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2016 Vol.14 No.3  Published 2016-06-30
Foundamental Studies
1 Liu Ting,Shao Jing'an
Spatial and temporal variation of soil erosion under different land uses in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region

[ Background ] Soil erosion is an important cause of soil nutrient loss, river channel sedimentation and many other ecological environment problems in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region. And severe soil loss in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region is in a widespread. [Methods] Taking the Reservoir Region as the study area, based on Geographical Information System, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) was used to calculate the soil erosion of the five years, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010, in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region. ANOVA was used to analyze the significant impact on soil erosion in different land use. In addition, quantitative analysis was used to investigate the temporal and spatial variation of soil erosion intensity from 1990 to 2010; then the spatial distribution rules and spatial temporal characteristic of soil erosion under the different types of land use were studied.And all of above aimed to provide the supports for the sustainable development of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region. [ Results] During the period of 1990—2010, the value of average soil erosion modulus and the amount of soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region were generally in a decreasing trend with the amount of 183.564 507 million tons, and it was graded as medium eroded area, in 2005 there was a certain degree of rebound with 19 282.74 million tons. From space, the slight and light erosion were the most widely distributed grades of soil erosion in this study area. The annual modulus of soil erosion of six different land use types in the same year was as: dry farmland > grassland > forestland > unused land > paddy field > construction land; one-way ANOVA revealed the soil erosion under different land use patterns, with a very significant difference,and there was solid difference in contribution rate of soil erosion by different kinds of land uses. The area of slight erosion in all 6 land use types gradually increased. Concurrently, erosion areas in moderate-and higher-erosion level transferred to the lower level at varying degree. [Conclusions] These above findings demonstrate that with returning farmland into forest and grass as well as large transferring of rural labor, the soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region shows an improving trend as a whole, but the governance work in some parts of the Region still needs to be strengthened. The result of this study will be helpful to establish the quantitative relationship between land use and soil erosion, and also helpful in the adjustment of land use type in the future.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 803 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2763KB] ( 1019 )
10 Wang Shiyan, Wang Li, Zhang Jing, Zhang Linsen
Comparison of soil hydrological characteristics for main cropland and orchard in dry highland of the Loess Tableland

[Background] Soil water is the main factor limiting the recovery of vegetation and thesustainable development of agriculture and forestry in the region of the Loess Tableland. Soil watercontent in 9-year apple orchard, 19-year apple orchard, corn field, and wheat field was investigated in the Changwu Tableland to define the soil hydrological characteristics and soil drying state of main cropland and orchard on the Loess Plateau. [Methods] The water storage capacity of soil in a profile of 600 cm was measured using a neutron probe (CNC503B) from April to October in 2014. [Results] 1)The 9-year orchard had the largest soil water storage in 0 -600 cm soil profile, followed by the corn field, wheat field and 19-year orchard in which soil water storage averaged 186.5, 183.6, 158.6 and 132.8 cm, respectively. There was no significant difference between the corn field and 9-year orchard, but significant differences existed among other fields. 2) Soil water content in shallow soil layer (0 - 200 cm) for the 4 fields showed medium variation (10% < CV < 100%), while soil water content in deep soil layer was relatively stable (CV <10%). 3) The depth of soil water depletion for the 19-year orchard was 500 cm, while the depths for the 9-year orchard, corn field and wheat field were all 300 cm. The rain replenishment depth of the 19-year orchard was 250 cm, while the depths for the 9-year orchard, corn field and wheat field were all deeper than 600 cm. 4) Compared with other fields, soil desiccation in the 19-year orchard occurred most severely. Specifically, the 0 -200 cm soil layer dried seasonally, the 200 - 250 cm and 250 - 320 cm soil layers dried severely, and the 320 - 600 cm soil layer dried extremely. Thus, a persistent soil dry layer formed. Soil desiccation in the corn field and 9-year orchard occurred easonally, and a temporary soil dry layer formed in the shallow soil layer in the case of water shortage. [Conclusions] It is scientific to transfer the agricultural structure of Changwu Tableland from field crops to apple economic forest, but the soil-moisture storage will be absent and the soil drying will be severe after the apple forest reaching the later stage of full fruit period, as a result, the economic value and ecological effect of apple forest will be restricted, thus scientific methods shall be taken such as reasonable water management measures and adjusting stand density to realize the sustainable development of economy and ecology in the region of Loess Tableland.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 10-18 [Abstract] ( 618 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2191KB] ( 734 )
19 Wang He, Li Zhanbin, Ma Bo, Xiao Junbo, Zhang Letao
Characteristics of waters transformation in the hilly and gully regions of the Loess Plateau:A case study of the Jiuyuangou Watershed

[Background] The Loess Plateau, which is characterized by weak ecological environments and scarce water resources, is located in the Northwest of China. Due to the development of economy and increment of population, this region has been faced with the increasing pressure of water resources shortage. In order to achieve the scientific allocation and efficient utilization of water resources in watershed, it is of great significance to conduct the investigations on characteristics of waters transformation in the area. [Methods] As typical case for study, the Jiuyuangou Watershed, which is located in Suide County, Yulin City of Shaanxi Province, was selected to investigate the characteristics of waters transformation in the loess hilly and gully regions. Precipitation samples, gully-channel water samples and well water samples were collected and tested to quantify the compositions of the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in each water during Sept. 15 to 19, 2014. [Results] By analyzing the relationships between δD and δ18 O in the gully-channel water and well water of Jiuyuangou, it was found that the evaporation line equation of gully-channel water was EL-1: δD = 5.40 δ18 O - 20.34(n = 13, R2 = 0.99), and the evaporation line equation of the gully-channel water and well water was EL-2: δD = 5.33δ18O - 20.89(n = 19, R2 = 0.98). Additionally, the temporal and spatial variations of δ18 O in gully-channel water and well water were illustrated in the paper. It was visualized that the δ18O in gully- channel water on Sept. 16 was the lowest during the period of sampling, and the δ18 O in gully-channel water increased progressively from the upper to the lower reaches of Jiuyuangou Watershed. The δ18 O of well water tended to be more positive and more stable than that of gully-channel water. The impacts of rainfall, air temperature and wind speed on the variation of δ18O in gully-channel water was greater than that on the variation of δ18O in well water. It was concluded that the surface water and ground water in Jiuyuangou Watershed were both supplied by atmospheric precipitation. The weighted average value of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in precipitation which could effectively recharge the ground water was δ18O = -11‰and δD = -79.80‰respectively. Besides, the gully-channel water and well water in the upper reaches presented a similar evaporation trend with similar slope and intercept, implying that there was some degree of transformation between them. Furthermore, the main transformation relationship between the gully-channel water and well water was characterized by unidirectional recharge from the gully-channel water to the well water with a slow recharge rate, indicating that the retention time of the water in Jiuyuangou Watershed was longer. [Conclusions] Finally, based on the above results, water loss caused by evaporation in the transformation process between the gully-channel water and well water is also calculated using Rayleigh distillation model and regression equation between absolute temperature T and fractionation factor 18αw - v and 2αw - v with an assumption that the water vapor exchange is equilibrated. The estimated result shows that the gully-channel water will lose 7% during the transformation process.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 19-25 [Abstract] ( 368 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1529KB] ( 769 )
26 Zhang Yugang, Lu Huizhong, Cao Longxi, Liang Yin
Soil erosion situation and changing trend in the Taihu Lake basin, southeastern China

