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2012 Vol.10 No.3  Published 2012-06-30
1 LONG Guo-Wei, XIE Gong-Xia, LI Dui, YANG Qi-Ke
Soil erosion dynamics of Zhifanggou Watershed during the past 70 years
In order to explore the dynamic change of soil erosion in Loess Hilly-gully Area of Loess Plateau, this paper, taking Zhifanggou Watershed as a case study, evaluated the soil erosion change from 1938 to 2010. Combined with GIS technique, the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) was used to evaluate spatial and temporal change of soil erosion. The results showed that: 1) The soil erosion modulus increased significantly from 7584.39t/(km2·a) in 1938 to 46392.56t/(km2·a) in 1958, while it decreased to 5150.80t/(km2·a) in 2010. 2) The area below moderate erosion account for 52.99% of the whole area in 1938. 3) During the periods from 1958 to 1978, severe erosion account for a major part of the whole area, which was 67.05%, and the most severe erosion happened in 1958, which account for 78.61% of the whole area. 4) Soil erosion intensity decreased slightly during the period from 1978 to 1998, the area with slight erosion accounted for 29.27% of the whole area; the area increased to 3.85km2 since 1999, and area severe erosion only account for 8.96% of the watershed area. As the continuous ecological management over the past 30 years, the eco-environment in Zhifanggou Watershed was improved, but soil erosion in steep slope and gullies are still the key problems in the future conservation.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 1480 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1359KB] ( 1706 )
9 MA Tong-Yu, Zhang-Xiao-Ping, Ma-Qin, Lei-Yong-Na
Land use/cover changes in Liudaogou catchment in water-wind erosion crisscross region in Loess Plateau during the past 20 years
To study the evolution characteristics of erosion environment in water-wind erosion crisscross region in Loess Plateau during the past 20 years, we investigated and analyzed the land use/cover change in Liudaogou catchment on farmland, woodland, grassland and industrial land with the land use information in 1990, 1995, 2002 and the RS image in 2010. The results showed: 1)From 1990 to 2010, due to the dramatically transference from slope farmland and dry terrace to woodland and grassland, especially after the implementation of the “Grain for green” policy in 1999, the percentage of the woodland and grassland increased from 35.74% to 62.79% and the percentage of farmland decreased from 33.87%(233.54hm2)to 7.61%(52.49hm2). The main farming area distributed mainly in the land below the gully edge, whose proportion went up from 13.82% to 74.04% out of the total area of farmland. Industrial area was extended from 0.28hm2 to 14.89hm2 and the coal mining becomes more active. 2)In the respect of underlying surface influencing erosion process, the vegetation coverage, especially above the gully edge, improved obviously. However, the increasingly more active coal mining, on the one hand, disrupted the growth of vegetation and land use type in this region, on the other hand, accelerated the erosion environment degeneration.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 9-14 [Abstract] ( 1454 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1895KB] ( 1520 )
15 TUN Chang-An, LV Hua-Li, ZHOU Zhi-Xiang, XIAO Wen-Fa, WANG Feng-Cheng, HONG Chao
Spatial distribution analysis of soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
In this paper, RUSLE factors algorithms were improved based on environmental characteristics and data availability in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Based on GIS technology the improved algorithms were used to evaluate the risk and spatial distribution of soil erosion. The results showed that the annual soil erosion amount and the mean soil erosion modulus in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area were 18359.43×104t/a and 31.85t/(hm2·a), respectively. The area suffering soil erosion accounted for 66.97% of the reservoir area. There was no direct linear relationship between soil erosion intensity and the altitudinal gradient in Three Gorges Reservoir Area. The area with from moderate to severe erosion intensity mainly distributed in 500-1500m elevation zone, which may resulted from the impact of intensive human activities in last decades. The soil erosion intensity was significantly positively correlated with slop gradient. When slope gradient was larger than 15 degree, the frequency of more than moderate erosion increased significantly, The slope area of larger than 15 degree accounted for 53.74% of the reservoir area, but contributed 89.06% of the total soil loss. Soil erosion intensity varied with slope aspects in a trend of semi-shady slopes>shady slopes>semi-sunny slopes>sunny slopes. The amount of soil erosion on shady slopes was slightly higher than that on sunny slopes, accounted for 56.50% of total erosion amount. The results indicated that soil erosion mainly occurred in 500 to 1500m elevation zone, slope gradient larger than 15 degree, and shady slopes, which are also the key regions of soil and water loss prevention in Three Gorges Reservoir Area.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 15-21 [Abstract] ( 1508 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 986KB] ( 1611 )
