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2022 Vol.20 No.6  Published 2022-12-30
Yellow River Basin
1 GUO Xiaoxue, TIAN Peng, DU Min, ZHAO Guangju, MU Xingmin, GAO Peng, LU Xiaoyan
Relationship between runoff and sediment under different rainfall patterns in the small watershed on the tableland-gully region of the Loess Plateau
[Background] The Loess Plateau, one of the most severe soil erosive areas in the world, is discharging large amounts of sediment to the Yellow River, resulting in serious sedimentation of the downstream channel. Assessing the relationships between rainfall, runoff, and sediment in the watershed may provide critical insights for understanding hydrological and soil erosion processes which are vital to sustainable management of watershed. This study attempts to analyze characteristics of runoff and sediment yield and their relationship with different rainfall patterns in the Yangjiagou watershed on the tableland-gully region of the Loess Plateau. [Methods] This study applied the K-means clustering method and discriminant analysis method, and the rainfall events were classified using the runoff and sediment load data of the 184 rainfall events in the Yangjiagou watershed during 1981-2010. The power function was used to analyze the relationship of runoff and sediment. [Results] Annual runoff and sediment load demonstrated significant decreasing trend (P<0.01). Average annual value of the runoff and sediment load decreased by 50.32% and 55.64% in 1990-2010 compared to those during 1981-1989, respectively. The rainfall events were divided into three patterns. Pattern A was characterized by low rainfall amount (13.30-29.20mm), medium duration (4.00-12.63h) and medium rainfall intensity (1.80-5.00mm/h). It included 149 rainfall events, accounting for 81% of the total rainfall events. Pattern B comprised of 32 rainfall events, accounting for 17%, which were characterized by high rainfall amount (48.73-75.05mm), long duration (24.38-38.31h) and low rainfall intensity (1.32-2.73mm/h). Only 3 rainfall events belonged to pattern C, accounting for 2% of the total, and was characterized by medium rainfall amount (15.45-60.85mm), short duration (0.57-4.40h) and heavy rain intensity (27.65-38.60mm/h). Pattern A was major rainfall pattern in the studied watershed, pattern B was similar to pattern A, and pattern C was extreme rainfall events. The proportions of the accumulated rainfall, runoff and sediment load among different rainfall patterns followed the order: pattern A>pattern B>pattern C. The runoff and sediment yield were mainly contributed by pattern A. The relationship of runoff and sediment transport modulus was well fitted by the power function with the best fit of pattern. [Conclusions] The results reveal the basic characteristics of runoff and sediment yield for different rainfall patterns. Different rainfall patterns cause strong impact on runoff and sediment yield, and there was the strongest runoff and sediment yield capacity in pattern C, followed by pattern A and B. Decreased rainfall and increased vegetation cover result in the reduction of runoff and sediment yield in the studied watershed. The rainfall amount, duration and intensity significantly affect runoff and sediment yield.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 440 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1754KB] ( 465 )
8 WANG Qingyuan, ZHANG Letao, HE Mengzhen, WEI Yiyuan
Erosive runoff standard and runoff-sediment relationship analysis on loess slope
[Background] When identifying erosive events, scholars primarily focused on erosive rainfall, but ignored the importance of runoff erosivity, which is one of the key factors influencing sediment flow behavior. Effectively identifying the relationship between runoff and sediment in erosive runoff is beneficial to a thorough understanding of the law of flow and sediment movement on slopes. Therefore, the standard for erosive runoff should be proposed to further reveal the mechanism of erosion from slope runoff. [Methods] The hydrological data used in the study was downloaded from National Earth System Science Data Center, National Science & Technology Infrastructure of China ( Erosive runoff standard was determined by the frequency analysis method. The procedures are: 1) Ms (area-specific sediment yield) was arranged in descending order of peak discharge or runoff depth; 2) summing the cumulative Ms in descending order, calculating the cumulative percentage of Ms to overall Ms of all runoff events; 3) optimal regression equations between cumulative percentage of Ms and peak discharge or runoff depth were acquired by regression analysis; 4) given that the cumulative percentage of Ms was 95%, the corresponding peak discharge and runoff depth were calculated through the optimal regression equations, then the erosive runoff standard was determined. Runoff-sediment relationship of erosive and non-erosive runoff events were analyzed at inter- and intra-events time scales through regression analysis method. [Results] 1) In this study, the general reference standards for erosive runoff are: ① The runoff duration is at least 8min; ② the peak discharge is above 2.3dm3/s; ③ the runoff depth is greater than 2.3mm; ④ the area-specific sediment yield is more than 0.3kg/m2 (equivalent to 300t/km2). 