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2016 Vol.14 No.5  Published 2016-10-31
Foundamental Studies
1 Zhu Huixin, Deng Yusong, Xia Zhengang, Zhao Yuan, Ding Shuwen
Liquid and plastic limits and influencing factors for the profiles of collapse slope in Southeast of Hubei Province

[Background] Slope collapse, a serious soil erosion phenomenon in granite areas of South China, occurs mainly on mound or hill slopes under the interaction of water and gravity, causing severe destruction and threats in a wide range, including Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi, mainly south to the Yangtze River, and hence a grave impact on the economy in these hilly regions. The study of liquid and plastic limits not only has beneficial for the corrosion mechanism of slope collapse, but also provides theoretic basis for the prevention and control of soil and water loss.[Methods] In order to explore the objective law and influencing factors of liquid and plastic limits in different soil layers, a joint investigation of field survey and indoor analysis was used to study the relationships between liquid-plastic limits and some physical and chemical properties ( such as bulk density, soil particle composition, organic matter and free iron oxides) of soil. In this study, we selected the typical granite slope collapse from the town of Wuli in Tongcheng County as the objects, taking profile samples (eluvial horizon, illuvial horizon, cambic horizon, and parent material layer), and measuring their liquid and plastic limits with liquid-plastic combine tester. The physical and chemical properties were measured using reference method. The relationship followed from correlation calculations by using SPSS. Moreover, the characteristics and influencing factors of liquid limits and plastic limits, as well as their relationships were analysed and discussed. [Results] The liquid limits of eluvial and illuvial horizons were both higher than 50%, while the plastic limits were about 30%. All of them are significantly higher than those of the parent material layer. We also discovered that the higher the soil clay content, organic matter content, bulk density and free iron oxides in the profile of slope collapse were, the higher the liquid limits and plastic limits were. This indicated significant positive correlation between these parameters. We noticed that the influence from soil clay content and from free iron oxides were specially remarkable (R2 =0.860**,R2 =0.908**). [Conculsions] There are the objective laws in different soil layers between the liquid and plastic limits of collapse slope. Eluvial horizon's and illuvial different soil layers between the liquid and plastic limits of collapse slope. Eluvial horizon's and illuvial horizon's liquid and plastic limits of granite collapse slope are higher. As the consequence, the original soil state is quite easy to change and thus which causes loss of soil and water, when rains wash. Furthermore, liquid and plastic limits are closely correlated with soil clay content, organic matter content, bulk density and free iron oxides. One may predict and improve the liquid and plastic limits with aids of physical and chemical properties of soil. These results provide evidences for studying the erosion mechanism and the methods of prevention of slope collapse.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 501 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2147KB] ( 834 )
8 Zhong Lina, Wang Jun, Zhao Wenwu
Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of rainfall erosivity in loess hilly region of Northern Shaanxi based on the modified simplified models

[Background] Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is an empirical model widely used in the domain of soil erosion by water. And the rainfall erosivity (R factor) is a basic factor in USLE and the revised universal soil loss equation ( RUSLE). The soil erosion and rainfall factors are closely related. The accuracy of the calculated results of rainfall erosivity will directly affect the quantitative study of soil erosion. The calculated results by the classical models are accurate, however, the calculation process is cumbersome, and the data used in the calculation is large and difficult to be obtained. Calculation of rainfall erosivity using simplified models is convenient, but the result is not accurate enough. [Methods] The differences of rainfall erosivity calculated by 8 different models were analyzed, then the simplified models generating the closest values with classical models were modified, and then the simplified models after modification were used to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of rainfall erosivity. The main methods used in this process were mathematical statistics and model difference analysis. [Results] 1) Compared to the simplified models, classical models were more accurate to estimate the rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly and gully region, the main reasons resulting in this were as, the impact degree of rainfall intensity factor was much higher than the rainfall factor on soil erosion in the loess hilly and gully region, while rainfall intensity was not considered as an impact factor in the simplified models, and the calculation in the simplified models was carried out by daily rainfall and monthly rainfall data. 2) The fitting model y = 0.849x - 29.651 improved the simulation precision of the simplified model of rainfall erosivity by Zhang Wenbo (Goodness of fit was 0.734). The rainfall erosivity of the loess hilly and gully region of Northern Shaanxi Province during 2006 2012 showed a rising trend. The rainfall erosivity of the upstream of Fenchuan River Basin and Qingjian River Basin was relatively high and the rainfall erosivity of the downstream was in second; the rainfall erosivity of the downstream of Yanhe Basin and Dali River Basin was relatively high, and the rainfall erosivity of the upstream was in second. [Conclusions] The simplified rainfall erosivity models after modification may be used to better estimate the rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly and gully region,and by which the manpower, time and cost would be saved; moreover, the favorable simulation accuracy can be obtained, thus they can be used in large scale and provide a scientific basis for the soil and water conservation work in the loess hilly and gully region and even the country-scale investigation of soil erosion. The rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly gully region is calculated better by simplified model after modification, as result, the temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly and gully region are high and uneven as a whole from 2006 to 2012.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 8-14 [Abstract] ( 367 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1240KB] ( 807 )
15 Li Mengmeng, Zhao Yuanyuan, Gao Guanglei, Ding Guodong, Yu Na
Effects of DEM resolution on the accuracy of topographic factor derived from DEM

