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2010 Vol.8 No.4  Published 2010-08-31
1 DAN Da-Chuan-;Li-Tie-Bin-;Zhang-Zhi-Ping-;Li-Feng-;Luo-Quan-Hua
Analysis of the sediment reduction benefits of soil and water conservation measures and its influencing factors in Dali River Basin
The relationship between sediment reduction benefit and preserved area and allocation rate of soil and water conservation measures and flood season rainfall as well as other influencing factors in Dali River Basin was studied.The relationship between sediment reduction of warping dams and sediment reduction of slope measures was analyzed also.The results showed that under the current condition of watershed management the sediment reduction benefit only reaches 9% by controlling measures on slope.The best maximum sediment reduction benefit can be reached when the allocation rate of terraced field,forested land,grasslands and warping dam land is 18.6∶73.2∶4.6∶3.6.The best allocation rate of warping dam land is 4% to reach the best sediment reduction benefit of soil and water conversation measures.The sediment reduction of soil and water conservation measures has close relation with flood season rainfall and shows positive correlation between them.Flood rainfall range from 300 mm to 500 mm can reach the best sediment reduction ability of soil and water conservation measures in Dali River Basin.During watershed management periods,the sediment reduction of slope measures is less than 6 million t/a and the sediment reduction of warping dam is less than 30 million t/a in the 2/3 of the total years.Since 1990's,the sediment reduction of measures on slope has close relation with sediment reduction of warping dam.The increase range of sediment reduction amount of warping dam is less than that of measures on slope.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 2016 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2439KB] ( 2160 )
7 HU Jiong-Xin-;Shen-Zhong-Bao
Extracting the information of forest coverage from Normal Difference Vegetation Index data of Loess Plateau
Due to the mixed pixels containing both crops and forest vegetation,there are limitations if the annual mean Normal Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI(INDVI,m)) is used as an index reflecting forest coverage.In the Loess plateau region,the seasonal variation of forest cover is quite different from that of crops.On this basis,the NDVI-based index of forest cover may be established by considering some combination of monthly NDVI or weighted average of monthly NDVI with some proper weight coefficients.It has been found that the determinant coefficients of annual forest coverage Cf) with June NDVI and October NDVI are the highest among the 12 months.Hence,the averaged NDVI of June and October(INDVI,6+10) were used to reflect annual forest coverage.The determinant coefficient between Cf and INDVI,6+10 is 0.538 4,which is 21.48% higher than that between Cf and INDVI,m,0.443 2.The determinant coefficient between weighted average of monthly NDVI(INDVI,w) and Cf is 0.514 4,16.07% higher than that between Cf and INDVI,m.Thus,INDVI,w and INDVI,6+10 should be used as NDVI-based forest coverage indices in the Loess Plateau region.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 7-12 [Abstract] ( 1693 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2112KB] ( 1223 )
13 XIE Gong-Xia-;Yang-Qi-Ke-;Li-Dui-;Zhang-Xiao-Ping-;Cheng-Lin-;Long-Guo-Wei
Quantitative assessment of impacts on decreasing erosion by soil and water conservation measures in Yanhe River Basin
This study collected the daily precipitation data from 35 gauges in the period of 1953 to 2006,soil type map,a digital elevation model(DEM),data of soil and water conservation measures,land use maps interpreted from Landsat TM images acquired in 1986,1997 and 2006 and NDVI maps calculated from the images of the same period.Then we used the CSLE model to calculate soil loss amount of every grid unit with the soil erosion factors map layers,simulated soil erosion of 1997 and 2006 based on the state of soil and water conservation measures in 1986,and analyzed the impacts on soil erosion by soil and water conservation measures.Change of soil and water conservation measures from 1986 to 1997 and to 2006 decreased soil erosion amount by 960 000 t and 6 280 000 t in 1997 and 2006 respectively.Considering special rainfall character in 2006 different from the ordinary rainfall character in a long period,the decreased soil loess amount in 2006 by soil and water conservation is 1 400 000 t.This result would provide some references for benefit assessment of soil and water conservation.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 13-19 [Abstract] ( 1461 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2575KB] ( 1425 )
20 WANG Yan-Gui-;Hu-Chun-Hong-;Shi-Gong-Ling
Allocation and utilization of sediment resource in the Yellow River Basin
