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2013 Vol.11 No.1
Published 2013-02-28
Ren Gai,Zhang Hongjiang,Bai Zhibing
Soil anti-scouribility of water conservation forests and its affecting factors in Simian Mountain,Chongqing City
Soil anti-scouribility for four different water conservation forests in Siman Mountain of Chongqing was studied by the flume experiment. Also its dynamics over time and its influencing factor including slopes and root system was discussed. Results indicate that: Soil anti-scouribility of Phyllostachys pupescens land was the best, followed by conifer+broadleaf forest land and conifer forest land, the worst was in broadleaf forest land. Soil anti-scouring indices in turn were 20.153, 14.717, 10.819, 4.615L·min/g. Soil anti-scouribility of A0 was much better than A, and it occurred an exponential relation over time. The 25° was a turning point of soil anti-scouribility. The roots of <3mm were the main component of surface soil in this area, therefore soil anti-scouribility of A0 was affected by the root biomass of <1mm roots, 1-3mm roots and 3-5mm roots and by the root dead biomass, and soil anti-scouribility of A was affected by the root biomass of 3-5mm roots and by the root length of 3-5mm roots.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 1-7 [
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Li Linyu , Wang Zhijie, Jiao Juying
Erosive rainfall and rainfall erosivity in purple hilly area
The spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity could reflect the role of the regional climate for soil erosion. Based on measured rainfall data for many years, frequency analysis method was employed to calculate the general rainfall standards of the erosive rainfall, and the erosive rainfall and its soil erosion characteristics were analyzed in the purple hilly area in Sichuan Basin. The rainfall erosivity was calculated using daily rainfall amounts and the spatial-temporal characteristics of rainfall erosivity were analyzed. The results showed that: 1) The general rainfall standard of erosive rainfall of the downslope cultivation land was 11.3mm. 2) Over 60% of rainfall events were erosive rainfall. Erosive rainfall mainly fell on May to September. The erosive rainfall amount and soil erosion amount in the July and August was the largest. To the spatial distribution, the erosive rainfall of the edge region was greater than that of the central region. 3) The annual average rainfall erosivity value was between 5000 and 6500MJ/ (mm·hm2·h). It decreased from the edge to the central regions gradually, and was greater in the northern and western area than the southern and eastern areas. The annual average rainfall erosivity of the Bazhong station, Daxian station and Langzhong station in northern area formed the high value area, and the Suining station in central area formed the low value area. The rainfall erosivity was mainly composed by ≥15mm rainfall events, accounting for 76.9%-82.1% of total rainfall events. It was mainly distributed in flood season (between May to October) and accounted for more than 89% of annual rainfall erosivity. The interannual variability of rainfall erosivity was larger up to moderate variation, but did not occur to obvious increase or decrease trend over time.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 8-16 [
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Gao Haidong, Li Zhanbin, Li Peng, Jia Lianlian, Pang Guowei, Xu Guoce
Concept and calculation methods of erosion control degree:A case study of the Wangmaogou Watershed
In this paper, the erosion control degree was defined as the ratio of the minimum possible soil erosion modulus and actual soil erosion modulus. The minimum possible soil erosion modulus was 2573t/(km2·a)) under soil and water conservation measures in Wangmaogou Watershed. Based on the land use map in 2004, the actual soil erosion modulus of Wangmaogou Watershed was 7413t/(km2·a). According to the definition of the erosion control degree, the erosion control degree of Wangmaogou Watershed was at a lower level of 0.35, due to existed sloping farmland and less forestry area. Therefore, we suggested that erosion control degree should be as the evaluation indicator for the status of soil and water conservation.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 17-24 [
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Wang Fei, Gao Jianen, Shao Hui, Zhang Tong, Zhang Yuanxing, Xu Xiuquan,Zhao Chunhong, Wang Hongjie
Response of ecosystem service values to land use change based on GIS and ecological compensation in Loess Plateau
The Loess Plateau is the most serious soil erosion areas in China, where the land use changes would lead to the various ecological and environmental problems, which has been one of the hot issues around the world. By taking the whole Loess Plateau region as the research object, the land use changes between 1985 and 2005 was studied and the reasons of the changes were analyzed based on GIS technology. The effect of land use changes on the ecosystem service was evaluated quantitatively and an appropriate eco-compensation standard was preliminarily developed. The results show that: 1) the main type of land use was grassland and farmland, accounting for over 75% of total land use. Among them,the area of farmland was reducing, and the area of woodland was increasing; 2) Settlement was the most active land use type. Settlement and waterland were expanding between 1985 and 2005; 3) Land use changes impacted the regional eco-environmental effects. The total value of ecosystem services rose 0.01%, in which woodland had the biggest increase about 0.09% and the largest decline occurred in farmland about 0.02%. The total ecosystem services of the Loess Plateau were increasing, except the values of waste treatment and food production relating with farmland and wilderness; 4) According to the values of ecosystem services of Loess Plateau, the eco-compensation standard was 427.32 million yuan.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 25-31 [
