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2008 Vol.6 No.3
Published 2008-06-30
YANG Qi-Ke-;Li-Dui-;Liu-Yong-Mei
Discussions on methods of national regional soil erosion survey
It is a precondition for a region to make periodically survey of soil erosion to provide dynamic information for soil conservation planning.Regional soil erosion assessment is also one of key scientific issues for soil sciences.Based on the reviews of methodologie on regional soil erosion survey and mapping,regional soil erosion factors,scale effects of soil erosion and soil erosion models,some suggestions were proposed for the forthcoming national soil erosion survey.In order to assess soil loss quantitatively,newest results of regional soil erosion model should be applied in the survey.Contents of the survey,such as factors of soil erosion at the regional scale,types and intensity of soil erosion,soil conservation practices,and sampling investigation in typical soil erosion areas,should be included.Furthermore,the key techniques,such as scale effects of soil erosion,demonstrative application of soil erosion models,and data management of the survey,should be addressed to.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 1-6 [
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LI Zhi-An-;Yang-Qing-Tian-;Gao-Yun-Fei-;Yan-Mu-Rui-;Ceng-Gong-Juan
Remote sensing monitoring for soil erosion and its thinking
Soil erosion monitoring is an important part of the application of remote sensing and GIS.The methods of soil erosion monitored from RS can be classified to the following types: visual interpretation of remote sensing image,spectral analysis of remote sensing,man-machine interactive interpretation,intelligent soil erosion monitoring and model parameterization approach,etc.Analyzing the advantages and the difficulties confronted applying in practice of each methods,we introduced a soil erosion monitoring method based on the coupling of repository and spatial information,to satisfy the demands of soil and water conservation.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 7-12 [
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YANG Qing-Tian-;Gao-Yun-Fei-;Li-Zhi-An-;Wang-Yan-Song-;Li-Dan
Soil erosion monitoring approach based on coupled satellite data and knowledge base
We do the cross radiation correction with the RS data of BJ-1 and TM data at the corresponding period,and calculate the vegetation coverage degree in the area of Da Hingganling Mts,establish the soil erosion spatial information database of this area.Based on the RUSLE theoretically,with the ground investigation,we established soil erosion repository,construct the soil erosion monitoring method coupling the spatial information and repository,grading the intensity of soil erosion in Da Hingganling Mts.The tested results indicated that the method we introduced has a better reliability,and BJ-1 can meet the demand of dynamic soil erosion monitoring.The obtained calibration parameters of BJ-1 has a certain reference value.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 13-17 [
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LIANG Yin-;Tian-Gang-;Bo-Xian-Zhang-;Shi-De-Meng-;Yang-Han
Affection of different methods to the soil erosion monitoring results: A case study in Lianshui River Basin of Jiangxi Province
This paper mainly analyses how the methods affects the soil erosion monitoring results.Three monitoring methods are used in the research: the simulation using RUSLE model,the estimation from visual interpretation soil erosion map and field observation at the outlet of the Lianshui River Basin in 2000.The results show that the amount of soil erosion by the method of visual interpretation is the biggest,which is about 6.2 times of the observation value and 1.9 times of the result from the RUSLE model.The research also reveals that the scale of the DEM also affects the simulation results when using RUSLE model,and that the difference between the results of two DEM data with different scale is main caused by the variation of total area of slight erosion and none erosion grade.The article also gives some advices on how to realize soil erosion monitoring at the regional scale.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 18-23 [
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HE Xiu-Bin-;Hui-Jie-;Hu-Yi-Bei
Assessing of soil erosion by radionuclide tracing and remote sensing techniques