[Background] Topographic factor (LS factor) including slope length (L factor in variable λ) and slope gradient (S factor in variable θ) is one essential parameter of Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). LS factor is greatly influenced by Digital Elevation Model (DEM) resolution. However, most researchers adopted only one specific DEM resolution, and the influences caused by DEM resolution were commonly ignored. The objective of this paper was to explore the impacts of DEM resolution on LS and provide certain experience for DEM resolution correction in a specific scale. [Methods] The black soil region,loess region, and red soil region were chosen as the study areas. At first, we re-sampled the ASTER GDEM (30 m) to 6 other DEM esolutions,namely,60 m,90 m,120 m, 250 m,500 m and 1 000 m using the platform of ArcGIS Desktop 10.0. Then, the LS factor in these regions was calculated using Arc Macro Language (AML) in the platform of ArcInfo Workstation 9. x. Finally, quantitative relation between LS and DEM under different resolutions was explored for studying the effects of DEM resolution on the accuracy of LS. [Results] LS factor in black soil region was the minimum, and that in the red soil region was the maximum. The S factor was more sensitive to the variation of DEM resolution compared to the L factor. With the DEM resolution decreasing,the overall change trend of L factor was not very significant. Whilec S factor and the standard deviation of LS factor gradually decreased. When the grid size of the DEM increased,all LS factor decreased in all of the three soil regions with different magnitude. With the DEM resolution reduced from 30 m to 1 000 m,LS factor dropped to 1/6 - 1/3 of that in the resolution of 30 m. When the DEM resolution was 30 m, the correlation coefficient between LS factor and slope degree, and that between LS factor and the slope length was 0.78 - 0.86 ( P < 0.05), and 0.34 - 0.46 ( P < 0.05), respectively. With the decreasing of the DEM resolution, correlation coefficient tended to be significantly lower. In terms of its spatial distribution,LS factor value tended to be much larger in the middle part of steep slopes comparing with the peak and foot of the mountain. When the DEM resolution was 1 000 m,LS factor value in more than 60% of the whole study area was at the lowest class. [Conclusions] The impact of DEM resolution on the LS factor is significant and it should not be ignored when using distributed soil loss model. We should take necessary measures to reduce the impact of DEM resolution on the LS factor,and the results of this paper may provide certain references for DEM resolution and correction parameter selection in large and medium scale.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 15-22 [Abstract] ( 589 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3167KB] ( 795 )
23 Wang Aijuan, Fu Suhua, Feng Keyi, Zhu Xiaoli
Rill erosion characteristics of purple soil by flume flushing method

[Background] The rill erosion is the main source of the total erosion amount, and it is the greatest contribution to the slope erosion. Rill flow velocity changes with the slope gradient changing. The sediment load changes not only by the impact of soil properties but also by the hydraulic characteristics and slope characteristics. At present, soil erosion study for purple soil was relatively shortened and the data that could be used is very little. [Methods] A series of flume experiments of restrictive rills were conducted to understand erosion characteristics of rills under the condition of different slope gradients and slope lengths. Quantitative study of the rill erosion is the basis for best understanding the slope erosion mechanism. The soil used was purple soil, a clay soil. The test sediment was air dried and sieved through a 5 mm sieve. Three slope gradients: 5°, 15°, and 23°, as well as three flow discharges: 5 L/min, 15 L/ min, and 25 L/ min were adopted in the experiments. Flow discharge was controlled by a series of valves installed on a flow diversion box and measured directly by a calibrated flow meter. The elevation of the upper flume end was adjusted by a stepping motor, allowing adjustment of the bed gradient up to 45%. The rills were 10 cm wide. Rill length was 0.5 m, 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m, 6 m, 7 m, 8 m, 9 m, and 10 m respectively. [Results] The velocity of clean water in rill was larger than that of muddy water under the same slope gradient and runoff. Both slope gradient and runoff discharge impacted the flow velocity. Under different runoff discharge, the flow velocity of slope 5°had little variation and was stable. The flow velocity of 15°and 23°decreased with the slope length increasing, and the situation tended towards stability. Under a given slope gradient and runoff discharge, the sediment load increased as the slope length increasing, but the rate of increasing was getting smaller and smaller till it approached a stable value. On the slope gradient of 5°, the slope length value while sediment load reached stable became shorter along with the increase of flow discharge, and the values were 7 m, 5 m, and 5 m respectively at the flow discharge of 5 L/ min, 15 L/ min, and 25 L/ min. On the slope gradient of 15°and 23°, the slope length values while sediment load became stable were 7 m and 6 m under the flow discharge of 5 L/ min and 15 L/ min. The sediment load did not become stable when the slope length was 10 m that was the largest length of the experiment under the flow discharge of 25 L/ min. The yield of sediment and slope length presented a relationship of logarithmic function. [Conclusions]The results are conducive to the comprehensive understanding rill erosion of purple soil and provide basic data for physical erosion model's establishment.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 23-28 [Abstract] ( 402 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 728KB] ( 778 )
Applied Studies
29 Zhang Shanshan, Xie Yun, Liu Gang, Yan Jingwen, Zhai Junrui, Zhao Xiangjie, Wang Xiangying
Difference of crop's aboveground and underground growth between moderately and severely eroded black soil

[ Background] Black soil region is one of important grain production bases in China.However, the decrease of crop production has been obvious due to soil erosion by long-term cultivation.Previous researches focused on impacts of erosion on aboveground biomass and yields by using pot, pool or plot experimental methods, and paid little attentions to impacts on root growths. This study is to clarify the response of aboveground biomass, yields, root growths and their relationships to eroded black soils.[Methods] Both moderately and severely eroded black soil fields in Heshan farm of Heilongjiang Province were selected for the study, and the aboveground biomass dry weight (BDW ), leaf area index (LAI), and root growths every 10 days during different growth stages for maize and soybean in 2014 and 2015 were measured, and yields were obtained during the harvest time. A root sampling method of 5 holes for each soil layer with 15 cm depth by using a soil auger was proposed, and the root biomass and length were measured after washing root samples. [Results] The soil erosion significantly reduced the yield of maize and soybean. Compared with moderately eroded soil, severe erosion caused the reduction of yield by 32.7% for maize, and 57.1% for soybean. Soil erosion caused more obvious effects on the aboveground biomass, especially during the reproductive period, comparing with impacts on root growth. Severe erosion caused the decrease of BDW by 20.5% and 51.4% for maize during the middle and later growth respectively, and 21.9% and 55.7% for soybean, relative to moderately eroded soil. The growing rate of BDW also was more sensitive to soil erosion than that of RMD. From view of the impacts of erosion on the relationship between aboveground and underground biomass, the root shoot ratio increased with more severe erosion. The root shoot ratios of maize increased by 42.4%, 25.8%, 57.1% during the early,middle and later growth stages relative to the moderate soil erosion condition, and creased by 62%,54.2%, 85% during the early, middle and later growth stages for soybean. The percentage of root biomass to total root depth for two crops declined exponentially with soil depth. The percentage of root dry weights within the 0 ~15 cm deep soil layer to total root depths were more than 90% and 85% for maize and soybean respectively. Of two eroded soils, the percentage of root biomass of the surface layer to the total root depth was higher in moderately eroded soil than that in severely eroded soil. [Conclusions] This study indicated that crops adapted to harsh soil environment by developing their roots for absorbing more nutrients and moisture. This study also provided a method for sampling root, and explained the impact mechanism of eroded black soil on crop yields from the view of root growth and its relations to aboveground biomass. The results provide a reference for crop study in this region and lay a foundation for crop model research to modify the crop growth in the nature.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 29-36 [Abstract] ( 470 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 854KB] ( 704 )
37 Zhao Qinghe, Lu Xunling, Tang Qian, Zhang Yifan, Liu Pu
Fractal dimension characteristic of soil particle size in the riparian buffer zone of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River

