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2015 Vol.13 No.4  Published 2015-08-31
Foundamental Studies
1 Gao Haidong, Jia Lianlian, Li Zhanbin, Xu Guoce, Zhao Binhua
Mechanism underlying impact of check damson runoff based graph theory in the hilly-gully loess region

In order to explore the effect of check dams on runoff process and elucidate the mechanismunderlying erosion reduction, we chose a representative basin in the first sub-region of the hilly and gully loess region with well-established check dam system as the research subject. Firstly, we analyzed the influence of check dams on runoff coefficient, sediment transport modulus and basin lag time. The result shows that the runoff coefficient of Jiuyuangou,Wangmaogou and Xiangtagou was reduced by 29.43%, 34.63% and 16.78% and the sediment runoff modulus was decreased by 28.09%, 67.75% and 27.75%, respectively, compared with Peijiamao, Lijiazhai and Tuanyuangou which were not governed. The basin lag time of Wangmaogou was 117 min, almost three times longer than that of Lijiazhai. Secondly, we analyzed the effects of the check dam siltation on flow discharging capacity through establishing the unit discharge concept. We defined the flow of cross section of any channel under 1 m water level as the specific rate of flow. A Chezy formula was used to calculate the flow through the channel unit. The results illustrated that the flow rate of natural channel unit was 41.82 m3 / s, while the flow rate of check dam was 17.13 m3 / s. With the dam siltation, deposition reduced the flow capacity of the channel, and the unit flow rate of channel was reduced to 40% of the original. Finally, we defined three kinds of the river nodes which are reach junction (river junction), reach barriers node (check dam) and reach feature transform node (the transition point of natural channel to siltation channel), and divided the reach barriers node into three sub.categories which are strong connectivity node (spillway), weak connectivity node (shaft and horizontal pipes) and disconnected node (check dam without water facilities) based on the category of water release works. According to the unit flow, we assigned weight to each kind of node, constructed the river tree graph of Wangmaogou watershed by graph theory, and calculated the weight value of the whole basin (0.21). By fitting the measured peak flow, we found that there is a good correlation between the weight value and peak flow. The results are of significance to analyzing the influence of check dams and other measures of soil and water conservation on hydrological process of watershed.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 555 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1376KB] ( 1089 )
9 Gao Qing, Tang Lixia, Gu Xiaoping, Yu Fei, Cheng Xinglin, Huang Song
Analysis of ArcGIS-based relief amplitude of the Wangmo River Watershed in Guizhou

Studies of relief amplitude are of significance and practical application values not only to the sensitivity analysis of geological hazards like landslide and debris, but also to evaluation of the risk of geological hazards. However, little is known about relief amplitude in medium and small scale watersheds. Our objectives were to characterize the best relief amplitude of optimum statistical unit area of medium and small scale watersheds, learn geomorphic features of watersheds of such scales and figure out the reason of geological hazards. We chose the Wangmo River Watershed located in southwestern area of Guizhou Province and famous for its frequent landslides as our study area. We used a geographic information system (ArcGIS) and the DEM of 1:10000 scale to compute the optimum statistical relief amplitude unit of the watershed. Firstly, we adopted window analysis method and python module programming based on ArcGIS to automatically extract the different areas corresponding to the relief; condly, we employed mean change point analysis method and python module programming to automatically calculate the optimum statistical relief amplitude unit of the watershed.Finally, we analyzed the relief amplitude characteristics of the watershed and the relationships between relief amplitude, average slope and stream gradient factors. The results revealed that: 1) There was a significant logarithmic relationship between relief amplitude and average cell area of the watershed. 2)Based on python module programming we can automatically calculate the statistically optimum relief amplitude unit, that is 1.49 km2, and the relief amplitude ranged between  0~648.23 m. 3) The reliefamplitude is higher in the middle of the areas where river networks are concentrated, while it is lower at the edge of the plateau, and the rivers are mainly distributed in the range of 200~500 m of the terrain. The landscape belongs to small relief mountain. 4) There is a significantly positive correlation between stream gradient and relief amplitude, that is, the stream gradient increased with the increase of the relief amplitude. These results show that the Wangmo River Watershed belongs to small mountain geomorphology, with cutting highlands and cutting mountains as well as serious soil erosion.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 9-14 [Abstract] ( 434 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3780KB] ( 898 )
15 Wang Linhua, Ma Bo, Wu Faqi
Infiltration characteristics in sloping farmland at different growth stages of soybean (Glycine max L. ) in loess area

