ Background ] The most frequently used seeds in slope spraying in Beijing are the combination of shrub and herbal seeds. The combination of two kinds of seeds has better effect for the conservation of soil and water in Beijing highways’slope. However, the problem of competition between shrub and herbal often appears after spraying seeds and as a matter of fact, the goal to form the shrub- based phytocenosis cannot be achieved. Therefore, promoting shrub seeds爷relative competitiveness should be concerned. There are two ways: one way is waking the seeds and promoting their germination and shorten the germinating time; the other way is strengthening the shrub seedlings. [Methods] In order to promote shrub seeds’germination and relative competitiveness with herbal seeds, two immersing methods of using plant growth accelerators and hot water were applied to stimulate germination of shrub seeds. Three experiments were conducted to obtain the optimal soaking time, the optimal initial temperature of hot water and optimal concentration of plant growth accelerators. The first experiment was to soak shrub seeds for different time periods. The second experiment was to use different initial temperatures of hot water to soak shrub seeds. The third experiment was to soak shrub seeds using different concentrations of plant growth accelerators. At last, combining all the results and a final method was summarized. [Results] 1) The optimal soaking time was 12 h in the case of immersing in plant growth accelerators. 2) The optimal concentration for Amorpha fruticosa L. was NAA-10 -8 mg/ L. The optimal concentration for Lespedeza bicolor was gibberellin-160 mg/ L. The optimal concentration for Vitex negundo var. heterophylla was NAA-10 -6 mg/ L. The optimal concentration of plant growth accelerator was gibberellin-100 mg/ L or NAA-10 -8 mg/ L, which had promoting effect to all three kinds of shrub seeds. The average germination potential was about 30%. 3) The suitable initial temperature of hot water for Amorpha fruticosa L. was 60 - 70 ℃ and 60 - 80 ℃ for Lespedeza bicolor. And hot water had inhibiting effect to Vitex negundo var. heterophylla, thus other soaking methods for Vitex negundo var. heterophylla could be researched to promote germination, for example, reserving the seeds in sand at low temperature. [Conclusions] The combining result of three experiments showed that seeds with hard nature could be soaked in 60 - 70 ℃ of hot water for 2 h and then soaked in plant growth accelerators (gibberellin-100 mg/ L or NAA-10 -8 mg/ L) for 10 h, which would stimulate the germination of shrub seeds. The seeds without hard nature could be directly soaked in plant growth accelerators (gibberellin- 100 mg/ L or NAA-10 -8 mg/ L) for 12 h. The combined soaking methods of seeds are innovative and feasible, and could be used in practice.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 94-100 [Abstract] ( 337 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 902KB] ( 695 )
101 Wang Zhiguo, Zhang Chao, Ji Qiang, Meng Fanbin, Yan Junping, Li Xiaofang
Soil and water conservation regionalization and its application in China

[Background] There are vast territory and complex natural conditions in China. Soil erosion area in China is large and its forms are various, and degrees and intensities in different regions are different. Unbalanced economic development leads to different exploitation, utilization, and protection needs of soil and water resources. Therefore, the different strategy, mode, standard of soil erosion control in the corresponding area, i. e. , scientific and rational scheme of soil and water conservation regionalization in China, should be considered. [Methods] Soil and water conservation regionalization could be formulated while taking full account of regional differences in natural conditions and socio- economic development, coupling with national and regional development strategies and the overall layout requirements, coordinating the soil and water conservation needs of the country and local, watershed and regional as well as among departments, and taking into account the natural properties of soil erosion and the socio-economic attributes of soil and water conservation. Thus, the results of regionalization are presented by comprehensively analyzing natural, economic and social conditions, identifying the general idea of soil and water conservation regionalization, building regionalization system and indicator system, using statistical analysis, field surveys and other methods, and combining both managements of “top- down冶and “down-up”. [Results] 8 first-grade regions, 40 second-grade regions, 115 third-grade regions are divided across the country (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions). The results of regionalization have clear boundaries, rules of region’s name, advanced regionalization means and so on. It is mainly used in the partition layout and project layout of soil and water conservation planning, and has guiding significance for the lower regionalization ( partition), soil and water conservation function and technology systems in specific area. [Conclusions] Soil and water conservation regionalization in China is comprehensive department regionalization, based on soil geology, topography and other natural conditions, socio-economic conditions as well as soil erosion conditions, which scientifically determines the direction for soil erosion control and technological system in different partition, and is a long-term guide of soil and water conservation in China.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 101-106 [Abstract] ( 466 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 801KB] ( 946 )
107 Chen Lijuan, Wang Ren, Chen Youfei
Spatio-temporal characteristics and trends of extreme climate events across Fujian Province, during 1960 2014