[Background] The Taihu Lake basin, covering the Taihu Lake watershed and the River Area of southeastern China, is the highly developed region in China, and the soil loss caused by intensive human activities have been received much attentions in recent years. [Methods] To study the soil erosion situation of the Taihu Lake basin in the last 10 years, this article analyzed the soil erosion situation and its spatial distribution based on the remote sensing survey data of two periods by the Ministry of Water Resources, acquired the change trend during 2002 to 2011, and evaluated quantitatively the soil erosion situation with erosion index (EI) in the Taihu Lake basin. [Results] The total soil erosion area of the Taihu Lake basin in 2011 was 22 872.59 km2, among it Taihu Lake watershed accounted for 1 064.58 km2 and the River Area of southeastern China for 21 808.01 km2. The main erosion intensity was light erosion in the Taihu Lake basin. However, the Taihu Lake watershed had the more percentage of slight erosion area, while the River Area of southeastern China had more percentage of strong, ultra strong and severe erosion area. From the administrative division perspective, Fujian Province had the most soil erosion area in the Taihu Lake basin. Zhejiang Province took the second place in soil erosion area and the main erosion was light and medium erosion. Anhui Province had the most erosion area of strong, ultra strong and severe relatively, which accounted for 23.42% of the soil erosion. Jiangsu Province and Shanghai had the least soil erosion area and there were nearly only light and medium erosion. From 2002 to 2011, the soil erosion area of the Taihu Lake basin had a decreasing trend in general. The total decrement area was 10 811.14 km2 and annual average decrement area was 1 201.24 km2. However, the area of light, moderate and severe erosion decreased and the area of very severe and extremely severe erosion increased. EI is a comprehensive index to assess soil erosion degree. The larger index value indicates more serious erosion. The EI in Taihu Lake watershed was 0.33, while it in the River Area of southeastern China was 1.65 in 2011. The EI was much higher in the River Area of southeastern China, indicating that the soil erosion was more serious as a whole. From 2002 to 2011, EI in the Taihu Lake basin decreased, which explained the soil erosion situation improved in general. But the EI obviously increased in a few areas, such as Zhuji, Taizhou, Wenling of Zhejiang Province and Minqing, Minhou, Putian, Xiamen of Fujian Province, exceeding 1.5 units. [Conclusions] Taihu Lake watershed showed less serious erosion than the River Area of southeastern China. It was also obvious to know that in the most areas of the Taihu Lake basin, the soil erosion area decreased from 2002 to 2011. However, there still were some areas where the erosion area and degree increased. Therefore, we suggested that these areas should be key controlling regions and there should be the countermeasures to prevent further soil erosion.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 26-34 [Abstract] ( 585 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5431KB] ( 686 )
35 Yan Dongfeng, Wang Decai, Yang Xitian
Effects of surface root system on soil infiltration at different vegetation types in Danjiangkou Reservoir area

[Background] Forest vegetation plays a key role in soil erosion in Danjiangkou Reservoir area, and different vegetation has different ability on soil infiltration. Soil hydraulic properties drive water distribution and availability in soil. There exists limited knowledge of how plant growth especially surface root might influence soil hydraulic properties. Roots growing near the soil surface may influence soil detachment, and modify the properties of soil in their immediate vicinity. [Methods] To investigate the effects of root on soil infiltration capacity, the soil and root (two layers of 0 -10 cm and 10 -20 cm) of 35 samples representing the main vegetation types in Danjiangkou Reservoir area were surveyed and analyzed. The root structure characteristics and its influence on soil infiltration were studied, and the methods of modeling, correlation analysis and regression were introduced. [Results] The soil infiltration capacity of 0 - 10 cm soil layer of different vegetation types were higher than that of 10 - 20 cm. Soil initial infiltration rate and soil steady infiltration rate of 0 -10 cm and 10 -20 cm soil layer showed the same trend of the broadleaf forest > coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest > shrub > coniferous forest. Soil infiltration rate and soil steady infiltration rate had significant linear correlation with root length density and root surface area density among different vegetation types. The index of soil infiltration had significant correlation with root structure parameters of different root diameter ranged from 0.5 to 5 mm (P < 0.05). Kostiakov infiltration model, Philip infiltration model and Horton infiltration model stimulated the soil infiltration processing, and in Kostiakov infiltration model, root length density and root surface area density of different root diameter ranged from 0.5 to 5 mm presented the positive correlation with b values and negative correlation with a value. Root length density, root volume density and root biomass had significant correlation relation with the indexes of soil infiltration, which could be used to study the relation of root distribution and soil infiltration. The results indicated that vegetation types significantly affected soil infiltration, and coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest as well as broadleaf forest were better in soil infiltration and root structure. Root at diameter of 0.5 -5 mm played the key role in the root system on soil infiltration capacity. [Conclusions] The study promotes better understanding of surface root in different vegetation types and its influence on the soil infiltration, and suggests that coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest, and broadleaf forest should be protected, and shrub and coniferous forest should be transformed to promote the soil and water onservation capacity in Danjiangkou Reservoir area.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 35-44 [Abstract] ( 521 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 962KB] ( 692 )
45 Dong Xu, Zhang Kuandi, Yang Mingyi, Gao Yanliang, Ma Xiaoling
Dynamics characteristics of rill flow on loess slope