Remote sensing technique is widely used in soil erosion assessment due to its fitness for large-scale and rapid investigation.However,there are three limitations in the current applications: 1) to obtain cheap and high-resolution images;2) to interpret the image scientifically and accurately;and 3) to get available soil erosion monitoring data and assessment model.In China,due to lack of necessary erosion monitoring data,erosion degree are usually graded according to the subjective judgments by interpreters.It is no doubt that the erosion investigation by this method is imprecise and incredible.This paper recommends the methodology combining radionuclide tracing and remote sensing techniques to monitor and assess regional soil erosion.The hybrid method is efficient in soil erosion monitoring and assessment in terms of regional and local,plot and small watershed,quantitative and qualitative.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 24-27 [
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HE Xin-Zhao-;Yu-Quan-Gang-;Liang-Jian-Hui
Capacity building of soil and water conservation monitoring in Yellow River Basin
Based on analyzing the existing situation and problems of soil and water conservation monitoring in the Yellow River Basin,the direction and objective for capacity building were identified.Several activities were launched to enhance the capacity of soil and water conservation monitoring,such as building the multi-source data exchange and sharing mechanism,setting up the regulations and standards for data acquisition and management,developing the methodology for data treatment and analysis.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 28-32 [
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ZHONG Xiao-Lei-;Guo-Cheng-Jiu-;Fan-Hao-Meng-;Zhou-Li-Li-;Wu-Min-;Cao-Lian-Mei
Preliminary study of spatial scale effects of soil erosionin Liaoning Province
In the field of soil erosion research,one focused issue is on the analysis and investigation to the effect of soil erosion dimensional scale and the evaluation of soil erosion amount in different dimensional scale.The research is based on the general analysis of the long serial data of 34 typical hydrological stations and remote sensing data in 2000 of Liaoning Province.And a primary discussion is presented by the comparative research of different amount of soil erosion in small valley and meso-scale valley and the large-scale area.Through the balance calculation methods to calculate the amount of soil erosion,the result is indicated as: in Liaoning Province,along with the increasing of research area,firstly,through the study of Liaohe valley,average amount of soil loss will be diminished;secondly,through the study of nine meso-scale valley in Liaoning Province,macro-scopical features of soil erosion become more obvious.Based on the analysis of the sediment balance,the change of sediment deposit is one of the important factors for scale effect.It is very important for improving the work of monitoring to study of the theory and calculation methods for the sediment balance.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 33-37 [
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XU Hua-Shua-;Ju-Tong-Jun-;Zheng-Shi-Qing
Sediment sources analysis of the Yangou watershed under a certain rainstorm event in the Hilly-gully Region of Loess Plateau
The Yangou watershed is located in Yanan in the most erosive region.At present the vegetation restoration in large scale and high intensity of oil exploiting had brought huge influence on driving forces for the erosion environment change.The balance of slope land erosion and road erosion had been changed a lot.After most slope land had been restored by vegetation,road erosion became more and more important,especially under the massive road constructing for oil industry.In this paper,sediment yield under the event of rainfall on July 2,2005 which was a rainstorm with yearly possibility of 20% had been surveyed and analyzed, that including sediment from land under different uses(crop-land plot,vegetation plots,hard road surface) and also 3 types roads(narrow mountain-road,mountain-road,and mountain-transport way).The sediment yield intensity of the 3 type roads was respectively as 500 t/km<sup>2</sup>,3 163 t/km<sup>2</sup>,and 13 500 t/km<sup>2</sup> under the rainfall event.On the other hand,the sediment from cropland and grass,shrub land was within 6-184 t/km<sup>2</sup>.The results also showed that sediment from road area which only had 1% of total area accounted for 42.3% of the total sediment yield,far beyond that from other land types in the watershed.Sediment from grass-land and shrub-land,which had 70.5% of watershed area,shared 26.7% of the total sediment.The research also showed that the 41.2% of total sediment could be detained by re-vegetation.On the contrary,that road constructing brought heavy sediment which off-benefit by 58.4%.Based on this research,some key suggestions had been put forward that could be used to adjust the strategy form slope management to road erosion protection.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 38-42 [
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XU Zhong-Chun-;Xie-Yong-Sheng-;Wang-Heng-Dun
Dynamic characteristics analysis of land-use landscape pattern in the Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi
Taking Zhaozhuang village in typical Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau as the study area,and selecting indexes such as diversity index,dominance index,evenness index,fragmentation index,deviation index,the dynamic changes of land-use landscape pattern were analyzed on village scale.Results show that: 1) the patch numbers and patch density increase while the mean patch area decrease during the researching period.2) the difference between landscape heterogeneity of two periods is significant;the dominance index and deviation index decrease when the indexes of diversity,evenness and fragmentation increase to some extent.3) with the policy of returning cropland to forest implementing,land-use landscape pattern of the study area have changed a lot during the past 6 years.The whole situation of eco-environment is improved;the income is increasing slightly;the industrial structure is trending reasonably.With the increasing of proportion of sideline the proportion of planting industry,breeding industry and fruit-vegetable industry decreased.And peasant income mainly comes from sideline and fruit-vegetable industry.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 43-47 [
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CENG Guang-;Yang-Qi-Ke-;Zhang-Shen-Bao
Natural succession process of vegetation on the abanded land in the Hilly-gully Region of Loess Plateau: A case study of Shuangshugou Watershed in Wuqi County
The two-way indicator species analysis were adopted to classify the vegetation naturally recuperating on 30 sample sites of abandoned lands distributed in Shuangshugou Watershed of Wuqi County,which is located in the Hilly-gully Region of Loess Plateau.The plant community characteristics of different natural restoration grasslands and above-ground biomass were calculated.The results showed that the vegetations on the abandoned lands successfully experienced <i>Artemisia scoparia</i> community,<i>Leymus scalinus</i> and Stipa bungeana community,<i>Leymus scalinus</i> and <i>Artemisia sacrorum</i> community,<i>Artemisia sacrorum</i> community,<i>Artemisia sacrorum</i> and <i>Artemisia giraldii</i> Pamp community.The typical vegetation <i>Artemisia sacrorum</i> and <i>Artemisia giraldii</i> Pamp community has appeared,and it takes great advantage in this study area.The indexes of Margalef,Shannon-wiener,Pielou and above-ground biomass manifested decrease with removal time passing by at first and then increase.Though the richness indexes and diversity indexes increased in the stable stage of vegetation restoration,there was a little lower than elementary stage.And it also had the trend to reach the initial stage.The richness indexes of the first stage were the largest,and the evenness indexes of the fifth stage were the biggest.The vegetation coverage degree became larger with the prolonging of vegetation restoration.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 48-52 [
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LI Xiao-Li-;Liu-Guo-Ban-;Zhang-Xiao-Ping-;Meng-Qiang-Xiang
Landscape fragmentation of the oil field region in the Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau
In this paper,the landscape pattern of Yangou catchment in the Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau was studied with RS,GIS and field investigation with GPS,and that land use by oil exploitation and the resulting landscape fragmentation were analyzed.It was displayed that the oil field occupied rather a little land,but it was mainly high quality land for agricultural production and eco-environmental restoration.The area of forestland,grassland and farmland decreased,while the area of traffic,water,residential and industrial lands increased greatly in the oil field region of the catchment after three years of oil exploitation from 2003 to 2006.The fragmentation indexes of landscape of the three study areas were in descending order as follows: oil field region,whole catchments and non-oil field region.And those indexes of landscape elements in the oil field region were also increased significantly after oil exploitation.The results also revealed that roads had a great impact on landscape fragmentation in the oil field areas.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 53-58 [
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YUE Yong-Jie-;Tu-Xin-Xiao-;Wu-Jun-;Shu-Jian-Gang-;Li-Wei
Point pattern analysis of spatial distribution of natural secondary forest populations in mountainous area of Beijing: A case study of Wuling Mountain nature reserve