2) The area-specific sediment yield by erosive runoff is mainly controlled by runoff depth whereas the mean sediment concentration is primarily driven by the peak discharge. On the basis of the erosive runoff standard, the sediment reduction benefit caused by regulating runoff depth is 8% higher than controlling peak discharge. 3) There is a power function relationship between instantaneous sediment concentration and instantaneous discharge in erosive events, and a stable tendency (approximately 490kg/m3) emerges in instantaneous sediment concentration when instantaneous discharge exceeds a critical value (8-14dm3/s). 4) There is a positive linear correlation between instantaneous sediment transport rate and instantaneous discharge in erosive events, and the positive linear correlation also appears between increment in area-specific sediment yield and increment in runoff depth. The sediment delivery capacity and sediment yield capacity of erosive runoff are 2.9 times and 2.7 times that of non-erosive runoff, respectively. [Conculsions] Compared with non-erosive runoff, the capacity of sediment transport and sediment yielding from erosive runoff is larger and the runoff-sediment relationship is more stable. Therefore, the proposal of erosive runoff standard is feasible in the present study, and then runoff regulation in slope should be orientated at the conversion from erosive runoff to non-erosive runoff.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 8-16 [Abstract] ( 418 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2287KB] ( 329 )
Foundamental Studies
17 MA Qianhong, KE Qihua, ZHANG Keli, GU Zaike
Characteristics of exposed slope boulders and its relationship with slope features in the mountainous region of North Guizhou
[Background] Rocky desertification is the most serious eco-geologically environment problem in the karst area of Southwest China. The surface exposed by outcropped boulders is a special landscape feature of rocky desertification slopes in karst regions of Southwest China. At present, there are few studies on the morphology, outcropping state and spatial distribution characteristics of outcropped boulders on the slope. This work aims to explore the outcropping characteristics of the outcropped boulders, and then provide a basis for the related researches on rocky desertification. [Methods] A typical rocky desertification slope in Zunyi city, Guizhou province was taken as the survey area. A full-slope carpet field survey was conducted, and a total of 375 exposed boulders were investigated. Firstly, We systematically investigated the spatial distribution, the direction of the outcropped boulders, and the heights of the outcrops as well as their influencing factors, such as slope gradient, altitude, slope aspect, and land use type. Then by using SPSS18.0 software (Statistical Product and Service Solutions 18.0), we explored the relationship between the exposed heights of boulders and the slope gradient. [Results] 1) The number of exposed boulders was the most in the middle of the slope (183 boulders), 1.63 times and 2.29 times of that on upslope and downslope, respectively. The reason was that the middle part of the slope suffered from more severe erosion and the soil thickness was relatively thinner. 2) The average height of exposed boulders on the slope was (0.35±0.25)m. In contrast, the influence of slope gradient on the height of exposed boulder was greater than that of other factors. With the increase of slope gradient (0°-15°), the height of exposed boulders increased in the form of a power function. 3) The direction of most boulders was crossed with the slope aspect, and there were significant differences in exposed height between different directions, following a descending order of the vertical direction (0.43±0.23)m>the oblique cross direction (0.33±0.28)m>the parallel direction (0.26±0.20)m. The exposed boulders, striking vertically to the slope aspect, played an important role in retaining overland runoff and sediment. 4) The exposed height of boulders on agricultural land (0.32±0.26)m was smaller than that on secondary forest and grassland (0.37±0.18)m, confirming the land changing model of "native forest and grassland-farmland-rocky desertification land-secondary forest and grassland" under the influence of mankind in karst areas. [Conclusions] The number and height of exposed boulders are closely related to the characteristics of the rocky slope. This study provides a useful reference for understanding the basic characteristics of outcropped boulders on rocky desertification slopes in karst area and carrying out relevant studies on soil erosion and earth surface processes more scientifically in Southwest China.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 17-24 [Abstract] ( 486 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2271KB] ( 280 )
25 LI Xiaoli, GUO Luomin
Grain size sorting characteristics of loose Pisha-sandstone in Ordos under rainfall splash and its sensitivity analysis