[ Background ] Riparian soil and vegetation along rivers are important for biodiversity maintenance and biogeochemistry circulation of river ecosystems, and are the basis of many ecosystem services. Influenced by human activities and natural factors, soil structure and vegetation in the riparian buffer zone of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River are subjected to degradation to a certain extent. [Methods] Selecting the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng section of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River as the studied area, as well as using methods of field investigation, experimental analysis,and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), the present study was conducted to investigate the fractal dimension characteristics of riparian plantation soil particle size at the surface layer of 0 - 20 cm under different vegetation types and buffer distances. [Results] The results indicated that the soil particle size distribution (PSD) was heterogeneous with higher contents of silt and clay (more than 75.5%) and less content of sand. However, soil texture was uniform in spatial, since no significant difference was observed between Salix matsudana plantation and Populus tomentasa plantation as well as among the four riparian buffer zones ( < 1.5 km, sample number (n) = 13; 1.5 -3 km, n = 11; 3 -4.5 km, n = 11; > 4.5 km, n = 12). The fractal dimension ( D) value was approximately equal to 2.75, suggesting a fine soil structure with favorable performance in the retention of water and fertility in the studied area. Result from Pearson correlation analysis indicated that D value and clay content were significantly and positively correlated with soil total carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN) at the 0.01 level, on the contrary, sand content was significantly and negatively correlated with TC, TOC, and TN at the 0.01 level, while silt content was only significantly and positively correlated with TN at the 0.05 level. Result from CCA indicated that the community characteristics such as the herb height, tree diameter of breast height, tree height, and tree cover were related positively and closely with D value, silt content, and clay content, while were negatively correlated with sand content, suggesting that the larger tree coverage and biomass can lead to the better soil structure. Moreover, inconsistent with other research results, the soil particle size distribution and fractal dimension characteristics were less affected by elevation because of the small gradient variation in the studied area. [Conclusions] The riparian buffer zone of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, which is affected by both human activities and natural factors, is subjected to serious issues of soils such as loose structure, decreased organic matter content, and significant desertification, thus results from this study can provide basis for ecological restoration, bank erosion control, and land management of the degraded riparian zone.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 37-46 [Abstract] ( 293 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 870KB] ( 902 )
47 Jia Ruonan, Du Xin, Li Qiangzi, Wang Hongyan
Spatiotemporal characteristics of vegetation variation in Xilin Gol League in recent 15 years and its response to climate

[Background] Under the background of global change, vegetation dynamics and research on its relationship with climate is one of the focuses of the current international scientific problems. The study on the trend of vegetation coverage and response to climate is of great significance for global research, furthermore, it also benefits to global ecological processes and global ecological environment. [Methods] The annual and seasonal change trends of vegetation coverage were examined by employing MODIS-NDVI datasets in Xilin Gol League from 2001 to 2010, and then using Sen + Mann-Kendall model to analyze the significant level of the vegetation change further. In the end, based on the region of the meteorological data, mainly including the local temperature and precipitation, and using correlation analysis, the patterns of spatiotemporal variation of vegetation and its response to climate in Xilin Gol League during the period 2001—2015 was investigated. [Results] 1) The average vegetation NDVI showed a trend of greater volatility during 2001 to 2015 in the studied area, the change trend of process presented two waves, and the two higher values appeared in 2003 and 2012, of which 2008 vegetation NDVI appeared a temporary rise. Meanwhile, this highly correlated with the precipitation peak, it suggested that the increase of precipitation was a main reason of Xilin Gol League area vegetation to be improved. 2) The NDVI generally presented the distribution characteristics of “high in west and low in east冶, and this kind of distribution characteristics were consistent with the distribution of grassland type, from west to east in the order of desert grassland > typical steppe > meadow steppe. In terms of temporal characteristics, the overall trend was in rise, in detail, the trend was first rising after falling. The spatial distribution showed that NDVI increased significantly in southern and declined significantly in western. Significant increase in size for the grassland types was in the order of meadow steppe > typical steppe > desert grassland. 3) The peaks of NDVI were corresponding to the peaks of precipitation, but because of space differences in geographical location and climate conditions, the correlation between vegetation change and climate were different in each season and vegetation type, the vegetation variations were mostly influenced by precipitation in spring and summer, while it was controlled by temperature in autumn. [ Conclusions] The improvement of vegetation conditions in the studied area was closely associated with precipitation, although ecological measures like returning farming to forest benefited to the growing of vegetation, plenty of rainfall may guarantee the increase of vegetation coverage. Thus, only comprehending regional climate condition may play maximum function in ecological engineering.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 47-56 [Abstract] ( 315 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 7336KB] ( 588 )
57 Gong Junfu, Li Zhanbin, Ren Zongping
Responses of runoff process to climate change and human activities in Yanhe River basin

