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2011 Vol.9 No.2
Published 2011-04-30
YUAN Ai-Ping, LU Bing-Jun, DUAN Chu-Fu, WEI Shang
Discussion on the soil erosion monitoring method in Beijing City
In order to assess quantitively soil erosion in Beijing, based on ground monitoring network onsoil and water loss, soil and water loss onitoring at location were carried out in flood season, and theevaluating method of regional soil erosion monitoring were discussed in this paper. Results showed that Beijing Soil Loss Equation was built based on USLE and a lot of monitoring data, and this model could be used as a suvey tool for Beijing soil erosion. Based on GIS technology and rainfall erosivity model, the calculation of annual soil erosion could be applied to transfer data from runoff plot to region scale.Because the soil and water conservation factor was not concluded in net method, the soil erosion modulus calculated with net method was higher than that calculated with sampling survey method. Beijing soil erosion monitoring method can be used for reference in evaluating and monitoring on soil and water loss on regional scale.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 1-3 [
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ZHOU Jie-Yu, ZHANG Xiao-Can, NIE Guo-Hui, WANG An-Meng, HUANG Zhi-Cai
Remote sensing monitoring of soil erosion in Zhejiang Province based on multi-source remote sensing data
By using the discriminant model of soil erosion intensity in Zhejiang Province, the major factors affecting soil and water losses were determined. Taken the TM data and aerial photographs of scale 1: 10 000 as data sources, the remote sensing monitoring of soil erosion in Zhejiang Province in 2009 were finished by using digital topographic maps and investigating on sample plots. In this paper, the following factors were extracted, the slope degree using the Delaunay TIN, the vegetation coverage by vegetation index and dimidiate pixel model, and the land use information. The degree of soil erosion were determined based on these data by overlay analysis, and the results were verified by field investigation.In conclusion, the area of soil erosion in Zhejiang Province was decreasing.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 4-10 [
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TANG Jiang, BAO Yu-Hai, HE Xiu-Bin, WEN An-Bang, ZHANG Shen-Bao
New soil erosion monitoring methods and techniques
Soil erosion monitoring could give quantitative expression on soil erosion assessment and research, as well as guidance on soil and water conservation planning and designing, benefits evaluation, administrative supervision and judgment. The development of soil erosion monitoring has experienced over one century, the technique evolved from traditional runoff plot observation to contemporary multidiscipline method, and the output results were expressed from qualitative description to semi-quantitative and quantitative data. Modern erosion monitoring techniques could enhance the ability of soil erosion monitoring serving for scientific researches and practices : based on landform evolvement caused by soil loss, modern topographic survey could provide high accurate erosion information in various spatial and temporal scales; radionuclide tracing has the advantage of cost-efficient and being easy in practice, and annual mean soil erosion velocity can be calculated ; deposited sediment conversion means that soil erosion in watershed could be assessed from the properties of deposited sediments in ponds or lakes, and could provide useful means for collecting soil erosion history information; based on modern techniques,such as sensor and remote data transmitting, contemporary in-situ observation is a new idea for monitoring erosion and is an important outlet of monitoring technique development, meeting the need of being timely, automated and systematic. New soil erosion monitoring methods and techniques are reviewed with the aim that they be put into wide realization and application.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 11-18 [
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LIU Hong-Gu, LIU Xian-Chun, ZHANG Beng-Cang, WANG Yi-Feng
Characteristics of slope collapse and its monitoring technology in Southern China
" Benggang" ( slope collapse) as one of serious soil erosion types is typical in the southern red soil region. Based on its characteristics and all studies before, it is referred as the landscape of gully ero- ion in granite hill. Due to the great difference in elevation and large inclination angle of wall, it is very difficult to monitor gully characteristic and measure the soil loss made by slope collapse. Thus, little data was received for the retreat rate of gully wall and gully head and soil loss rate. By analyzing the advanta-ges and disadvantages of soil erosion monitoring techniques, this study will propose the practicable moni-toring technique to measure slope collapse combining with geomorphic characteristic of gully. The results are as follows : the runoff plots and artificial rainfall simulation experiment technology can only be used for