Through analysizing the movement process and distribution of water and sediment in the Yellow River Basin,the allocation units in the basin were stated with their characteristics of sediment distribution.The allocation units include basin trapping sediment by soil and water conservation,reservoir sedimentation,river bed sedimentation,diversion sediment(included warping sediment for reinforcing dikes),estuarine and ocean sediment,which changes with implementation of harnessing projects and runoff condition in the basin.From 1950 to 1999,the average annual amounts of the basin trapping sediment by soil and water conservation,reservoir sedimentation,river bed sedimentation,diversion sediment,estuarine and ocean sediment are 251×106 tons,248×106 tons,215×106 tons,186×106 tons and 895×108 tons respectively,which are 14.24%,14.05%,12.19%,10.56% and 50.77% of the whole annual sediment yield in the basin(which is 1 763×106 tons) respectively.It was stated that some problems for the sediment allocation are much sedimentation in reservoir and river channel.And it is pointed that it is an important way to carry on optimum allocation of water and sediment resources and sediment utilization as a kind of natural resource in basin for maintaining river health of the Yellow River.According to long term practices in sediment harnessing and utilization,some ways of sediment utilization as a kind of natural resource are suggested as follows: dike consolidation with warping,land formation with sediment and comprehensive utilization of dredged sediment at the estuary,building material from sediment,utilization of diversion sediment(included warping for the barren land),highland reclamation with dredged sediment in irrigation systems,river regulation and protection of the stable channel,wetland formation with sediment and so on.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 20-26 [Abstract] ( 1503 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2718KB] ( 1225 )
27 BI Hua-Xin-;Liu-Li-Bin-;Liu-Bin
Paradigm of integrated management on soil and water losses in Loess Plateau-gully Region
The Loess Plateau has a long history of Chinese culture and the birthplace of farming,in which,Loess Plateau-gully region is one of the typical geomorphic type in the Loess Plateau,and has the unique natural conditions for agricultural development than that in other regions of the Loess Plateau.For a long time,due to the dual role of natural and human activities,the soil erosion is very serious in this region,surface runoff from plateau leading to the head of gully continues to advance and the area of plateau surface gradually shrieked.On the slope of gully,gravity erosion are serious,and the soil erosion intensity gradually increased.Under the conditions of exceptional natural environment,population pressure and economic development demand in the new era,how to explore the comprehensive control paradigm of soil erosion for gully region of Loess Plateau in the new era is one of the key problems to be solved by technical staff of soil and water conservation and local government.In this paper,the natural geographic features,soil erosion characteristics and socio-economic development needs in the Loess Plateau-gully Region have been analyzed,the existing soil erosion control models are reviewed,at last,the paradigm on comprehensive control of soil erosion for Loess Plateau-gully Region in the new era are proposed.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 27-33 [Abstract] ( 1642 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2634KB] ( 1391 )
34 DONG Jian-Zhi-;Cao-Long-Xi-;Zhang-Ke-Li
BP neural network modeling on soil detachment rate of road
Soil detachment is one of the key processes of soil erosion,and it provides material for transportation.It is important to predict soil detachment rate precisely both for better understanding of soil erosion process and soil erosion modeling.This paper used both BP neural network model and regression models to simulate soil detachment rate of road with the soil detachment rate data obtained from flume experiment in a large scale of slope gradient(8.8%-46.6%) and flow rate(1-5 L/s),and compared the results of two means.The results showed that: BP neural network model can predict soil detachment rate very well with the data which are easily obtained,including slope gradient,flow rate and road type;BP neutral network model improved the accuracy of regression model in predicting soil detachment rate in every type of road.Since BP neutral network model can combine the different road types,different flow rates and different slope gradients into one model,it can improve the efficiency of predicting soil detachment of road and provide a new approach to simulate soil detachment rate of road.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 34-38 [Abstract] ( 1635 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1733KB] ( 1302 )
39 ZHANG Bei-;Zhang-Jian-Jun-;Li-Die-Chao-;Duo-Xu-Gong-;Zheng-Fang-;Hu-Qian
Vertical stratification of soil moisture profile of <i>Robinia pseudoacaci</i>a plantation in Loess Region