[ Background ] It is especially significant to study the hydrological and meteorological elements of river basin against the backdrop of global warming. The river runoff is a result of combined influence from both meteorological factors and the condition of underlying surface. Climate change is one of the major driving factors in the variation of runoff and also exerts direct impact on the water resources system. Despite of that, the underlying surface transformation by human being activities also change the runoff of river basin. [Methods] In order to reveal the influence of eteorological factors and the disturbance of human activity on the runoff change in Yanhe River basin, this article analyzed the runoff and meteorological elements of Yanhe River basin from 1955 to 2012 by means of Mann Kendall test and R/ S methods. The year of abrupt runoff change was identified by Pettitt's test, and the hydrological sensitivity analysis was adopted to quantitatively differentiate the contributions between meteorological elements and human activities to runoff change of Yanhe River basin. [Results] The precipitation and runoff happened much more from June to September, during this period, the precipitation and runoff were 71% and 63% of the total annual amount. The runoff presented an increasing tendency in Jan. , Feb. ,May, Dec. , especially in Jan. respectively; and the runoff in other months descended, especially in March, July, Aug. respectively. The runoff showed a descending tendency in spring flood period from March to April and flood period from June to October. Conversely, the runoff in drought period increased. It showed that the annual runoff distribution tended to be more even, and the runoff process became mild. During the 58 years between 1955 to 2012, the precipitation of Yanhe River basin reduced 89.4 mm, with a temperature rising of 2.15 ℃and a 17.3 mm decrease of runoff depth, both climate and runoff depth registered evident variation,  monstrating a warming-drying trend of the basin. As the Hurst index indicated, this trend will remain in a period of time in the future. According to the Pettitt change-point test, the abrupt change of runoff occurred in 1996. The average annual runoff depth dropped 11.7 mm during 1996- 2012 compared with that of 1955, among which the contribution rate of human activities was 56% while climate change contributed 44%. [Conclusions] This article illustrates that the climate of the Yanhe River basin had the tendency of warming and drying, and human activities accounted for a large proportion in the runoff reduction. The results of the study in this area have favorable guiding significance to the reasonable use of water resources and the management.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 57-65 [Abstract] ( 273 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 918KB] ( 703 )
66 Shi Xiaodong,Gao Runmei, Chen Longtao
Effects of simulated climate change on seed germination and seedling growth of two coniferous tree species

[Background] Early development stages of trees are expected to be more sensitive to climate change, and represent a major bottleneck to plant community recruitment. In North China, drought index had increased dramatically since 1990s, understanding on seedling's response to anticipated decrease in water availability is urgently needed. Larix principis-rupprechtii and Pinus tabulaeformis are two dominant coniferous tree species in North China, and play significant ecological roles in water conservation.[Methods] We collected seeds of these two species from Guandi Mountain, Shanxi Province, and conducted a controlled greenhouse experiment to investigate how climate changes ( warming and precipitation change) would affect their seedling emergence and growth. Three levels were set for both temperature and water supply. Temperature levels were monthly mean temperature (T 0) over the past 15 years (1999- 2013), increased by 2 ℃(T1) and by 6 ℃(T2). Water supply levels were monthly mean precipitation (W) over past the 15 years (1999- 2013), reduction by 20% (W - ) and addition by 20% (W + ). A two-way ANOVA was used to compare seedling growth ( including seedling emergence percentage, needle length, height, length of main root, number of lateral root, and length of lateral root) between the two treatments to the species. If the interaction was tested to be significant (P <0.05), one- way ANOVA was used to test the effects of water treatments on seedling indexes, and multiple comparison was used otherwise. The least significant difference method (LSD) was used to test the significant differences of all data at level of 0.05. [Results] Seed germination of the two species was affected by temperature and precipitation changes. Seedling's stable germination time reduced and seedling emergence percentage improved by increased temperature of 2 ℃ and water addition. However, in the condition of increased temperature of 6 ℃ or water reduction, stable germination time of seedling delayed and seedling emergence percentage decreased. Seedlings of the two species presented different responses to the climate change. L. principis-rupprechtii was affected more greatly by warming and drying climate than P. tabulaeformis. Seedling morality of L. principis-rupprechtii increased sharply and seedling height decreased by higher temperature and water reduction. The changes from increased temperature or precipitation showed no significant effects on seedling survival and aboveground-growth of P.tabulaeformis. Underground growth of both L. principis-rupprechtii and P. tabulaeformis increased by longer primary and lateral roots. [Conclusions] Soil drought was induced by dramatically increased temperature and reduced precipitation, which resulted in adaptive strategy of the two species by reducing aboveground growth and giving priority to root growth. Seedlings showed an interspecific variation of response to water deficit. L. principis-rupprechtii was more sensitive to climate change than P.tabulaeformis. The regeneration of L. principis-rupprechtii was inhibited by warming and drying climate. The seedling growth was negatively affected by highly increased temperature in growing period, and it could not be improved by water addition.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 66-73 [Abstract] ( 500 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 860KB] ( 599 )
74 Song Xiaoyuan, Zhu Zhongyuan, Zhang Shengwei, Jiao Wei, Hao Xiangyun
Path analysis about the impacts of atmosphere factors on snow-melt runoff of Xilin River