[Background] In the early last century, the problem of soil erosion has been quite serious, thus it is urgent to carry out scientific and effective soil and water conservation work for preventing soil erosion. China is a country with one of the most serious soil erosion, the Loess Plateau is the most serious soil erosion area in the world, and it is also the main source of the Yellow River sediment area; the Loess Plateau region of soil erosion cause not only the deterioration of ecological environment, but also a serious threat to the lower reaches of the Yellow River ecological security. [Methods] In order to explore the hydrodynamics characteristics of rill flow, the dynamics characteristics of rill flow from the perspective of hydraulics and rivers movement mechanics were studied under the combined scouring test condition of 6 slopes (2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 10°, and 12°) and 5 discharges (8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 L/ min). [Results] Results indicated that the average velocity of rill flow was in power function relationship with discharge.However, the there was no correlation between the velocity and slope, which was because the development of drop pits was more mature with the increase of the slope, resulting in the growth of rill flow path. The thickness of the viscous sub-layer was in negative correlation with slope and discharge, and presented an essential effect on rill flow resistance. Resistance coefficient varied from 0.16 to 1.45 and increased with the increase of the slope and showed no correlation with Reynolds number, meaning that the flow regime belonged to the turbulent rough area, this was because the morphology of bed surface developed significantly, i. e. , the dissipation capacity of the flow increased significantly, with the increase of the intensity of rill flow. [Conclusions] The experimental results showed that the bed morphology of loess slope had great influence on the velocity of rill flow. By reasonably changing the bed morphology of loess slope, the flow velocity can be decreased and onsequently the soil erosion on the Loess Plateau region can be controlled. In this experiment, the height of bed surface bump was several times higher than the viscous sub-layer because the thickness of viscous sub-layer was thin. The resistance resulted from the small vortexes formed while turbulent flow was bypassing the bump. The result of this study has certain theoretical value to the exploration of the dynamics of rill flow, and has certain guiding significance to control the soil erosion on loess slope and to restore eco-environment.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 45-51 [Abstract] ( 601 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2788KB] ( 676 )
52 Dai Jinjun, Cheng Jinhua, Zhang Hongjiang, Xiang Yingmin, Zhou Zhudong, Yang Fan
Hydrodynamic characteristics of surface runoff on field scour

[Background] Soil erosion harms the development of national economy. Water erosion is the most important form of soil erosion in China. Overland flow is the main driving force of water erosion and main carrier of sediment transport which is a key factor of water erosion. Reynolds number, Froude number and resistance coefficient of overland flow are important parameters reflecting overland flow characteristics. [Methods] To investigate mechanical properties of overland flow, the study on the dynamic changes of Reynolds number, Froude number and resistance coefficient with 3 plant density (0, 20, and 30 plants/ m2 ), 2 vegetation distributions (row arrangement and random arrangement), two slopes (5°and 10°) and 3 scouring flow (1, 2, 3 m3 / h) were studied by field scour simulation experiment. [Results] The results showed that effect on Reynolds number of inflow section by plant coverage density and slope was not significant, and only effected by flow rate. Dynamic changes on Reynolds number of inflow section remained stable over time, while that in outflow section showed an increasing trend which was affected by plant density. And the increasing rate of dynamic changes in outflow section slowed down with the increase of the plant density, however, influence by plant arrangement was not significant. Compared to the inflow section, Reynolds number of outflow section was smaller, indicating that the kinetic energy of the overland flow reduced during scouring process. Froude number was both less than 1 in two observation section, which were slow flow. Froude number of inflow section only increased with flow rate increasing, and the influences on Froude number of inflow section by lant coverage density and slope were not significant. The same as Reynolds number of inflow section, Froude number of inflow section also remained stable over time. The dynamic change of Froude number in outflow section decreased with time slowly, which was effected by plant densiy significantly, and the influence on it by plant arrangement was not significant. The dynamic changes of Froude number leveled off even plant density increased. Effect on resistance coefficient by slope was not significant, which was effected by plant density and flow rate, and the influence of plant arrangement was not significant. Stepwise regression analysis on resistance coefficient showed that f = 2.350t0.012q-3.178 c0.084, indicating that dynamic changes of resistance coefficient showed an increase trend that could be controlled by increase of slope and plant density. [Conclusions] Dynamic changes of resistance coefficient on bare slope had greater increase rate than slopes covered by vegetation, and resistance coefficient changing with time tend to be gentle with the plant density increased. Meanwhile, change range of resistance coefficient in plant random arrangement slope was smaller than slope in plant row arrangement.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 52-60 [Abstract] ( 593 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1037KB] ( 671 )
60 Qi Te, Li Yuting, He Huibin, Zhang Xuefeng, Zhao Tingning
Water conservation capacity of forest lands for water source at Fengning County in the north of Hebei Province