Soil erosion in sloping farmland is a key ecological and environmental issue that threats thesustainable agricultural development on the Loess Plateau of China. Knowledge of infiltration process is crucial for understanding and managing hydrological processes and soil erosion in sloping farmland. The objective of this study was to clarify the infiltration characteristics in sloping farmland at different stages of crop growth. The soybean (Glycine max L. ) was selected as our research object and its growth was divided into four stages: initial flowering stage (R1 ), late flowering stage (R2 ), pod bearing stage (R4), and maturity starting stage (R5 ). The bare sloping farmland was set as control (CK). Runoff from experimental plots was collected under the simulated rainfall condition, the infiltration processes and characteristics were analyzed, and the infiltration processes were simulated with the Horton and Kostiakov infiltration models. The following results were obtained. For the four growth stages of soybean, parameters such as initial infiltration rate, stable infiltration rate, cumulative infiltration amount and infiltration recharge coefficient presented generally the order as R5 > R4 > R2 > R1 > CK at different rainfall intensities and slope gradients. The recharge coefficient increased with growth stages but decreased with slope gradient. The crop coverage was the important factor for determining the recharge coefficient. Simulated infiltration processes with Horton and Kostiakov models showed that two models fit well with the infiltration and could reflect the infiltration characteristics while the fitting effect of Horton was better than Kostiakov. The results of our study are helpful for better understanding of the infiltration processes and characteristics in sloping farmland during the crop growth stages.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 15-24 [Abstract] ( 501 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1047KB] ( 890 )
25 Zhang Tao, Li Suyan, Zhai Penghui, Zhang Yang, Fu Ying
Soil profile characteristics in wetland at different submerging depths: A case study of the East Dongting Lake

We studied soil profile characteristics, physico-chemical properties and nutrient distribution in wetland at different submerging depths in water of East Dongting Lake, central China. Results showed:1) The thickness of subsurface horizon and the depth of gley horizon increased as the wetland elevation increased,with soil types distributed as meadow soil and tidal soil. 2) The average soil particle density was 2.78 g/ cm3 and the soil bulk density varied between 0.71 1.41 g/ cm3. 3) The content of organic matters ranged from 1.78% to 5.07%. It decreased with the increase of soil depth. No change of organic matter content was found in subsurface horizon. 4) With the increase of wetland elevation, soil total P increased, but total K decreased. Total P in surface horizon were higher than that in subsurface horizon, but there were no significaut differences of total K between surface horizon and subsurface horizon. 5) The contents of Ca and Mg in gleyed meadow soil were higher than that in the other soil types, but there were no relationships between the depth of ground water and the conteuts of Ca and Mg.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 25-31 [Abstract] ( 480 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 906KB] ( 814 )
32 Yang Rui,Yu Lifei
Structurd characteristics and dynamic changes of canopy in the process of natural restoration in degraded Karst forest

By employing the method of using space as a substitute for time, we studied the characteristics of canopy structure and dynamic changes of forest communities at different restoration/ succession stages of degraded Karst forest, namely, shrub stage, shrub-tree stage, tree stage and climax stage, using a CI -110 Plant Canopy Imager. The results show that: 1) Among the changes of forest canopy structure in different succession stages, leaf area index ranged between 1.56 and 2.92, and its value initially decreased and then increased from shrub stage to top climax stage, and only at tree stage did it achieve extremely significant differences with that of other stages. 2) There were no significant differences in the variations of mean leaf angle at different succession stages. 3) The variations of canopy gaps were not significant among the shrub stage, the shrub-tree stage, and the climax stage. It reached the maximum value at the tree stage, and there existed extremely significant differences between the tree stage and other succession stages. 4) The correlation analysis of several indexes of canopy structure showed that there was a highly significant, negative correlation between leaf area index and canopy gap.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 32-36 [Abstract] ( 401 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 863KB] ( 885 )
37 Song Wenchen, Tong Xiaojuan, Zhang Jinsong, Meng Ping, Li Jun
Partitioning of root respiration and rhizomicrobial respiration in a Robinia pseudoacacia plantation based on 13C natural abundance