[Background] Soil erosion is very serious in the Pisha-sandstone area of Inner Mongolia Ordos, and rainfall erosion is an important factor causing soil erosion in Pisha-sandstone, while rainfall splash is the main erosion mode of soil at the early stage of rainfall. Since splash dispersion changes soil particles in the parent material, it is important to investigate the sorting law of rainfall splash on the particle size of loose Pisha-sandstone and the sensitivity to the sorting of particle size at all levels to reveal the mechanism of erosion of loose Pisha-sandstone at the beginning of rainfall. [Methods] Indoor artificial rainfall simulation was used to conduct spattering experiments on loose Pisha-sandstone. In order to reveal more clearly and intuitively the sorting degree of each particle size in the splash erosion samples by rainfall intensity and slope, the magnitude of the absolute value of the change rate was introduced to indicate the variation of the number of particles in each grain size interval, and the trend of the variation was reflected by the positive or negative rate of change. [Results] The slope and rainfall intensity are the main influencing factors for the occurrence of spattering erosion of Pisha-sandstone. On the slope with slope less than or equal to 20°, rainfall intensity is the most sensitive factor for splash erosion of loose Pisha-sandstone, in which the percentages of medium sand, fine sand and very fine sand particles increase with the increase of rainfall intensity, and the percentages of up-slope quantity are always larger than those of down-slope; while the percentages of powder sand quantity decrease with the increase of rainfall intensity, and the percentages of up-slope quantity are smaller than those of down-slope. In the slope with slope greater than or equal to 30°, the sensitive factors of spattering of loose Pisha-sandstone are slope and rainfall intensity, and the increase of rainfall intensity makes the size of soil particles that can be migrated gradually increase; when the slope and rainfall intensity are the same, the percentage change of the number of fine sand particles is the largest, and the effect of spattering on the sorting of fine sand is the most significant, then the medium sand, very fine sand, and silty sand in order. [Conclusions] The severity of spatter erosion occurring in loose Pisha-sandstone is the result of the combined coupling of multiple factors such as rainfall intensity, slope, and soil particle size. Among them, rainfall intensity and ground slope have the greatest effect, but the sensitivity of these two factors can vary depending on the size of different particles.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 25-33 [Abstract] ( 326 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2128KB] ( 287 )
34 SHAO Ziqing, DUN Xingjian, ZHANG Jiachen, ZHANG Zixu, GAO Peng, XU Jingwei, ZHANG Yiqun
Temporal and spatial changes of ecological quality in Qingdao city based on remote sensing
[Background] A good ecological environment is not only the most important premise of human development, but also the basic guarantee of human survival and the basis of social development. Coastal cities are rich in resources and have intense economic and social activities. Exploring the temporal and spatial change pattern and distribution law of their ecological quality is conducive to promoting the ecological environment protection and governance of coastal cities. [Methods] We extracted greenness (normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI), humidity (wetness,WET), dryness (normalized difference build and soil index,NDBSI) and heat (land surface temperature,LST) indexes from remote sensing images of Qingdao in 2005, 2009, 2014 and 2019, and constructed a remote sensing ecological index of Qingdao remote sensing based ecological index (RSEI) model. Further, we studied the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of ecological quality. [Results] The average I of Qingdao city in 2005, 2009, 2014 and 2019 were 0.433, 0.468, 0.470 and 0.578, respectively, and the overall ecological environment quality showed an upward trend. The proportions of areas with excellent ecological environment quality increased from 5.82% in 2005 to 6.14% in 2009, 15.93% in 2014 and 42.26% in 2019, respectively. The proportions of areas with poor ecological environment quality decreased from 39.1% in 2005 to 22.73% in 2009, 4.18% in 2014 and 1.79% in 2019 respectively. The ecological environment quality of Qingdao city was better in suburb than in central city. The eco-environmental grade was mainly medium and good. The deterioration of ecological environment quality was concentrated in the northern and western coastal areas of Jiaozhou city. The areas with improved eco-environmental quality were mainly distributed in Jimo city, the north of Laixi city and Pingdu city. The improvement and deterioration of ecological environment quality accounted for 64.43% and 1.87% of the total area. The average correlation coefficient between RSEI model and each component index were 0.803, which were higher than the average correlation coefficient between each component index. Among them, WET and NDVI had the greatest impact on the ecological quality of Qingdao city, followed by NDBSI, and LST has the least impact. [Conclusions] The RSEI model can better reflect the information of each component index, accurately characterize the changes of environmental quality of soil and water conservation ecological restoration in Qingdao city, which provide reference and guidance for the ecological restoration, treatment and development of coastal zone in Qingdao city.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 34-40 [Abstract] ( 303 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1653KB] ( 243 )