[Background] The purpose of the study is to understand the situation of water conservation of forest resources in Fengning County of Hebei Province. [Methods] We studied the water conservation ability of 4 different types of forest land for water source by collecting soil and litter samples and comparing the difference of litter amount determination, the litter water-holding capacity, water determination process and soil moisture and physical properties. [Results] The forest litter water-holding capacities of 4 types of forest land for water source followed the order: Populus simonii forest land > Larix gmelinii *Armeniaca sibirica forest land > Pinus tabuliformis *A. sibirica forest land > P. tabuliformis forest land, and the maximum water-holding capacity of P. simonii forest land and the ffective water-holding one were 29.79 and 4.01 t/ hm2 respectively. In terms of water-holding capacity in soil porosity, total porosity followed the order: P. simonii forest land > grassland > cultivated land > L. gmelinii *A. sibirica forest land > P. tabuliformis *A. sibirica forest land > P. tabuliformis forest land, and the value ranged in 43.49%—34.96%. Regarding soil bulk density, there was an order: grassland > P. tabuliformis forest land > cultivated land > P. simonii forest land > P. tabuliformis * A. sibirica forest land > L. gmelinii *A. sibirica forest land. Considering the soil water constant within 0 -30 cm soil layer, the maximum soil water constant of L. gmelinii *A. sibirica forest land, P. tabuliformis *A. sibirica forest land, and P. tabuliformis forest land existed within 10 -20 cm soil layer. The maximum soil water constant of P. simonii forest land existed within 20 - 30 cm soil layer. The maximum soil water constant of grassland and cultivated land existed within 0 to 10 cm soil layer. [Conclusions] According to the above analysis, the difference of water conservation capacity in different water source forest is obvious. Under the condition of the same site, broadleaf conifer mixed forest has better water conservation function; in order to fully explore the water conservation function of the water source forest in the north of Hebei Province, we should strengthen the management and protection of the existing water source forest, and construct a more reasonable water source forest.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 60-67 [Abstract] ( 599 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 857KB] ( 660 )
Applied Studies
68 Wang Jinhua, Li Zhanbin, Zhang Ronggang, Yao Wenyi
Relationships between landscape, runoff, and sedimentation in wind-water erosion crisscross region

[Background] Sedimentation and runoff variation caused by land use change has been emerged as one of the popular topics of discussion. And the phenomena is more obvious in wind-water erosion crisscross region than in other erosion region, thus it is necessary to study the effects of land use change on runoff and sediment in wind-water erosion crisscross region. Xiliu Gully watershed is the typical watershed in wind-water erosion crisscross region. [Methods] In order to meet the demand of ecological environment construction and comprehensive utilization of water and soil resources, and to put forward an actual production theory for our river basin management, relationships between landscape, runoff, and sedimentation were studied on the basis of long-term historical land use, runoff, and sediment data (1985—2010) by geographic information system and Fragstats software. [Results] 1) According to the Landsat TM data in 1985, 1996, 2000 and 2010, the spatial variation characteristics of the landscape pattern were analyzed. Grassland was the dominant landscape in the watersheds. Farmland, forest and construction land were in the highest stability, and the second main landscape type was unused land。Unused land, grassland and farmland experienced the greatest changes, which were suffered seriously from human activities. 2) recipitation, annual runoff and sediment changed significantly in last 50 years, but the variation amplitude of them was different. Average precipitation from 1960 to 2010 changed not so obviously, however runoff and sediment were decreased significantly. Moreover, the decreasing trend of runoff was more obvious than sediment in the same year. A Pearson correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between annual runoff and sedimentation (P < 0.01). 3) The variation of landscape status played an important role in the progress of precipitation to runoff, which not only inflected the output of the runoff and sediment, but also changed the mechanism of the rainfall to runoff. The main landscape ecological indexes, such as patch density, largest patch index, patch and spent landscape, et al. were analyzed, and the relationships between landscape pattern and runoff, sediment were studied. The Pearson correlation analysis showed that the landscape indexes (shorted for Lis) were in significant linear correlation with runoff and sedimentation. Largest Patch Index (LPI ), Patch Cohesion Index (COHESION), Aggregation Index (AI) and Contagion Index (CONTAG) were negatively correlated with annual runoff, whereas Landscape Shape Index (LSI) and Landscape Division Index (DIVISION) were positively. CONTAG, AI and COHESION were negatively correlated with annual sedimentation, whereas other landscape indexes were positively. [Conclusions] From soil and water conservation in the watersheds, it was useful to increase soil infiltration and reduce soil erosion by improving LPI, COHESION, AI and CONTAG,which was also useful for the ecological construction and soil water resources utilization.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 68-75 [Abstract] ( 499 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1965KB] ( 846 )
76 Chen Shuqing,Dong Guihua, Wang Manman
An evaluation of human settlement load in the sandy area of Yanchi County of Ningxia Autonomous Region

[Background] Settlement is the most direct expression of people's quality of life, physical and mental health, and the studies on the human settlement load (HSL) in China have been focused on loess hilly region, southern river basin, and southwest China, but very few on the sandy areas yet. Thus we here try to analyze the situation of human settlement in sandy area and measure the level of regional HSL. [Methods] We evaluated the HSL from the production space, ecological space and living space in the sandy area of the northern Yanchi County in a human-oriented way. Firstly, based on introduction to sciences of human settlements, we constructed HSL index system and determined the index weight, in which analytic hierarchy analysis process (AHP) and weight sum were used. Secondly, using the progressive hierarchical merging method, we figured out the same criterion layer of the index with weight sum method and calculated the index of production space load, ecological space load, living space load. Finally, using ArcGIS to overlay HSL of production space, ecological space, and living space layer, we classified the comprehensive index of HSL. [Results] 1) The HSL can be divided into 3 levels: low, which accounted for 32.1%, medium for 39.7%, and high for 28.2%. 2) In the same pattern, the production space can be divided into 3 levels: low, which accounted for 20.1%, medium for 62.5%, and high for 17.4%; and the ecological space into 3 levels: low, which accounted for 34.2%, medium for 43.4% and high for 22.4%; also the living space into 3 levels: low, which accounted for 56%, medium for 10.2% and high for 33.8%; thus, the production space and ecological space were dominated by medium load, while the living space was dominated by low load. [Conclusions] As a whole, the natural environmental quality in the study area was too poor to meet the demand of human habitation. Our analysis of the HSL proved the bearing capacity of the human settlement and indicated that the overall HSL capacity was relatively low. This result suggested that effective measures must be taken to improve the level of HSL in order to ensure the safety of human settlement in this area. Meanwhile, it provides useful guidance for natural resources allocation, desertification governance, soil and water conservation, and optimization of settlement pattern in the sandy area of northern Yanchi.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 76-83 [Abstract] ( 617 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2247KB] ( 674 )
84 Ou Xiaolin, Chen Zhibiao, Chen Zhiqiang, Jiang Chao, Zhao Jitao, Ren Tianjing
Variation of soil physical-chemical property and erodibility in the area of collapse mound of southwestern Fujian