Partitioning soil respiration into root respiration, rhizomicrobial respiration and basal microorganism respiration is of important significance in ecological and pedological studies. The method of δ13C natural abundance is an ideal way in microbial biomass research to partition rhizosphere respiration into root respiration and rhizomicrobial respiration; however, it is difficult to be applied under field conditions. In this study, the method of nature 13C abundance was used to partition soil respiration into root respiration, rhizomicrobial respiration and basal micro-organism respiration in a Robinia pseudoacacia plantation in the Yellow River Xiaolangdi Ecology Research Station. The difficulties of separating root respiration and rhizomicrobial respiration by 13C natural abundance in the plantation have been solved in this study, which include: 1) the error caused by damage and disturbance, 2)ruling out δ13C difference caused by C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways between soil and plant, and 3) the problem of soil CO2 diffusion fractionation. The δ13C value of the soil ranged from - 19‰to - 23‰. It is suggested that carbon isotopic composition of soil organic matters in the deeper soil requires a long time to cycle so that the influence of returning maize cropland to plantation on soil carbon isotope would not vanish completely.The δ13C values of soil organic matters did not change significantly with soil depth, while the δ13C values of rootless soil organic matters had a significantly positive correlation with soil depth. Theδ13C fractionation of CO2 diffusion in the soil was about 2.0‰, suggesting that the root respiration and rhizomicrobial respiration of the R. pseudoacacia plantation has been successfully separated by 13C natural abundance in this study. The results showed that the proportions of root respiration ( fR ) and rhizomicrobial respiration (fM ) were about 43% and 57% in July, 52% and 48% in August,and 27% and 73% in September, respectively. fR and fM were influenced by soil temperature and their standard deviation (SD) was higher under a lower soil conductivity. The method of 13C natural abundance is proved to be a suitable approach for partitioning plantation soil respiration into root respiration, rhizomicrobial respiration and basal microorganism respiration.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 37-43 [Abstract] ( 520 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 942KB] ( 813 )
44 Yao Jie, Qi Shi, Zhang Hailong, Yang Bo
Effects of soil erosion control project of the Yangtze River on environmental human carrying capacity in Sichuan Province

In soil erosion area, land productivity and farmer爷s income can be raised obviously by carrying out the measures of soil erosion control and in the meantime increasing the amount of environmental human carrying capacity. As the most important and the largest soil erosion control project in the Yangtze River, also called “Yangtze River Harness冶project, it plays an important role for improving the environment and increasing human carrying capacity. Taking the fourth stage of the project in Sichuan Province as an example, we used cluster analysis method and divided the 72 controlled watersheds into 6 groups. The environmental human carrying capacity was calculated in terms of different consumption standards (food consumption and cash consumption). The results showed that the amount of the carrying capacity had been greatly increased after control. At the same level of harness investment, the small watersheds with higher population density and grain yield per hectare have more increment of carrying capacity. Based on analyzing the typical small watersheds, the proper value of investment for the fourth stage of the project is about RMB 110 000 to 120 000 yuan per square kilometer, at the investment level of the year 1997, for the purpose of increasing environmental human carrying capacity. In comparison, the amount of rational harness investment of the first stage of the project, which is similar to that of the fourth stage, is about RMB 315 000 yuan per square kilometer at present value of 2013.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 44-50 [Abstract] ( 462 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 900KB] ( 778 )
Applied Studies
51 Wang Bing, Hu Xuli, Xu Zhiqiang, Zhang Guangcan, Yuan Li, Li Huan, Yao Xiaoyou, Liu Xia
Zoning of soil and water conservation monitoring in Huaihe River Basin

Soil and water conservation monitoring is one of the main tasks and essential for improving ecological environment. It is also an important guarantee of socio-economic sustainable development. Taking the Huaihe River Basin in rocky mountain areas of northern China as the research area, we propose a two-grade zoning method of soil and water conservation monitoring, by combining the principal factor analysis and assessment of different ecological functions in soil and water conservation. The results showed that: 1) the Huaihe River Basin could be divided into seven first-grade zones (types of soil and water erosion monitoring areas) and 15 second-grade zones (functional monitoring areas of soil and water conservation), which can demonstrate the main ecological functions and spatial distribution patterns of soil and water conservation monitoring. 2 ) The principal ecological functions of soil and water conservation monitoring of the Huaihe River Basin include water conservation, soil conservation, farmland protection, wind prevention and sand fixation. The areas of different function monitoring zones follow the order of farmland protection area (61.0% of all the entire basin) > soil conservation area (26.4%) >water conservation area (7.3%) > wind prevention and sand fixation area (5.3%).