Applied Studies
41 SU Wenrui, TIAN Jia, YANG Zekang, LI Wanyuan, GUO Ruiyan, LIU Wenjuan
')" href="#"> Monitoring of forest disturbance in "Three Mountains" of Ningxia based on GEE and LandTrendr
[Background] The natural reserve of Liupan Mountain, Luo Mountain, and Helan Mountain in Ningxia (Abbreviated as "Three Mountains") is an important ecological security barrier in Northwest China. Studying on whether there are obvious differences between the degree and tendency of forest disturbance in "Three Mountains" or not, and the main reasons causing forest disturbance has great reference value in protecting the natural reserve of "Three Mountains", the Northwest region, even the ecological safety in The Yellow River basin. [Methods] Based on the Landsat 5-8 time series stack (1990-2020) in the GEE (Google Earth Engine) remote sensing cloud platform, the forest disturbance in the "Three Mountains" of Ningxia over the past 30 years was monitored by the LandTrendr time series segmentation algorithm, and the accuracy of the monitoring results was evaluated with the help of Google images, and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the forest disturbance were statistically analyzed. [Results] 1)The user accuracy, producer accuracy and overall accuracy of LandTrendr algorithm were all >90%, Kappa coefficient reached 0.87, and there was no significant difference between the result of LandTrendr algorithm and manual visual inspection (McNemar's test>0.05). 2)The overall forest disturbance area ratio of "Three Mountains" in 1991-2020: Liupan (1.77%)>Luoshan (0.07%)>Helan (0.05%). The annual disturbance area ratio of the "Three Mountains" tended to decrease, and Liupan (52.60×10-4%/a)>Helan (1.58×10-4%/a)>Luoshan (0.40×10-4%/a). 3)The forest disturbance of "Three Mountains" mainly occurred in the northern part of Liupan Mountain and 2 exclaves to the east, "Daluo Mountain" in the northern part of Luo Mountain and the center of Helan Mountain. The duration of forest disturbance was 1-3 years, and mostly within a year. [Conclusions] Among the "Three Mountains", the disturbance level of Liupan Mountain is much higher than that of Luo and Helan Mountain, but the disturbance area of the "Three Mountains" is decreasing year by year, with the most obvious decrease in Liupan Mountain followed by Helan Mountain and Luo Mountain. The disturbance in Liupan and Luo Mountain is mainly caused by human activities, but in Helan Mountain, it is caused by both human activities and natural conditions.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 41-49 [Abstract] ( 279 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4147KB] ( 238 )
50 WANG Shuaibing, WANG Keqin, LI Shudong, LENG Peng
Analysis of the dynamic monitoring results for soil and water conservation during 2012-2016 in Yunnan province
[Background] Yunnan province is a mountainous area, with as much as 94% of the total area belonging to this category. There are many high mountains and valleys, complex and diverse climate types, numerous rivers and lakes all in tandem with heavy and concentrated rainfall. Moreover, with the continued impact of human activities, soil erosion has become very serious in Yunnan. Serious soil erosion has caused the decline of land productivity, siltation of riverbed and water bodies, and natural disasters such as frequent floods, drought and debris flow. Controlling soil erosion and improving the ecological environment is an important task for the ongoing ecological construction in Yunnan province. [Methods] Based on the monitoring compilation data of soil and water conservation monitoring sites in Yunnan province from 2012 to 2016, 36 soil and water conservation monitoring sites were positioned and divided into soil and water conservation type areas according to the national 3-level division of soil and water conservation. The dynamic monitoring of soil and water loss in the Yunnan province was studied in depth from the aspects of rainfall, runoff and sediment production in runoff field of different land use types and small watershed, non-point source pollution output in runoff field and small watershed, debris flow monitoring. [Results] The runoff rates of different soil and water conservation type areas showed as wasteland>sloping farmland>grassland>terrace>garden>forest. The soil erosion moduli were in the order of sloping farmland>wasteland>terrace>garden>grassland>forest. Average annual watershed runoff moduli of different soil and water conservation type areas were 0.12-12.05L/(s·km2), and the sediment modulus was 6.20-1659.00t/(km2·a). The average annual runoff moduli of representative hydrological sites were 0.20-10.90L/(s·km2), and the sediment moduli were 1.28-686.00t/(km2·a). After constructed contour reverse-slope terrace in sloping farmland, the loss of N steadily reduced 62.78%-86.50%, and the loss of P steadily reduced 50.41%-90.83%. The outputs of total nitrogen concentration and total phosphorus concentration were 2.55-5.23mg/L and 0.65-1.36mg/L respectively in the Yizhe small watershed from 2012 to 2016, and the outputs of N amount and P amount were 3.65-15.12t and 0.95-2.44t. Short duration torrential rain was one of the important causes leading to debris flow. It was easy to cause secondary debris flow if strong rainfall occurred in a short period after debris flow occurred. [Conclusions] This study reflected the basic situation of soil and water loss in Yunnan province, which can provided a basis and reference for the monitoring work of soil and water conservation monitoring sites in the future, and provide a theoretical basis and data support for the prevention and control of soil and water loss.