[Background] Collapsing mound, called “Benggang冶by local residents which originated from Chinese geomorphic pictograph, has been known to describe an erosion phenomenon in hilly area in subtropical and some tropical climatic zone of southeast China where the edge of gully source collapses and develops a deep-seated shape landform with deep-cut concave. Under the pressure of loose and barren surface soil with high acidity, as well as low vegetation coverage by deforestation, a collapsing hill is vulnerable to degenerate into eroded badland. [Methods] To reveal the effect of soil physical chemical property and erodibility from collapsing mound, three typical collapse mounds (No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 representing the vegetation coverage in the range of 2%, 20% and 95%, respectively ) being selected within Huangnikeng collapse mound group of Zhuotian Town, Changting County in southwestern Fujian Province, basic soil physical property from the system of collapse mound including upper catchment, collapsing wall, colluvial deposit and channel outlet were investigated and measured, and erodibility K value were also calculated applying the model of Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC). [Results] 1) For these three collapse mounds with different vegetation coverage, soil sand content, pH and bulk density had an increasing trend from upper catchment, collapsing wall, colluvial deposit till channel outlet, however, soil silt content, clay content and moisture content were descended. 2) Soil organic matter content of collapse mound No. 1 and No. 2 were the highest at upper catchment, and the lowest at collapsing wall; soil organic matter content of collapse mound No. 3 declined sharply at collapsing wall and increased significantly at colluvial deposit. 3) Little variation of soil particle composition, bulk density and content existed in upper catchment, collapsing wall and colluvial deposit among three collapse mounds, and all indicators of soil physical properties existed obvious difference between channel outlet and upper catchment, collapsing wall, colluvial deposit. 4 ) There were significant differences of K value among upper catchment, collapsing wall, colluvial deposit, channel outlet, and the K value of collapse mound No. 1 and collapse mound No. 2 declined in order of collapsing wall > colluvial deposit > channel outlet > upper catchment, but collapse mound No. 3 declined in order of channel outlet > colluvial deposit > collapsing wall > upper catchment. 5) The clay content, pH value, and organic matter content could be cited as the valid index to determine the intensity of soil erosion in the area of collapse mound, since they were close correlation with K value. [Conclusions] In summary, collapse mound erosion caused deterioration of soil physical properties and severe sandy associated with relative high magnitude of erodibility K value; studying the spatial differentiation on soil physical properties and erodibility in the eroded area of collapse mound erosion system presented important significance in the restoration and reconstruction in the degraded ecosystem of eroded red soil region.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 84-92 [Abstract] ( 640 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 940KB] ( 705 )
93 Zhao Ke, Yang Qiuyun, Hua Dangling, Wang Daichang, Zhao Ying, Liu Fang, Zhang Yali, Liu Shiliang
Effects of lignite-based amendments on cadmium chemical speciation in calcareous soil complexes

[Background] This work is for screening and evaluating the remediation effect of lignite- based materials on cadmium pollution, and for reducing cadmium flux into the ground water through vertical infiltration or to large water and soil area by surface runoff pollution. [Methods] The soil samples were from 200 m surroundings of a lead metallurgical factory at 0 - 20 cm depth contaminated with heavy metals. The lignite from Zhaotong city of Yunnan was modified to be alkalization, calcium- loaded, nitrified, humic acid, demineralization, activated carbon, and ulphonated ones, and the 3% of each of them was evenly mixed with contaminated soil and incubated for 120 days. The organo-mineral complexes ( G0: water-dispersing complex, G1: NaCl-dispersing complex, and G2: NaCl-grinding- dispersing complex) were extracted, and the determination of cadmium content was conducted by Tessier sequential extraction method, flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer determination; soil physical and chemical properties were determined by Lu Rukun method. Microsoft Excel 2007, SPSS 20.0 and Graphpad Prism 5.0 were used to process and analyze the acquired data and Duncan忆s method for ANOVA. [Results] 1) The content distribution of ion exchange, carbonate-bound, Fe-Mn-oxide-bound cadmium in the complexes was as G0 > G1 > G2 in all ameliorator treatments, however, the content distributions of organics-weakly-bound and organics-strongly-bound cadmium were in opposite order. Residual Cd in G0 complex had no significant differences with that in G1 and G2 complex except for calcification lignite. 2) The application of lignite-based materials generally increased the organics- weakly-bound cadmium content of soil, compared with raw polluted soil. And mainly the organics- weakly-bound Cd in the water-stable complexes increased, i. e. , in the complex G0, G1 and G2 by 5.27%, 20.74% and 17.82% compared to the control, respectively. The use of lignite, nitrified lignite, and humic acid significantly resulted in the increase of organics-strongly-bound Cd content in water-stable complex by the average value of 27.26%, 23.90% and 40.05% respectively, and significantly reducing the content of exchangeable and carbonate fractions content in water-stable complex in the range of 14.63% -22.79% and 14.31% -34.56%. Residual fraction was slightly improved by lignite, nitrified lignite and humic acid than other treatments. The nitrified lignite and humic acid remarkably decreased the content of Fe-Mn-oxide-bound Cd, and alkalization, calcium-loaded, lignite, demineralization, sulphonated and activated carbon increased the content of Fe-Mn-oxide-bound fraction. Alkalization, calcification, demineralization and activated carbon presented no obvious effect on the exchangeable Cd. 3) Modified lignite mainly improved the content of exchangeable and carbonate-bound Cd. In addition to the humic acid, modified lignite generally reduced the soil organics-weakly-bound and organics-strongly-bound Cd content compared with that before modification, and residual fraction content showed a trend of transformation to the available form. [Conclusions] In short, non-water-stable complexes contain mainly ion exchangeable and carbonate-bound fraction, water-stable complex is mainly composed of organics-bound and residual form. Some lignite-based materials could change Cd availability to unavailable speciation by inactivation or immobilization. In general, modified lignite mostly weakened the passivation or immobilization effect.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 93-100 [Abstract] ( 510 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1318KB] ( 619 )
101 Wang Bin1 Yu Pengtao, Wang Shunli, Wang Yanhui, Liu Xiande, Jin Ming, Zhang Xuelong
Response of soil water storage to slope position of forestland in Qilian Mountains