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 51-57 [Abstract] ( 439 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5256KB] ( 966 )
58 Zhou Sisi, Wang Dongmei, Tan Huiguo
Comparative assessment on functions of different revetments along the Guilin-Yangshuo section of Lijiang River southern China

The Lijiang River is a famous tourist resort in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, as well as a major river for flood discharge. To ensure the navigation safety and protect the natural landscape of the Lijiang River, different types of revetments have been established along the Lijiang River since the end of 1980s, including engineering measure, plant measure and comprehensive measure. However, the status quo and effect of these revetments remain unclear, and there are few researches on functional assessment of riparian revetments. Given this situation, we carried out field ivestigation of revetments and established a functional assessment system on revetments in this study, in order to lay foundation on functional assessment on riparian revetments and provide theoretical basis and guidance for the construction and management of revetment restoration projects along the Lijiang River. In this research, the status of existing revetments along the Guilin-Yangshuo section of the Lijiang River was surveyed and classified systematically after thorough field investigation combined with image data. Then, engineering measure-masonry, engineering measure-gabion, plant measure and comprehensive measure, were selected as four representative revetment measures. After that, a functional assessment system on revetments was established using analytic hierarchy process which combined qualitative and quantitativeassessment. The final result of functional assessment on these four representative revetments was demonstrated in the comprehensive evaluation index. The assessment results showed that plant measure worked best, followed by comprehensive measure, engineering measure-gabion and, in the last place,engineering measure-sonry. Comparing two engineering measures, the gabion, which is more ecological, worked much better than the masonry. According to the above assessment result, and considering different safety requirements in different river sections, the optimal revetment measure and the ideal restoration proposals were put forward at the end of this paper. We suggest that the proportion of plant measures and comprehensive measures along the Lijiang River should be increased, which can stabilize the river bank, and improve its eco-environment as well.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 58-66 [Abstract] ( 438 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2777KB] ( 712 )
67 Wang Bingjie, Liu Penggang, Yang Hailong, Liu Huibo, Wang Zhigang, Zhang Qiang
Naturalness evaluation system of rivers in Beijing mountainous areas and its application

Resonable river naturalaess evaluation has a positive effect for exploting soil and water resources. Meanwhile, it plays an active role in soil and water consercation. We established a naturalness evaluation system of rivers in Beijing mountainous areas which consists of 23 qualitative and quantitative indexes. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to determine the weight of each index. We classify the rivers in Beijing mountainous areas into five grades: natural state, nearly natural state,degraded state, seriously degraded state and artificial state. In order to improve the evaluation efficiency,we developed the evaluation system using Java language, with five-element connection number as the evaluation model. The system realizes procedural evaluation process. It also provides scientific support for the river managers to analyze problems or to take ecological restoration measures. Based on the data in 2008 and 2011, we assessed the naturalness of Andamu river using the system. The results show that evaluation grade of Andamu Rive is on the decline on the whole, and that of nine out of the totally 16 samples drops to different degrees. The nine samples are all adjacent to villages greatly influenced by human activities.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 67-73 [Abstract] ( 456 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 899KB] ( 880 )
74 Wu Di, Li Jiazuo, Zhang Chunping, Zhang Ronghua
Application and analysis of results of soil and water loss monitoring methods at county scale

Regular survey and announcement of soil erosion situation are of great significance to understand the result of soil and water loss control, to evaluate the efficiency of soil and water loss control and to make soil and water conservation planning and national economic development plans. In order to explore the results of application of the soil erosion model at county scale, we take the comprehensive methods that combine CSLE model, sample survey, remote sensing interpretation and statistical analysis to monitor and evaluate quantitatively the situation of land use, ecological environment and soil and water loss in a typical county (Yishui County) of Yimeng mountainous area in the national key control area of northern rocky mountain soil, and analyze the dynamic change of the soil and water loss by using transfer matrix analysis of data during 2009—2013. The results show that, CSLE model considers more factors affecting soil erosion such as rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope length and soil conservation practices in addition to slope, vegetation cover and land use than departmental standards of the Ministry of Water Resources, and calculates the soil erosion modulus and intensity more accurately. More information on land use, vegetation cover, soil conservation practices and soil properties at single point scale can be obtained through sampling survey than by remote sensing method. The topographic and geomorphic conditions, land use, vegetation cover and area, intensity and distribution of soil and water loss can be quantitatively evaluated based on high resolution remote sensing images. And the generated distribution map of soil and water loss from high resolution remote sensing images can make up for the deficiency of no distribution maps in the fourth national soil erosion survey with remote sensing technology, and provide basic maps for further divisions of the key prevention area and the key control area of soil and water conservation and planning. The monitoring results can provide basic data and decision support for ecological rehabilitation in the national key soil and water loss control areas.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 74-79 [Abstract] ( 551 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2421KB] ( 873 )
80 Zhang Yinghao, Mao Yanxin, Feng Guoqiang
Evaluation of ecological benefits in Pinus tabulaeformis plantation with different stand densities

Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. , a prominent species in forest plantations of Shanxi Province, is a common coniferous species in the cool temperate zone of North China and plays a very important role in soil and water conservation and improving soil fertility in North China mountainous regions. Based on the distributed measurement method, we suggest an assessment system for the ecological benefit value of P. tabulaeformis plantation with unthinned (CK), light (LT), medium (MT) and high intensity (HT)thinning in Maquan Foresty of Taiyue Forest Bureau’s Shanxi, China. And with reference to some related price parameters, accuracy analysis and evaluation were made to P. tabulaeformis plantation with different stand densities from the perspective of ecological benefit. The results showed that the value of water conservation followed the order of MT (102.58 yuan/ (hm2·a)) > CK (100.07 yuan/ (hm2·a))> HT (99.98 yuan/ (hm2·a)) > LT (95.45 yuan/ (hm2·a)). The values of soil conservation in CK,LT, MT and HT ere 228.92, 228.75, 267.00 and 232.30 yuan/ (hm2·a), respectively. The total annual value of carbon fixation and oxygen release was 3 965.13 yuan/ (hm2·a) in CK, 4 229.96 yuan/(hm2·a) in LT, 4 591.69 yuan/ (hm2·a) in MT, and 3 758.30 yuan/ (hm2·a) in HT. Value of nutrient accumulation ranged from 1 424.80 yuan/ (hm2·a) in HT to1 769.94 yuan/ (hm2·a) in MT. Overall, the ecological benefit had notable difference at four densities, having the order of medium thinning stand > low thinning stand > control stand > high thinning stand. The ecological benefit of low thinning and medium thinning stands were increased by 6.28% and 15.60% than control stand. In contrast, the ecological benefit of high thinning stand was 5.28% lower than control stand. The ecological benefit mainly came from carbon fixation and oxygen release. Our evaluation results have certain contribution and practical application value to the forestry management and production activities in the Taiyue Mountain area. It also provides scientific and reliable theoretical basis and practical technical guidance for the sustainable management of forests in North China.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 80-85 [Abstract] ( 585 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 898KB] ( 830 )
86 Yang Min, Lin Jie, Gu Zheyan, Tong Guangchen, Wong Yongbing, Zhang Jinchi, Lu Xiaozhen
Leaf area index retrieval based on Landsat 8 OLI multi-spectral image data and BP neural network

Horizontal coverage condition, vertical structure of vegetation, litter layer thickness and underground biomass, which can all be reflected by leaf area index, are the principal aspects from which vegetation affects soil erosion. Acquiring the regional Leaf Area Index (LAI) timely, accurately and effectively is crucial to study the relationship between soil erosion and vegetation. The neural network has the incomparable superiority in the complex, nonlinear data fitting and pattern recognition, and has become a common way for the hybrid inversion method. In this study we established two neural network models, one having one hidden layer, and the other having two, based on four bands (blue, green, red, near infrared) of Landsat 8 OLI multi-spectral remote sensing images with four vegetation indexes (NDVI, RVI, SAVI, MSAVI) as input data, and measured data of LAI as output data. Among 111 sampling sites, 80 were used to train the BP neural network and 46 for verification.empirical formula of the number of hidden layer nodes, the hidden layer nodes were set in a range of 3 -20. Then, based on the MATLAB r2009a neural network toolbox, with the method of trial and error,through iterative optimization, the optimal BP network was determined. Comparison and analysis showed that the BP neural network model had a high retrieval precision, especially for the model with two hidden layers, the average relative error (MAPE) was 0.201 3, root mean square error (RMSE) 0.52, and the correlation coefficient (R) 0.77, all of which were better than the precision of nonlinear regression model. Finally, LAI of Nanjing city was estimated using the BP neural network model with two hidden layers. Analysis indicated that the LAI distribution coincided with the actual distribution of getation.The estimated LAI of Nanjing city was tested by 11 measured LAI points in the nonsampled Nanjing Jubaoshan Forest Park in mid August 2014. The MAPE was 0.117 5 and RMSE was 0.986 1. However, due to the large area of the inversion area, the complexity of vegetation types and vegetation community structure, the uneven distribution of samples and so on, the model showed a higher simulation accuracy within the LAI range 2-4, but bigger retrieval error within the LAI ranges smaller than 2 and bigger than 4. The accuracy of LAI remote sensing inversion needs further improvement, and the inversion method needs further study.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 86-93 [Abstract] ( 452 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3307KB] ( 945 )
Development Studies
94 Jin Qiutong,Shi Mingchang,Zhang Jutao,Wang Shan,Hu Ying
Calibration of rainfall erosivity calculation based on TRMM data: A case study of the upriver basin of Jiyun River, North China

