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2006 Vol.4 No.6
Published 2006-12-31
DIAO Jian-Min-;Li-Jing-;Huang-Liang-;Wang-Zhi-Gang
Impact analysis of soil and water conservation on ecological capacity in Yellow River Basin
The influence of human activities on the ecological environment can be measured by the theory of(ecological) capacity and ecological footprint.With the development of soil and water conservation in Loess Plateau,the ecological capacity of the Yellow River Basin increased.The increased capacity is as much as(14442.4) thousand hectares,77.74% of the increased capacity is in the Loess Plateau itself,and the other 22.26% is in the irrigation areas of the lower reaches of the Yellow River,which can prove the importance of soil and water conservation in Loess Plateau,and the importance of Loess Plateau to the sustainable development in China.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 1-4 [
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DIAO Shi-Wei-;Liu-Na-Na-;Su-Jing-;Yang-Yong-Hui-;Yang-Qi-Ke-;Guo-Qing-Li
Effects of soil and water conservation measures on eroded soil development in the Loess Plateau
The condition of soil formation,soil characters and soil development were influenced directly by the measures of soil and water conservation.The development degree of eroded soil is an important base to estimate the changing of soil quality and the effects to environment.To study the development effect of eroded soil is able to offer a gist to improve the environment of the Loess Plateau.This paper analysed the changing of soil physical and chemical properties under measures of soil and water conservation,bosed on the method of a site-specific experiment and the concept of space as a substitute for time.The result showed that the soil water environment and the content of soil organic carbon were increased;then,the soil structure and its functions were improved greatly with the adding of years of measures implemented.It was testified that the measures of soil and water conservation had positive activity for eroded soil development.And it was pointed out that study aspects to be strengthened about the effect of soil and water conservation measures on eroded soil development in the Loess Plateau.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 5-12 [
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CHEN Guang-;Fan-Hai-Feng-;Chen-Gao-Sheng-;Dong-Guo-Quan
Benefits of sediment reduction of soil conservation practices in the black region of Northeast China
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 13-17 [
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ZHANG Ke-Bin-;Li-Rui-;Jia-Zhao-Hua-;Chen-Pan
Research on change of vegetation fraction and its effect factors in Yanchi county,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
Selecting 3 sceneries of Landsat TM image shot in Aug 1989,Aug 1999 and Aug 2003 in Yanchi County,Ningxia Hui Autonomous and basing on NDVI and the quantificational model of remote sensing,the grade maps of vegetation fraction were extracted.Through contrasting and analyzing the vegetation fraction of different grade in 3 phases,the result show that the variable tendency of the vegetation fraction is obvious,(especially) the vegetation of low and medium-high coverage.From 1989 to 2003 the area of the low and medium-high coverage vegetation increasing sharply 64.62% and 72.04%.From another angle,the change show that the reverse motion of desertification occurred in the period from 1989 to 2003 in Yanchi County.There are two reasons for vegetation improvement in Yanchi County,one is climate factor such as rainfall and evaporation,and another is artificial factor such as converting cropland to forests,closing and fencing and discontinuing farming and letting go out of cultivation,but the most important effect factors are rainfall and evaporation.The results of correlation analysis show that the correlation coefficient between the vegetation fraction and rainfall,evaporation are very high in Yanchi.The land use types of medium vegetation fraction mainly include(semi-fixed) sand land,deteriorated land and deteriorated grassland,it is the main types of vegetation fraction,and area of this type was 70.65% of total area in Yanchi in 2003.The area of medium vegetation fraction is large,its ecological structure is very fragile and it is the stress area of desertification prevention and cure in the(future.)