[Background] Soil moisture is the key factor in determining the forest vegetation distribution especially in the northwest semi-arid area of China. Slope is basic spatial unit of forest distribution, and uneven distribution of soil moisture on a slope affects greatly forest vegetation. This work aims to understand the differences of soil moisture at varied positions of a slope. [Methods] A shady-facing slope, locating in Pailugou watershed, Qilian Mountains, was selected as example slope in order to analyze how soil moisture changed along the slope. During the growing season of 2015, 15 sites on 3 lines from top to bottom of the example plot were set up, there were five sites on each line, the upper slope position, upper middle-slope position, middle slope position, lower middle-slope position and lower slope position, and soil water storage at these sites were monitored every 10 days. [Results] 1) The mean values of soil water storage for whole soil profile (0 -80 cm thickness) (MSW) were calculated in the whole growing season. It was shown that the MSW changed with a parabolic curve from the upper to the lower along the slope with peak values of 201 mm and 198 mm on middle slope position and lower middle- slope position, respectively. The soil water storage on upper middle-slope and lower slope position was only 177 mm and 175 mm, respectively, and that on the upper slope position, i. e. , the highest slope position, was 159 mm, the lowest value of soil water storage. For daily soil moisture, the trend was similar to this along the slope, though the values of soil water storage difference among slope positions varied day by day. 2) The difference of soil water storage was not too much in May and August but significant in June, July, and September. For example, the difference of soil water storage between their minimum and maximum was 27 mm in May, and 65 mm in September. 3) And this trend of soil water storage did not change with weather conditions. Under the weather conditions without rain, with light rain or strong rain, the soil water storage for soil layer of 0 -30 cm was the lowest on upper position and the highest on middle slope position. For soil layer of 30 -80 cm, the soil water storage was the highest on middle slope position and lower middle-slope position under any weathers. The soil water storage was the lowest on upper middle-slope position under weather conditions without rain or only with light rain. Meanwhile, the lowest one occurred on upper slope position even under weather conditions with strong rainfall. [Conclusions] This work demonstrated that the middle and lower middle-slope position would store more water due to water redistribution although there was the same precipitation on the slope, which is conducive to make site selection and forestation based on the soil moisture difference among slope positions.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 101-108 [Abstract] ( 685 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 870KB] ( 677 )
109 Dong Linshui, Song Aiyun, Zhou Jinxing, Jiang Xingui
Soil physicochemical characteristics of different vegetation types along Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor

[Background] It is necessary to analyze the soil physicochemical characteristics along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor ( QTEC ) for formulating scientific and reasonable vegetation restoration measures. [Methods] Soil physicochemical characteristics of different vegetation types along QTEC were surveyed. Altogether 27 transects were set up, 8 plots of 20 m 伊20 m were selected in each transect, randomly sampling 5 times in the soil layer of 0 -20 cm and 20 -40 cm of each plot, then 5 samples were mixed into 1 soil sample. The soil sample in each transect was tested, the detection indexes of soil samples including the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, pH value, cation exchange capacity, and calcium carbonate content were analyzed. Also the vegetation types, community structure of each transect were nvestigated. [Results] The results showed that the contents of soil organic matter and total nitrogen increased gradually from north to south along QTEC, and were closely correlated to vegetation types. The content of soil organic matter changed in the range of 10.0 -40.0 g/ kg. And the content of total nitrogen distributed within the scope of 0.4 -2.0 g/ kg. The contents of soil organic matter and total nitrogen presented a significantly linear correlation with each other. The content of soil total phosphorus mostly was in the range of 0.3 -0.8 g/ kg. From north to south, there was significant uptrend of the soil total potassium content along QTEC,the total potassium of the transects in south of Nagqu mostly was among 22.0 - 30.0 g/ kg, however, the value in the north transects of Nagqu was in the range of 13.0 - 22.0 g/ kg. The soil pH value of the transects in the northern part of QTEC were mostly higher than the transects in the southern part. The soil cation exchange capacity of the transects along QTEC was in the range of 6.0 - 24.0 cmol ( + ) / kg. The content of soil calcium carbonate mostly was among 8.0% -15.0%, but the southern part from Gaqia to Lhasa mostly was only in the range of 1.0% -3.0%, this obvious distinction was mainly concerned with the soil calcium deposition. [Conclusions] In summary, there were very regular dynamic change discipline of soil chemical characteristics along the QTEC. The result showed that some soil indexes were closely correlated to vegetation types, such as organic matter, total nitrogen, et al, while other indexes had no obvious correlation with the vegetation types like exchange capacity of soil cation. In the future, the dynamic monitoring of soil physical and chemical characteristics should be further proceeded.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 109-115 [Abstract] ( 539 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1092KB] ( 633 )
116 Feng Di, Hu Yucun, Wang Long
Effects of gas exploitation on soil infiltration characteristics in Sichuan province