For dividing the vertical soil moisture profile of Robinia pseudoacacia stand from the perspective of evapotranspiration in Loess Region,soil water content surveys has been carried out in Caijiachuan small basin for observing the characteristics of evapotranspiration.By using gray relational analysis and sequential clustering method,soil moisture vertical stratification of Robinia pseudoacacia stand had been worked out.The results showed that: from the perspective of evapotranspiration,we can divide the vertical soil moisture profiles of Robinia pseudoacacia stand into surface plant consumption layer(0-10 cm),understory shrub consumption layer(10-40 cm) and Robinia pseudoacacia consumption layer(40-150 cm);gray relational analysis and sequential clustering method can be used in vertical stratification of soil moisture profile.This method is based on rigorous mathematical method,and the results consistent with existing conclusions,so this method has higher credibility,and can provide a new reference for soil moisture studying of Robinia pseudoacacia stand.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 39-44 [Abstract] ( 1680 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1871KB] ( 1510 )
45 XIAO Xiang-;Chen-Li-Hua-;Tu-Xin-Xiao
Biocycling of N,P and K of two forest plantations in Miyun County,Beijing
Characteristics of the rain input,litterfall return,accumulation and nutrient cycling of three primary elements(N、P、K) in Pinus tabuleaefomis forest plantation and the Quercus acutissima and Platycladus orientalis mixed plantation were investigated by means of observing the research stands in the west of Miyun Reservoir of Beijing from 2006 to 2007.The results showed that: 1) annual inputs of nutrient through rain leaching amount to 31.56 and 13.27 kg/(hm2·a).2) annual returns of N,P and K in P.tabuleaefomis and the mixed plantation through litterfall amount to 18.00 and 31.56 kg/(hm2·a) respectively.3) the accumulation of N,P and K in tree stratum of P.tabuleaefomis plantation amount up to 612.37 kg/hm2,and the descending order of the contents of N,P and K in different organs of P.tabulaeformis is leaves,living branches,stems,roots.Accumulations of N,P and K in tree stratum of the mixed plantation amount to 153.87,18.28 and 100.13 kg/hm2 respectively.4) the descending order of utilization coefficient of nutrient element in P.tabuleaefomis plantation and the mixed plantation is N,K,P and K,N,P;the absorption coefficients of N,P,and K in P.tabuleaefomis is higher than that of the mixed plantation,and the cycling coefficient of N,P,and K in the mixed plantation is higher than that of P.tabuleaefomis plantation.Rain leaching and litterfall return contribute to 63.7%,53.0% and 36.3%,47% of total return in the plantation respectively.Rain leaching return is the main part of total return in the plantation.The annual total absorption of N,P and K is 126.58 and 54.96 kg/(hm2·a),in which the annual retention is 77.02 and 24.42 kg/(hm2·a),and the annual return is 49.56 and 30.54 kg/(hm2·a).
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 45-50 [Abstract] ( 1416 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1915KB] ( 1436 )
51 HU Xin-Bei-;Han-Lei-;Zhang-Dong-;He-Kang-Ning-;Chen-Jing-;Liu-Jing-;Qin-Jing-;Xu-Xiang
Analysis on the dynamics of nighttime sap flow of Ulmus pumila and Platycladus orientalis in semi-arid area of Loess Plateau
In this paper,TDP sap flow meter was used for studying the nighttime sap flow characteristics of Ulmus pumila and Platycladus orientalis in semi-arid region of Loess Plateau.The results showed that the nighttime sap flux density was much smaller than which in daytime.The major duration of water recharging was from sunset to midnight.By the effects of drought,the amount of nighttime water recharge in Ulmus pumila at rainy days should be much larger than the amount at sunny days;the contribution of nighttime water recharge to total transpiration of Ulmus pumila had significant correlations with environmental factors and the main influencing factors was rainfall;Due to the strong water-retention capacity and drought resistance of Platycladus orientalis,the contribution of nighttime water recharge to total transpiration was not subject to the impact of environmental factors.Compared with Ulmus pumila,Platycladus orientalis showed stronger adjustability in the semi-arid area of Loess Plateau.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 51-56 [Abstract] ( 1854 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1958KB] ( 1464 )
57 CUI Yan-;Li-Dui
Analysis on dynamic change of desertification of Kubuqi Desert
Analysis of dynamic change of desertification is the foundation of desertification control.Based on the multi temporal TM image data in recent years of study areas,by the interpretation of the images,using RS & GIS soft,desertification grade distribution maps of different periods have been obtained.Dynamic change process of desertification was discussed in terms of desertification area change,spatial changes of desertification grades.The results show an obvious downward trend of total desertification area since 1989.In view of the spatial variations of desertification grades,the desertification is controlled in most areas along the main course of Yellow River,but the desertification area is increased in southeastern,southern desert hinterland,as well as the surrounding of lakes.In addition to general engineering,biological measures,the irrational human activities should be eliminated in order to maintenan dynamic balance of ecological systems and human environment.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 57-60 [Abstract] ( 1493 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1762KB] ( 1359 )