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 18-22 [
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LIU Zhi-Gong-;TimR.McVicar;TomG.VanNiel;Yang-Qi-Ke-;Li-Dui-;Mu-Xin-Min
Modeling spatial distribution of pan evaporation based on quinat-variate thin plate spline function
Spatial distribution of pan evaporation(
) depending on multiple factors such as radiation,(vapor) pressure and wind is a crucial parameter for geographic models and climatic models,and also a key to(environmental) management.However the weather observation stations normally distribute sparsely and irregularly on the ground.The techniques to interpolate available point data to estimate the value of any location is demanded.This paper introduces the process to interpolate monthly
data of 53 stations for the period of 1980 to 2000 to create 252
surfaces in Coarse Sandy Hilly Catchments of Loess Plateau.Quinat-variate partial thin plate spline models were developed in which vapor pressure deficit(
),net radiation(
) and wind speed(wind) were used as three covariate sub-models.GCV statistics indicate that the resultant evaporation surfaces hold high fidelity and smoothness.The lapse rates(evaporation changing rate with each covariate) showed that: the dependence of
on Rn has no strong seasonal trend although at the equinoxes it is slightly big,whereas the dependence of
on pd has an obvious trend with strongest influence in summer,and wind speed has more relative influence in winter.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 23-30 [
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LI Zhi-;Liu-Wen-Zhao-;Zhang-Xun-Chang-;Li-Shuang-Jiang-;Chen-Jie
Evaluation of CLIGEN precipitation elements on Loess Plateau
Among the commonly used stochastic weather generator,CLIGEN is the only one that generates precipitation elements(i.e.precipitation amount,storm duration,time to peak,peak intensity),which will affect the output of hydrological and agricultural response models.Using daily weather data of Changwu weather station from 1957 to 2001,precipitation element data of Wandonggou watershed from 1988 to 2001 and 100 years of CLIGEN generated data,were the ability of the CLIGEN model to reproduce daily,monthly,and(annual) precipitation amounts,probability distribution,extremes,and internal storm patterns(i.e.,storm (duration) and relative peak intensity) were evaluated.Means of daily,monthly,and annual precipitation were(adequately) preserved by CLIGEN and were evaluated absolute relative errors were not more than 1.0%;Standard deviation were all unpredicted and the absolute relative errors were less than 6.6%.Two other probability distributions except daily precipitation were well simulated.Mean absolute relative errors for the all-time maxima of daily,monthly,and yearly precipitation were relatively bigger than corresponding precipitation,suggesting that the ability of predicting extreme need to be improved.The frequencies of wet periods were relatively well replicated by the model,while the frequencies of dry periods less than 20 days have an average relative error of 8.9%.Relative peak intensity generated(ip) by CLIGEN was relatively overestimated than the measured.The CLIGEN-generated durations and precipitation have the similar trend,which were overpredicted for small storms or short duration and underpredicted for large storms or long duration compared with the measured.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 31-36 [
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WANG Qian-;Wang-Wei-;Lv-Chang-He
Relationship between land use and soil erosion based on GIS and RS in the north of Hebei Province
The main erosion patterns in the north of Hebei Province are water erosion and wind erosion.In this paper,the soil erosion Classification system was constructed on the base of the Classification Standards of Soil Erosion Intensity issued by the Ministry of Water Resources of China(1997) and the Hierarchical Index System(Li Yubao,2000).By using geographic information system(GIS) and remote sensing(RS),the(information) such as land use,slope,coverage of plant,soil texture was collected and further overlaid to obtain the erosion intensity classification map in the north of Hebei Province in accordance with the established index system.Furthermore,the map was overlaid with the soil erosion intensity map for detecting the soil erosion status at different land use patterns as well as the land use at different soil erosion status.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 37-41 [
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HAO Zhi-Min-;Ji-Shi-;Huang-Yong
Analysis on variation of land utilization and land cover in Xiji County based on RS and GIS
In order to supply land utilization policy in Loess Plateau with decision basis, the Xiji County of Ningxia is taken as a case,where the policy of returning land for farming to forestry was carried on earlier than most of other areas in Loess Plateau,and TM images of 1990 and 2005 were chosen to analyze the variation of all land utilization types of Xiji County between 1990 and 2005 from the perspective of land utilization structure and spatial landscape pattern,then the variation of land utilization in the course of returning land for farming to forestry was mastered.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 42-47 [