[Background] The goal of this study was to determine the effects of gas exploitation on soil infiltration. Soil infiltration capability is one of the most important indexes used to assess the effect of soil in water conservation, which depends on many internal and external factors, and is closely correlated with types of landform, types of project area, types of soil and so on. It is also a key factor in modeling soil water movement and erosion process. [Methods] Selecting 2 gas fields in Sichuan as the research target, we analyzed the effects of construction work during gas exploitation on soil infiltration coefficient in 3 types of landform (mountain area, hilly, and plain), 4 types of construction area (well site, sewage lagoon, roadway, pipeline, and contrast) and 4 different time periods (0 -1, 1 -5, 5 -10, and >10 years), and used bare land as a control; 2 -3 samples were collected in each landform and each project area per period, thus totally 150 samples were obtained. The infiltration coefficient in each sampling site was determined in field according to national standard by measuring accumulative water quantity, and the chemical properties of the samples were measured based on the national standard of environmental quality. The principal component analysis were used to analyze the correlations of them, i. e. , the effects of gas exploitation on soil infiltration coefficient. [Results] 1) Gas exploitation caused certain effects on soil infiltration coefficient, but such effects were gradually reduced over time and completely recovered in the fifth year after construction. 2) The infiltration coefficient over time in different types of landforms and projects were fitted, and the results revealed that the fitting effect was the best using the cubic polynomial with the R2 > 0.95, showing a significant correlation between measured data, and it could be utilized to predict the change trend of the infiltration coefficient in the future. 3) Regarding the correlation between soil infiltration coefficient and the chemical properties of soil, it was in the most significant with total nitrogen content; while on heavy metals of soil, Pb content was the most significantly correlated with the infiltration coefficient. Using soil chemical composition factors and representative factors as the independent variables of soil heavy metal content and soil infiltration oefficient as a dependent variable, the equation of variables was established. The correlation analysis of the impact of soil chemical properties and the heavy metal content factors on soil infiltration coefficient showed that the mass fraction of organic, total nitrogen, arsenic and lead had significant effect on soil infiltration coefficient. The principal component regression of significant impact factor showed that the mass fraction of total nitrogen was maximum, which played leading roles in the impact of soil chemical properties on soil infiltration coefficient; the mass fraction of lead had outstanding performance with regard to the heavy metal content.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 116-122 [Abstract] ( 466 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 838KB] ( 628 )
Development Studies
123 Ding Xinhui, Xie Yongsheng, Wei Fujuan, Cai Mingyang, Suo Gaidi
Regulating effects of the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on water and sediment in wave type slope farmland

[Background] The terrain features of the rocky mountain area in northern China are characterized by thin soil layer, long steep slope, wave type undulating,mainly soil and water erosion in slope farmland. The soil erosion of this area is serious, and the erosion channels are intensive, causing serious soil and water loss to the local and downstream. [Methods] In order to solve the soil erosion problems of wave type slope farmland, based on the morphological features of wave type slope farmland and its characteristics of soil and water loss, we designed the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on wave type slope, deployed the cells with the technology (measure cell) and contrast cell, and observed the runoff and sand output. [Results] 1) The average rate of cutting flow and rate of erosion reduction on the wave type slope by interception-precipitation-drainage technology in 2 years were 53. 72% and 87. 21%, respectively, meaning that favorable results of both cutting flow and reducing erosion achieved. The technology presented solid cutting runoff effect on slope for all kinds of rainfall, and the drainage system of the measure cell showed feasible reliability and stability. 2) Analyzing the erosion caused by different rainfall intensity, the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on wave type slope played a better effect on the runoff regulation in large rain intensity. Through the trend line analysis, the linear slope between runoff and rainfall of the contrast cell was greater than that of measure cell (trend line close to horizontal level), indicating that the amount of sediment produced by different rainfall was very small under the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on wave type slope, i. e. , the sediment reduction effect of the interception-precipitation- rainage technology on the wave type slope was significant. 3) According to the analysis of the data of individual rainfall, the sediment erosion amount on the measure cell was much smaller than that of the contrast one. The annual sediment erosion on wave type slope farmland was mainly caused by several downpours, the interception-precipitation- drainage technology on wave type slope had significant effect on decreasing erosion under the downpours. Analysis by adding trend line showed that sediment erosion in the measure cell had no good linear relationship with rainfall, rainfall intensity and I30, and the sediment erosion on the measure cell was influenced jointly by rainfall, rainfall intensity and I30. Moreover, in the rainy season, the sediment erosion on the measure cell was largely affected by surface roughness. 4)Regarding the crop yield, on the same condition of fertilization, the increasing production effect of the wave type slope interception- precipitation-drainage technology was more obvious in dry year than flat water year. [Conclusions] Therefore, the interception-precipitation-drainage technology on the wave type slope may effectively prevent the soil and water loss on wave type slope farmland, which can be used as a novel control technology of soil erosion on slope farmland.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 123-129 [Abstract] ( 543 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2800KB] ( 577 )
130 Zou Congrong,Qi Fei,Zhang Qinghong, Liu Xia,Zhang Ronghua, Li Jiazuo,Dong Shubao,Yao Xiaoyou
Comparison of different sampling densities and extrapolation methods based on CSLE model

[Background] As we all know, soil erosion is considered to be the most common environmental problem in the world influenced by multi-factors in multi-levels and multi-scales. Conducting regular survey on regional soil erosion condition plays an important role in evaluating the effectiveness of control measures. In China, the stratified sampling with unequal probability and the model method were firstly utilized to investigate national soil erosion conditions from 2010 to 2012. The CSLE model and the extrapolation method based on investigation units were mainly utilized in the water erosion regions. The sampling densities of investigation units were 1% for general and 0.25% for plain areas and deep mountains. It is important to understand how different sampling densities and estimation methods based on CSLE model impact on the soil erosion survey and evaluation at the county scale. [Methods] In consideration of the study area, stratified sampling method, the unique situation of soil erosion, and the workload in field investigation of soil erosion, Mengyin County located in Yimeng mountain area was taken as an example. Based on SPOT 6 image and the topographic map at 1:10 000 scale, two sampling densities with 1% and 4%, and three extrapolation methods of direct xtrapolation on sampling units, Kriging extrapolation on sampling units and grid estimation were adopted to calculate the amount of soil erosion at the county scale. Then the influence of different sampling densities and extrapolation methods were explored by contrasting the results of three methods on different sampling densities respectively. [Results] 1) Direct extrapolation and Kriging extrapolation methods were more affected by the sampling densities. The discrepancy percentage of soil erosion area calculated by two methods were 8.82% under 1% sample density and 7.96% under 4% sample density, and the relative discrepancy were 19.05% and 17.43% respectively. But grid estimation method was less affected by the sampling density. The discrepancy percentage of soil erosion area was only 3.13% and the relative discrepancy was only 9.27% comparing 1% with 4% sample density. 2) Under the same sampling density, the results of direct extrapolation and Kriging extrapolation were similar, but these were quite different from the grid estimation result, especially in spatial distribution of soil erosion. Compared to the result of grid estimation, the discrepancy percentage of soil erosion area by direct extrapolation and Kriging extrapolation were between 11.77% and 18.12%, and the relative discrepancy were between 34.72% and 48.93%. [Conclusions] As a consequence,in view of precision and workload in soil erosion survey at the county scale in Yimeng mountain area, the first ecommendation is to adopt grid calculation based on 1% sampling density with high resolution remote sensing images. If without high resolution remote sensing images, it is advisable to adopt extrapolation method based on 4% sampling density. From the study, the discrepancy between different densities and diverse extrapolation methods was known, and suitable sampling density and extrapolation method were selected, thus the field work can be reduced and the precision can be improved, which is important in dynamic monitoring of water and soil loss at county scale.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 130-138 [Abstract] ( 500 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4229KB] ( 917 )
139 Pan Yanhua,Wang Panlei,Guo Yurong,Zeng Li,Zhu Hongye, Guo Zhiqiang,Fan Huacai,Liu Shufang,Du Caiyan
Effects of conservation tillage on the sloping cultivated land of a young orchard