[Background] Surface runoff of cold and arid regions is particularly sensitive to climate change, climate factors such as precipitation, potential evaporation, temperature of the slight change, can cause the change of surface runoff system. At present, the impacts of climate change on runoff,mainly were focused on single statistical analysis on the impact of meteorological factors on runoff, and ignoring the mutual influences among the impact factors. In fact, the complicated relationship between meteorological factors is multivariate. [Methods] Taking Xilin River basin as research target, the relationship between runoff and varied factors of precipitation, average temperature, highest temperature,lowest temperature, sunshine duration, potential evaporation and effective accumulated temperature were studied on yearly time-scale and seasonally time-scale by the method of correlation, partial correlation and path analysis, and their direct and indirect impacts on the runoff were determined by path analysis. The data were obtained from 4 national weather stations in 1960—2010, one weather station is Xilinhot station in the area, and other three are Abaga, Linxi and Keshiketeng stations near the area. The runoff data were from Xilinhot hydrometric station measured in 1960—2010. [Results] There were two obvious flood seasons of runoff process in Xilin River, they were April spring flood and the summer flood in July. The correlations between runoff and factors of sunshine duration, annual average temperature, minimum temperature and maximum temperature in yearly time-scale were insignificant. Both the direct effects and the indirect effects through other factors on the runoff were also little, thus they were not the main meteorological driving factors affecting the runoff. The correlation between runoff and precipitation, potential evaporation, effective accumulated temperature was highly significant, and the direct effects of them on runoff was high, therefore they were the main factors affecting on the runoff in yearly time-scale.On the seasonally time-scale, the top 3 factors impacting runoff were also potential evaporation, rainfall and effective accumulated temperature. Different weather factors contributed differently to the runoff of Xilin River in different seasons; the main control factor was effective accumulated temperature in spring,while in summer and autumn the main atmosphere control factor was precipitation. Due to the influence of seasonal frozen soil, the correlation coefficient and direct path coefficient between runoff and accumulated temperature was significantly higher than the those between runoff and temperature, especially in the spring, the direct path coefficient between runoff and accumulated temperature even was higher than that between runoff and precipitation. [Conclusions] The direct correlation between runoff and atmospheric variables can be determined by path analysis in the study of relative importance of each climatic factor, thereby determining the impacts of those factors on runoff change and providing a reliable basis for decision-making.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 74-81 [Abstract] ( 400 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 777KB] ( 695 )
82 Wang Jinping, Wang Shutian, Yue Jianmin, Zhang Jinchi, Zhang Liang, You Yanhuang, Zhao Wenrui
Physiological response of Cinnamomum camphora seedlings to NaCl stress

[Background] Cinnamomum camphora is a precious economic tree species, it has important application value in the southern coastal areas of soil and water conservation. There are varied degrees of salinity in the southern coastal regions, the research on C. camphora 's salt tolerance had been little reported, nor systematically. The purpose of this work is to study the salt tolerance of C. camphora, and to provide the reference for the cultivation in saline alkali soil in southern coastal regions. [Methods]We chose C. camphora seedlings as test materials and used potted method, the seedlings were treated with NaCl treatment at 2‰, 4‰, 6‰and 8‰, and fresh water as the control (CK). With different NaCl salt treatment, the C. camphora growth indexes, moisture physiological indexes, photosynthetic pigment content, antioxidant enzymes activity, osmotic regulation substances and membrane stability of leaves were measured; the photosynthesis parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were measured by CIRAS-2 and CFI, respectively. [Results] 1) With the increasing of salt concentration, C. camphora seedling height and relative growth rate of base diameter decreased, and more than 4‰ of the salt treatment had significant inhibitory effect on the growth(P < 0.05). 2) With the increasing of salt treatment concentration, the water saturation deficit (WSD) and malondiadehyde (MDA) content of seedling leaf rose gradually, while the membrane stability index (MSI) and photosynthetic capacity decreased gradually. 3) The leaf relative water content (RWC), the photosynthetic pigment content, Fv/ Fm, NPQ, antioxidant enzyme activity, proline (Pro) content, and soluble protein (SP) content of seedling leaves at the salt concentration of 2‰ were higher than CK, while the MSI, Yield, and ETR reduced in a little magnitude. 4 ) The photosynthetic pigment content, net photosynthetic rate, photochemical efficiency, WUE, and MSI reduced significantly when the salt concentration was 4‰ (P< 0.05), while MDA content, and Pro content increased significantly ( P < 0.05), moisture conditions became worse; at the same time, the antioxidant enzyme activity, soluble sugar (SS) content,and SP content decreased. [Conclusions] The salt tolerance of camphor seedlings is 2‰ to 4‰, and when the salt concentration over 4‰, the growth of seedlings could be inhibited significantly. C.camphora seedlings could endure low salt stress (2‰) via increasing RWC, photosynthetic pigment content, the dissipation of NPQ, the activity of antioxidant enzymes, the content of Pro and SP, and shutting down part of the stomas. But when the salt concentration reached 4‰, with the increase of salt concentration, the antioxidant enzyme activity of seedling leaves gradually declined, the damage of enzyme system was more and more serious; the regulating effect of SS and SP became smaller; Pro was producing massively, and the regulating effect of osmotic regulation increased gradually, but far enough to resist the salt stress. Thus, the water in leaves lost severely, membrane lipid peroxided, membrane stability deteriorated, photosynthetic agencies seriously damaged, which resulted in their lives in danger.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 82-89 [Abstract] ( 410 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 917KB] ( 634 )
90 Zhang Chao, Wang Zhiguo, Ling Feng, Ji Qiang, Meng Fanbin
Function evaluation of soil and water conservation and its application in soil and water conservation regionalization

[Background] Soil erosion is most serious in China, soil and water conservation plays an important role in the protection and using of land and water resources. Preventing soil erosion,maintaining healthy ecosystem are key parts of the construction of ecological civilization and ecological security of land. With the growing importance of the construction of ecological civilization, and the implementation of national and local major function-oriented zoning planning, preserving and enhancing functions of soil and water conservation has become one of the working direction of soil and water conservation in the new era, the study on function of soil and water conservation is also more and more. Combined with the national planning of soil and water conservation, function of soil and water conservation has profound significance. [Methods] From the concept, principles for determining types of soil and water conservation functions, evaluation index system and methods of soil and water conservation functions were set forth. The principles of determination include direct relevance, comprehensiveness and single function. Ten basic functions of soil and water conservation were determined as water resource conservation, soil conservation, water storage and conservation, sand fixation, ecological maintenance, disaster prevention and reduction, farmland protection, water quality maintenance, sand barring and reduction, living environment maintenance, and the qualitative and quantitative indicators of each function were assessed and graded. As an example with the eastern hilly region of Taihang mountain, process and the results of the water and soil conservation function evaluation were illustrated. [Results]Through case studies and statistical analysis, evaluation methods and the important role of the water and soil conservation function is clear, and distribution of functions and main direction of soil and water conservation work are proposed for eight first-grade regions. According to the area distribution of basic functions of soil and water conservation in third-grade regions, soil conservation and ecological maintenance as the basic function of third-grade regions have the largest area, the results show that the main work of soil and water conservation in China is still based on land resources protection and ecosystem maintenance. Respectively, from eight first-grade regions to see, the main functions of black soil region in Northwest China are soil conservation, ecological maintenance and water resource conservation, the main functions of north sandy region are farmland protection, sand fixation, ecological maintenance, the main functions of soil-rock mountain region in North China are soil conservation, water resource conservation, farmland protection, the main functions of the Loess Plateau region in Northwest China are soil conservation, water storage and conservation, sand barring and reduction, the main functions of south red soil region are soil conservation, living environment maintenance, water resource conservation, the main functions of purple soil region in Southwest China are soil conservation, ecological maintenance, water resource conservation, the main functions of karst region in Southwest China are soil conservation, water storage and conservation, ecological maintenance, the main functions of Tibetan Plateau region are ecological maintenance, water resource conservation. [Conclusions] Proposing water and soil conservation function, especially basic function is one of the innovations of the soil and water conservation planning, which inevitably has some guidance to national and regional soil and water conservation.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 90-99 [Abstract] ( 388 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5496KB] ( 735 )
100 Gu Jianhong, Wang Yujie, Wang Yunqi, Zhang Huilan, Ma Chao
Effects of land use change on ecological service values: A case study in Longlin County and Xilin County, Guangxi