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LONG Dong-Cai-;Li-Bin-Bing
Research of small watershed water erosion prediction model based on SVM
Soil erosion is a very complicated process,and it is very difficult to predict with the prediction(equation.) As a new machine learning algorithm,support vector translate the learning problem into a quadratic problem to get a global optimization result with limited samples and the rule of minimize structure risk.This paper try to predict soil erosion with the Least Square support vector machine technology and the better predict precision compared to the BP artificial neural network has been gotten.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 48-51 [
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LI Chun-Hua-;Zhang-Nan-Nan-;Li-Yun-Lan-;Ding-Fu-Dun-;Guan-Wen-Ban-;Deng-Gong-Bing-;Tun-Gang
Management information system of soil and water conservation in Dalinghe River Basin based on 3S technologies
In order to enhancing synthesis control of soil erosion in Dalinghe River Basin, based on collected information and materials of soil and water conservation and sampled investigating the plots,the management information system of soil and water conservation by the combining ways of RS,GPS and GIS technologies was established.And it not only utilized the abundant information of RS but also made full use of spatial analysis and management function of GIS was established.The fundamentals of management and decision-making system was well established by efficient and scientific approach,which also implements share,dynamic update,dymanic management and dynamic monitory of information in the basin.It realized the informational,automatic,intellective,and effective management of soil and water conservation of Dalinghe River watershed.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 52-55 [
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TUN Qing-;Wang-Dong-Mei-;Zhou-Xin-Cheng-;Qin-Zhi-Jiang-;Ding-Su-Rong
Application research of technique with defining classification signatures based on virtual reality on remote sensing investigation of soil and water conversation
For improving the classification accuracy on remote sensing investigation of soil and water conversation,the Virtual Reality Environment for watershed of Yiluohe River was generated based on Virtual GIS software platform.Using the satellite images of SPOT5 2.5?m,the training sites were selected and the classification signatures was defined under the 3D visible viewer.Comparing with the traditional method under 2D viewer,the results shown the total precision of the former can reach at 95.48%,and the latter only 88.19%.Our research has illuminated that the technique of Virtual Reality can enhanced the capacity of perceivability on satellite images and increase the classification accuracy.Finally,it presented that the Virtual Reality technique have the huge potentiality on satellite images classification.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 56-60 [
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CA Ben-Jiu-;Shu-Dao-Guang-;Cheng-Hou-Cai
Rainfall redistribution in virgin
Pinus koraiensis
forest and secondary
Betual platyphylla
forest in Northeast China
Pinus koraiensis
virgin forest in Xiaoxing'an Mountains was selected to study its rainfall redistribution effect via 97 rainfall events in a growing season.The following results were concluded: 1) the canopy(interception) of the
Pinus koraiensis
virgin forest amounted to 98.68mm,which was 19.61 percent of the total rainfall and 1.3 times of that in secondary Betula platyphylla forest.Compared with other forest type in China the ratio of the canopy interception of
Pinus koraiensis
virgin forest was in a middle level.2) the throughfall and stemflow of the
Pinus koraiensis
virgin forest was respectively 395.77?mm and 8.78?mm,equaling to 78.65% and 1.74% percent of rainfall and the former was lower and the later higher than the secondary
Betual platyphylla
forest.3) the cubic regression equations describing the relation between throughfall,stemflow and canopy interception of the
Pinus koraiensis
virgin forest and the rainfall in open field were fitted but a linear regression equation was fitted between the throughfall of Secondary
Betual platyphylla
forests and the open rainfall.In this paper,the factors influencing throughfall and stemflow were analyzed and selected,thus important references were provided to study the rainfall redistribution effect of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 61-65 [
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LIU Shuo-;He-Kang-Ning
Relationship between transpiration character of
Prunus armeniaca
and environmental factors under different soil moisture