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Dong Zhi,Wang Liqin,Yang Wenbin,Li Hongli,Li Wei,Zhang Zhipeng,Cong Richun
Grain size characteristics of gobi sediment in Ejina Basin
The surface and sublayer gobi sediment grain size composition, average grain size, sorting coefficient, skewness and kurtosis were analyzed by collecting sediment samples in field and testing grain size characteristics in laboratory. The results show that except for the top of alluvial-proluvial fan, the majority grain size of surface sediment was occupied by stone, but that of sublayer sediment was sand. In surface sediment, the mean grain diameter was relatively large composed by stone and gravel, but in the sublayer, the mean grain size had significantly thinner trend. Therefore, the average grain size changed smaller from low residual mountain to alluvial-proluvial fan edge. The grain sorting in different sediment layers was poor or poorer, but only was medium on low residual mountain and nearshore lake shallow. The grain skewness of surface sediment was positive or very positive, accounting for 76.93% of the total sampling,while the skewness of sublayer sediment was negative or very negative,accounted for 84.62% of the overall sampling. Kurtosis frequency curve of grain size in surface sediment was sharp or very sharp,accounting for 69.23%,followed by medium, accounting for 15.38%,while in sublayer sediment was flat, very flat or medium, accounting for 76.93%. In general, gobi sediments appeared the characteristics of coarse grain size, bad sorting, positive skewness and sharp curve features, which reflected the sedimentary environment, morphological characteristics, erosion and deposition pattern. The results could provide the reference for the gobi classification.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 32-38 [
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Liu Erjia, Zhang Xiaoping, Xie Mingli, Chen Ni
Change in runoff and sediment in the upper catchment of Beiluo River under the vegetation restoration
Grain for Green program since 1999 resulted in a great land use/cover changes in the Loess Plateau, China, which fundamentally influenced hydrological cycle and sediment transportation. It is important to understand the impacts of soil and water conservation measures on the streamflow and sediment load in the catchment. The double accumulative curve and Pettit Test method were employed to identify trend and change point in the runoff and sediment in the upper catchment of Beiluo River from 1980 to 2009. Combined with the data of climate change and measures of soil and water conservation, the runoff and sediment process at monthly and yearly scales were analyzed. The result showed that: 1) the change points in 2002 was detected for both runoff and sediment. Compared to period 1(1980—2002), the volume of runoff and the sediment discharge in period 2(2003—2009)decreased by 0.32×108m3, 0.29×108t respectively, and with less fluctuation. 2) At monthly scales, the patterns of monthly rainfall amount and monthly mean volume of runoff in both periods were similar. The relationship between monthly mean volume of runoff and sediment delivery was showed as clockwise 8, but the varying ratio was different.3) Compared to period 1, the annual average rainfall amount and the annual average rainfall erosivity increased by 10.06% and 10.28%. The rainfall has the potential capability of reducing the runoff and the sediment .Regardless of the effect of rainfall, the effect of reducing runoff and sediment by forest and grass measures were about 41% and 81%, respectively.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 39-45 [
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Zhao Hui
Discussion on the categories and methods of soil and water conservation monitoring in China
According to the nature of the work, the monitoring of soil and water conservation in China can be divided into four categories as followings: studying monitoring, experimental monitoring, productive monitoring and predictive monitoring. Currently four categories of monitoring are nested within each other and of mutual dependence. Therefore, we must cognize the actuality of the stage development accurately, and analyze the relation between each category dialectically, then keep on the right direction of development. In the future, we should strengthen the study of monitoring theory and experiment, at the same time, enhance the practice and improve the institutional systems and standardize management and reinforce the train of staff. Therefore the development of soil and water conservation monitoring in China can be promoted more scientific, comprehensive and sustainable.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 46-50 [