22 TUN Meng-Zuo, HE Rui-Zhen, AN Shu-Jing, YANG Chi-Tian, ZHANG Jun
Spatial and temporal variations of rainfall erosivity in Henan Province
Rainfall is the main factor that causes soil erosion, and rainfall erosivity is the main dynamic index. So, accurately estimating the rainfall erosivity and analyzing its spatial and temporal variation is the key to predict soil erosion. Using the daily rainfall data of 119 meteorological sites in Henan Province from the year the site establishing to the year 2003, this paper calculated the rainfall erosivity of 119 sites in Henan Province, and analyzed its spatial and temporal variation. The results showed that: the yearly average rainfall erosivity in Henan Province generally increases from north to south, and the maximum value appears in Xinxian County, Jigongshan Mountain, Shangcheng County, Tongbai County and Pingyu County in the southern part of Henan Province, where erosivity are all above 7000MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a). According to yearly average rainfall erosivity, Henan Province can be classified 5 regional zones, which are consistent with rainfall erosivity isoline. The rainfall erosivity of all sites varies significantly with different years and has no yearly periodical principle by fast fourier transform (FFT). In one year period, the erosivity shows a mono-peak type, and mainly occurs in July to September with the concentration rate of 60% in the northern part. The erosivity has significant relationship with yearly erosion precipitation or the yearly erosion precipitation and daily erosion precipitation, and the correlation coefficient are 0.9672 and 0.9942, respectively.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 22-28 [Abstract] ( 1394 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2163KB] ( 1414 )
29 CHEN An-Jiang, ZHANG Dan, FAN Jian-Rong, LIU Gang-Cai
Mechanical mechanism and simulation experiment of the collapse of gully cliff in Yuanmou Dry-Hot Valley
The alternating layered distribution of sand soil and clay soil body creates condition for the occurrence of gully cliff collapses in Yuanmou valley. On the basis of previous studies, the mechanical mechanism of gully cliff collapse under flow lateral erosion was analyzed by the simulation test method. The results showed that the flow shear stresses of different flows were within 1.71-8.55Pa, and they were much larger than the critical shear stress (0.13Pa) of started sand moving. The flow scouring caused the lateral recession of sand layer. The formula of lateral recession distance of sand layer was ΔBs=20.131CtΔt(τ-τc)e-1.3τc/γs+0.0047. The main factor of gully cliff instability was caused by the lateral recession of sand layer. By the simulation test, the overhang soil occurred the rotating collapse (Fsb=0.767<1 when the lateral erosion distance of sand layer was 0.312m. When the overhang soil body appeared the tension fractures of 5, 10, 15, and 20cm, those cracks development also accelerated the instability of overhang soil body.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 29-35 [Abstract] ( 1523 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1170KB] ( 1543 )
36 SHU Wei-Li, WANG Yun-Qi, LEI Qing-Kun
Effects of the control measures closing to nature on slope gradient of relative balance for river bank: A case study of the Taohua River in Changshou District, Chongqing City
According to the site conditions of Taohua River, Chongqing City, taken bare bank as control, three control measures closing to nature, including natural prototype revetment, revetment mat fabric of natural materials and flat bag geotextile revetment, were selected to protect river bank. After two years of natural restoration, the effects of three measures on the stability of river bank were analyzed from: the equation of sediment moving, and soil shear-resistance strength. Results show that 1) the gradient of relative balance derived from the sediment moving equation was given as follows: natural prototype revetment (>34.9°), revetment mat fabric of natural materials (>33.3°), flat bag geotextile revetment (>32.3°), and bare bank (>25.5°). 2) The gradient of relative balance derived from soil shear-resistance strength was natural prototype revetment (35.0°), revetment mat fabric of natural materials (26.2°), flat bag geotextile revetment (30.3°), bare bank (19.9°). 3) The slope gradient of relative balance derived from the equation of sediment moving were greater than that from the soil shear-resistance equation, therefore, it can be concluded that the gravity erosion occurred more possible than water erosion. Based on the values from soil shear-resistance equation in this paper, it can be concluded that compared with bare bank, the slope gradient of relative balance could be improved by 10.4°, 6.3°, 15.1° respectively by natural prototype revetment, revetment mat fabric of natural materials and flat bag geotextile revetment.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 36-42 [Abstract] ( 1854 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 934KB] ( 1485 )
