Ding Xinhui, Xie Yongsheng, Wei Fujuan, Cai Mingyang, Suo Gaidi
Regulating effects of the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on water and sediment in wave type slope farmland
[Background] The terrain features of the rocky mountain area in northern China are characterized by thin soil layer, long steep slope, wave type undulating,mainly soil and water erosion in slope farmland. The soil erosion of this area is serious, and the erosion channels are intensive, causing serious soil and water loss to the local and downstream. [Methods] In order to solve the soil erosion problems of wave type slope farmland, based on the morphological features of wave type slope farmland and its characteristics of soil and water loss, we designed the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on wave type slope, deployed the cells with the technology (measure cell) and contrast cell, and observed the runoff and sand output. [Results] 1) The average rate of cutting flow and rate of erosion reduction on the wave type slope by interception-precipitation-drainage technology in 2 years were 53. 72% and 87. 21%, respectively, meaning that favorable results of both cutting flow and reducing erosion achieved. The technology presented solid cutting runoff effect on slope for all kinds of rainfall, and the drainage system of the measure cell showed feasible reliability and stability. 2) Analyzing the erosion caused by different rainfall intensity, the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on wave type slope played a better effect on the runoff regulation in large rain intensity. Through the trend line analysis, the linear slope between runoff and rainfall of the contrast cell was greater than that of measure cell (trend line close to horizontal level), indicating that the amount of sediment produced by different rainfall was very small under the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on wave type slope, i. e. , the sediment reduction effect of the interception-precipitation- rainage technology on the wave type slope was significant. 3) According to the analysis of the data of individual rainfall, the sediment erosion amount on the measure cell was much smaller than that of the contrast one. The annual sediment erosion on wave type slope farmland was mainly caused by several downpours, the interception-precipitation- drainage technology on wave type slope had significant effect on decreasing erosion under the downpours. Analysis by adding trend line showed that sediment erosion in the measure cell had no good linear relationship with rainfall, rainfall intensity and I30, and the sediment erosion on the measure cell was influenced jointly by rainfall, rainfall intensity and I30. Moreover, in the rainy season, the sediment erosion on the measure cell was largely affected by surface roughness. 4)Regarding the crop yield, on the same condition of fertilization, the increasing production effect of the wave type slope interception- precipitation-drainage technology was more obvious in dry year than flat water year. [Conclusions] Therefore, the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on the wave type slope may effectively prevent the soil and water loss on wave type slope farmland, which can be used as a novel control technology of soil erosion on slope farmland.
Zou Congrong,Qi Fei,Zhang Qinghong, Liu Xia,Zhang Ronghua, Li Jiazuo,Dong Shubao,Yao Xiaoyou
Comparison of different sampling densities and extrapolation methods based on CSLE model
[Background] As we all know, soil erosion is considered to be the most common environmental problem in the world influenced by multi-factors in multi-levels and multi-scales. Conducting regular survey on regional soil erosion condition plays an important role in evaluating the effectiveness of control measures. In China, the stratified sampling with unequal probability and the model method were firstly utilized to investigate national soil erosion conditions from 2010 to 2012. The CSLE model and the extrapolation method based on investigation units were mainly utilized in the water erosion regions. The sampling densities of investigation units were 1% for general and 0.25% for plain areas and deep mountains. It is important to understand how different sampling densities and estimation methods based on CSLE model impact on the soil erosion survey and evaluation at the county scale. [Methods] In consideration of the study area, stratified sampling method, the unique situation of soil erosion, and the workload in field investigation of soil erosion, Mengyin County located in Yimeng mountain area was taken as an example. Based on SPOT 6 image and the topographic map at 1:10 000 scale, two sampling densities with 1% and 4%, and three extrapolation methods of direct xtrapolation on sampling units, Kriging extrapolation on sampling units and grid estimation were adopted to calculate the amount of soil erosion at the county scale. Then the influence of different sampling densities and extrapolation methods were explored by contrasting the results of three methods on different sampling densities respectively. [Results] 1) Direct extrapolation and Kriging extrapolation methods were more affected by the sampling densities. The discrepancy percentage of soil erosion area calculated by two methods were 8.82% under 1% sample density and 7.96% under 4% sample density, and the relative discrepancy were 19.05% and 17.43% respectively. But grid estimation method was less affected by the sampling density. The discrepancy percentage of soil erosion area was only 3.13% and the relative discrepancy was only 9.27% comparing 1% with 4% sample density. 2) Under the same sampling density, the results of direct extrapolation and Kriging extrapolation were similar, but these were quite different from the grid estimation result, especially in spatial distribution of soil erosion. Compared to the result of grid estimation, the discrepancy percentage of soil erosion area by direct extrapolation and Kriging extrapolation were between 11.77% and 18.12%, and the relative discrepancy were between 34.72% and 48.93%. [Conclusions] As a consequence,in view of precision and workload in soil erosion survey at the county scale in Yimeng mountain area, the first ecommendation is to adopt grid calculation based on 1% sampling density with high resolution remote sensing images. If without high resolution remote sensing images, it is advisable to adopt extrapolation method based on 4% sampling density. From the study, the discrepancy between different densities and diverse extrapolation methods was known, and suitable sampling density and extrapolation method were selected, thus the field work can be reduced and the precision can be improved, which is important in dynamic monitoring of water and soil loss at county scale.