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 50-58 [Abstract] ( 466 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1108KB] ( 333 )
59 ZHENG Jiangkun, ZHANG Ge, ZENG Qianting, ZHU Lin
Mechanical characteristics of herbaceous roots and soil anti-scourability on the slope of dump yards
[Background] Many dump yards are formed during backfilling earthwork. The soils were loose and soil nutrient was deficient in dump yards. Vegetation are widely used to reinforceside slope of dump yards. At present, the researches on soil fixation of side slope were mainly concentrated on highway slopes and reservoir slopes. Few reports were concentrated on side slope of stone dump yards. [Methods] Compared with bare land of dump yards in Diexi town of Mao county, native herbs (Taraxacum mongolicum, Phragmites australis, Chenopodium album) and artificially planted herbs (Lolium perenne and Eleusine indica) were as the research objects.In order to screen out herbaceous plants with better performance in soil conservation and slope fixation,electronic universal testing machine, direct shear apparatus and soil anti-scourability experimental device were applied to measure the maximum tension resistance and tensile strength of single root, the shear strength of root-soil composite and soil anti-scourability index, respectively. [Results] 1)The tensile resistance of herb roots increased with the increase of root diameter, whereas the tensile strength decreased with the increase of root diameter. The average root tensile resistance of five herbs presented as C.album (12.42N)> T.mongolicum (11.52N)> P.australis (7.96N)> E.indica (4.36N)> L.perenne (3.36N), while the tensile strength showed an opposite trend as L.perenne(62.6MPa) >E.indica(43.8MPa)>P.australis(43.7MPa)>T.mongolicum(32.2MPa)>C.album(27.2MPa). 2)The root-soil composite of L.perenne generally showed the highest shear strength, followed by E.indica, C.album, T.mongolicum, P.australis and bare land under 4 load conditions (level 50, 100, 150 and 200kPa). 3) Soil anti-scourability indexes of five herbs presented as L.perenne(3.09min/g)> C.album (2.93min/g)> E.indica (2.60min/g)> T.mongolicum (2.19min/g)> P.australis (1.52min/g)> Bare land (1.37min/g).[Conclusions] C.album showed maximum tension resistance of single root, and the L.perenne showed maximum anti-scourability and shear strength. Therefore, C.album and L.perenne should be considered invegetation restoration of dump yards in the barrier area of western Sichuan basin.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 59-66 [Abstract] ( 316 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1610KB] ( 234 )
67 LIU Kunjue, LIU Wen, LIU Mingxi, FAN Xu
Performance test and stability analysis of jute planting bag on subgrade slope
[Background] In the process of engineering construction, soil erosion often occurs, which affects the stability of the slope. Soil and water conservation slope protection project is important for restoring and building a good ecological environment. The plant bag made of natural jute has outstanding environmental protection and economy. The jute fiber can provide nutrients for plants after decomposition. There are few studies on the stability analysis of the bag itself, and the planting bag itself is more prone to be damaged under heavy rainfall. Therefore, the stability analysis is crucial. [Methods] In order to explore the basic physical and mechanical properties of jute planting bag and its stability in practical engineering, the physical and mechanical properties of density, tension and tear of common jute cloth materials for planting bag were tested. Based on the basic assumptions, the stabilities of jute planting bags under natural conditions and heavy rainfall conditions were calculated according to the force balance method and the conditions of subgrade slope, and the evaluation method of bag stability was proposed by calculating the stability coefficient. [Results] 1) The average tensile strength of the two types of jute cloth were 14.7kN/m and 22.2kN/m, the average elongation at break were 6.1% and 10.7%, and the average tearing strength were 0.35kN/m and 0.56kN/m, respectively. The basic performance met the performance requirements of national standards for planting bags. 2) Under the condition of force equilibrium, the stability coefficient of jute planting bags under natural conditions was 1.51, thus the stability of jute planting bags on the subgrade slope was good. The stability coefficient was 0.52 under the saturated condition of heavy rainfall, which was insufficient. 