43 SUN Chi-Yang, Zheng-Meng-Guo, Fang-Hai-Yan, Ca-Jiang-Guo, Cui-Meng
Paradigm of integrated soil and water conservation in rolling hill regions with black soil in Northeast China
Rolling hill regions are main grain producing areas in Northeast China, where are characterized by seriously soil and water loss on slope farmland. Based on the characteristics of black soil erosion and the experience on soil erosion control in rolling hill regions of Northeast China, the mechanism of integrated soil erosion control is summarized. Moreover, the paradigm of integrated soil and water conservation on farmlands with long and gentle slope target to food security is presented. Structures of the paradigm system are analyzed, and also the benefits from the applications of the paradigm system are analyzed. Thus the study could supply the integrated soil erosion control theory in rolling hill regions with black soil in Northeast China. The results show that integrated control on soil and water loss in rolling hill regions with black soil should be dominated by the erosion control on slope farmland, and mainly regulated by the surface runoff control, channel erosion control and land productivity control. The paradigm system is supported by two sub-systems, and they are ecological security sub-system and food security sub-system. The structures of the paradigm system are consist of the structure of soil erosion protection system, structure of ecological agriculture technique system and their coupling. And the results suggest that this kind of paradigm system could provide scientific and practical references for the coordinated development of socio-economic-environmental systems in rolling hill regions with black soil of Northeast China.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 43-49 [Abstract] ( 1501 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1071KB] ( 1450 )
50 LI Jing, Zhang-Hong-Jiang, Cheng-Jin-Hua, Chang-Dan-Dong
Forest soil water infiltration process influenced by soil organic carbon mass fraction and its model simulation
In order to probe into the process between soil organic carbon mass fraction (SOCMF) and soil water infiltration in different forest plant communities, the forest SOCMF was drown into Horton model as independence variable, which is amended with it. The results showed that the SOCMF was distinct in different forest plant communities. It was the largest in broad leaved mixed forest, and then followed by mixed coniferous and broad leaved forest, coniferous mixed forest, and mixed arbor and shrub forest. Both the initial infiltration rate and the difference between the initial infiltration rate and steady infiltration rate have linear relationship with SOCMF. After Horton model amended, there is a great agreement between simulations and measurements. The study provided a new method to forecast and simulate forest soil water infiltration process in the similar regions.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 50-56 [Abstract] ( 1436 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 909KB] ( 1494 )
57 HAO Lian-An, GAO Jian-En, ZHANG Yuan-Xing, LIANG Gai-Ge, DIAO Chun-Gong
Allocation of water cellar in Malus pumila Mill orchard on terrace based on soil moisture dynamic
Aiming to solving the problem of water resource shortage in apple orchard on terrace by reasonable allocation of water cellar, water cellars were optimally allocated based on the verification for water storage dynamic change in 0-200cm soil using WEPP model, to meet the water demand of Malus pumila Mill during its growth period in different typical years . The results showed that water storage in 0-200cm soil could be well dynamically and simultaneously simulated when the databases of soil and crop management in WEPP model were updated; The water cellar should be optimally allocated base on soil water dynamic variation in typical year, which could better meet the water demand of the Malus pumila Mill; The allocation of water cellar is 1150m3/hm2 in typical dry years, 180m3/hm2 in the normal years and 50m3/hm2 in the wet years in loess hilly and gully region. This study provided a good water cellar optimal allocation method, base on soil water dynamic variation to meet the water demand of the Malus pumila Mill, for efficient utilization of the limited water resources.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 57-63 [Abstract] ( 1393 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1045KB] ( 1448 )