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Yin Liang,Cui Ming,Zhou Jinxing,Li Zhongwu,Huang Bin,Fang Jianmei
Spatial variability of soil thickness in a small watershed of Karst plateau
Soil thickness is one of the most important factors restricting the ecological restoration in the region of Karst plateau. A case study was conducted in Wujinghe small watershed in Guizhou Province, China. The aim of this study was to characterize the spatial variability regulation and distribution pattern in soil thickness in Karst plateau. The soil thickness of three typical landuse types was measured in October, 2010 and analyzed by using traditional statistics and geostatistics methods. The results show that the degree of spatial variability in soil thickness in this study area was overall moderate, but strong in a few plots. All three landuse types had good semi-variance structure, and the spatial variability decreased with the decrease in slope position. The soil thickness was increased with the decrease in slope position. Relatively good spatial correlation and continuity of soil thickness exist between different sloping farmland. On the contrary, the degree of spatial variability in soil thickness was larger in both the barren hilly and Populus euramevicana plantation, and its spatial pattern came out as fragmentized distributions. Soil thickness can be well expressed by exponential model(R2≈0.8)in almost all plots, but fitted with spherical model and Gaussian model in a few plots. The research findings can provide deepen understanding of soil thickness, which will provide the foundation for Karst rocky desertification control project and rational utilization of land resources in Karst plateau region.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 51-58 [
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Ye Gongfu, Huang Shide, Yang Zhijie, Chen Zhen, Zhu Hongru
Response of soil respiration to soil and water conservation measures in
Castanea mollissima
In order to ascertain the response of soil respiration to soil and water conservation measures, soil respiration rates of four Castanea mollissima plantations in the HenTian Town were measured with an infrared gas analyzing method by using an open-flow gas exchange system from March 2009 to September 2010. The results show that: 1) soil water content was improved to some extent after implementing soil and water conservation measures, especially with the prolonged years of application, the temporal and spatial of soil water contents was significantly improved. 2) Soil respiration rates of four Castanea mollissima plantations changed as an one-humped curve, There was no obvious effect of soil and water conservation measures on the seasonal patterns of soil respiration. 3)The reference respiration R10 values in the plotⅠand Ⅲ were 1.718 and 1.595μmol/(m2·s), respectively; with soil and water conservation measures in the plot Ⅱ and Ⅳ R10 values decreased to 1.092 and 1.324μmol/(m2·s), after implementing measures. The temperature sensitivity index Q10 values in the plotⅠand Ⅲ were 1.927 and 1.899; after implementing measures, for the same reason in the plot Ⅱ and IV Q10 values slightly increased to some extent after implementing soil and water conservation measures, which could influence of soil temperature and soil moisture to some extent. The study provided base data to consider soil and water conservation measures as a potential mode of fixing carbon and reducing emission in soil severely eroded areas.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 59-64 [
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Wang Hong, Xu Yuehua, Zhang Jinchi, Zhang Yu, Yang Xingchun
Study on soil improvement effect of the Populus tomentos pure forest of saline land on the muddy sea-coast in northern Jiangsu Province
In order to understand the ability of forest land to improve soil properties, at the Dafeng forest farm of the muddy sea-coast in northern Jiangsu Province, pure forest of Populus tomentos at the different ages (6a、7a、16a、19a), and 16-year-old pure forest of Metasequoia glyptostroboides were selected for the study and the beach land of Phragmites communis was selected as control group, the physical and chemical properties of of soil were studied, such as bulk density, organic matter content, total nitrogen content, total phosphorus content and pH value of soil. The effect of the different age in the same species, the different species in the same age, the forest land, the beach land of Phragmites communis on the physical and chemical properties of soil was discussed. The paper gives out some research results as follows. 1) the Populus tomentos pure forest has a good ability to improve soil properties, such as reducing bulk density and pH value, increasing the content of organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. 2) The ability of soil improvement is closely related to forest age and root distribution. The higher forest age is, the stronger the ability of soil improvement is. With the increased soil depth, root number decreased gradually, which leads to the reduction of ability of improving soil properties layer by layer.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 65-68 [