sheet and rill erosion. Tracer technology can be used for sheet and rill erosion and gully erosion, but can-not satisfy the requirement of slope collapse in the southern red soil region. The traditional technology,such as erosion needle,cannot monitor accurately the erosion rate of slope collapse in the red soil region.The data using differential GPS has a specific error due to the great difference in elevation of gully wall.3D laser scanning system can overcome these difficulties and accurately scan the morphological character-istics. By interpreting air-photo, morphological characteristics of gully can be obtained. If comparing with the field data, the gully characteristics data would be more accurate. In addition, when gully is measured by the traditional technology,such as erosion needle and differential GPS,the safety of monitoring work-ers should be verified.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 19-23 [
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LU Bing-Jun, LIU Hong-Gu, ZHANG Bei, YUAN Ai-Ping, DUAN Chu-Fu
Calculation on soil erosion in Beijing City based on GIS
Periodically bulletin on soil conservation and monitoring is one major regulation demand for the soil and water conservation law. However, one of the main problems in this bulletin is how to calculate the soil erosion and soil conservation benefits by using the data from the monitoring sites. In this paper, taking Beijing City as the object, with the data of the rainfall and soil erosion from the Beijing soil and water conservation monitoring network, the amount of soil erosion in Beijing City was calculated in 2009 using the GIS and rainfall erosivity model. It can be concluded that the result and methods are feasible, and oould be the reference of soil erosion calculation for other regions.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 24-27 [
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Construction of runoff plot with multi-outflow PVC material
Runoff plot is the major research facility and method in rainfall—runoff-soil erosion research. Traditional runoff plot is comprised of boundary walls, runoff gathering pit and collecting tanks,usually building with concrete. However, the traditional runoff plot has some disadvantages in its construction. It needs to dredge up the basis of boundary walls, which could result in the destruction or disturbance of nature slopes, and the original states is difficult to restore in short time. It affects the accuracy of observation and decreases the efficiency of research and observation. Meanwhile, it needs more time and higher construction cost. In addition, the traditional runoff plot is difficult to achieve specific needs for research or observation. The multi-outflow PVC material runoff plot uses PVC material to make boundary walls and runoff gathering pit instead of concrete. This new multi-outflow PVC material runoff plot has lower construction cost, and could reduce the disturbance on original slope in construction process, which could lead to the plot be used as soon as possible when it was accomplished. Changing the single outflow of traditional runoff plot to multi-outflow is another improvement of multi-outflow PVC material runoff plot. This improvement will increase the number of runoff outflows to eliminate convergence time of rainfall water which has significant effect on actual outflow time. Obviously, this method could improve the observation precision of runoff process.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 28-31 [
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HE Yun-Yun, TUN Chu-Fang, FENG Gao, YUAN Li-Feng
Dynamic process of slope rill erosion based on three -dimensional laser scanner
In this paper, the 3D laser scanner were used to probe the dynamic process of rill erosion under the same slope by a multi-rainfall condition, which may provide certain theoretical basis for explaining the rill erosion process. The artificial rainfall simulation in room were adopted. Seven rainfall scouring experiments with the constant rainfall intensity were carried out on the soil bin with the slope of 150 and the 3D laser scanner was used to make the real-time monitoring of the slope pattern after each rainfall. The studies mainly focus on the dynamic development process of slope rill erosion. Results showed that there were great differences in the process of runoff, sediment and the development of rill erosion. Between the first two rainfall events and the last five ones. The rill developed obviously after the third rainfall event. Rill erosion process was presented as: small hydraulic drop - incised gully head 一 intermittent rill 一 continuous rill - rill network. By monitoring the changes of the slope points inmicrotopography using 3D laser scanner, it was found that the change range of landform is relatively small in the average rill width, the average rill depth,the maximum rill length, the average rill density during the first two rainfall events. These parameters began to increase rapidly after the third rainfall event. Rill erosion intensity was constantly strengthened from 0. 103 kg/m
