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2014 Vol.12 No.6  Published 2014-12-31
Original Paper
1 Jiang Fangshi, Huang Yanhe, Lin Jinshi, Zhao Gan, Ge Hongli
Effects of repetitive rainfalls on rill erosion of coluvial deposit in granite slope collapse
Colluvial deposits as a part of slope collapse are the packed material under the collapsing wall, which form the collapsing wall and original mountain slope surface under hydraulic pressure and gravity. As a type of disturbed soil, colluvial deposits feature high contents of gravel, sand, and loose materials that have a weak structure, low cohesion, poor stability, and high erodibility. Rill erosion is an important factor of soil erosion. The study of peculiarity of rill erosion will be of great significance to illustration of mechanism of the erosion on colluvial deposits. We investigated the sediment yield processes and the characteristics of rill development on colluvial deposits at repetitive rainfalls. Rainfall simulations were conducted in a 5 m2(5 m ×1 m) test plot (30°) in the laboratory. Rainfall intensity ranged from 1.00 to 2.33 mm/ min. Results are shown as follows. The sediment yield processes tended to be consistent during the later stages in the three rainfalls at the rainfall intensity of 1.00 mm/ min; while at rainfall intensities of 1.67 and 2.33 mm/ min, the consistency of sediment yield processes only occurred in the first two rainfalls, and sediment yield rate sharply increased at the later stage in the third rainfall. At all rainfall intensities, the distance of the longest rill head from top slope became short, the width and depth increased with the increasing rainfall times; the number of rills and the density increased but width-depth ratio decreased with the increasing rainfall times at the rainfall intensities of 1.00 and 1.67 mm/ min, whereas the opposite results were observed at the rainfall intensity of 2.33 mm/ min. The rill erosion volume and the contribution on slope erosion increased with increasing rainfall times at all rainfall intensities.


2014 Vol. 12 (6): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 410 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3815KB] ( 734 )
8 Zhang Naifu, Liu Xia, Zhu Jipeng, Zhang Guangcan, Zhang Ronghua,Yang Shaoyang, Wang Jing
Assessment and spatial heterogeneity of soil erosion sensitivity in the Xin'anjiang river basin, Anhui Province
The Xin'anjiang river basin in Anhui Province as a national key prevention and control area of soil and water loss, as well as a key protection area of drinking water in China, plays an important role in regional ecological security. Based on the universal soil loss equation (USLE) and in accordance with the Interim Regulations of Ecological Function Zoning, the influence of rainfall, soil, topography and vegetation on soil erosion sensitivity was explored in the Xin'anjiang river basin. On basis of the above-mentioned data, we applied the factors appraisal method to assess soil erosion sensitivity and spatial heterogeneity. Results showed that: 1) In the Xin'anjiang river basin, the soil erosion sensitivity can be divided into five levels, i. e. insensitive, slightly sensitive, moderately sensitive, strongly sensitive and extremely sensitive. Slightly sensitive area is the largest, accounting for 47.77% of the total area, followed by moderately sensitive area, 32.92%; strongly and extremely sensitive areas are much smaller, only 5.39% together. 2) In terms of spatial distribution, the sensitivity increases from the plains to the low mountains, and the highly sensitive areas are mainly in large undulating hills and low mountains, such as northern Huizhou district, southwestern Xiuning County, eastern and northwestern She County, and eastern Jixi County. 3) The distribution of soil erosion sensitivity is consistent with that of the soil erosion situation. The highly sensitive regions always suffer serious soil erosion in majority of the sample areas, except in some areas such as eastern She County and southern Xiuning County where some differences exist due to the impact of human factors.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 8-15 [Abstract] ( 579 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3486KB] ( 727 )
16 Zhao Qiankun, Wang Zhiguo, Zhang Guangcan, Zhang Chao, Hu Xuli, Zhang Shuyong
Assessment of eco-environment vulnerability in functional regions of soil and water conservation in Shanxi Province

In order to explore the eco-environment vulnerability in functional regions of soil and water conservation in Shanxi Province, the distribution characteristics of the eco-environment vulnerability in different primary function regions of soil and water conservation were analyzed, and the key areas and measures in carrying out the ecological constructions of soil and water conservation were discussed according to the regionalization and data of soil and water conservation, by using the method of combining principal factor analysis, the expert evaluation analysis, and the analytic hierarchy process. The results showed that: 1) There was significant differences in the eco-environment vulnerability among different regions, and the vulnerability degree from high to low followed the order of sand interception and reduction region (severe vulnerability), soil conservation region (medium and severe vulnerability),wind prevention and sand fixation region (medium vulnerability), water storage and holding region (mild and medium vulnerability) and water conservation region ( mild vulnerability); 2 ) In the eco-environment construction in different soil and water conservation areas, the comprehensive governing should be regarded as the first priority in soil conservation region (medium and severe vulnerability), sand interception and reduction region (severe vulnerability) and wind prevention and sand fixation region (medium vulnerability), and prevention, protection and supervision were also very important in water storage and holding region (mild and medium vulnerability) and water conservation region (mild vulnerability).