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Zhang Yichao, Shi Mingchang, Yue Depeng, Yang Guisen, Sun Chengbao, Xu Xiaotao, Wang Shan
Architecture design of soil wind erosion model software based on GIS
Aiming at the current demand for soil wind erosion monitoring, a modeling software on wind erosion was present based on the GIS. Supporting by DTGIS core service platform, the new software was developed with C# language, in addition to Silverlight as the interface designing tool and light database SQLite for data storage. This system provides customers with a number of new functionalities, including GIS inquiry service, site data management, wind factor calculation, soil erosion modulus calculation, soil erosion intensity classification, temporal analysis, spatial analysis, availability of remote clients connection and simultaneous multi-spot data uploading, and so on. Furthermore, the software was successfully integrated with GIS in the new development, which supported not only the interaction during soil erosion calculating procedures, but also the display of model process results. Finally, the software can be used to make thematic maps of soil erosion modulus, classification of soil erosion intensity, conduct spatial-temporal analysis, and achieve systematization as well as visualization of soil erosion statistics management. The various characteristics will help researchers collect, analyze, and evaluate data on soil erosion, which will make the new package become a useful supplement to inventory of research tools.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 69-74 [
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Zhang Jie, Gao Peng, Sun Huimin, Zheng Yunlong, Dong Zhi
Fractal characteristics of soil particles and soil water retention curve under typical vegetations in mountainous land of central southern Shandong
Soil particle size distribution and soil water retention curve as important physical attributes had important effects on soil erosion and productivity. Based on fractal theory, fractal characteristics of soil particle size distribution and soil water retention curve under five typical vegetations were studied in mountainous land of central southern Shandong. Results indicate that: 1) Monofractal dimension and multifractal parameters of soil particle and fractal dimension of soil water retention curve under different vegetation forms varied greatly, and all showed that: mixed plantation of Quercus acutissima Carr. and Robina pseudoacacia Linn. > mixed plantation of Pinus thunbergii Parl. and Pistacia chinensis Bunge >Pinus thunbergii Parl. > Juglans rigia Linn. > deserted grassland. 2) For the soil fractal dimension,woodland was significantly higher than deserted grassland, and mixed forest was higher than pure forest.3) Fractal dimension of soil had a significantly positive correlation with silt and clay volume content, but a significantly negative correlation with sand volume content. 4) The monofractal dimension of soil particles had significant positive correlation with that of soil water retention curve. A well linear correlation was found between the monofractal dimension of soil particles and fractal dimension of soil water retention curve, which showed that fractal parameters of soil particle size distribution and soil water retention curve could be taken as quantitative indices to reflect soil physical properties. Relationship between fractal dimensions of soil particles and soil water retention curve could be used to describe corresponding soil water retention curve. The results in this paper could be a guidance and theoretical basis for the projects of the coversion of cropland to forest and ecological forest afforestation and their benefit evaluation.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 75-81 [
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Pan Wen, Zhang Weiqiang, Gan Xianhua, Zhou Ping, Wen Xiaoying, Li Mingshuai, Liu Jiping, Chen Jie
Effects of SO
stress on photosynthetic physiology of garden plant seedlings
Taking Bauhinia blakeana, Elaeocarpus apiculatus, Mangifera indica, Alstonia scholaris, Bischofia javanica, Cinnamomum camphora, in Guangzhou City as test objects, a pot experiment was conducted to study the photosynthetic characteristics of these seedlings under effects of artificial simulation of the fumigation experiments with a gradient of 2.86mg/m3 of SO2 concentration (LSO2), 5.72mg/m3 of SO2 concentration (HSO2) and relatively clean area (CK). Results showed that:1) Compared with CK, the maximum net photosynthetic rate of six garden plants seedlings showed a downward trend with the increase of the concentration of SO2. Under two concentrations of SO2 stress, LSO2 and HSO2, the maximum net photosynthetic rate of Bauhinia blakeana, Elaeocarpus apiculatus, Mangifera indica, Alstonia scholaris, Bischofia javanica, Cinnamomum camphora decreased by 20.96% and 38.35%, 45.32% and 52.17%, 69.21% and 71.19%, 58.30% and 61.88%, 43.90% and 56.10%, 25.26% and 40.34%. 