64 YUE Feng, SHI Meng-Chang, DU Zhe, WANG Shan
Application of laser scanner in soil erosion monitoring of cultivated slope land
In order to study the reliability of the laser scanning technology for soil erosion monitoring, the soil erosion of the runoff plot in Soil and Water Conservation Demonstration Park, Heilongjiang Province, was measured with 3D laser scanner system. To calculate the amount of soil erosion, the surface morphology at different slope positions was scanned by using this system before and after artificial rainfall with stable intensities (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120mm/h, and 30 minutes). In addition, to make a calibration on the system, simultaneously, the calculated soil erosion was compared with the soil erosion amount in collecting tanks. The results indicate as follow: there is an excellent linear relationship between the soil erosion amount measured with 3D laser scanner and collecting tanks. Hence, the application of 3D laser scanner in soil erosion monitoring has a bright future due to its higher accuracy and reliability.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 64-68 [Abstract] ( 1416 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1538KB] ( 1414 )
69 LI Qian, Gao-Yong, Hong-Ji, Zhou-Dan-Dan, Chi-Yue-Chun
The effect of PLA sand barrier on the moisture content of surface soil
At the southwestern margin of Ulan Buh Desert, several bare sand dunes with similar size and direction were selected, which were laid with PLA sand barrier and straw barrier. The designed specifications of the barriers were chosen as 1m×1m, 2m×2m, 3m×3m. The water content of surface soil protected with different barriers and on different slope positions were measured within 3 successive years since 2008. The long-term effects of PLA and straw sand barrier on the moisture content of surface soil were compared, while bare sand dune without laid barrier was chosen as control. The results showed that soil water content increased with time for both sand dunes protected with PLA or straw barrier and bare sand dunes, the increase of soil water content of protected sand dunes with two kinds of barriers was significantly larger than that of bare sand dunes. To maintain soil moisture for a long time, PLA sand barrier with size of 2m×2m performed the best effect. On sand dunes protected with PLA sand barriers, in 0-10cm depth the soil water contend in the windward slope was larger than that in leeward slope, which was in turn larger than that on slop top. In 10-20cm depth, the soil water contend on slop top was larger than that in the windward slope, which was in turn larger than that in leeward slope. However, on sand dunes protected with straw barriers, the tendency for two depths was reverse.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 69-74 [Abstract] ( 1376 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1033KB] ( 1364 )
75 NIE Lin-Gong, DAI Quan-Hou, YU Li-Fei, XIAO Wei-Beng, LI Li
Characteristics of soil nutrients of different stand type in Maotai water functional areas
In order to investigate the effect of different stand type on the soil nutrient in Maotai water functional areas,the soil nutrient of three kinds of coniferous forests were studied, such as Pinus massoniana Lamb forest, Cupressus funebris Endl.forest, Pinus massoniana Lamb and Cupressus funebris Endl. mixed forest. The results showed that: there were some differences in the average soil nutrients composition between coniferous forests, in which OM, Avail. N, Avail.K of Cupressus funebris Endl. forest> that of Pinus massoniana Lamb and Cupressus funebris Endl. mixed forest >that of Pinus massoniana Lamb forest, while Avail.P of Pinus massoniana Lamb and Cupressus funebris Endl. mixed forest >that of Pinus massoniana Lamb forest > that of Cupressus funebris Endl. forest, Total N of Pinus massoniana Lamb and Cupressus funebris Endl. mixed forest >that of Cupressus funebris Endl. forest >that of Pinus massoniana Lamb forest. In addition, statistical analysis showed that OM, Avail. N and pH of three stand types were significantly different(P<0.05), the Total N and pH of Cupressus funebris Endl. forest, Pinus massoniana Lamb and Cupressus funebris Endl. mixed forest were significantly differences(P<0.05), while Avail. P and Avail. K of three forest types were not significantly differences (P>0.05). Correlation analysis showed that for Total N, OM, Avail. N and pH there was a great correlation between each other, and Avail. K was significantly related with Total N, OM, Avail. N, Avail. P. Moreover, Referring to the evaluation criteria of soil nutrients, Avail. P and OM of the three forest types was very rich, above the medium level, Avail. K was lower than the medium level, while others’ was between the abundance and deficiency.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 75-80 [Abstract] ( 1464 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 862KB] ( 1364 )