2014 Vol. 12 (6): 16-22 [Abstract] ( 510 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 946KB] ( 805 )
23 Li Min
Effect of soil and water conservation on sediment discharge in the Yellow River
This study was targeted to explore the effect of soil and water conservation on the annual sediment discharge in the Yellow River during the period of 1954 to 2005 using the regression analysis method. Results indicated that: 1) Three out of 24 optional independent variables, i. e. , “rainfall from July to August in the section of Hekouzhen to Wubao”, “controlled percentage of soil erosion”and “ln ‘annual rainfall in the section of Hekouzhen to Longmen’”were screened out to form a multivariate nonlinear regression equation. The correlation coefficient (R) reached 0.883, highly significant at α= 0.001 level. The regression equation “explains”76.5% of the change of annual sediment discharge during the 1954—2005 period in the Yellow River. 2) Controlled percentage of soil erosion can be a good “explanation"of the decline in annual sediment discharge in the Yellow River since the 1980s. 3) When the July August rainfall in the section of Hekouzhen to Wubao was at the maximum observed value, controlled percentage of soil erosion increased from 0 to 50%, and reduction rate of calculated annual sediment yield was over 2 billion tons. 4) At the same level of the soil and water conservation, the impact of soil and water conservation on the sediment load in the Yellow River in larger rainfalls is greater than that in smaller rainfalls.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 23-29 [Abstract] ( 581 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5905KB] ( 894 )
30 Zhang Tengfei, Zha Xuan, Huang Shaoyan
Soil erosion process and particle composition of three soil types in natural rainfalls
By selecting three typical soil categories and three representative natural rainfalls in southern red soil erosion area,we studied the regularity of the runoff and sediment yield and compared the soil particle composition before and after the rainfalls under the same testing conditions. Under the same erosion conditions, runoff of three types of soil followed the order of purple soil > granite red soil > quaternary red clay, and the sediment yield ranked as granite red soil > purple soil > quaternary red clay. Comparison of particle composition on the soil surface before and after rainfalls revealed that the dimension of three types of particles on the surface had a tendency of increasing. Loss of a large amount of fine particles is the major cause of soil degradation and ecological deterioration.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 30-35 [Abstract] ( 442 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 980KB] ( 764 )
36 Zheng Liwen, Liu Xiaoguang, Tu Zhihua, Chen Lihua, Yu Xinxiao
Effects of moisture content and dry density of soil on the friction characteristics between Pinus tabulaeformis root and soil
In order to evaluate the effect of the different soil physical characteristics on soil reinforcement by plant roots, the experiment of directly pulling out single roots of Pinus tabulaeformis was conducted by implementing pull-out load, and the effect of the different soil moisture contents and dry densities on the friction performance between tree roots and soil system was tested. The results showed that the test of directly pulling out single roots had two main failure modes: pulled out and broken, and there existed a significantly linear correlation between root diameter and root-soil friction. We analyzed the friction between roots and soil by establishing a simplified single-root model, and the results agreed with the experimental conclusion. In a certain range of the root diameter, the maximum root-soil friction increased first and then decreased with the increasing soil moisture, while increased with the rising soil dry density.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 36-41 [Abstract] ( 493 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2075KB] ( 726 )
42 Chen Xiaobing, Zhang Hongjiang, Li Shiyou, Zhang Fuming, Cheng Jinhua, Wei Huwei, Tian Xiangjiao
Characteristics and influencing factors of preferential flow in different vegetation types of purple sandstone regions