3) The jute planting bags were reinforced by anchor mesh. The pull-out safety coefficient of the anchor was 1.58, therefore the jute planting bags were of good stability. [Conclusions] The basic performance of jute cloth meets the performance requirements of national standards for planting bags. Under the saturated condition of heavy rainfall, the stability of jute planting bag is insufficient, and reinforcement methods should be adopted. Based on the pullout stability of anchor rod, the stability evaluation method of jute planting bags reinforced by anchor mesh is established. Combined with examples, it is proved that anchor mesh is very effective to enhance the stability of jute planting bags on subgrade slope.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 67-73 [Abstract] ( 333 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2336KB] ( 206 )
74 LI Wenlong, YUAN Li, WEI Wenjie, LIU Zhuohao, GAO Ruiyu, NIU Yong, ZHAO Chuanpu, ZHANG Ronghua
Effects of two spatial data structures on soil erosion assessment at county scale
[Background] The existing county-scale soil erosion evaluation method mostly uses raster structure as the basic calculation unit, leading to multiple raster numbers and multiple erosion intensities in a single vector plot, which makes it difficult to directly apply to vector plot-based soil erosion control and planning. Therefore, studying the impact of different spatial data structures of raster and vector on soil erosion calculation and evaluation is of great significance to the dynamic monitoring of soil erosion and the application of results, and to serve soil and water conservation planning and soil erosion control. [Methods] This study used Ruzhou city, Henan province as the research area, based on two different spatial data structures of raster and vector, combined with China's soil loss equation and remote sensing monitoring, the differences in soil erosion among 5 methods were compared and analyzed. [Results] 1) The raster statistics method based on raster calculation took 8min, which quickly and accurately calculated the soil erosion area and intensity, and accurately described the erosion area and intensity of different land uses, but the mapping effect of aggregation index was bad. This method was suitable for soil erosion evaluation at county scale that did not require mapping. 2)The software judgment method presented the smallest difference in calculation results, and demonstrated the best effect in drawing. Compared with the raster statistics method, the software judgment method had a difference of 0.05km2 in the erosion area, with a difference rate of 0.01%, and it had a small difference in the erosion area of different erosion intensity and different land use, which took 13min. The aggregation index was 96.81%, which was good mapping effect. It is suitable for soil erosion evaluation and mapping at county level. 3)The calculation time of the land parcel evaluation method was moderate, which was 16min. But the erosion area difference was 64.63km2, the difference rate was 16.02% and the area of different erosion intensity cannot be provided. It was not suitable for soil erosion evaluation at the county scale. 4) There were large differences in soil erosion area, intensity and erosion area of different land use between two vector calculation methods. The large amount of vector data led to longer calculation time, but the advantage was that the mapping effect was better. These two methods were suitable for calculation and evaluation of soil erosion in plain areas with relatively consistent soil types, terrain slopes, and vegetation coverage. [Conclusions] The research results may provide reference for water erosion evaluation, dynamic monitoring of soil and water loss and application of the results at county level.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 74-82 [Abstract] ( 360 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2890KB] ( 211 )
83 LI Haifang, YU Jielei, SHAO Xining, ZHOU Chunling
Effects of six shrub species in semi-humid region on the rainfall interceptions
[Background] With the increasing cost of urban water resource, how to develop a water-saving planting mode in urban greenland and transform water consuming mode into water saving mode have become an academic hotspot which needs to be urgently solved for urban greenland management in semi-humid region. [Methods] Using an artificial simulated rainfall system, we selected Chengyang district of Qingdao as an experimental area, determined the canopy interception of 6 shrub species including Ligustrum×vicaryi, Euonymus japonicus, Buxus sinica var. parvifolia, Photinia×fraseri, Juniperus chinensis and Platycladus orientalis, and analyzed the relationships between morphological characteristics and canopy interception. [Results] Among 6 shrub species, the leaf area, leaf width and leaf length/width ratio of J.chinensis and P.orientalis were remarkably different with the other 4 shrub species and the LAIs of J.chinensis and P.orientalis were significantly higher than those of the other 4 shrub species (P<0.05). For all the 6 shrub species, the descending order was throughfall rates>interception