81 HE Jing-Ying, ZHANG Dong-Yan, LI Guang-Lu
Characteristics of spatial variability of total nitrogen in topsoil in Danjiang watershed and their affecting factors: A case study in small watershed in Southern Shaanxi
A combined method with geostatistics and GIS was applied to analyze the characteristics of spatial variability of total nitrogen (TN) in topsoil and their affecting factors in Zhangdigou small watershed in Shangzhou District. The results showed that mean TN content in topsoil were 0.986g/kg, and its coefficient of variation was 24.14% falling into moderate variation. TN content in topsoil occurred high spatial autocorrelation mainly caused by structural factors. The spatial distribution of TN content in topsoil exhibited patch-shaped and ribbon-shaped patterns. TN content in topsoil decreased in the order of farm land, orchard, woodland and grassland. TN content,changed significantly with elevation, diminishing with increased elevation and slope. The highest value of TN content was in sunny slope while lowest in semi-shady slope. The conclusion could provide scientific proof for agriculture structure adjustment, effective utilization of total nitrogen and improvement of water quality in Danjiang watershed.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 81-86 [Abstract] ( 1518 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1006KB] ( 1502 )
87 ZHANG Liu-Dong, Li-Chuan-Rong, Liu-Yun, Lv-Meng-Meng, Bing-Bei-Bei, Han-Cong-Cong
Effects of different modes of vegetation restoration on soil heavy metal contents and soil enzyme activities: A case study in damaged mountain body in Sibaoshan County, Zibo City, Shandong Province
Exploitation of mineral resources has caused serious heavy metal pollution, in order to choose a reasonable vegetation restoration mode for the soil heavy metal pollution, were taken different vegetation restoration modes of the damaged mountain body in Sibaoshan County, Zibo City as object of the study, the activity of soil enzymes (polyphenol oxidase, catalase, peroxidase and urease), the content of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Pb, Cr and Ni) together with its chemical properties (organic materials, the total nitrogen content, alkalinized nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium and the pH value) were measured, and the content of heavy metals and the activity of enzymes in the soil of different vegetation restoration modes were analyzed. The results showed that soil was heavily polluted by Cu and Cd, lightly polluted by Zn, and not polluted by Mn, Pb, Cr and Ni. The contents of soil heavy metals for all vegetation restoration modes were lower than that of brushwood. Moreover, the remediation effect of Pinus thunbergii forest was best for soil polluted by Cu and Cd, whereas Platycladus orientalis forest performed best in remediation of soil polluted by Zn. Vertical distribution law of soil heavy metals was complex, an effective amount of of available Cu, Zn and Cd in lower layer is higher than in the upper layer by 24.00%-18.94%, 0.97%-20.09% and 5.48%-35.51%, respectively. In a variety of factors affecting soil enzyme activities, effect of content of heavy metals and soil chemical properties of soils was most obvious, and both were of equal importance, this study found that the soil enzyme activity was largely inhibited by Cu, Zn and of Cd, Hence, polyphenol oxidase, catalase and urease could be used as indicators for soil Cu pollution in damaged mountain body.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 87-92 [Abstract] ( 1561 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 867KB] ( 1485 )
93 FEI Yan-Hui, LI Jiang
Carbon storage of forest vegetation in Yunnan Province and its dynamic change in recent 10 years
Based on the data of 3rd (1992—1997) and 5th (2002—2007) forest resources inventory in Yunnan Province,forest carbon storage,carbon density and its dynamic change in Yunnan Province were analyzed by adopting the biomass expansion factor continuous function. The results were as followed: in recent 10 years the forest carbon storage increased from 679.10Tg in 1997 to 884.11Tg in 2007, and the annual growth rate was 2.67%. The carbon density of arboreal forest increased from 46.80Mg/hm2 in 1997 to 50.58Mg/hm2 in 2007, higher than the national average level of carbon density. The forest was mainly young, middle-aged forest in Yunnan Province, its area accounted for more than 65% of the total forests,which showed that forest vegetation in Yunnan Province had great potential to stock carbon.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 93-98 [Abstract] ( 1552 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 880KB] ( 1729 )
99 ZHANG Zheng-Kun, Zhang-Guang-Can, Liu-Shun-Sheng, Fei-Bin, Xu-Zhi-Jiang, Xu-Ping, Liu-Xia
Effects of soil moisture on photosynthesis diurnal changes of Prunus sibirica L.