[Background] Evaluation of Ecological Services Value (ESV) is fundamentally important for measuring the sustainable level of social and economic development. Land use change affects ecosystem service value, through the interaction between ecological processes and services. In order to quantify the effects of land use change on the ESV in rocky desertification region,two counties (Longlin and Xilin) with rocky desertification in Guangxi were taken as research area. [Methods] Land use change of the research area during 2004 2010 was analyzed, based on remote sensing data validated with field investigation. The Costanza's calculation method was employed to quantitatively evaluate 9 types of ecological service values (i. e. , gas regulation, climate regulation, water conservation, soil formation and protection, waste treatment, biodiversity conservation, food production, raw materials, and aesthetic landscape). On the basis of the Xie Gaodi's equivalent weight factor of ESV, as well as combining with the local economic value of grain yield and costs of farmland, the coefficients of ESV of different land use type (per unit area) in the research area were estimated. [Results] Results showed that the areas of forest land, grassland, and construction land increased in both Longlin and Xilin, while arable land, water area, and unused land declined during 2004 2010. The coefficients of ESV in Xilin were higher than those of Longlin. The total ESV of Longlin and Xilin increased by 6.14 *108 and 3.27 *108 Yuan,respectively. The ESV of waste treatment and food production reduced, while the other 7 ESVs increased. The ESV of forest land was the dominant component. In order to verify the reliability of coefficients of ESV, the coefficients of ESV adjusted up or down 50%, respectively, the sensitivity coefficients of each land use type was less than 1. Sensitivity analyses indicated that ESVs were relatively stable in the research area and the results were credible. Analyses of eco-economic harmony degree indicated that eco-economic system was moderate in Longlin, and in the potential crisis in Xilin,respectively. [Conclusions] This study revealed that the total ESV increased was mainly due to the improvement of forest cover. The ESV of forest land was the major ecosystem service value. Ecological value is much greater than productive value of the ecosystem. The ecological environment has been improved in Longlin, but the ecological and economic development was in a low level in Xilin.Therefore, the ecological environment should be maintained in Longlin, and strengthened in Xilin. The ESV can be used as a comprehensive indicator to weigh the sustainable development of ecological environment in the rocky desertification region,which may provide reference for formulating the policies on ecological environment.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 100-109 [Abstract] ( 355 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 908KB] ( 644 )
110 Zhang Hong, Liu Shiliang, Zhu Jinfeng, Liu Fang, Jiang Guiying, Hua Dangling, Wang Daichang
Effects of organic material with the same ratio of carbon to nitrogen on the growth and carbon nitrogen metabolism of flue-cured tobacco

[Background] The metabolism of carbon and nitrogen is critical to tobacco. Organic material is the main source of the nutrient, which directly affects the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycle of tobacco. In this study, we try to find the optimal type of organic material for the C and N cycle of the tobacco and the relevant soil in middle of Henan Province. [Methods] The pot experiment was carried out in the farm of Henan Agricultural University in 2015. Four treatments were set as: 1) no organic material application (TCK ), 2) add maize straw (TS ), 3) add pig manure (TM ), 4) add biochar (TB). Except TCK treatment, the C/ N ratio in TS, TM, and TB treatment were regulated as 25/1. The tobacco leaves and the soil were sampled on the 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after the tobacco transplanted. The major chemical and biological indices such as the content of organic carbon, varied forms of N, phosphors (P), kalium (K), the relative enzyme activities of carbon and nitrogen cycle were measured. [Results] Added biochar and pig manure significantly improved the agronomic traits of tobacco, while, the opposite effect on tobacco was appeared under maize straw treatment. The activities of key enzymes related to C and N metabolism in the tobacco leaves were significantly promoted under biochar treatment. The highest activities of nitrate reductase, amylase, and invertase were 33.3 µg/ (g·h), 14.42 mg/ (g·min), and 5.08 mg/ (g·h), respectively. Compared to the control (without organic material added), the contents of N, P, and K in tobacco leaf were significantly elevated under the treatment with organic material application. Meanwhile, under the treatments with organic material, the soil urease activity was significantly improved under pig manure treatment, and the maximum value was 1.78 mg/ kg; while the soil sucrase activity changed little among the treatment. The contents of soil organic carbon and soil nitrogen were remarkably increased. Especially, the content of total nitrogen and available nitrogen in pig manure treatment were significantly higher than that in other treatments. The organic material promoted the soil nitrification process, and resulted in higher content of nitrate nitrogen. [Conclusions] Based on the C/ N as 25/1, the organic material can enhance the activities of the enzyme which are related to carbon and nitrogen cycle, adjust the chemical components in the tobacco leaves and improve the content of the nutrition in soil. Biochar application can improve the C and N metabolism and then lead to more harmonious chemical components in the tobacco leaves, and promote the quality of tobacco; while the pig manure provided more available nutrition contents in the soil.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 110-118 [Abstract] ( 409 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 969KB] ( 689 )
Development Studies
119 Bi Huaxing, Zhang Jianjun
Minimal threshold value of soil erosion modulus for soil erosion monitoring by chain pin method