rates>stemflow rates, and throughfall and stemflow increased significantly, while the canopy interception decreased with the increase of rainfall intensity. Throughfall rates of broad-leaved shrubs were higher than that of coniferous shrubs (P<0.05), and the changing trend of stemflow rates was similar (P<0.05). However, the canopy interception rates showed an opposite pattern (P<0.05). LAI, leaf width, leaf length/width ratio and contact angle were significantly correlated with canopy interception (P<0.05), and LAI, phylliform and leaf wettability were the most important factors affecting canopy interception of shrubs. [Conclusions] The broad-leaved shrubs tend to form a "funnel-shaped" stemflow water accumulation system, which contributed to the storage of soil water, while the coniferous shrubs favor canopy interception due to higher LAI, special leaf shape and high wettability of leaf surface, and had a stronger ability to regulate the storm flood before the canopy is water-saturated.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 83-93 [Abstract] ( 356 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4293KB] ( 207 )
94 LI Qingfeng, GUO Xiaoping, WAN Yajun, XUE Xinyue, SU Ruidong
Evaluation on the ecological restoration engineering modes of waste dump in the coal mine of desert area
[Background] Extensive mining in the Northwest arid desert area has caused serious ecological environment destruction. The ecological restoration of waste dump is very difficult. At present, the ecological restoration modes of waste dump restoration engineering is single and the matching measures are incomplete. Besides there is a shortage of ecological restoration modes which are suitable for the application of different site types in the Northwest arid desert area with well restoration effect. The purpose of this study is to systematically evaluate ecological restoration modes and pick out suitable ecological restoration modes for different site types. Besides we will make suggestions for each mode based on soil carbon storage; soil total nitrogen storage and C/N. [Methods] We investigated the vegetation growth status and soil physical and chemical properties of 14 restored waste dumps in Wuhai city. We selected 13 indices from vegetation restoration, soil modification and economic cost to construct evaluation system by the combination of component analysis and entropy weight. The evaluation system was then used to screen suitable ecological restoration modes. [Results] 1)The ecological restoration modes that are suitable for different site types consisted of interception and drainage measures and slope protection measures,i.e., gravel capping, Salix pammophila checkerboard, blanket covering, brick square/arch sash, dense mesh covering, ecological bag interception and drainage, dry masonry interception ditch, pipe drainage, and sowing. 2) Blanket covering+ecological bag drainage+sowing mode was suitable for both of medium layer steep shady-sunny slopes; medium layer turned-sharply shady-sunny slopes and medium layer steep shady slopes. 3) The recovery effect of the brick square/arch sash was slightly different, resulting from the difference of layout size and construction quality. [Conculsions] 1)The shady slope is more conducive to vegetation restoration, resulting from lower vegetation transpiration and less soil water consumption. 2) Compared with blanket covering mode, brick square/arch sash mode is more beneficial to organic carbon and nitrogen accumulation in the soil and reduce soil erosion. We screened 14 suitable ecological restoration modes for 9 site types from 23 modes which we investigated in the 14 waste dumps.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 94-108 [Abstract] ( 301 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1439KB] ( 215 )
Development Studies
109 DONG Lei, GUAN Chenbo, CHU Dongtao, ZHANG Nian, WANG Chenyi
Preparation of water-retaining coated slow-release urea and fertilizer release characteristics
[Background] The low utilization rate of traditional urea fertilizer has caused serious waste of agricultural resources and non-point source pollution, and the shortage of water resources has also become one of the important factors restricting the development of agriculture in China. Therefore, water-retaining coated slow-release (WRCU) urea has become the inevitable trend of optimal application of soil nutrient resources and development of water-saving agriculture. However, the cost of the existing WRCU is too high, which limits its application in agriculture. [Methods] A novel WRCU fertilizer was developed by using the transfer drum coating technique with large particle urea as the inner core carrier, blend (attapulgite∶fly ash=8∶2) as the inner layer, polyacrylic acid resin as the middle layer, and high water absorption resin as the outer layer, to explore the optimal composition ratio of WRCU. The nutrient release rate of WRCU was measured by the Kjeldahl method. Compressive strength of WRCU was measured by universal testing machine. The water retention properties of WRCU were determined by mass difference before and after water absorption from WRCU. Finally, a soil column drenching experiment was used to show the nutrient release characteristics of WRCU in