under the first rainfall to 8. 788 kg/m
under the seventh rainfall with an increase of 84 times.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 32-37 [
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MAO Xin-Hua
Characteristics of the new Soil and Water Conservation Law
As the legal norms to be followed in prevention and control of soil erosion activities, the Soil and Water Conservation Law was revised and promulgated in 2010. Based on the comparison of the new and old laws in the domain of the thinking in subject and the specific provisions etc, this paper regards that the new law reflects the new situation of soil erosion control and soil conservation work on current re-quirements, highlights the role of soil and water conservation planning, strengthens the responsibilities of government departments, makes the monitoring of r.onstnir.Hon projects more noncrete, and strengthens the responsibility when violating the law. So the new law can better adapt to the new situation of soil and water conservation requirements.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 38-40 [
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XIAO Juan, YAN Feng, LU Wen-Li
Erosion of sodic slope under the condition of simulated rainfall
A group of rainfall simulation tests were conducted to quantify the effects of slope and soil with different exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) on the water infiltration and soil erosion. Three different soil slope degrees (5°, 15° ,25°) and two ESP levels of soils (2.4 and 25 ) in the same rainfall intensity (50 mm/h) were designed in this study. Results indicated that : 1) For each treatment, runoff modulus increased rapidly at the beginning of rain, then arrived at a steady value over time, and soil infiltration rate and sediment yield decreased over rain duration; 2) In the same ESP level, soil infiltration rate and accumulated infiltration increased with the increase of slope degree. Soil erodibility increased with the increase of slope firstly, then decreased as the slope being 25°, which indicated that there was a critical erosion slope degree existing in the range of 15° -25°;3) In the same slope degree, runoff modulus increased with the increase of ESP of soil, while steady infiltration rate and accumulated infiltration decreased with the increase of ESP of soil ; 4) The effects of ESP levels of soil on soil erodibility changed with slope degree. Soil erodibility decreased with the increase of ESP level of soil under the slope of 5°and 15°, however, soil erodibility increased with the increase of ESP of soil under the slope of 25°. It is suggested that we should pay more attention to erosion of higher ESP level of soil at greater slopes ( > 15°).
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 41-46 [
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HONG Chao, HUANG Zi-Jie, TUN Chang-An, ZHOU Zhi-Xiang, XIAO Wen-Fa, WANG Feng-Cheng
Spatial pattern variation of soil erosion in Three Gorges Reservoir Area based on fractal theory
Using RS and GIS technology, the distribution of soil erosion intensity in Three Gorges Reservoir Area was revealed in 2000 and 2009 respectively. The variation of spatial pattern of soil erosion were analyzed by using fractal theory. The results showed that : 1 ) The area of slight erosion was the largest in the study area with a significant increase from 2000 to 2009,vice versa with a decrease in other erosion grades; 2) The spatial pattern of soil erosion in this area showed fractal characteristics. The complexity of spatial pattern in all erosion grades had different changes during last 10 years, decreasing in slight and low erosion grades and increasing in the grades over mediate erosion ; 3 ) The stability of spatial pattern was the highest in the extreme erosion grade with values of 0. 489 2 and 0. 463 6 in 2000 and 2009 respectively. Except the slight and low erosion grades, the spatial structure stability of all erosion grades declined gradually.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 47-51 [
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CAO Jian-Hua, LU Qing-Li, YANG De-Sheng, JIANG Zhong-Cheng, KANG Zhi-Jiang
Process of soil and water loss and its control measures in karst regions, Southwestern China
The long-time karstification leads to the dual structure of karst hydrogeological,which resluted in the process of water cycle (including water loss) and soil erosion being distinctive, complicated, and affected by karst geological conditions. Considering the spatial variation of karst environment is signifi- cant ,by analyzing the process of water cycle and soil erosion this paper proposes the measures for control-ling soil and water loss at slope land,depression and watershed scales according to the characteristics of soil and water loss.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 52-56 [
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CHEN Pan-Pan, CHANG Hong-Chao, BI Hua-Xin, CHEN Zhi-Han
Land use change and its effects on soil and water loss in typical small watershed of Loess Plateau gully region