[Background] In recent decades, soil erosion has become severe environment problem in southwest Yunnan with the increasing of young orchard. Soil erosion is a complex process that depends on soil properties, ground slope, egetation, and rainfall amount and intensity. Due to the exceptional weather and geographical conditions, the situation is more special in southwest Yunnan. Therefore, it is a critical issue that how the soil and water runoff and degradation of orchards is controlled in this area. This field study aimed to explore the effect and mechanism of soil and water conservation by different tillage practices. [Methods] The field trails were conducted on a red soil sloping land at Baoshan with altitude of 2 300 m. Long-term average annual rainfall is 966.5 mm and annual temperature is 15.5 ℃ at this site. A total of 3 treatments (traditional tillage, straw mulching, and biological covering) were set up, each treatment was repeated for 3 times, and the area of each treatment was 30 m2. Plum was cultivated with plants spacing of 10 cm and row spacing of 30 cm at all treatments. Different treatments were applied on the spacing between rows: not planting any crops, mulching corn straw, and inter-planting mixed grasses. Soil nutrition content (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), surface runoff and soil loss amount were determined by the process of study. [Results] After a 2-year trial, soil organic matter, total nitrogen and total potassium contents increased by more than 14%, runoff amounts reduced by about 20%, erosion reduced by 10% -30%, losses of total nutrient decreased by 20% -30% when compared with traditional tillage practice, and the effect was more significant in biological covering tillage. The results from the study showed: 1) Tillage with biological covering resulted in a slight increase of soil porosity and reduction of bulk density. 2) Both treatments resulted in the reduction of soil loss and soil nutrient loss. The percent of decrease in runoff by biological covering was 18.1% in the first year and 26.3% in the second year when compared with raditional tillage, while 19.5% and a slight increase respectively in those two years by straw mulching. Soil erosion showed the same tendency, 17.5% and 26.6% by biological covering whilst 19.0% and 0.5% by straw mulching for the past two years. 3) With the experimental time advancing, the runoff amount and soil erosion of the biological covering treatment presented a declining trend, while which of the straw mulching increasing. The percent of decrease in soil loss by biological covering and straw mulching was 10.0% -13.5% for the first year and 27.1% -29.2% for the second year when compared with traditional treatment. Soil nutrient loss showed the same tendency, 20.5% and 32.2% for each year. [Conclusions] Therefore, both straw mulching and biological covering improved soil nutrient status and reduced soil erosion, and biological covering showed more obvious influence. Moreover, the effect of soil and water retention became more significant with the advance of study time under the practices of straw mulching and biological covering.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 139-145 [Abstract] ( 593 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1002KB] ( 681 )
Research Review
146 Li Hongjun,Kong Yaping,Zhang Yan
A review of geotextiles ecological protection technology

[Background] With the rapid development of construction projects, soil and water loss from artificial slopes becomes more and more serious, which leads to the birth of various soil protection methods. The newly-invented geotextiles ecological protection technology has the characteristics of rapid construction, soil and water conservation, and degradable biomaterial. Geotextiles are a possible temporary alternative before vegetation establishes itself, and offer immediate soil protection on slopes. Hence, more and more attention has been paid to the research of this technology. [Methods] This paper reviews the progress of geotextiles research in recent years. The characteristics of different types of geotextiles are compared in terms of ecological slope protection and their functions in soil and water conservation, soil improvement, and plant growth. [Results] Studies have shown that the geotextiles can significantly reduce the sediment yield by 56% -98.9% and reduce runoff by 26% -81%, compared to bare land. However, the effect of geotextiles on soil and water conservation varies greatly owing to the material and density of geotextiles, the rainfall intensity and field conditions. Geotextiles made of borassus fibre reduce soil erosion most effectively because of their high anti-scouribility, while geotextiles made of wheat straw reduce runoff most effectively due to their high water contention capacity. Geotextiles ameliorate soil quality through increasing the surface roughness and prolonging the residence time in the surface to increase the infiltration. The geotextiles can also avoid direct sunlight, moderate soil surface temperature fluctuations, and maintain soil moisture, while degradation themselves improves the physical and chemical properties of soil, increases soil fertility, and enhances microbial activity. The geotextiles increase the survival rate of plants, increase plant density and plant biomass and accelerate the growth of vegetation. The plants covered by geotextiles have higher productivity than the bare plots. From the practical application point of view, the geotextiles have multiple advantages in the aspect of ecological slope protection, and has a prospect of wide application in engineering construction as an important technology of ecological protection. First, the technology can utilize surplus agricultural waste such as straw and borassus fiber, which not only reduces the environmental pollution caused by burning, but also generates income for the farmers. Second, the technology of geotextiles can significantly shorten the construction period of soil and water conservation projects. Third, the materials of geotextiles are easy to get and process so as to save the project investment. Last but not least, the geotextiles can reduce evaporation and decrease irrigation frequency, thus saving the water resource. [Conclusions] And from the angle of scientific research, in-depth study of the ecological benefits of geotextiles in field experiments is still the main trend in recent studies. Development of different geotextiles adapting for application in different conditions of climate, soil, vegetation and for different purposes such as water insulation and heat insulation will become a new research hotspot.

2016 Vol. 14 (3): 146-154 [Abstract] ( 645 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 824KB] ( 836 )
Notice on the Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members for the Journal of SSWC
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