[ Background] Chain pin method possesses the advantages of simple setting, flexible,convenient in material selection and low cost, thus has been widely used in soil erosion monitoring,especially in production and construction project soil erosion monitoring. However, there are a lot of disadvantages in the practical application of it, such as the monitoring accuracy is not high, the results are affected by anthropogenic disturbances frequently, and it is vulnerable to destruction. Moreover, there are limitations of using it in soil erosion monitoring. In order to investigate the scope of applying chain pin approach in soil erosion monitoring, especially for production and construction projects, and to obtain the applicable conditions for soil erosion monitoring using chain pin method, authors focus on theoretically calculating the minimal threshold of soil erosion modulus according to the measurement accuracy and principle of the chain pins, which has practical significance in increasing measurement precision of soil erosion monitoring. [Methods] The study was conducted on a slope with 9 rods evenly distributed. First of all, according to the actual situation, we determined the measured minimal height of chain pins that the naked eye can observe, and we calculated the sample average minimal soil erosion thickness and erosion volume; then on the basis of the corresponding to different soil texture and soil bulk density, we calculated soil erosion per square km in the monitoring period, and converted it to annual soil erosion modulus. [Results] Among 9 measuring chain pins, we supposed that any single pin was measured with the height change of 1 mm, other 8 pins were 0 with naked eye for a certain period of monitoring time (such as monthly, quarterly, and annually), thus, the average soil erosion thickness of the whole monitoring plot was 1/9 = 0.11 mm, based on this thickness, we calculated the minimal erosion volume as 110 cubic meters per square kilometer. Then we obtained the soil erosion weight according to the volume of soil and soil bulk density. From the calculation results, the minimal threshold value of soil erosion modulus was 1 452, 484 and 121 t/ ( km2·a) for month, season and year,respectively. [Conclusions] It can be seen that the chain pin method can only be applied in the given region or period, where or when soil erosion modulus is above the calculated minimal threshold in this paper, or in the area with low soil erosion modulus. If chain pin method is applied in areas where does not meet the conditions mentioned above, there will be some limitations or even the monitoring data can't be acquired. It is suggested that other methods, such as sediment basin, should be adopted to ensure the accuracy of soil erosion monitoring results in areas or periods of lower soil erosion intensity than this min-threshold.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 119-122 [Abstract] ( 358 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 680KB] ( 728 )
123 An Chunchun, Wang Fei, Jiao Qiao, Zhang Yuguo
Soil moisture and irrigation analysis in the typical drought years of the North China Plain using remote sensing data

[Background] Soil moisture is one of the most important components of soil, it plays a critical role in the process of soil formation. Moreover, soil moisture is the main source of crop water, and is one of the most crucial parameters for the agriculture, meteorology and hydrology studies. As the important agricultural region in China, in addition to the precipitation recharge, soil moisture in the North China Plain (NCP) is also largely affected by irrigation. How to monitor and analyze surface soil moisture, drought and irrigation of a wide range using remote sensing data, has a especially important value. Studies on soil moisture and irrigation information can provide better understanding about the drought. [Methods] On the basis of 10-day's precipitation data, active microwave remote sensing inversion data -soil moisture index (SWI) data, combined with geo-statistical analysis methods, the spatial and temporal variation of surface soil moisture under precipitation drought in the NCP was analyzed and irrigation information in the main growing season of winter wheat was extracted by the method of spatial overlay analysis. [Results] 1) There were some differences in the amount and distribution of precipitation between 1999 and 1993 2002. Precipitation in June, July and August of 1999 was 50 mm lower than the average of 10 years (1993 2002), precipitation in September and October of 1999 was a little higher than the average of 10 years (1993 2002); precipitation in 1999 was more evenly distributed than annual average of 1993 2002. Precipitation in the NCP in 1999 was 140 mm less than the average of 10 years (1993 2002). 2) The change of soil moisture was consistent with the change of precipitation, which had regular fluctuation. The SWI in 1999 was lower than the average of 10 years (1993 2002), especially from March to September, which was consistent with variation of precipitation; the SWI decreased remarkably in spring and summer, which caused the soil drought to some extent. The differences of SWI between 1999 and 1993 2002 were different in different regions; the differences of soil moisture content in different stages was significant in the same area. 3) Most areas in the NCP in 1999 were irrigated in different degrees in the main growing season of winter wheat; the irrigation times in the middle part was the least, and there existed two or three rounds of irrigation in the northern and southern parts, which accounted approximately 65% of the total study area. The irrigation cells were 79.69% same with extracted result using land use data in 2000. [Conclusions] The decrease of precipitation in 1999 had an effect on variation of SWI. The soil moisture in 1999 decreased, which was consistent with the change of precipitation, indicating the arid characteristic of soil. There existed different degrees of irrigation in the NCP in 1999. The study results and methods may provide references for the agricultural drought monitoring based on remote sensing.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 123-129 [Abstract] ( 556 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 6088KB] ( 769 )
130 Chen Liyan, Lei Tingwu, Chuo Ruiyuan
Studies on peak velocity of shallow water flow on slopes