This paper focused on the forestland with three different vegetation types, i. e. , conifer + broadleaf forestland, Phyllostachys pubescens forestland and grassland in purple sandstone regions of the Simianshan Mountain in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Chongqing, using the methods of brilliant blue dye, image analysis and the SPSS software to present the soil preferential flow features and the influencing factors of the three vegetation types. The research results showed that: 1) The soil preferential flow zones were different for the three vegetation types, the soil preferential flow occurred in 0 -20 cm of soil surface layer of the Phyllostachys pubescens forestland and grassland, while it always occurred in the 10 -40 cm of soil layer in the conifer + broadleaf forestland. 2) The conifer + broadleaf forestland had more soil preferential flow paths than in the Phyllostachys pubescens forestland andgrassland, the development degree of the soil preferential flow was in the order of conifer + broadleaf forestland > Phyllostachys pubescens forest land > grassland. 3) The root system impacted the occurrence of soil preferential flow: the root diameter between 3 and 5 mm had a noticeable impact on the soil preferential flow of conifer + broadleaf forestland; however, the soil preferential flow of the Phyllostachys pubescens forestland and grassland were affected mainly by the root diameter between 1 and 3 mm. 4) The mass fraction of the sand in the three different vegetation types affected the occurrence of the soil preferential flow, in the meantime, the soil preferential flow had an impact on the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity: it contributed to raise the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 42-49 [Abstract] ( 366 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3734KB] ( 797 )
50 Liu Yong, Wang Yujie, Wang Hongxia,Wang Yunqi, Sun Suqi, Qin Fanghua, Liu Liziyuan
Function and value assessment of soil and water conservation under six patterns of the Grain to Green Program in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Yangtze River
Based on the survey data of the 30 grain plots of 22 regions (counties) within the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, the benefits and economic value of water and soil conservation under six different patterns of returning cropland to forest were assessed with reference to the forest ecosystem services assessment specification (LY/ T 1721—2008). Results showed that: 1) The total amount of conserved water was 1 167.91 ×106 t/ a, the value of regulated water was 68.37 伊108 yuan/ a, the value of purified water was 24.42 ×108 yuan/ a, and the value of conserved water was about 92.79 ×108 yuan/ a. 2) The total value of conserved soil was 90.36 ×106 yuan/ a, including Pinus massoniana Lamb. forest (15.31 ×106 yuan/ a), Larix gmelinii ( Ruprecht) Kuzeneva forest (22.51 ×106 yuan/ a), Phyllostachys pubescens forest (10.31 ×106 yuan/ a), Castanea mollissima Blume forest (28.15 ×106 yuan/ a), Citrus reticulata Blanco forest (11.57 ×106 yuan/ a), and Camellia sinensis (L. ) O. Ktze. forest (2.51 ×106 yuan/ a). 3) Significant differences of water and soil conservation benefit assessments existed among six different patterns of returning cropland to forest. Therefore, in addition to overall evaluation of the ecological benefits of the Grain to Green Program in the Three Gorges Reservoir, the effects of different patterns should also be considered, which would further help assess and guide the implementation of the Grain to Green Project. 4) To evaluate the quality of a specific pattern of the Grain to Green Program, various ecologic benefits should be comprehensively considered.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 50-58 [Abstract] ( 480 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1076KB] ( 703 )
59 Zuo Lixiang, Chen Jiacun, Li Yangyang
Water use strategies of different ages of Populus simonii on sandy land of northern Shaanxi