[ Background] The accelerated water circulation has changed regional hydrological and meteorological elements, which can lead to more frequent flood, drought and soil erosion, and further influence the ecological environment. It is well known that extreme climate events are exhibiting an increase trend in most of the land areas. The increased intensity and frequency of extreme climate events have severe impacts on the human society and natural ecosystem. Therefore, it is of great significance to understand its recent changes in different regions. Fujian Province is located in the southeast coastal region of China with rapid urbanization, and in which there are frequent flood and drought disasters related to extreme climate events. [Methods] This paper analyzed the variability of extreme temperature and precipitation indices in Fujian Province during the period of 1960 to 2014, based on 23 meteorological stations covering daily precipitation, daily maximum temperature, daily minimum temperature and daily average temperature datasets from 1960 2014. The statistic methods including linear trend estimate method, least squares estimation and Mann-Kendall trend analysis method were employed to analyze these indices. [Results] The cold temperature index showed a decreasing trend. The cold index and cold night index showed significant decrease trends, but the heating temperature index (the crop growth period, warm night days and warm days) showed significant increase trends at the regional scale. Over the past 55 years, with the exception of the continuous wet days, all the extreme precipitation indices showed an increasing trend. In the spatial characteristics, the increase or decrease trends of the extreme temperature index were similar over the Fujian Province. Noting that the extreme warming indices had a significant upward trend in the whole region, and the regional differences of extreme precipitation index were obvious that the stations having significant increase trends were mainly distributed in the coastal areas. [Conclusions] All the extreme cold indices showed a decrease trend while the extreme warm indices showed an increase trend. The stations with sharp increasing trend of extreme cold index were mainly distributed in the northwest and northeast areas, and the extreme warm indices had significant upward trend across the whole region. The regional difference of extreme precipitation indices was relatively obvious, and the stations with sharp increase rates were mainly located in the coastal areas. As for the variability in precipitation, the total precipitation and precipitation extremes tended to increase while the wet days tended to be less, which suggests that the extreme precipitation events are more concentrated in time. Therefore, the risk of flood and local drought events increased in the region, and adaptive measures for mitigation of climatic disasters and water resources management should be considered in Fujian Province.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 107-113 [Abstract] ( 290 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1318KB] ( 769 )
Development Studies
114 Xu Weiming, Lu Zaibao, Xiao Guirong
Optimization of spatial allocation for soil and water conservation measures based on genetic algorithm

[Background] Configuring different types of measures reasonably in space to produce the comprehensive benefits in ecological, economic and social aspect under limited investment of soil and water conservation has become a hot research. Furthermore, solving the multi-objective optimal problem is the key because the optimal allocation of soil and water conservation measures in space refers to multi- objective. [Methods] This research focused on the area of Chanting County, Fujian Province of which soil is being serious eroded. The soil and water loss area in 2012 was as evaluation object of suitability of soil and water conservation measures. The study area was divided into the area of ecological natural restoration and artificial auxiliary control based on the suitability assessment of the enclosing measures. This paper constructed an optimal allocation model of water and soil conservation measures in space with the aim of minimum investment, maximum ecological benefits and maximum suitability in the artificial auxiliary management area, and adopted a fast and elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) to solve the model in order to screen out the best program. Moreover, the experimental results were verified and analyzed by using the reality of soil and water erosion control between 2013 and 2015. [Results] According to the optimized allocation results, the spatial distribution of soil and water conservation measures was directed by the maximization of ecological benefits and the maximization of suitability of spatial distribution in the case of stationary government investment funds. Calculating the investment cost, ecological benefits and suitability of optimization allocation layout and actual spatial layout of soil and water conservation measures, the results were as follow: the investment cost of actual layout was 6.964 5 *107, the ecological benefits of actual layout was 7.908 0 *103, and the suitability of actual layout was 1.953 3 *104. However, the investment cost of optimized allocation layout was 6.579 1 *107, the ecological benefits of optimized allocation layout was 7.907 3 *103, and the suitability of optimized allocation was 2.054 1 *104. It was found that the optimal allocation layout was significantly improved in terms of investment cost and suitability compared to the actual space layout of soil and water conservation measures. The reason that the ecological benefits were reduced was that the decrease of the invested cost inevitably led to the reduction of the ecological benefits. Moreover, the spatial distribution of soil and water conservation measures between optimal allocation and actual space layout was similar in most of regions, and the degree of similarity was 73.62%. [Conclusions] With the increase of evolution generation, the effect of optimal allocation of soil and water conservation based on NSGA-II algorithm was obvious, and the optimal allocation layout was reasonable and practicable, which can offer the decision- making basis for government implementing soil and water conservation measures.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 114-124 [Abstract] ( 444 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 9546KB] ( 553 )
125 Zhang Jingling, Zhou Lili, Huang Yi
Rainfall characteristics of Rocker Arm Top Spray rainfall simulator