By using RS and GIS technologies, this study were carried out in Yangjiagou small watershed,Loess Plateau Gully Region based on the basic theory of science of soil and water conservation, and the Dongzhuanggou watershed without control measures were taken as control. The land use change and its impacts on soil and water loss were studied by using the data of rainfall, runoff sediment yield and land use during 1954 to 2008, and referencing the “ Standards for classification and gradation of soil erosion” issued by Ministry of Water Resources. The results will benefit promoting optimal allocation model of land use pattern, and supportting the control of soil and water loss in Loess Plateau. Results show that : 1) Since early 1950s, the control measures of soil and water conservation have brought a great change in land use in Yangjiagou watershed. The area of forest land increased greatly and the area of unexploited land discreased sharply. 2) The effects of soil and water consevation were improved significantly, which was expressed by the reduction of the annual rain generating runoff, runoff, sediment yield and soil bulkd ensity. The area of soil and water loss in strong, extremely strong, and severe were shringking. 3 )Although the soil and water loss had been effectively controlled in Yangjiagou watershed, it still should be strengthened in the control degree of soil and water loss control, adjusting of land use type and land use structure. Some areas of steep cultivated land should be converted into forests, and the planting should be further taken to improve the utilization of unexploited land.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 57-63 [
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DIAO Long-Shan, SONG Xiang-Yang, LIANG Xin-La, ZHANG Jing-Feng, TUN Fa-Qi
Micro-relief characteristics of loess sloping farmland under different tillage practices and its effects of soil and water conservation
The spatial distribution of micro-topographical features of loess sloping farmland and its effects of soil and water conservation were studied using GIS under simulated rainfall conditions. The results showed that the descending order of the changes of micro-relief is contour tillage, artifical dig, artiilcal hoe, and CK, and the mean changes of different type of tillages (CK, artifical hoe, artifical dig and con-tour tillage) decreased as 0. 015,0. 014 , 0. 018 and 0. 015 m after simulated rainfall conditions, respec-tively ,and also despression storage went down except CK. The runoff yield of contour tillage, artifical hoe, artifical dig decreased by 38. 17% , 17. 88%,9. 43% compared to CK, respectively, and the a-mount of sediment yields were 65. 6% , 36. 3%,23. 4% . The descending order of the changes of runoff time is contour tillage, artifical hoe, artifical dig, and CK, there was a sharp increase of runoff yield at the beginning of rainfall, and then has a smooth upward trendency ; the initial sediment yield increased,then decreased and gradually developed to a stable process. The impact of slope on runoff and sediment showed that the greater the slope degree the earlier of runoff generation and the more the runoff and sedi-ment yield. In conclusion, the effects of soil and water conservation of tillage practice are related obvious-ly with soil surface micro-relief.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 64-70 [
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ZHANG Jian-Jun, ZHANG Xiao-Ping, CHEN Feng-Juan, MA Qin, LEI Yong-Na, MO Long
Characteristics of land use structure in 2009 in Changwu County, the Loess Plateau gully region
Based on the understanding of connotation of land use structure, by using GIS technology the quantitative indices were selected to study the characteristics of land use structure in 2009 in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, Loess Plateau gully area. The results showed that in Changwu County, the diversification indices of each town were relatively high, and centralization indices and land use degrees were generally low. The combination of land use types and Lorenz curve of each town showed that combination forms were abundant in the whole county at present. Spatial analysis ftxprftssftd the. lonation significance of each town and spatial distribution of landuse patches. Structure analysis could reflect the two distribution districts, slope in north and gully in south region. The main characteristics of land use structure in the county could be generalized as: landscape matrix constitute of, arable land and forest land patches, and regional land combination type was comprised of forest land, arable land, garden plot and unused land. The plateau-gully-slope morphological pattern of Loess Plateau provided a natural foundation of land use structure in the county. There was highly significant correlation between population density and land use degrees. Land use structure was embodied by location advantage of residents,industrial and mining land to some extent. Land use structure in Loess Plateau disagreed with economic level, so it is suggested that land use should be adjusted and optimized in this region.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 71-79 [