[Background] Rainfall runoff is the major dynamic source for hill-slope erosion, runoff velocity is one of the important parameters in soil erosion model. The accurate measurement of shallow water flow velocity is critical in hydrological process. Lei et al. proposed an electrolyte pulse method for measuring the velocity by fitting the solute transport process with time using the least square method and improved the system with a Normal Model and a Sine Model. This laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the relationship between electrolyte peak velocity and water flow peak velocity during the electrolyte transport process and verify the new 程computational method. [Methods] The experimental devices include a flume, 4 m long and 15 cm wide, a solute injector, a data logger for control and data acquisition and a computer with specially designed software for data measurement and storage. The experiments involved three flow rates (12, 24 and 48 L/ min) and three slope gradients (4°, 8°and12°). Five sensors were used to measure the electrolyte transport processes at 0.3 m, 0.6 m, 0.9 m,1.2 m, and 1.5 m from the location where the salt solute was injected into the water flow. During each experiment, five complete curves of electrolyte changes with time were recorded, which can be used to calculate electrolyte peak velocity with the distance from the injection to the measuring sensor and the time used for the peak of the electrolyte to travel through the distance. The leading edge velocities were measured by floating objects method and mean velocities by volumetric method. [ Results ] The electrolyte peak velocity was between 0.15 to 0.54 m/ s, increased with distance and tended to stable, and the flow rates caused greater effect on electrolyte peak velocity than slope gradient under different conditions. The steady electrolyte peak velocity, regarded as the water flow peak velocity, were computed through fitting the electrolyte peak velocity at different distances from the salt solution injector with exponential function, ranging from 0.241 to 0.568 m/ s. The exponential function fitted the electrolyte peak velocities very well for all the experimental conditions. The flow rate had greater effect on flow peak velocity growth rate than that of slope gradient. The water flow peak velocity were 1.007 times of mean velocity, 0.774 times of leading edge velocity, and mean velocity was 0.776 times of leading edge velocity. [ Conclusions] The flow peak velocity agreed well with leading edge velocity and mean velocity. These demonstrated that the new computational method for measuring shallow water flow velocity was reasonable and valid. The results provide a new method for computing the mean velocity of sheet flow and relevant data for the dynamic process of sheet flow, which will be useful for the investigation of soil erosion.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 130-137 [Abstract] ( 447 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 866KB] ( 623 )
138 Zhang Tianyu
Measurement and calibration of ephemeral gully depth in ridge-tillage croplands

[Background] Ephemeral gullies (EG) are small channels eroded by concentrated flow. The traditional method of monitoring EG is the ruler method, by which the widths, depths and lengths of EGs are manually measured. Ridging, whereby elevated rows are created, is a commonly used tillage practice in China. EGs can develop in ridged croplands as furrows serve to concentrate runoff so that EGs develop perpendicular to rows as water spills over one ridge to the next furrow. In this case, the fluctuating relief induced by ridging causes difficulty in measurement of EG depth. Whether measurements are taken at ridge tops or in furrows, the measured depth cannot be used directly to calculate EG volume and must be calibrated to the EG depth that would have formed on a none-ridge (flat) land surface. Reports on the procedure and validity of calibration are limited. This study aims to establish an equation by which one can calibrate the depth measured from a ridge top (measured depth) to the corresponding depth for a none-ridge land surface case ( calibrated depth ), and understand the necessity of calibration. [Methods] Firstly, the cross-section of a ridge was established, whose shape was assumed to be an isosceles trapezoid. The distance from the ridge top to the EG bottom was measured, i. e. measured depth. Secondly, the ridge height was adjusted to that of a flat land surface. The distance from the newly adjusted land surface to the EG bottom was the calibrated depth. Thirdly, a calibration equation was established according to plane geometry knowledge. Fourthly, the calibration equation was applied to EGs in the Hebei-2 small watershed in the Heilongjiang Province to estimate the EG volume error in the non- calibration case. [Results] 1) The calibrated depth was a function of the measured depth and the morphologic characteristics of the ridges (height, top width and bottom width). 2) If the calibration was not used, the EG volume would be overestimated. The overestimation can be evaluated with relative error ratio (RER), which was positively correlated with the height and sharpness of the ridge and negatively correlated with EG depth. In the Hebei-2 watershed, the RER was 48% -75% when the EG was 5 cm deep and 5% - 8% when the EG was almost 50 cm deep. For all 51 EGs, the RER was 17%. Therefore, the calibration is necessary. [Conclusion] For EGs in ridged croplands, the measured depth can be calibrated by the equation developed in this study, with morphologic characteristics of the ridges as parameters. Without calibration, the EG depth and volume could be overestimated by up to 17% at the small watershed scale. Therefore, the established equation is suitable for this calibration, and the calibration is necessary, and even necessary for watersheds with high and sharp ridges and shallow EGs. We suggest that the results may be utilized for future EG surveying by more accurately calculating the significance of EG erosion.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 138-144 [Abstract] ( 438 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1950KB] ( 632 )
145 Wang Zhiguo, Zhang Chao, Wang Chunhong
Several thoughts on the important relationships in top-level design of soil and water conservation in China

[ Background] Soil and water conservation involves agriculture, forestry, water, land, environmental protection and other departments as well as production and construction industries, the tasks related to it are arduous and relationships in the design of it are complicated, thus its top-level design is crucial. The top-level design of soil and water conservation means a complete set of solutions, i. e. , building soil and water conservation planning system from top to bottom under the guidance of soil and water conservation plan, and ultimately achieving the established long-term strategic goals and tasks through continuous coordination of the various relationships and adjustment of programs implementation. [Methods] “National Soil and Water Conservation Plan (2015-2030)”was approved by the State Council in 2015, in which the objectives and tasks of soil and water conservation were defined. Accordingly in this paper, for the new situation and new problems faced by soil and water conservation, the characteristics of region, sector, and field in soil and water conservation is examined, the important relationships between central and local government, department and field, intra-regional and regional, economic and ecology, as well as preservation and utilization are scientifically analyzed. [Results] Countermeasures and suggestions of implementing the top-level design of soil and water conservation and implementing hierarchically National Soil and Water Conservation Plan (2015-2030) are put forward, focus is to establish mechanisms for coordination and cooperation between the relevant departments, to establish and improve the system of soil and water conservation in China, to implement the objectives and tasks of soil erosion control, and to improve and expand investment mechanism. [Conclusions] Soil and water conservation is a systematic project and a long-term strategic work. National Soil and Water Conservation Plan (2015-2030) is an important basis of implementing the law of PRC on water and soil conservation, and launching the soil and water conservation work in the coming period; it is also a solid development blue print and guide to action, has great significance for speeding up the pace of soil erosion control and promoting ecological civilization.

2016 Vol. 14 (5): 145-150 [Abstract] ( 463 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 705KB] ( 851 )
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