Based on the inventory of a natural secondary forest plot covering 1 hm<sup>2</sup> in Wuling Mountain nature reserve in Beijing,the method of point pattern analysis was employed to study the spatial distribution patterns and interspecific relationships of main populations in community under different scales.The results showed that: 1) single population distribution pattern presented distinct cluster mode under bigger scale extent in Wuling Mountain and very few ones presented stochastic mode under the scale of less than 3m and exceeding 48 m.2) The distribution patterns of main populations attained maximal congregated intensity.The differences of spatial scales of maximal congregated intensity and maximal congregated size in different populations were distinct,and the descending order of congregated intensity was <i>Tilia mongolica</i>,<i>Betula davurica</i>,<i>Populus davidiana</i> and <i>Betula platyphylla</i>,while the descending order of congregated size of single population was <i>Populus davidiana</i>,<i>Tilia mongolica</i>,<i>Betula davurica</i> and <i>Betula platyphylla</i>.3) interspecific relationships was visible among populations,and the population pairs of negative correlation accounted for a majority of ratio which resulted in furious interspecific competition and unstable composition and structure of community,and its vegetation succession stage was interim from initial to medium.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 59-64 [
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WU Chun-Hua-;Chen-Yun-Meng-;Wang-Guo-Liang-;Lei-Jian-Li
Vertical distribution characters of typical communities root system in relation to environmental factors in the Hill-gully region of Loess Plateau
In order to provide scientific basis for vegetation restoration and reconstruction of removal lands in the Hill-gully region of Loess Plateau,the effects of environmental factors on the vertical distribution of root system biomass were studied with the methods of CA and CCA analyses in four typical communities.The results showed that root system biomass of four communities decreased with the increase of soil depth in a similar manner,and 85% root system biomass were concentrated in surface soil layer of 0-40 cm.The distribution of root system in soil profile can be divided into three types: T1,T2 and T3,and root system in most communities belongs to the T1 type in which the roots are concentrated in the top soil layer(0-20 cm),far more than in the lower soil layers;while root systems of types T2 and T3 are imbedded in both top and deep soil layers.Results showed that environmental factors compositively affected the distribution and variety of roots,among which soil water content,bulk density,nitrate nitrogen had main effects.The T1 type distributed in the areas which had more nitrate nitrogen,while the types T2 and T3 distrbuted in places with high content of organic matter and total nitrogen.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 65-70 [
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SONG Ji-Gong-;Zhang-Hong-Jiang-;Sun-Chao-;Wang-Zhi-Chao
Canopy interception of different forest types in the Three Gorges Region of Yangtze River
In order to understand the water conservation function of forest in the Three Gorges Region of Yangtze River and provide fundamental basis for vegetation construction of this region,the function of canopy interception of three main forest types based on the data from fixed sample plots in Jinyun Mountain in Chongqing City were studied.The results showed that the descending order of canopy interception capability of different vegetation types was broadleaf-conifer mixed forest(18.87%),evergreen broad-leaf forest(11.76%),and Phyllostachys pubescens forest(10.68%). The descending order of throughfall coefficient of these four forest stands was: Phyllostachys pubescens forest,evergreen broad-leaf forest,and the broadleaf-conifer mixed forest.Based on analyzing and comparing the results,the effect of forest canopy interception of mixed forests is the most fine.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 71-75 [
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TENG Chao-Xia-;Chen-Li-Hua-;Xiao-Xiang
Multi-objective model of water resources carrying capacity and its application to Jinan City
Water resources carrying capacity of city can demonstrate adapting situation between local exploiting degree of water resources and population-social economic development.Through establishing multi-objective model of water resources carrying capacity(WRCC),the article analysed water resources carrying capacity of Jinan City in 2005,2010,2020.There are more possibilities which the population in Jinan City will overgrow local water resources carrying capacity in the following years,which leads to more difficult to ensure the springs sprung continuously.The article puts forward the solutions and countermeasures to improving Jinan City's water resources carrying capacity.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 76-80 [
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PENG Wen-Hua-;Feng-Gao-;Tun-Pu-Te-;Ning-Rong-Chang-;Shi-Zhu-Xie
Effects of two super absorbent polymers on water retention capacity of soil