The low temporal resolution of TRMM data could cause systematic errors in the rainfall erosivity calculation within the specified time period. For this reason,we propose a method of calibration in order to reduce the errors in this paper. Firstly, a relationship table of rainfall erosivity at different events and duration with typical rainfall process is established with historical rainfall data or numerical simulation; then, the corresponding difference is calculated from the above table based on the precipitation and duration of each rainfall in the study area; afterwards, the adjusted value of rainfall erosivity in each rainfall is calculated by multiplying the figure found in the pervious step by the original value of rainfall erosivity correspondingly; finally, the calibrated value of daily, monthly or yearly rainfall erosivity is obtained by adding daily, monthly or yearly adjusted value of rainfall erosivity correspondingly. To verify the effectiveness of this calibration method, the typical rainfall process in the study area, the upriver regions of Jiyun River, was simulated within Matlab 2010b to obtain therelationship table, and then the rainfall erosivity in the study area was calculated using TRMM 3B42 data in 2008 with the spatial resolution of 0.25°×0.25°and the time resolution of 3 h. The calculation was conducted in the ENVI - IDL Language program and calibrated by the relationship table. The results showed that: the rainfall erosivity in the upriver of Jiyun River ranged from 900 to 2 900 MJ·mm/ (hm2·h) with the highest values in central area, followed by southern and northern parts, which was consistent with the local average annual values and distribution of rainfall erosivity. The results confirm that this method can effectively improve the precision of TRMM data爷s application. Due to the limitation of spatial resolution of TRMM data, this calibration method is only applied in the rainfall erosivity calculation at large and middle scales. In order to improve the precision of this calibration method, the typical rainfall process, rain type design and distribution of rainfall duration should be detailed.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 94-102 [Abstract] ( 532 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2732KB] ( 898 )
103 Liu Yingna, Liu Baoyuan,Zhang Keli,Zheng Yuanzhi
Soil erodibility estimation using micro-plots

Soil erodibility reflects the vulnerability or susceptibility of soil to erosion and is frequently used in the evaluation of soil erosion and the prediction of soil loss. A feasible and reliable method for soil erodibility measurement and estimation is critically required in the research of soil erosion. The objectives of the current study were to estimate the erodibilities of five typical soils in China using micro-plots and to compare the results with those obtained with the traditional unit plot method. Each of the five soils, i. e. , purple soil, black soil, red soil, cinnamon soil and loess soil, was packed into a 20m×2.1m unit plot and a 1m×1m micro-plot, with continuously in a clean-tilled fallow condition and tillage performed upslope and downslope. Runoff and sediment yield were measured for the unit plots in 61 natural rainfall events during the years 2006—2011 and for the micro-plots in 47 events during 2007—2011. Annual soil erodibilities of each soil were calculated as the K values in the Chinese Soil Loss Equation ( CSLE) for both unit plot and micro-plot. And, the calculated formula of K value was presented as K = A / (R·LS·B·E·T). The results showed that the mean annual K values generated with the micro-plots were all lower than those obtained with the unit plots. However, both plot methods yielded generally the highest K values for the purple and black soils, followed by the red soil, and the lowest values for the cinnamon and loess soils. In addition, significant correlations of annual K value were detected between the two methods for all the soils except for the loess soil, because rills were prone to develop in the unit plot of loess soil but not in the micro-plot due to the short slope length. Significant linear regression equations between two K values, i. e. , obtained with the unit plot and the micro-plot methods, were generated for purple soil, black soil, red soil and cinnamon soil. These findings suggest that micro-plots are applicable in soil erobibility estimation for five typical soils in China except for the loess soil.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 103-108 [Abstract] ( 555 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 929KB] ( 816 )
109 Wang Zhiliang,Fu Guizeng,Wei Liwei,Qi Jianhuai,Chen Yu
Discussion on application of low altitude UAV RS to soil and water conservation monitoring in linear engineering: A case study on the new Chongqing-Wanzhou railway