61 WANG Fu-;Juan-Bao-Yan-;Dong-Zhi-;Li-Gong-Li-;Gu-Zhi-Jun
Eco-hydrological characteristics of soil on the forestland converted from farmland in Bashang plateau
The purpose of paper is to investigate the eco-hydrological effects and water conservation function of soil layers of different vegetation types on the forestlands converted from farmlands in the Bashang plateau.By the field sampling and laboratory test,the soil particle size distributions,soil water physical properties,and soil infiltration characteristics of Hippophae Rhamnoides forest,Caragana Korshinskii forest,and Ulmus pumila forest converted from farmlands in the Zhangbei County,a typical region of the Bashang plateau are studied.The results indicate that there are significant differences in soil bulk densities,soil porosities,and water holding capacities of the same soil layer under different vegetation types.However,there are not significant differences in those of different soil layers under the same vegetation type.Compared with enclosed grassland,the forestlands converted from farmlands can improve the structure of soil,and the eco-hydrological effects of which are better.1) The soil particle size distributions of 4 vegetation types mainly range from 1 to 0.05 mm,accounting for 64.08%-71.13%.2) The soil bulk densities of forest land is less than that of grassland,and the soil bulk densities of Ulmus pumila forest,Hippophae Rhamnoides forest,and Caragana Korshinskii forest are respectively reduced by 25.26%,24.98%,16.49% compared with enclosed grassland.3) The soil porosities,maximal water storage,and available water storage of Hippophae Rhamnoides forest is the highest,followed by these of Ulmus pumila forest,Caragana Korshinskii forest,and grassland.4) There is a better power function relationship between infiltration rate and infiltration time,that is f=at-b,and the soil steady infiltration rates of Caragana Korshinskii forest,Hippophae Rhamnoides forest,and Ulmus pumila forest are 4.96 times,3.18 times,and 2.88 times respectively as high as that of grassland.The results can provide theoretical basis for ecological benefits evaluation of forestlands converted from farmlands in the Bashang plateau.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 61-66 [Abstract] ( 1568 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1787KB] ( 1232 )
67 WANG Dun-Meng-;Zhang-Xin-Chang
Vertical distribution of root in different successional stages of grassland on abandoned cropland
Over the last few decades the extent of land-use has been dramatic changed and the vegetation cover has been shifted in the Loess Plateau.For understanding the changes of the rehabilitated grassland on abandoned cropland,vertical distribution of root biomass and root length density were studied by the method of space series replaced time courses.The result showed that the dig sampling method was superior to the root core method in the result of root biomass from soil layer 70 cm to 150 cm.Total root biomass of each succession stage was not increased directly at the beginning stage of succession,but decreased to the lowest point at the second year from abandoned.Between abandonment age 12 and 28 years,the root biomass increased to the first steady state.And then between abandonment age 32 and 60 years,the root biomass approached another steady state.In different soil profile from 0 to 150 cm,the root biomass and root length density of top soil layer(0-15 cm) was the maximum.The variousness of root extinction coefficient indicated that roots trend to distribute in deeper soil layer at the beginning successional stage form 1 to 7 years,and then roots were concentrated in surface soil layer between abandonment age 10 and 22 years,after abandoned from more than 28 years,more roots trended to distribute in deeper soil layer.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 67-72 [Abstract] ( 1557 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2482KB] ( 1420 )
73 GUO Wei-Ling-;Yang-Qi-Ke-;Cheng-Lin-;Li-Dun-;Hu-Ji
Re-scaling method of slope length factor in the soil erosion assessment of regional scale