In order to master the factors having impact on the transpiration of Prunus armeniaca in arid area.In the controlling of controlling soil moisture,using portable steady porometer(Li-1600) and so on,transpiration rate(Tr) of Prunus armeniaca and atmosphere environmental factors were conducted under the condition of typical sunny day.The results show that the daily changes of transpiration rate(Tr) and stomatal resistance(Gs) of Prunus armeniaca appeared as double-peak curve and "W" curve in different soil moisture.And the response curves of transpiration rate to soil water content(θ) answer for cubic,the soil water content of the highest transpiration rate(Tr) is 18.01%、16.86% respectively in August and September.The relationship between transpiration rate(Tr) and atmosphere environmental factors increased as these four levels of soil(water) content(θ) climbing.When soil water is scarcity,solar effective radiation is the mainly factor to affect transpiration rate(Tr) in August,and so is air temperature in September.When soil water is sufficient,relative humidity is the mainly factor to affect transpiration rate in August,air temperature in September.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 66-70 [
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ZHANG Jiang-;Xu-Wei-Beng-;Sun-Xiang-Yang-;Ma-Hui-;Wang-Han-;Zhang-Gao-;Wei-Yao-Feng
Research on root distributing and its effects of protection forest of the Yellow River bank
Root distribution and effects of soil melioration of several kinds of Yellow River bank protection forest were researched in order to direct the construction of protection forest of the Yellow River bank in Ningxia Autonomous region.There is about 85 percent of root biomass which distributes between 0-60 cm in the Yellow River bank protection forest.The root biomass is two to three times in protection forest than that in reed land.The soil density is much lower and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil is higher in bank protection forest than that in comparison area of 0-60 cm.The results showed that soil in woodland became more loose,value of pH was lower,quantity of organic matter and nutrition elements was higher.And the resistance on soil erosion was strengthened.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 71-74 [
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SUO An-Ning-;Ju-Tian-Zhen-;Xiong-You-Cai-;Wang-Tian-Meng-;Ge-Jian-Beng
Relationship between land use space difference and driving factors in Jinghe River Basin
It is very important to make known mechanization of land use space difference on the Loess Plateau,which is the key in improvement of man-land relationship.The method of quantitative ecology to analyze multi-variation relationship between land use change and its driver factors in Jinghe River Basin in middle of the Loess Plateau was borrowed.Land use pattern appears territorial difference in middle of the Loess Plateau and its main driving factors are slope,rainfall,population density,mechanization of work farm and river density.Slope is positive to forest land ratio and shrub land ratio,while negative to that of building land.Rainfall is positive to forest land ratio.Population density is positive to farm land ratio and that of building land ratio.Mechanization is negative to farm land ratio and that of shrub land ratio.The quantitative canonical load of these driver factors to change of land use pattern was given at last.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 75-80 [
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DIAO Yong-;Fan-Wei-;Fan-Guo-Jiang
Plant nitrogen resorption characteristic and it's relation with soil factors in Xiaolangdi mountainous hilly region
In order to figure out the conservation strategies of plant nitrogen in different plant species in temperate zone and to find out the environmental and plants related mechanisms in regulating nitrogen resorption of these species,nitrogen concentration in mature leaves and senescing leaves and nitrogen resorption efficiency(NRE) of 21 plant species belonging to three different life-forms were studied in Xiaolangdi hilly areas,Henan Province,centre of China.The results showed that a significant positive linear correlation was found between nitrogen content in senescing and in mature leaves of all life-forms.The majority of the 21 investigated species in study sites withdrew less than 40% of nitrogen from their senescing leaves.NRE in these species ranged from 17.4% to 50.1%,with an average of 28.8%,depending upon the species and the life-form.The pattern of NRE in different life-forms followed the order of herbs>shrubs>trees.The results show that most of species examined in this study can be categorized as incomplete nitrogen resorption plants.Nitrogen concentration in mature leaves(Ng)and nitrogen concentration in senescing leaves(Ns)increased with increasing soil(organic) matter,total soil nitrogen and soil moisture.However,NRE was negative related to soil organic matter,total soil nitrogen and soil moisture,meaning that the higher soil organic matter was due to reduce plants NRE.Therefore,it is likely that plants from infertile environments may have a higher NRE than those from fertile(environment.) In disadvantage condition,such as soil infertile,the plants can adapt environmental stress by(increasing) NRE in mountainous hilly region in north china.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 81-87 [