Traditional techniques of soil and water conservation monitoring cannot fully meet the requirements of accuracy, timeliness and integrality in production and construction projects monitoring. Taking the new Chongqing-Wanzhou railway as a study case, we introduced low altitude UAV RS into the key sections monitoring. Compared with traditional techniques, the low altitude UAV RS has advantages of high precision, real time, comprehensiveness, and the disadvantages are low vertical precision, heavy information extraction workload, weather dependence, and high investment.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 109-113 [Abstract] ( 599 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5639KB] ( 1545 )
114 Fu Guizeng,Wei Liwei
Ten crucial aspects for soil and water conservation monitoring on large linear production and construction projects:A case study on the new Chongqing-Wanzhou railway

Affected by the traditional project management and management ability of monitoring sectors, some problems exist in the management of soil and water conservation monitoring on production and construction projects, such as extensive management, institutional dysfunction, and outdated technologies. Taking the soil and water conservation monitoring of Chongqing-Wanzhou railway as a study case, we summarize experiences in the monitoring into 10 crucial aspects that should be in place: preliminary work, office space, monitoring personnel, instruments and equipments, management system,archives information, communication and coordination, monitoring frequency, technical measures, and monitoring report, in order to provide reference of soil and water conservation monitoring for similar large linear production and construction projects.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 114-116 [Abstract] ( 548 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 826KB] ( 871 )
117 Zhu Qingke, Ma Huan
Preliminary study on smart soil and water conservation in China

Smarter planet strategy has been generally recognized by countries all around the world and it is widely used in water conservancy, forestry, transportation, electricity, environmental protection, tourism and other various industries. To facilitate the development of soil and water conservation science and technology the smart soil and water conservation system is urgent need to building. This paper put forward the concept and general framework of smart soil and water conservation. Additionally,analyzedand comparedthe similarities and differences between digital soil and water conservation and smart soil and water conservation. Objectives, principles and content of smart soil and water conservation wereput forward based on the current status of soil and water conservation informatization construction. The main content of smart soil and water conservation include 1)The internet of things for soil erosion monitoring. 2) High-speed Internet including high-speed mobile internet. 3) Database of soil and water conservation. 4) Erosion control decision system. 5) Integrated Management Systems. 6) Data security emergency system. 7) Public Service Platform.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 117-122 [Abstract] ( 438 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 902KB] ( 1019 )
123 Yi Qiang
Big data and soil and water conservation monitoring

With the progress of science and technology, we have entered the era of big data. Massive amounts of data obtained in a variety of industries, can all be referred to as big data. Big data have the characteristics such as large amount, variety, high velocity and high value of application. Soil and water conservation monitoring is an important basic work. Development and application of big data help us to explore and find out the rules of the development of soil and water loss, and thus to realize scientific forecast. It provides support for the transfer from experience-based ecological decision and quantificated decision to big data decision. In respect of development of big data, we should recognize that it is still in the primary stage, and thus there might exist difficulties and challenges. Therefore, we should make big data research and development plans timely on the basis of all-round monitoring. Exploration and research should be planned and conducted step by step, in order to find the right big data solutions that realize the analysis and application of big data.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 123-126 [Abstract] ( 500 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 834KB] ( 856 )
127 Luo Zhidong
Conservation patch: the minimum basic management unit of soil and water conservation in China

According to the theory of soil and water conservation and managing practices, the minimum basic management unit is defined as conservation patch in this paper, which refers to the patch of soil and water conservation. This paper introduces the status of the basic management unit of soil and water conservation in China, aimed to elucidate the definition, implications, characteristics, division method, applications and functions of conservation patch. Based on land use type, soil type, slope grade, vegetation type and soil and water conservation measures, conservation patch is further explained. On this basis, this paper puts forward the construction technology of conservation patch, and establishes a set of management units of soil and water conservation. And it realizes the integrative application and management of basic data units of monitoring and evaluation of soil erosion, comprehensive harness of soil and water loss, supervision and law enforcement etc. The definition of conservation patch unifies the basic management and enhances the modern management of soil and water conservation.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 127-131 [Abstract] ( 434 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 856KB] ( 884 )
132 Zhao Hui,Yin Yili
Problems and countermeasures for the data compilation in soil and water conservation monitoring