It's the only way to extract slope and slope length based on low resolution DEMs for the studies of regional scale soil erosion modeling.But the slope will reduce and the slope length will enlarge.Based on the hydrologically correct DEM of 50 m and 10 m resolution using AUNDEM software in Yan'an and its surrounding areas of Shaanxi Province with the 1∶250 000 digital topographic maps and the typical area of this areas with the 1∶50 000 digital topographic maps,the derived slope and slope length from 50 m resolution DEM were re-scaled to similar to the slope and slope length from 10 m resolution DEM using histogram matching principle.Then the effects of the slope and slope length of pre and post of re-scaling on soil erosion intensity was evaluated and analyzed.Results show that re-scaled slope gradient becomes steep and the re-scaled slope length becomes short with similar histograms to high resolution's slope length when this method can promises space structure steadiness.Meanwhile,four datasets of soil erosion intensity are calculated with Chinese Soil Loss Equation(CSLE),including(a) slope and slope length unre-scaling,(b)slope re-scaling,(c)slope length re-scaling,(d)slope and slope length re-scaling.Results show that the(a) can obviously increase soil erosion intensity,the(b) can decrease soil erosion intensity,but the(c) can finally increase soil erosion intensity,which can provide more accurate data support for the soil erosion assessment.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 73-78 [Abstract] ( 1809 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2099KB] ( 1735 )
79 MA Liang-;Zuo-Chang-Qing-;Yin-Zhong-Dong-;Qiu-Guo-Yu
Analysis on variation characteristics of the rainfall erosivity during last 58 years in Shandong Province
The objective of this paper is to investigate the variation tendency of rainfall erosivity in Shandong Province with long-term rainfall data series,as an initial step in the study of the consequences of climatic change on water erosion.On the basis of precipitation database collected by 22 meteorological stations in the Shandong Province during the period of 1951—2008,the spatiotemporal variability of the long-term rainfall erosivity changes is analyzed in this paper.The Mann-Kendall test is applied to develop the time series of annual,seasonal and monthly rainfall erosivity in the Shandong Province.Results show that the mean annual rainfall erosivity from 22 stations do not show a statistical trend,which is mainly caused by that the summer erosivity occupies a highest proportion in four seasons and has not distinct regularity.However,rainfall erosivity in spring and winter,especially in February,May and December shows the increasing trend.The analysis of the rainfall erosivity variability between regions clearly describes the strong local temporal and spatial variation in Shandong Province.Spatially,the middle–southern of Shandong region located with the national and provincial erosion control zones shows an obvious increasing area of rainfall erosivity.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 79-85 [Abstract] ( 1599 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2473KB] ( 1329 )
86 LI Zhi-Fei-;Diao-Yu-Sen-;Xin-Ying-;Kong-Xiang-Fei-;Wu-Chun-Pan
Temporal and spatial variation of soil water under different forest types in the upper reaches of Ashihe River
The dynamics of soil water of 5 forest types(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica,Pinus koraiensis,Larix gmelinii,Fraxinus mandshurica and mixed forest) in the upper reaches of Ashihe River were studied,using the traditional method.The results show that the soil water content under forest is obviously decreased with the depth except Fraxinus mandshurica.In the layer of 0-40 cm,the soil water content of Larix gmelinii,Fraxinus mandshurica,mixed forest,Pinus koraiensis and Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica was 32.91%,28.79%,25.99%,23.64%,18.76% respectively.The soil water content in the growth season follows the law of high-low-high-low,and changes along with precipitation.Forests play an important role in the dynamics of soil water content in the small watershed.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 86-89 [Abstract] ( 1669 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1126KB] ( 1389 )
90 YUAN Li-Min-;Gao-Yong-;Yu-Yi-;Gong-Qiu-Shu-;Jiang-Jing-Yu-;Geng-Tie-Feng
Effects of Poly Lactic Acid sand barrier on soil hardness
In order to known the effect of Poly Lactic Acid(PLA) sand barrier on soil hardness,the topsoil hardness of PLA sand barrier dunes,traditional straw sand barrier dunes and bare dunes were investigated,and the topsoil hardness on windward slope,slope top and lee slope were compared between PLA sand barrier and straw sand barrier dunes.The results showed that: the topsoil hardness of PLA barrier dunes was significantly higher than straw barrier ones(P<0.001),and both were significantly higher than the unpaved ones(P<0.001);The topsoil hardness of 2 m×2 m and 1 m×1 m PLA sand barrier were near and significantly smaller than the 3 m×3 m ones(P<0.01),while that of three kinds of straw sand barriers had no differences;The topsoil hardness of two kinds of sand barrier dunes in different parts had a similar trend,soil hardness of the windward slope was the largest,that of slope top was the second and that of lee slope was the minimum;Top soil hardness in single barrier grid of the PLA sand barriers and straw sand barriers was uneven distribution.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 90-94 [Abstract] ( 1765 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2313KB] ( 1454 )
95 HU Jing-;Wang-Yu-Xi-;Fan-Hua