Tree growth on the Loess Plateau is often limited by water deficiency, thus resulting in formation of large area of “old and dwarf trees”. In this study, we chose Populus simonii, a tree species that takes up the largest area of “old and dwarf trees”on the loess plateau as an example, and studied changes of xylem sap flow of different ages of poplar trees (31 -34 a and 49 -54 a) during the growing season using thermal dissipation probe technique and the concomitant changes of environmental factors (solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) and soil moisture, aimed to elucidate water use strategy for different ages of poplar trees in this area and provide theoretical basis for clarifying the mechanism of formation of dwarf trees and their transformation. We found that: 1) 31 - 34 a old poplar trees showed an earlier peak of sap flow density while 49 - 54 a old trees kept a relative wider peak. 2) The sap flow density of 31 -34 a old trees during dry seasons was lower than that of 49 -54 a old trees, but the trend was opposite during wet seasons. Sap flow density of 31 -34 a old trees during the dry seasons showed a parabolic change with environmental variates while during wet seasons it showed a sigmoildal change, but sap flow density of 49 -54 a old trees showed a sigmoildal change during both seasons. Sap flow density of 31 -34 a old trees was more sensitive to the variation of soil moisture than that of 49 -54 a old trees. There was no difference for the whole tree water use but 31 -34 a old trees had higher water use per unit leaf area. These results indicated that young poplar trees had greater sensitivity to environmental change, while water use strategy of old poplar trees tended to be more conservative and showed stronger drought adaptation.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 59-67 [Abstract] ( 435 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1088KB] ( 750 )
68 Ai Zhao, Chen Zhicheng, Yang Fei, Li Sai, Wang Zhiwei, Zhang Yongtao
Physiological responses to different soil water contents in Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. , Diospyros kaki Linn. and Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. Seedlings
Water deficit is one of the major factors limiting plants grown on the hills in Shandong Province. Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. , Diospyros kaki Linn. and Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. are common afforestation tree species in Shandong. The mechanisms of the physiological change of these tree species in different drought regimes and their drought resistance remain unclear. Through pot and field experiments, we evaluated the drought-resistant ability of the above three tree species by investigating the process and mechanism of their physiological changes in response to drought stress. The physiological responses of two-year-old X. sorbifolia, D. kaki and Z. bungeanum seedlings to soil drought stress were examined by natural drought method in pot experiments. The results showed that: 1) With the relative soil water content (Wr) reducing, the relative leaf water content and the chlorophyll content decreased gradually, the proline content and relative permeability of cell membrane increased, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), water use efficiency and superoxide dismutase activity increased initially and then decreased, malondialdehyde content increased firstly and then decreased and ascended again; 2) When the soil water content was 60% -70%, 30% -40% and 20% -30%, the stomatal limitation of Pn changed into non-stomatal limitation in X. sorbifolia, D. kaki and Z. bungeanum seedlings, respectively. In general, drought-resistant capability of Z. bungeanum is the strongest under moderate water stress, D. kaki is thebest under severe water stress, and X. sorbifolia is the poorest under all experimental conditions. Combining the field growth performance, it is suggested that Z. bungeanum be an optimum species for afforestation in hilly regions of Shandong Province.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 68-74 [Abstract] ( 519 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1020KB] ( 818 )
75 Li Ling, Zhang Shaokai, Yang Suqin
Spatial-temporal variation of mass fraction of soil total phosphorus in Henan Province