Data compilation in China is currently one of weaknesses in soil and water conservation monitoring. In this paper we divide the process of data compilation into several stages, define the main content of each stage and put forward the quality control requirements with an objective of improving the work of data compilation in soil and water conservation monitoring. According to our proposal, the entire data compilation can be divided into four stages: compilation, examination, review and collection. The main content of each stage differs and so do their quality control emphases. At present, the countermeasures for data compilation in soil and water conservation monitoring are to immediately establish the system and technical standards of monitoring data compilation, to standardize management, to strengthen the quality control of compilation and technical training so as to improve the professional level of involved staff and their consciousness of quality, and finally to improve the quality of achievements of soil and water conservation monitoring.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 132-136 [Abstract] ( 435 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 852KB] ( 803 )
137 Guo Huimin, Wang Wukui
Spatial distribution of ecological compensation based on land opportunity cost: A case study in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

Based on the interests of the farmers of the sloping land conversion program, we propose a calculation method of ecological compensation standard of regional space, so as to provide reference for decision makers. In the qualitative analysis of allocation of compensation, economic and operational feasibility should be taken into account with a series of qualitative factors as the constraint conditions. In the quantitative analysis, the opportunity cost and ecosystem service value, two important factorscompensation distributed in Zhuolu County is the largest and that in Zhangjiakou City the smallest. The amount of compensation of farmland per hectare in Xiahuayuan District is the highest and that in Guyuan County the lowest. The proposed method can solve the problem of “sweeping approach”in ecological compensation for being reasonable and feasible. influencing ecological compensation, were normalized to percentage and considered as weight. By constructing a distribution model based on GIS techniques, the allocation results of ecological compensation were subjected to regional operation and space expression, and the study area was divided into five levels by the clustering analysis. We set the amount of ecological compensation 302.12 million yuan as the goal in Zhangjiakou City, taking counties in Zhangjiakou City as the subjects of distribution, and measured the distribution model of ecological compensation. The results show that the total compensation distributed in Zhuolu County is the largest and that in Zhangjiakou City the smallest. The amount of compensation of farmland per hectare in Xiahuayuan District is the highest and that in Guyuan County the lowest. The proposed method can solve the problem of “sweeping approach"in ecological compensation for being reasonable and feasible.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 137-143 [Abstract] ( 525 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1904KB] ( 936 )
Research Review
144 Li Zhiguang,Jiang Xuebing,Liu Erjia,Zhao Hui
Present status and future development of technologies and methods for soil and water conservation monitoring in China

The systems of water conservation monitoring in China on different spatial scales, contents and indictors, data collection, transfer and management, etc. , have been basically constructed. The monitoring facilities are being equipped extensively and regularly with an accelerating rate. This paper comprehensively analyzes the current situation of the research, development, and application of soil and water conservation monitoring facilities, and then proposes some countermeasures and suggestions on promoting new monitoring technologies and methods. Modern space technology, optical technology, and modern information technology have been extensively and deeply adopted in soil and water monitoring, which have promoted the development and application of pertinent equipments, and thus greatly enhanced the development of new monitoring technologies, data collection efficiency, and information accuracy. To accelerate the development and application of new monitoring facilities and technologies, we hould gather our talent, capital and material resources to conduct further investigations. We need to elucidate the focus of future research and development, promote collaborations among research groups, establish the pilot demonstration bases, and guide and encourage the upgrade of the monitoring sites of the National Water Conservation Monitoring Network to promote a comprehensive modernization of monitoring technology.

2015 Vol. 13 (4): 144-148 [Abstract] ( 552 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 859KB] ( 1174 )
Notice on the Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members for the Journal of SSWC
Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
ZHENG Fenli, CHEN Liding and LEI Tingwu in the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier
SSWC Indexed in the 2020 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
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2020 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in Beijing, Concurrently
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SSWC Indexed in the 2017 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
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2017 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in the Yangling of Shaan
Professor Wang Lixian, Former Editor-in-Chief of SSWC Won Norman Hudson Memory Award
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