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GAO Hua-Duan, LIN Ze-Bei, YUAN Yong, PU Lang-Chao, TAO Li
Site factors of serious rock desertiflcation region based on vegetation restoration potential
Site classification and vegetation restoration potential evaluation are important for ecology res-toration in rock desertification area. Studying on site factors is a basis for site classification and site evalu-ation. Through fields investigation of site conditions in Shiqiao catchment of Bijie and Huajiang valley,which are typical serious rock desertification areas, using the methods of causative analysis and statistics analysis, the key site factors of serious rock desertification area have been studied. Results show that the rock character and slope character are controlling site factors of serious rock desertification area based on vegetation restoration, which will provide the foundation for site classification and evaluation in the seri-ous rock desertification region.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 80-87 [
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JIANG Li-Na, YANG Wen-Bin, TAO Yun-Feng, LEI Qi
Relationship between sand-fixing forest of
under different belts distribution pattern and their undergrowth vegetation recovery
Based on the study on the water balance and principle of wind prevention of sand-fixing
forest belt with low vegetation coverage ( 15% -25%), the vegetation communities were investigated. In order to reveal the effects of sand-fixing forest belt on the natural vegetation restoration, the recovery process and species diversity difference of vegetation were studied under different interband istances and varied recovery years of sand-fixing forest belts in Aohan, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia.The results show that : 1 ) the vegetation recovering effects depends on the distance of
forest belts. The rational distance will significantly improve vegetation recovery effect ; 2) after the same recovering period, the vegetation with the interband distance of 20 m has better recovery effects than those of 15 m and 10 m, and has more stable community ; 3) with interband distance 20 m of sand-fixing forest,the vegetation could grow to natural community after many years, whereas, vegetation will develop to sparse with interband distance 10 m.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 88-92 [
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WANG Li-Yan, ZHANG Cheng-Liang, HAN Wei-Zhi, FEI Zong-Yang
Effects of different vegetation restoration patterns in Gangue Pile on soil erosion and nutrient loss
To solve the serious problem of soil erosion in the gangue pile land, seven types of vegetation restoration were selected from the slope surface of 280 coal-gangue piles belonging to the No. 3 Shanxi Yangquan coal group. The bare land was taken as control. We observe the effects of different vegetation restoration patterns on soil erosion and nutrient loss on the erosion experiment plots set in the study area. The results showed that compared with the bare land, all restoration patterns played positive effect in the control of soil erosion and nutrient loss in the gangue pile land. The effects of mixed tree and shrub in the downhill section were better than those of the herbs and shrubs. In the uphill sections, the order of the effects in the reduction of soil erosion were given as follows :
Vitex negundo
Astraga- lus adsurgens
Melilotus suaveolens
Ledeb,while in the downward slope, there were not significant differ-ence among mixed plantation of
Robinia pseudoacacia
L and
Caragana intermedia
,mixed plantation of
Caragana korshinskii
Robinia pseudoacacia
,mixed plantation of
Vitex negundo
Ulmus pumila
Amorpha fruticosa
. By parital correlation analysis, the effects of restoration on nutrient losses were ex-pressed as tha amount of eroded soil > runoff > slope degree > the length of slope. Different restoration pattern also have significant effects on available nutrient content of weathered gangue pile.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 93-99 [
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YAN Dong-Feng, YANG Chi-Tian
Multivariate analysis and environment interpretation of the
natural secondary forest in Baotianman Nature Reserve
Based on the survey in 32 plots in Baotianman Nature Reserve, the total 21 indices were selected to represent three types of factors including plant communities, terrain and environmentcharacteristics. Principle component analysis, cluster analysis and canonical correlation analysis were employed to study the relationships among three types of factors. Principle component analysis showed hat the elevation and soil thickness can be used as sensitive indices to describe plant change. Cluster analysis indicated that with the arising of elevation, the soil thickness increased,the soil water content decreased, arbor species increased, and shrub and herb species decreased. Results of canonical correlation analysis expressed that there were significant correlations between terrain and community indices, and between environment and community indices, whereas,the relationship between terrain and environment indices were not significant. It can be concluded that the arbor species and stand density could reflect the terrain and soil change well.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 100-105 [