We analyzed the spatial and temporal variation of the mass fraction of soil total phosphorus in Henan Province in 1982 and 2009, using GIS, geostatistics and traditional statistics. The results show that: firstly, the best-fitting models of soil total phosphorus semivariogram of the two periods were all spherical models; in the meantime, there existed a medium spatial correlation. Secondly, the mass fraction of soil total phosphorus increased from 0.56 to 0.66 g/ kg from 1982 to 2009, with a growth rate of 17.86% and an average annual growth rate of 0.66%. Among different regions, the mass fraction of soil total phosphorus in eastern regions increased from 0.65 to 0.83 g/ kg with a growth rate of 27.69%, taking the first place in the whole province, while the growth rate of the mass fraction of total phosphorus in southern regions was the lowest, 6.12%. Besides, among the main soil types, the growth rates of the mass fraction of soil total phosphorus of lime concretion black soil, paddy soil and moisture soil, which are mainly distributed in the plain areas, were the highest, 29.55%, 29.27% and 18.46% respectively, as a result of the increase of fertilization, the improved fertilizing level and return of straw into farmland. In addition, the total phosphorus mass fraction of yellow brown soil decreased by 6.45%. The mass fraction of soil total phosphorus in plain areas was increasing, which might be attributed to the practices of mulching and organic manure application. We hold that such practices should be promoted actively.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 75-81 [Abstract] ( 505 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3334KB] ( 791 )
82 Zhao Yunjie, Tian Yun, Wang Xiao
Stock and allocation of carbon and nitrogen in typical Ulmus pumila dominated savanna in Inner Mongolia, China
Ulmus pumila is widely distributed on the fixed sand dune in Horqin and Hunshandake sandy lands, Inner Mongolia. U. pumila-dominated savanna is the climax community of vegetation succession in these regions. Taking the typical U. pumila-dominated savanna (“ the savanna”hereinafter) in Horqin sandy land after the “grain for green”project and Hunshandake sandy land without disturbance as the research objects, the present study compared the stock and allocation patterns of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) of the savanna in the two sandy lands by plot-level inventories, biomass estimation and the mathematical statistic methods. The results show that: 1) Except soil inorganic C stock, the C and N stocks in the total ecosystem and its different components in the savanna of Hunshandake sandy land were all significantly higher than those of the corresponding components in the same type of savanna of Horqin sandy land. The total ecosystem C and N stocks in the savanna of Hunshandake sandy land were 1.97 times and 1.82 times, respectively, as much as that of Horqin sandy land. 2) The C and N allocation patterns of the two savannas were similar. The soil was the largest contributor to the total ecosystem C and N stocks, and the corresponding portions were more than 55% and 80%, respectively, in both savannas. On the contrary, the forest floor contributed little to the total ecosystem C and N stocks in both savannas. 3) Compared with the savanna of Hunshandake sandy land, that of Horqin sandy land may have greater carbon and nitrogen sequestration potential.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 82-89 [Abstract] ( 427 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1502KB] ( 901 )
90 Xing Yunxia, Wang Meng, Liu Shiliang, Hua Dangling, Zhao Dan, Liu Fang, Zhu Jinfeng, Wang Guofeng
Effect of N and K fertilizer application methods on quality and economic benefits of Nicotiana tabacum L.
Given the fact that contents of nitrogen and potassium in the fertilizers during Nicotiana tabacum L. production do not match with N and K requirements in Nicotiana tabacum L. growth process, this study designed five treatments in order to explore the effects of fertilizer application methods on the contents of chemical components and aromatic components as well as the economic benefits of Nicotiana tabacum L. . The treatments are as follows. T1 (CK): Nicotiana tabacum L. specialty fertilizer and all the KNO3 were applied as base fertilizer when transplanted; T2: 50% Nicotiana tabacum L. specialty fertilizer and 50% KNO3 were applied as base fertilizer when transplanted and the other fertilizers were applied for dressing in large ridging; T3: 100% Nicotiana tabacum L. specialty