The effects of two super absorbent polymers,Sodium Polyacrylate(SP) and Polyacrylamide(PAM),on water retention capacity of sand,loam,and clay were evaluated by using centrifugal method.Five concentrations of these polymers,0,0.01%,0.08%,0.2%,and 1%(on dry weight basis),were added to these three soils.The results show that the amount of water retained by the soil at each suction over the range of 0.01 MPa to 1.5 MPa significantly increased with the increasing of the two polymers;The effects on sand were more obviously than loam and clay;The concentration of the two polymers were better controlled from 0.08% to 0.20% by weight,then the crop would use 83.7% of the water kept by the polymer;The effects of the two polymers on the soil water retention were nearly the same.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 81-87 [
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YA Yong-Jiang-;Duan-Wen-Biao-;Wang-Jing
Spatial distribution characteristics of soil infiltration capacity in water conservation forest in Lianhua Lake reservoir area
Based on water conservation forest of Pinus koraiensis in Lianhua Lake reservoir area,soil infiltration model firstly was fitted by the rate of soil infiltration speed,spatial distribution characteristics of the parameters of infiltration model were analyzed by geostatistical method secondly.The results show that the Philip infiltration model has better analog calculation effects on mathematical simulation of soil infiltration than other models.Soil suction rate and steady infiltration rate obtained by fitting both show lognormal distribution.The proportion of the former is 0.773,and that of the latter is 0.678.The effective range of the former is 8.04 m,and that of the latter is 6.69 m.The fractal statistic of the former is 1.954,and that of the latter is 1.978.By comparison between two parameters,soil suction rate has a strong spatial dependence,a large spatial correlation range and a simple spatial distribution.There is a very significantly positive correlation between the spatial distribution patterns of soil suction rate and that of steady infiltration rate,and the correlation coefficient <i>R</i> is 0.52.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 88-93 [
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TUN Feng-Fei-;Shu-Bei
Water conversation function of the mixed <i>Alnus cremastogyne</i> and <i>Cupressus funebri</i>s stand ecosystem at different stand age
The water conservation is one of the important functions of forest ecosystem.The mixed <i>Alnus cremastogyne</i> and <i>Cupressus funebri</i>s stands at 10 a,15 a,20 a and 25 a and the 30 a cypress stand in the hilly area of central Sichuan Basin were investigated to study the change tendencies of water conservation function.The results showed that: 1) The accumulation mass,saturated water holding capacity and maximum water holding capacity of the litter layer reached the maximum at 20 a,and decreased to the minimum at 30 a.The water holding capacity correlated with the accumulation mass and the water holding rates significantly;2) The bulk density of the topsoil declined significantly from 10 a to 20 a and reached the minimum 1.20 g/cm<sup>3</sup>,but increased significantly from 20 a to 30 a.The non-capillary porosity and total porosity increased from 10 a to 20 a but declined significantly after 20 a.The capillary porosity fluctuated from 10 a to 30 a.The minimum water-holding capacity and capillary water-holding capacity increased significantly from 10 a to 15 a and relatively stabilized from 20 a to 30 a,and the maximum water-holding capacity increased from 10 a to 20 a and decreased at 25 a or 30 a,significantly;3)The total water-holding capacity of the mixed stands reached the maximum,1 446.06 t/hm<sup>2</sup> at 15a and then declined to 1 331.60 t/hm<sup>2</sup> at 30 a.The soil water-holding capacity accounted for more than 98% of the stands total water-holding capacity at different stand age.The results indicated that the structures of the mixed stands older than 25 a and the cypress stand should be adjusted to enhance the water conservation function.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 94-101 [
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HU Chu-Ping-;Tu-Xin-Xiao-;Liu-Pan-;Yue-Yong-Jie
Species diversity of deciduous broad-leaved forest communities in Baihua Mountain,Beijing