[ Background] Rainfall simulator is commonly used in indoor and outdoor soil erosion research and the process of infiltration and rainfall runoff study. However, tall nozzles, small efficient rainfall area, and differences from natural rainfall constraint some rainfall simulators widely used. Based on all above, we developed a Rocker Arm Top Spray rainfall simulator which is supposed to be used widely. [Methods] The Rocker Arm Top Spray rainfall simulator we developed was composed of three rainfall nozzles (number1, 2, and 5, aperture 9 mm), two middle rainfall nozzles (number 3 and 4, aperture 13 mm), Axle tube, “cross type冶rocker arm, Axle hole, connecting rod, crank connecting rod mechanism, motor, hose, main water supply pipe, pressure gauge and water well pipeline interface. The precipitation area, rainfall intensity, average rainfall uniformity coefficient, median diameter of raindrops, terminal velocity and the kinetic energy of rain were measured, and the applicability of the rainfall simulator was discussed. [Results] Rainfall uniformity value was 41%, when the rainfall area was 100 m2, which maybe the maximum rainfall area of the simulator. When the rainfall area was 50 m2, water pressure was 0.32 kg/ cm2, the rainfall uniformity value was 82% for the maximum rainfall intensity (116.25 mm/ h) and 46% for the minimum rainfall intensity (61.01 mm/ h). Under the same pressure, the rainfall uniformity value range changed from 46% to 82%. The rainfall uniformity value was 82% when the rainfall nozzles moving forward, while the rainfall uniformity value was 80% when the rainfall nozzles moving backward. That means that when the rainfall nozzles moving forward and backward, the rainfall uniformity value was more than 80%, which accorded with the requirements of natural rainfall uniformity. But the average rainfall uniformity value was smaller than 80% when the rainfall nozzle moving left and right, which might be caused by the uneven rainfall. The rain intensity was related to the rainfall median diameter. The measured average median diameter (D50), the average terminal velocity of raindrops, and the average raindrop kinetic energy was 1.67 mm, 3.656 m/ s and 299.4 J/ (m2·cm) respectively, under the different rainfall intensity. The median diameter value presented decreasing trend with the increase of rainfall intensity, but the median diameter of natural rainfall increased with the increase of rainfall intensity, which may be caused by the definite apertures of the three rainfall nozzle. The median diameter decreased with the height increasing, or because the rainfall intensity reached 80 ~ 100 mm/ h the measured median diameter no longer increased. With the increase of rainfall intensity, the terminal velocity of raindrops tended to decrease, but the kinetic energy of raindrops showed an increasing trend. That was probably because that the droplet density was very large, the kinetic energy of rainfall increased with the rainfall intensity increasing. [Conclusions] The device was small, light, in simple operation and convenient movement, especially suitable for field rainfall simulation,which can meet the requirements of the general field and outdoor experiments.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 125-130 [Abstract] ( 314 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 827KB] ( 599 )
131 Jiang Dewen
On monitoring and the public service of soil and water conservation in the time of ecological civilization construction

[Background] In the new times of ecological civilization, monitoring and the public service of soil and water conservation is the important content of national ecological environment monitoring, and ecological environment monitoring is the key foundation shoring for ecological civilization construction. [Methods] According to the states documents of Suggestions to Quickly Propel Ecological Civilization Construction and Development Scheme of Ecological Environment Monitoring Network, etc. , the guiding ideology, construction principles, and targeted tasks of national ecological environment monitoring network were put forward. Combining with Soil and Water Conservation Plan in China approved by the State Council, the targets of monitoring soil and water conservation were analyzed contrast to the corresponding requirements of state爷s ecological environment monitoring. Based on the joint mechanism of monitoring and management, decision-making, supervision, and target assessment, the ideas on the monitoring and public services of soil and water conservation were proposed under the macro-demands of constructing the national ecological environment monitoring network. [ Results ] Soil and water conservation monitoring should be in top-level design, and new targets could be determined. They include: to speed up the construction of monitoring network in a whole system of sky and ground, up and down coordinating, and information sharing, to implement the operation mechanism of monitoring and monitoring points in a way of public welfare institution, and to clarify the responsibilities and authorities of monitoring agencies at all levels. Further, a regular investigation and dynamic monitoring system should be established, the implementation of monitoring and supervision, monitoring and assessment should be linked. Moreover, by improving the technical standards, integrating the monitoring measures, expanding the application of high and new technical equipment, and escalating the level of automation, the information could be linked and shared. [Conclusions] Such system will accurately provide the evidences and supports on-time for the ecological civilization, inspection of targets with responsibilities, and accountability of responsibilities, i. e. , serves better for society and public.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 131-136 [Abstract] ( 392 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 730KB] ( 742 )
137 Qiao Dianxin,Wang Ying,Qu Chuang,Cai Xin,Ling Feng
Rustic opinion of soil and water conservation monitoring in the new period

Monitoring is the basis and an important work of soil and water conservation. The new requirements and tasks are being demanded for soil and water conservation because of ecological civilization construction and social harmonious development. It is heavily responsible and extremely urgent that we accomplish soil and water conservation monitoring work in keeping with social development so as to strengthen foundation and provide support for soil and water conservation and ecological civilization construction. After analyzing and considering, the article put forward policy proposals and guarantee strategies about how to carry out soil and water conservation monitoring work keeping with the time in which we reinforce provision and lay particular emphasis on reformation to provide high-level monitoring results and services.

2016 Vol. 14 (6): 137-140 [Abstract] ( 231 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 664KB] ( 637 )
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Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
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