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LI Jiang, QIU Qiong, SHU Hong-Chao, MENG Meng, CHEN Hong-Wei, FENG Xian, LIU Yong-Gang, GUO Yong-Qing, DI Meng-Pu
Biomass carbon density and its dynamics for young and middle aged plantation of
Pinus kesiya
Based on biomass data collected from field surveys and plant carbon contents determined in laboratory, biomass carbon density and its dynamics for the young and middle aged plantation of
Pinus kesiya
were studied. Results showed that: 1 ) Biomass carbon density for the plantations of age 3-5 ,6 - 10,11 一 20 and 26 years were ( 20. 15 ± 3. 09) , (27. 24 ± 2. 25 ),(94. 89 土 9. 90) and 147. 58 t/hm2 respectively. Over stand age, biomass carbon density increased significantly for stand, arbor layer and litter layer, while decreased slightly for shrub layer and grass layer. Relations between biomass carbon density and stand age for stand, arbor layer and litter layer could be performed well by a logistic model, while the fitting effects for shrub and grass layer were not satisfied. 2) Mean annual rate of biomass carbon sequestration for the plantations of age 3- 5,6-10,11 -20 and 26 years were (4.92 ±0.63) , ( 3. 52 ± 0. 25 ) , (6.44 ±0.30) and 5.68 t/(hm
·a) respectively. The rates were positively related to stand age for arbor layer and stand and negatively related for shrub and grass layers. The relations between the rates and stand age could be well performed by a logistic model for arbor and grass layer, and by a Gauss model for shrub layer, while the fitting effects for the relation for stand were not satisfied.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 106-111 [
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XU Hua-Shua, LI Bei, ZHENG Shi-Qing, LI Xing
Distribution characteristics of rural road in the Loess Hilly Plateau :A case study of Yangou Watershed
Abstract Rural road takes charge of the dual tasks including rural agricultural production and associated socio-economic activities. Therefore, rational allocation of road density could promote rural economy, andreduce soil erosion too. Yangou Watershed had been taken as a case to study the rural road density, andrelated factors for the Loess Plateau region. By using ArcGIS software and other statistical ways, factorssuch as the land use types, distance from village, and village position in the watershed had beenanalyzed. The results were as follows: 1 ) the average road density of the watershed was 3. 73 km/km
,where that of arable land was 5. 25 km/km
,orchards was 4. 59 km/km
, forest land was 2. 74 km/km
.2) The smaller the distance of road from the village center, the higher the road density. Within thedistance 0. 5 km : the average road density was 4. 67 km/km
, where that of arable land was 5. 40 km/km
, orchards was 4. 65 km/km
,forest land was 4. 03 km/km
; Within the distance 1. 0 km : the average road density was 3. 87 km/km
, where that of arable land was 6. 09 km/km
, orchards was 5. 10km/km
, forest land was 2. 88 km/km
. 3) The rural road density depends firstly on the forest roaddensity, and also on the village position, the village economic development, etc. The results couldbenefit on the rational rural roads allocation.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 112-115 [
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SHI Dong-Mei, CHEN Yun, LONG Ta-Hui
Research-oriented teaching mode for the course of
Soil Erosion Principle
Course exercise is a very important approach for undergraduate training. Based on the relationship between teachers and undergraduates during teaching activities, the research -oriented teaching methods and contents of
Soil Erosion Principle
, a key professional course of water and soil conservation and desertification control specialty, are discussed systematically. The paper holds that the research -oriented teaching mode should be composed of three essentially important parts, which are research-oriented discussion based on question assuming and research simulation, soil erosion simulation and comprehensive experiments. The research -oriented teaching based on computer-assisted instruction and the comprehensive experiment teaching based on knowledge-ability-quality could improve significantly the study and practical skills,innovative ability of undergraduates. Such research -oriented teaching methods as question assuming and study simulation could improve significantly the ability of the knowledge studying and problems resolving for undergraduates. Implementation of research-oriented teaching for course of
Soil Erosion Principle
mode could provide a research participation opportunities for undergraduates in elementary grades, which helps undergraduates to form and improve initiative and overall quality of professional learning from the perspective of course.
2011 Vol. 9 (2): 116-120 [
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