The species diversity of 3 deciduous broad-leaved forest communities in Baihua Mountain of Beijing in warm temperate zone were studied by using species abundance,Simpson index,Shannon-Wienner index,Pielou evenness index and Alatalo evenness index.The results show that: 1) In total diversity index of communities,the species abundance of community Ⅱ(<i>Betula davurica-Spiraea pubescens-Deyeuxia arundinacea+ Iris ruthenica</i>),the species diversity index of community Ⅰ(<i>Juglans mandshurica-Spiraea velutina-Rabdosia japonica+ Spodiopogon sibiricus</i>) and evenness index of community Ⅲ(<i>Quercus liaotungensis-Deutzia parviflora-Carex lanceolata</i>) are higher than others.2) In different growth forms,the species abundance and diversity indices of herb layer are bigger than shrub and tree layers,the descending order of evenness indices is shrub layer,herb layer,and tree layer.3) The species abundance and diversity indices of tree layer and shrub layer have significant difference with herb layer.Pielou evenness index of shrub layer and herb layer has significant difference with tree layer.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 102-106 [
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ZHENG Guo-Jiang-;Zhang-Cheng-Liang-;Zhang-Hong-Jiang-;Wang-Wei-;Li-Mei-Sheng-;Zhang-Yong
Effect of temperature on water content and vegetation growing in coal waste pile: A case study in Yangquan City of Shanxi Province
Based on the methods of field survey,experiment,sampling and the laboratory analyzes in coal waste piles in Yangquan of Shanxi Province,the effect of temperature on water content and vegetation growing was studied.The results showed that temperature in vertical direction increased by depth,opposited to natural land,which changed larger in coal waste pile covered by soil than nature restoration coal waste pile.The temperature increase of adjacent two levels(10 cm) in vertical direction from 0-80 cm in natural restoration,earth-sheltered 50 cm and 100 cm coal waste piles are 0.68 ℃,2.20 ℃ and 2.97 ℃.The water content is decreasing with the temperature increasing in vertical direction in earth-sheltered coal waste pile,which is higher 10%-15% than natural restoration in average.The vegetation which suit grow in coal waste pile in Yangquan of Shanxi Province contain <i>Chenopodium glaucum</i>,<i>Artemisia capillaries</i>,<i>Tribulus terrestris</i>,<i>Portulaca oleracea</i>,<i>Artemisia hedinii</i>,<i>Setaria viridis</i>,<i>Astragalus adsurgens & Bidens bipinnata</i>.The descending order of sensitivity to temperature of four vegetation is <i>Amorpha fruiticos</i>,<i>Robinia pseudoacacia</i>,<i>Ailanthus alltissima</i>,and <i>Platycladus orientalis</i>.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 107-111 [
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LIAO Hang-;Li-Xiang-Yun-;Wang-Bai-Tian
Study on the transpiration of seedling of Ailanthus altissima and its response to environmental factors
Transpiration characteristic of Ailanthus altissima,major tree for forestation in the Loess Plateau was analyzed.Physiological indices of Ailanthus altissima in different soil water conditions were measured by portable steady porometer(LI-1600) during the period of May to October of 2006,in Fangshan, Shanxi Province(Forestry Experimental Station of Beijing Forestry University). The response processes of physiological absorbed radiation,stomatal resistance,transpiration rate to different soil water content were studied.The results showed,the relationship between transpiration rate and physiological absorbed radiation of Ailanthus altissima in semi-arid regions of Loess Plateau was power function.Meanwhile,the relationship between transpiration rate and stomatal resistance and soil water content was close.Generally,transpiration rate increased with the raising of irradiance and soil water content.The correlation coefficient between transpiration rate and soil water content was in average coming up to 0.891 7(<i>R</i><sup>2</sup>=0.891 7).Based on the above analysis of the transpiration rate in different soil water conditions,therefore,to lighten injuring on physiology as transpiration seriously,to increase the rate of survivor and to promote growing,it is necessary to adopt measure as avoiding violent irradiance of the sapling when the soil is short of water.The soil water content during 15% to 20% is beneficial to increase the water use efficiency of plants,which could help plants to enhance water use efficiency in arid and semiarid area.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 112-115 [
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GAO Xu-Biao
Prediction method for erosion rates on developing and construction projects
This paper analyses the present prediction methods on soil erosion modulus for development and construction projects.It is found that soil erosion modulus in different development and construction projects are related to the relative area of bare earth surface,stability of soil,density of soil and so on.So the factor analytical method which introduced in this paper is decided by both the factors of soil erosion modulus and the data of field observation and dynamic monitoring.The further modification of prediction method for erosion modulus on development and construction projects was discussed.
2008 Vol. 6 (3): 116-120 [
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