fertilizer was applied as base fertilizer at the time of transplanting, and 100% KNO3 was diluted separately for three times at the vigorous growth stage; T4: The ratio of Nicotiana tabacum L. specialty base fertilizer to topdressing was7:3, and all the KNO3 was diluted separately for three times at the vigorous growth stage; T5: The ratio of Nicotiana tabacum L. specialty base fertilizer to topdressing was 3 :7, and all the KNO3 diluted separately for three times during the vigorous growth stage. Results showed that: 1) Adequate base fertilizer applied at early growing stage (70% Nicotiana tabacum L. specialty fertilizer), appropriate topdressing amount (30% Nicotiana tabacum L. specialty fertilizer) and all KNO3 diluted separately for three times during the vigorous growth stage could significantly increase the K content in the leaves of middle and upper parts, and make Nicotiana tabacum L. sugar/ nicotine ratio and potassium/ chlorine ratio balanced, and therefore could improve the usability upper part leaves. Compared with control, K content in middle and upper part leaves in this treatment was increased by 49.70% and 95.2%, respectively. 2) From the aroma point of view, browning reactions, carotenoids, neoplytadiene of aroma components and the total aroma of the middle part leaves, compared to the control, were increased by 6.59 μg/ g (36.96%), 45.45 μg/ g ( 36.29%), 249.13 μg/ g ( 51.70%) and 326.89 μg/ g (49.52%), respectively. 3) In respect of economic benefits, the yield of treated Nicotiana tabacum L. leaf had an increase of 125.05 kg/ hm2, output value increased by 3 737.81 yuan/ hm2. In general, the treatment in which base fertilizer to topdressing ratio was 7:3 and all KNO3 was diluted separately for three times in the vigorous growth stage is not only in favor of balancing chemical compositions and increasing aroma amount of Nicotiana tabacum L. leaves, but can also significantly increase output value of Nicotiana tabacum L. .
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 90-96 [Abstract] ( 442 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 952KB] ( 868 )
97 Zou Long, Feng Hao
Water-fertilizer effect on Zea mays based on the DSSAT model: A case study in the Loess Plateau

After model debugging, we designed a series of fertilizer andirrigation conditions as follows: N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5 mean the dose of pure nitrogen of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 kg/ hm2, respectively; M0, M1, M2 and M3 represent the amount of organic fertilizer of 0, 7 500, 15 000 and 22 500 kg/ hm2, respectively; I0represents no irrigation, Ib, Ik and Ig mean 50 mm water irrigated at the jointing stage, flowering period and grain-filling stage of Zea mays, respectively. Then the DSSAT model was used to simulate the growth situation of Z. mays with different water-fertilizer regimes under the conditions of light, temperature and rainfall in 2005. The results show that: 1) In the rain-fed conditions (no irrigation during the growth of Z. mays with the water depending on rainfall) with limited amount of N, the yield loss caused by the lack of N can be compensated by increasing the use of organic fertilizer; 2) Under the conditions of M1N4 treatment (the amounts of organic fertilizer and pure nitrogen were 7 500 and 400 kg/ hm2, respectively) and M2N3 treatment (the amounts of organic fertilizer and pure nitrogen were 15 000 and 300 kg/ hm2, respectively), no significant variations were observed in the yield of Z. mays: that of the former treatment was 14 313 kg/ hm2 and that of the latter 14 711 kg/ hm2, biomass of the former was 24 803 kg/ hm2 and the latter 24 349 kg/ hm2, yield productivities of N of the former was 40.8 kg/ kg and the latter 41.1 kg/ kg, and dry matter productivity of N of the former was 70.7 kg/ kg and the latter 70.4 kg/ kg. And all of them were at a high level. 3) Under the situation of simulated irrigation with a small amount of fertilizer, irrigation had little effect on Z. mays yield, indicating that the yield-limiting factor in this case may be fertilizer; when treated with a large amount of fertilizer, irrigation increased yield obviously, which is of important significance for productivity by ensuring water supply at the grain-filling stage.