2) Light saturation point of Bauhinia blakeana, Mangifera indica, Alstonia scholaris, Bischofia javanica, Cinnamomum camphora ranged from 748-1016μmol/(m2·s), while their light compensation point ranged from 4.0 to 9.3μmol/(m2·s), and showed strong photophilic and shade-tolerant characteristics in a relatively clean area. Compared with CK, light saturation point of six kinds of garden plants occurred reduction to some extent. The largest decline of light saturation point was occurred in Mangifera indica, Alstonia scholaris, Bischofia javanica, while the smallest decline was in Cinnamomum camphora. 3) The effect of concentration of SO2 stress on light compensation point of six kinds of garden plants was not obvious. Under the stress of SO2 pollution, light adaptation range of six kinds of plants would be narrowing and poor. 4) Bauhinia blakeana and Cinnamomum camphora maintained the higher net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency, and had higher adaptation ability to SO2 stress. The results would provide a reference for plants selection of severe acid contaminated areas such as thermal power plants, ceramic plants, steel mills and petrochemical plants.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 82-87 [
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Zhao Xuan, Xie Yongsheng, Jing Minxiao, Liu Xiaoyu, Xu Jian
Types and characteristics of spoilbank in development construction project
Both methods of route investigation and typical investigation methods were applied to collect data on spoilbank produced in line projects and point projects. Investigation should consider several factors: water soil erosion region where spoilbanks locating in, geomorphic types including plain hilly and mountain and soil types. The results are that according to methods of man-dumped and accumulation shapes, spoilbanks were generalized into five categories: conical scattered accumulation, dumped along the slope, layered compaction and scattered accumulation on the top of slope, dumped accumulation in strips, rolling compaction by construction machinery at the top of slope. Results of the investigation will provide theoretical basis and technical support for simulating the underlying surface of spoilbank.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 88-94 [
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Jia Hongtao,Zhu Xinping,Sheng Yu,Zhao Chengyi,Xu Youjin,K.G. Kadipov
Characteristics of soil CO
emission of 3 kinds of woodland ecosystems in arid areas
The experiment was conducted with Halaxylon ammodendron, Tamarix ramosissma Ledeb, and Picea schrenkiana woodland ecosystems as the subject monitored in Sangong River Basin in Xinjiang, and their soil CO2 emission characteristics are studied comparatively. The results showed that: 1) the diurnal variation of soil respiration rate in H. ammodendron forest during August is a bimodal curve, while it is unimodal curve in June and October. Daily soil CO2 emission in H. ammodendron forest in a descending order was August (4.34g/(m2·d))>June (1.86g/(m2·d)) >October (1.17g/(m2·d)). Soil respiration rate was higher in the day than that in the night in both June and October but quite the reverse in August. 2) Daily soil CO2 emission in different forests in a descending order was P. schrenkiana forest (21.71g/(m2·d))>H. ammodendron forest (4.34g/(m2·d)) > T. ramosissma Ledeb forest (1.84g/(m2·d)) in August. The both curves of soil respiration rate of P. schrenkiana schrenkiana forest and T. ramosissma Ledeb forest were unimodal curves, which were different from of bimodal curve of H. ammodendron forest. The soil respiration rate in both P. schrenkiana forest and T. ramosissma Ledeb forest were higher in day than that in night, but quite the reverse in H. ammodendron forest. 3) Soil CO2 emission rate has significant positive correlation with soil temperature in P. schrenkiana forest, while soil CO2 emission rate has significant positive correlation with air relative humidity in H. ammodendron forest.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 95-98 [
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Li Jingjing,Bai Gangshuan, Zhang Rui
Water absorption of common trees leaves in loess hilly and gully region of Northern Shaanxi
In order to compare the water absorption of different trees leaves, the water absorption capacity and water absorption rate of leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia, Ailanthus altissima, Populus simonii, Populus bolleana, Populus hopeiensis, Populus alba×Populus glandulosa were measured by using water immersion method in loess hilly and gully region of Northern Shaanxi. The results showed that: 1) Water absorption capacity of 6 species leaves all increased with immersed time, and their relationship performed as logarithmic function; while water absorption rate decreased with immersed time, performing as power function. The water adsorption rate was the highest within 0-60min after leaves immersed in water, which was the critical stage for leaves to absorb water. 2) The sequences of water absorption capacity and water absorption rate were both as followed: Populus bolleana>Robinia pseudoacacia>Populus alba×Populus glandulosa>Ailanthus altissima>Populus hopeiensis> Populus simonii, the water absorption capacity of P. bolleana and P.simonii leaves were 0.415 and 0.179g/g respectively. 3) On the aspects of water absorption capacity and water absorption rate, P. bolleana leaves were the highest among 6 species, and P. bolleana plays a more important role in crown interception.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 99-102 [