Effects of conservation tillage on the sloping cultivated land of a young orchard
[Background] In recent decades, soil erosion has become severe environment problem in southwest Yunnan with the increasing of young orchard. Soil erosion is a complex process that depends on soil properties, ground slope, egetation, and rainfall amount and intensity. Due to the exceptional weather and geographical conditions, the situation is more special in southwest Yunnan. Therefore, it is a critical issue that how the soil and water runoff and degradation of orchards is controlled in this area. This field study aimed to explore the effect and mechanism of soil and water conservation by different tillage practices. [Methods] The field trails were conducted on a red soil sloping land at Baoshan with altitude of 2 300 m. Long-term average annual rainfall is 966.5 mm and annual temperature is 15.5 ℃ at this site. A total of 3 treatments (traditional tillage, straw mulching, and biological covering) were set up, each treatment was repeated for 3 times, and the area of each treatment was 30 m2. Plum was cultivated with plants spacing of 10 cm and row spacing of 30 cm at all treatments. Different treatments were applied on the spacing between rows: not planting any crops, mulching corn straw, and inter-planting mixed grasses. Soil nutrition content (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), surface runoff and soil loss amount were determined by the process of study. [Results] After a 2-year trial, soil organic matter, total nitrogen and total potassium contents increased by more than 14%, runoff amounts reduced by about 20%, erosion reduced by 10% -30%, losses of total nutrient decreased by 20% -30% when compared with traditional tillage practice, and the effect was more significant in biological covering tillage. The results from the study showed: 1) Tillage with biological covering resulted in a slight increase of soil porosity and reduction of bulk density. 2) Both treatments resulted in the reduction of soil loss and soil nutrient loss. The percent of decrease in runoff by biological covering was 18.1% in the first year and 26.3% in the second year when compared with raditional tillage, while 19.5% and a slight increase respectively in those two years by straw mulching. Soil erosion showed the same tendency, 17.5% and 26.6% by biological covering whilst 19.0% and 0.5% by straw mulching for the past two years. 3) With the experimental time advancing, the runoff amount and soil erosion of the biological covering treatment presented a declining trend, while which of the straw mulching increasing. The percent of decrease in soil loss by biological covering and straw mulching was 10.0% -13.5% for the first year and 27.1% -29.2% for the second year when compared with traditional treatment. Soil nutrient loss showed the same tendency, 20.5% and 32.2% for each year. [Conclusions] Therefore, both straw mulching and biological covering improved soil nutrient status and reduced soil erosion, and biological covering showed more obvious influence. Moreover, the effect of soil and water retention became more significant with the advance of study time under the practices of straw mulching and biological covering.
A review of geotextiles ecological protection technology
[Background] With the rapid development of construction projects, soil and water loss from artificial slopes becomes more and more serious, which leads to the birth of various soil protection methods. The newly-invented geotextiles ecological protection technology has the characteristics of rapid construction, soil and water conservation, and degradable biomaterial. Geotextiles are a possible temporary alternative before vegetation establishes itself, and offer immediate soil protection on slopes. Hence, more and more attention has been paid to the research of this technology. [Methods] This paper reviews the progress of geotextiles research in recent years. The characteristics of different types of geotextiles are compared in terms of ecological slope protection and their functions in soil and water conservation, soil improvement, and plant growth. [Results] Studies have shown that the geotextiles can significantly reduce the sediment yield by 56% -98.9% and reduce runoff by 26% -81%, compared to bare land. However, the effect of geotextiles on soil and water conservation varies greatly owing to the material and density of geotextiles, the rainfall intensity and field conditions. Geotextiles made of borassus fibre reduce soil erosion most effectively because of their high anti-scouribility, while geotextiles made of wheat straw reduce runoff most effectively due to their high water contention capacity. Geotextiles ameliorate soil quality through increasing the surface roughness and prolonging the residence time in the surface to increase the infiltration. The geotextiles can also avoid direct sunlight, moderate soil surface temperature fluctuations, and maintain soil moisture, while degradation themselves improves the physical and chemical properties of soil, increases soil fertility, and enhances microbial activity. The geotextiles increase the survival rate of plants, increase plant density and plant biomass and accelerate the growth of vegetation. The plants covered by geotextiles have higher productivity than the bare plots. From the practical application point of view, the geotextiles have multiple advantages in the aspect of ecological slope protection, and has a prospect of wide application in engineering construction as an important technology of ecological protection. First, the technology can utilize surplus agricultural waste such as straw and borassus fiber, which not only reduces the environmental pollution caused by burning, but also generates income for the farmers. Second, the technology of geotextiles can significantly shorten the construction period of soil and water conservation projects. Third, the materials of geotextiles are easy to get and process so as to save the project investment. Last but not least, the geotextiles can reduce evaporation and decrease irrigation frequency, thus saving the water resource. [Conclusions] And from the angle of scientific research, in-depth study of the ecological benefits of geotextiles in field experiments is still the main trend in recent studies. Development of different geotextiles adapting for application in different conditions of climate, soil, vegetation and for different purposes such as water insulation and heat insulation will become a new research hotspot.