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Application of risk and reliability analysis on hillslope
Hydrological and geological parameters are important factors for planning and design works of hazard prevention in hillslope.However,these parameters usually exist uncertainty for hazard prevention works.This may results the risk of hazard assessment and the low reliability for planning and design of hazard mitigation.In this paper,the basic concept of risk and reliability analysis are introduced and the two cases study for debris-flow occurrence and design discharge of hyperconcentrated flow by the risk and reliability analysis are presented.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 88-92 [
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JIANG De-Wen-;Guo-Meng-Xia-;Bi-Hua-Xin-;Liu-Xin-;Li-Dun
Theories and mechanism of ecological compensation of soil and water conservation
Theories and mechanism of soil and water conservation ecological compensation were discussed.The theories includ the concept,the theoretic basis,the compensatory object,the compensatory criterion,the method and the principle;and different policies on financing compensation were put forward such as benefit and payment,compensatory method of financial transfer payment in ecological protected area,payment from income of the mineral resources and the water electricity,other compensatory methods implemented recently.The classification experimental unit of compensation and it's extending to offer theoretic basis for constructing and implementing mechanism of ecological compensation and accelerating the soil erosion controlling were also discussed.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 93-98 [
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BI Hua-Xin-;Guo-Meng-Xia-;Jiang-De-Wen-;Ca-Long-Hai-;Li-Dun-;Liu-Xin
Discussion on the incentive policies of soil and water conservation
This paper focuses on putting forward the incentive policies in different situation to promote the(innovation) and development of soil and water conservation in China.The situation covers the following aspects: the incentive policies,the subsidy policies and the supporting policies of soil and water conservation in serious ded slope cropland,degenerated grassland,infertile woodland,old revolutionary bases,minority,frontier and barren area after canceling policies of the compulsory worker.In this way,a theoretic basis and decision support for establishing a set of incentive policies of soil and water conservation and arouses the enthusiasm of the masses to accelerate the step of soil erosion controlling and promote the development of soil and water conservation are provided.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 99-102 [
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GUO Meng-Xia-;Bi-Hua-Xin-;Jiang-De-Wen-;Li-Dun-;Liu-Xin
Primary discussion of responsibility system on soil and water conservation in China
The frame and ideas of responsibility system of soil and water conservation in China were discussed including the soil and water conservation target responsibility system of government,business enterprise and land user,establishment of the system of monitoring and assessing implementation of soil and water conservation responsibility and perfecting of guarantee system to provide a basis for establishing and implementing soil and water conservation responsibility system completely,and insuring sustainable development of soil and water conservation.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 103-106 [
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LI Jin-Yo
Problems and analysis of watershed management in Taiwan
In this paper,the watershed management problems of Taiwan were discussed,including:(1)watershed classification,(2)definite goal,(3)coordination,(4)cost sharing,and(5)personnel training.Layout the land-use type of watershed, offering the project-planner with the monitoring and evaluation procedures are based on watershed analysis.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 107-110 [
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LI Xin-Beng
Application of participatory approaches in soil and water conservation planning
Soil and water conservation programs are very important contents for improving eco-environment in China.Nowadays,the present programs of soil and water conservation are still using the "top-down" approaches that usually used under the planning economy system in China.Farmers,who tied up with soil and water conservation,just participated in the related activities passively.It resulted influencing the effect of soil and water controlling basically.This article illustrated the thought of participatory approaches as well as the principle and methods.And further more the application of participatory approaches in the procedure of water and soil conservation planning such as preparation,surveying,designing,approval,implementation,monitoring,evaluation and so and was explained.
2006 Vol. 4 (6): 111-116 [
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