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Xu Jian,Li Canming,Sun Zhongfeng,Chi Chunqing,Lin Tianmiao
Soil and water losses of the natural gas exploitation projects and its control measures:A case study in Sulige natural gas field
Based on three natural gas exploitation projects in Sulige field, this paper analyzed and compared proportions and areas of different land use types, and demonstrated different control measures on soil and water loss. Combined with lots of practice experiences, this paper also discussed the existing problems and obstacles in the current soil and water conservations for natural gas exploitation projects. The results demonstrated that: 1) the exploitation of natural gas project occupied many different land use types and on the whole, it can be divided into permanent and temporary land. Temporary land accounted for 75% of the total project area. 2) In the soil and water control areas, the area of pipe network and road was up to 90% of the total project area. Meanwhile, the two land uses contributed to 90% of the total amount of soil and water losses, being the vital areas for monitoring and controlling soil and water erosion. 3) The existing technical problems and obstacles in the current soil and water control measures were pointed out according to investigations and experiences. At the same time, corresponding suggestions were put forward as well.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 103-108 [
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Shi Lili,Zhao Tingning,Wang Xiongbin,Gu Jiancai
Adaptability analysis of planting species in the abandoned area of quarry in Mentougou District of Beijing
The ecological restoration of abandoned mines is an important work to environment construction. In order to discuss vegetation restoration measures of abandoned mines, the growth adaptability of planting species were investigated after different vegetation restoration measures were implemented for six years on abandoned quarry in Mentougou. The adaptability of 11 kinds of planting species was evaluated based on the adaptability index. The vegetation investigation was implemented in the abandoned area of quarry in Mentougou, and the adaptability of 11 kinds of planting species was evaluated based on the adaptability index. The results showed: the adaptability of shrubs was better than that of arbors; the difference of the adaptability of the 11 kinds of planting species was significant. Adaptability of the 8 arbors were in the following order:Cotinus coggygria>Ginkgo biloba >Pinus tabulaeformis >Rhus typhina >Platycladus orientalis >mixed forest of Sabina chinensis and Platycladus orientalis>Eucommia ulmoides >Sophora japonica, and that of shrubs were: Amygdalus persica>Syringa pekinensis >Forsythia suspensa.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 109-113 [
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Yang Shengquan
Experience on the Agency Constructing Management of soil and water conservation project of resettlement zone of immigration of Longtan Hydropower Station
The resettlement project of the reservoir immigration of Longtan Hydropower Station includes relocation of many towns and villages and new-building or reconstruction of traffic roads. Because of the complicated problems and the serious contradiction, the work of soil and water conservation is difficult.By carrying out Agency Construction Management, it ensures the implementation of the project and makes the harness effect significant. This paper illustrated the project management work from the aspects of creative harness mode, organization management and illustrating work focus by summarizing the project management work of carrying out Agency Construction Management in the work of soil and water conservation, which could provide experience and reference for similar items.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 114-116 [
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Du Pengfei, Liu Xiaoying, Ning Duihu
Discussion on monitoring methods and prediction models of wind erosion in production and construction projects
Acquiring accurate wind erosion amount is very important in the studies of wind erosion in the production and construction projects. It is helpful for the compilation of soil and water conservation schemes and for the prevention of soil and water loss. The studies on monitoring methods and prediction models, however, are still not enough. In some existent studies, it needs to think more about the suitability of monitoring methods and the accuracy of factors in different models. In order to provide production and construction projects with useful supports, this paper hence summarized monitoring methods and prediction models, which are applied widely in wind erosion. According to the respective characteristics of these methods and models, the suitability of them in production and construction projects has been analyzed. Based on this, methods such as erosion pins, investigation, scanning, traps,soil samplers, radionuclides, and models include Pasak and wind erosion loss prediction are recommended to measure or estimate the amount of wind erosion in various projects. Finally, the development directions of relative studies have been pointed out.
2013 Vol. 11 (1): 117-122 [
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