Using CIRAS-2 portable photosynthesis system, we measured the photosynthetic parameters of Prunus sibirica L. under eight soil moisture conditions in loess hilly-gully region to investigate the impact of soil moisture on the photosynthetic diurnal changes. The results showed that: 1) The reasons for photosynthetic midday depression of Prunus sibirica L. changed with different soil moisture conditions. When relative soil moisture content (Wr ) was in the range of 56.1%-66.1%, the phenomenon of photosynthesis midday depression does not occur. But beyond this range, the phenomenon would occur in different soil moisture levels. When Wr was in 93.2%-77.0%, the main reason of photosynthesis midday depression was stomatal limitation. As Wr was in 49.3%-37.3%, the midday depression was changed from stomatal limitation turned to non-stomatal limitation, when Wr less than 37.3%, the main reason of photosynthesis midday depression was non-stomatal limitation, which means the photosynthetic capacity of mesophyll cells declined. 2)When Wr was in the range of 49.3%-77.0%, Prunus sibirica L. had a higher photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 99-104 [Abstract] ( 1412 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1024KB] ( 1546 )
105 CHEN Zhi-Cheng, Wang-Rong-Rong, Wang-Zhi-Wei, Yang-Ji-Hua, Wang-Hua-Tian, Geng-Bing, Zhang-Yong-Chao
Light response of photosynthesis of Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. under different soil water conditions
The light responses of photosynthesis of Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. were studied under 4 different soil water conditions, and the light response curves of photosynthesis were fitted and analyzed by rectangular hyperbola model, non-rectangular hyperbola model and a modified model based on rectangular hyperbola model. Then the best model for Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. was selected. Photosynthetic characteristic were studied under different soil water conditions and different light intensity. The results show that: 1) The light response of photosynthesis were well fitted by the three models, and the modified rectangular hyperbola model could well fit light response of photosynthesis of photo-inhibition. Non-rectangular hyperbola model and modified rectangular hyperbola model is better than rectangular hyperbola model. 2) Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. had strong adaptability to soil water and light conditions. Higher photosynthetic rate (Pn) and apparent quantum yield (Φ) were observed in the region where the relative soil water contents (RWC) were from 41.5% to 93.3%. Higher Pn and water use efficiency (WUE) were observed in the region where the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) were from 600 to 2000μmol/(m2·s).
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 105-110 [Abstract] ( 1478 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 986KB] ( 1477 )
111 TUN Fa-Qi
Classification of agro-technical measures of soil and water conservation
In order to improve the classification system of agricultural techniques for soil and water conservation in our country, and provide service for studies and production, this paper, based on explaining the concept of agricultural techniques for soil and water conservation and current classification system, and according to the mode, effect and purpose of practices combined with the agronomy, agricultural techniques for soil and water conservation were divided into three broad categories: moisture conservation with emphasis on changing micro-relief, conservation tillage that focused on improving erosion resistance of soil and cultivation technique characterized by increasing vegetation coverage, along with 13 subcategories including contour tillage, ridge and furrow planting, miry field, semiarid tillage, deep-plowing, moisture conservation, mulching, subsoiling, minimum tillage, fertilizing soil, rational allocation of crops, sowing and seedling protection and cultivation as well as 44 types of contour tillage for your reference.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 111-114 [Abstract] ( 1591 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 888KB] ( 1662 )
115 KANG Ling-Ling, Dong-Fei-Fei, Liu-Xiao-Jiang, Liu-Jun-Jun
A few questions in soil and water conservation program planning in mining projects land
Based on the characteristics of temporary land occupation and the possibility of vegetation restoration in mining projects, according to Standard of Soil and Water Loss Control in Development and Construction Projects, the paper analyzed the possibility of achieving the designed value of vegetation coverage rate by the design level year in detail and put forward some suggestions. After comprehensively consideration on the characteristics of mining projects and the terrain features in the areas, several issues about gangue field, waste dump and tailings reservoirs that should be considered in the process of site selection and measure layout or optimization were analyzed and concluded, and the management plan of tailings reservoirs both in periods of construction and closing were properly proposed.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 115-119 [Abstract] ( 1505 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 843KB] ( 1380 )
120 DIAO Hui-Lin, Lu-Xin-Juan, FAN Xiang-Chuan
Current situation of soil erosion and its countermeasures in Tibet
In Tibet, soil erosion is dominated by water erosion, wind erosion and freeze-thaw erosion. Soil and water loss is mainly affected by natural factors, including precipitation, gale, temperature, topography and geomorphology, geology, vegetation etc., and human factors, for example, over cultivation, plundering resource, deterioration of ecological environment and so on. In order to control the complex and varied type of soil and water loss, combining natural attributes and soil and water loss characteristics, we divided Tibet into southeastern water erosion region, western wind erosion region, northern freeze-thaw erosion region and middle part composite erosion region. According to natural attributes and affecting factors of each erosion region, we proposed control measures and development mainly focusing on water erosion, wind erosion and freeze-thaw erosion, and composite erosion in different periods. To attain the goal of preventing soil and water loss in Tibet and protecting the ecological environment, propaganda of preventing soil and water loss must be strengthen, mechanisms and control measures of soil and water loss should be studied, and soil and water conservation measures should be carried out.
2012 Vol. 10 (3): 120-122 [Abstract] ( 1396 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 823KB] ( 1563 )
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