Comprehensive management measures and benefits evaluation of small watershed in the black soil region of Northeast China:Taking Zhenxiang small watershed as an example
Based on the comprehensive investigation in Zhenxiang small watershed located in the black soil region of Northeast China,the engineering measures,such as slope protection and gully erosion control measures,forest planting and grass seeding,and conservation tillage measures,development and utilization of natural resources were applied in the small watershed.And a preliminary evaluation of benefits led by soil and water conservation was made.The results showed that significant ecological,economic and social benefits were achieved by 5 years watershed management.When soil and water conservation planning was completely implemented in 2008,the amount of surface runoff storage and silt detention by adopting soil and water conservation measures were 306.5 thousand cubic meters and 17 100 t per year respectively,and the soil erosion modulus of the soil erosion area was reduced from 2 350 t/(km2·a) to 416 t/(km2·a),the direct economic benefit was 293.9 thousand Yuan per year,at the same time,forest and grass coverage rate increased from 9.0% before management to 12.3%.The results can be served as theoretical guidance for soil and water conservation and vegetation rehabilitation in the Northeastern black soil area.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 95-100 [Abstract] ( 1407 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2103KB] ( 1441 )
101 JIN Xin-Gong
Soil and water conservation in the riverfront forest park construction in Beijing
The construction of riverfront forest park is not only as a significant measure to improve the eco-environment of living,but also as a soil and water conservation project in essence.However,soil erosion will be generated during the construction process inevitably.In this paper the construction process is analyzed and based on the form and reasons of soil erosion,taking the Beijing Fangshan New town Riverfront Forest Park as an example,the layout of soil and water conservation measures and engineering design steps in the construction of the riverfront forest park in Beijing are submitted.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 101-104 [Abstract] ( 1521 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1530KB] ( 1252 )
105 WANG Jing-;Chang-Xue-Song
Practice and experience of supervision of soil and water conservation for hydro-electric engineering
Supervision system of soil and water conservation acts a key role in the construction of hydraulic engineering.However,there are some limitations to implement effectively the supervision system of soil and water conservation.At present,there is no well-considered program on it.The authors summed up some understandings and some useful advices to supervision of soil and water conservation for construction of hydro-electric engineering were put forward.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 105-107 [Abstract] ( 1480 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1281KB] ( 1335 )
108 ZHOU Ping-;Wen-An-Bang-;Zhang-Shen-Bao-;Bao-Yu-Hai
Application of hedgerow to soil and water conservation
The hedgerow on slope farmland is a protection tillage and sustainable landuse technique.The hedgerow technique could improve the soil physical texture and soil chemical nutrients,reduce soil erosion and land degradation,even improve the crop growth,increase crop production,and offer forage and firewood.The ecological and economic benefits of hedgerow are systemic introduced.At the same time,the problems and further research work on hedgerow are discussed briefly and some suggestions are put forward,aiming to promote the development of hedgerow technique for the future in China.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 108-113 [Abstract] ( 1703 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2638KB] ( 2273 )
114 NIE Bin-Bin-;Ca-Jiang-Guo-;Qi-Dun-Tou-;Cui-Pu-Wei-;Chen-Xiao-An
Analysis on the suitability of natural ecological restoration for soil and water conservation
It has a very strong practical significance to research on suitability of natural ecological restoration under different natural conditions and implementation of soil and water conservation.According to the theories of natural ecological restoration,the effects of natural factors and human factors on the function of the natural ecological restoration are analyzed.And then the suitability of natural ecological restoration for soil and water conservation is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.Zonal regionalization and application of GIS technology as well as the function and suitable measures of artificial ecological restoration are discussed in this paper.The methods to evaluate suitability of natural ecological restoration come up with new development.
2010 Vol. 8 (4): 114-120 [Abstract] ( 1517 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3006KB] ( 1195 )
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Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
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