2014 Vol. 12 (6): 97-104 [Abstract] ( 514 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1090KB] ( 928 )
105 Chai Yafan, Zhou Bo, Li Xinjuan, Yang Jingwen, Gao Yuting
Characteristics and impact index of soil and water loss in photovoltaic power generation projects in Gobi Desert Area
By taking nine typical photovoltaic power generation projects built in the Hexi Corridor for an example, we compared the characteristics of water and soil loss in different partitions of these projects. The impact index of soil and water loss for photovoltaic power generation projects in the Gobi Desert Area was calculated and the range of impacting index for the Gobi Desert Areas in China was determined through calculation, analysis and grading of the impact index of soil and water loss. Through calculation, the proportion of disturbed surface area in all partitions of photovoltaic power generation projects followed the order from big to small as photoelectic cell board area (68.72%) > road area (27.17%) > other area (1.77%) > management area (1.18%) > construction camp area (1.15%); the proportion of excavated amount in all partitions ranked from big to small in the order of photoelectic cell board area (65.09%) > road area (30.45%) > management area (1.82%) > construction camp area (1.48%) > other area (1.15%). Therefore, the road area and the photoelectic cell board area of photovoltaic power generation projects were the most serious zones suffering from disturbed engineering construction, and the building projects like footing excavation, transport and filling in these zones were also the key causes of water and soil loss. The value of soil and water loss impact index in photovoltaic power generation projects of the Gobi Desert was 0.419.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 105-110 [Abstract] ( 556 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 930KB] ( 848 )
111 Wang Yuexin
Urban soil and water conservation and ecological environment features of Lexington, USA
Lexington, the second largest city in Kentucky, USA, has beautiful urban ecological environment: clean air, blue sky and buildings among woods and bluegrass. My survey indicates that the urban soil and water conservation and ecological environment features of Lexington are: 1) Green is the theme of Lexinton city development. There are large areas of grassland in the city landscape. The coverage rate of green plants is very high; 2) Citizens have strong sense of protecting grassland. Grass breeding and protection technology is very popular; 3) Direct soil exposure on the earth is not allowed. As supplementary of greening, small wood cuttings play a significant role; 4) Urban planning of construction and drainage system takes the natural landscape into full consideration, which is environment-friendly; 5) Refuse management is standard and systematic. Rubbish and wastes are removed timely, which is important to blown sand control and air cleaning. 6) In civil construction sites, temporary protections are significant to prevent water and soil loss caused by construction activities. 7) Water and soil conservation tillage methods on the farmland around urban area, such as no plough and straw coverage during fallow land period are applied to avoid wind erosion, which maintains green urban ecological environment. The experiences of environment protection and some methods of water and soil conservation of Lexington are worth to learn as a reference.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 111-115 [Abstract] ( 364 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 921KB] ( 825 )
116 Jiang Chao1, Chen Zhibiao1,2, Chen Zhiqiang1,2
Comparison of mechanism between collapsing erosion in China and overseas badland erosion
As a unique erosive landform in China, collapsing hills occur mostly in Yangtze River Basin, Pearl River Basin and southeast coastal river basins, while badlands are distributed largely in mountainous catchments ( Pyrenees ), the Negev Desert and Apennine Peninsula along the Mediterranean. Both of them are severely erosive degradation patterns around the world and become obstacles to regional rehabilitation as well as human development. The research progress of mechanism between collapsing erosion and badland erosion in the past three decades is reviewed through literature analysis in this paper. The similarities between them are as follows: 1) both of them are driven by the combination of hydraulic power with gravity, which destroy the structure and stability of rock layer as a result; 2) their surface shapes are distinctive, characterized by the detachment of the slope and gully, and alluvium-colluvium deposition along down slope; and 3) the content of organic matters is extremely low, together with scarcity of mineral nutrient and lack of vegetation. The ifferences between them are: 1) the dissimilarities in climatic type, geological structure, topographical features, vegetation conditionsand the extent of anthropogenic impact are remarkable; 2) the collapsing wall and its red soil layer are typical features to distinguish vertical section of collapsing hills and badlands; and 3) physical and chemical properties, exchangeable ion activity, dispersive characteristics and mechanical traits are quite different between collapsing hills and badlands. Future research on mechanism of collapsing erosion should pay more attention to the micro-scale fields such as elemental composition, spatial distribution and exchangeable ion activity.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 116-122 [Abstract] ( 517 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 947KB] ( 952 )
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