soil media. [Results] The optimal weight ratio of each component in WRCU is: 20% inorganic material (attapulgite∶fly ash=8∶2), 11% polyacrylic acid resin coating amount, 3% superabsorbent resin, the rest is large granule urea. At the same time, the compressive strength of WRCU is 81.59N, the maximum water absorption ratio is 641g/g, total nitrogen dissolution in soil column at 1 day was 12.25%, and the nutrient leaching of total nitrogen and urea nitrogen in 30 day was 81.27% and 47.62%, respectively; while the nutrient leaching of total nitrogen and urea nitrogen by uncoated macroparticles urea within 1d has reached 86.38% and 83.26%. [Conculsions] The WRCU showed good slow-release effect of nutrients and water retention function, and the materials used were easily degradable materials and inexpensive, which made the promotion of WRCU in agriculture possible.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 109-115 [Abstract] ( 379 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 912KB] ( 227 )
116 JIN Pingwei, HUANG Jun, JIANG Xuebing, KANG Qing, YANG Shengquan, LIN Liping, YANG Ping, LUO Zhicheng, LI Le, KOU Xinyue, LIU Bin
Automatic recognition and classification of construction projects' disturbed patches based on deep learning
[Background] The supervision and management of soil erosion caused by construction projects is an important legal responsibility and social management function of the water administrative department. Satellite remote sensing imagery is an important method. As the basic data of supervision and management work, the disturbance patch boundary data of construction projects is currently mainly obtained by manual visual interpretation, which has low work efficiency and large cost investment. [Methods] Based on the deep learning principle, a convolutional neural network was constructed to realize automatic identification of disturbance zone, so as to achieve the goal of automatic production of disturbance patch boundary data of construction projects. The remote sensing image of China's high-resolution No. 1 satellite with a resolution of 2 meters was used in this study. The constructed convolutional neural network contained 13 convolutional layers, 5 max-pooling layers, 1 global average pooling layer, 3 fully connected layers and 2 dropout layers. The activation functions in the middle and classification layer were RELU and Softmax, respectively. The training and testing samples were 5131 and 22923, and the proportion of positive samples in the training and testing sample sets were 15.38% and 4.69%, respectively. [Results] The results showed that the optimizer, learning rate and batch size have a significant impact on the model training accuracy. The optimizer and learning rate have a negligible impact on the training time, and the batch size has a significant impact on it. In this study, the Adagrad optimizer, a 10-4 learning rate, and a 16 batch size were the optimal choices to obtain the best trained model with accuracy and loss of 0.9526 and 0.1670, respectively. The testing sample is used to validate the model, and the results showed, the average overall accuracy of the model is 97.52%, the average precision and recall of positive samples (classified samples of interest) are 72.44% and 83.90%, respectively, and the average F1 score is 77.73%. In general, the model recognition and classification results are basically consistent with the actual situation. [Conclusions] This study provides a new method for the production of disturbance patch boundary data of construction projects, which greatly improves work efficiency, reduces input costs, and enhances the efficiency of soil and water conservation supervision and management. In the follow-up, the production of model training sample data should be strengthened, and the model parameters should be further revised to improve the accuracy of model application.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 116-125 [Abstract] ( 375 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 11232KB] ( 308 )
126 ZHOU Lingfeng, CHEN Suyi, DAI Jinjun, LIU Jundong, XU Lizhen, TIAN Zhujun, ZHAN Zhaohui, ZHAO Wendi, CHEN Jinhui, TU Zhihua
Hydrological effects of litters and soil of seven Magnoliaceae ornamental plants
[Background] Magnoliaceae plants resources is rich in China, which have widely been used in making landscape to demonstrate gardens and cultural connotation by making full use of its aesthetic functions such as posture, culture and good views, and which was introduced in Hainan Tianxiang Magnolia Plant Conservation Research Center in Danzhou county of Hainan province, but lack of understanding the ecological service functions such as soil and water conservation of Magnoliaceae plants in this region. It is of great significance for rational introduction based on the water-holding capacity of each Magnoliaceae plants to render the Magnoliaceae plants configuration more reasonable in garden application. [Methods] Seven common Magnoliaceae plants (Michelia shiluensis, Michelia crassipes, Michelia foveolata, Michelia maudiae, Michelia odora, Manglietiastrum sinicum, Manglietia lucida) in Hainan were selected as the research objects, and the water-holding function of litter layer and soil layer of different Magnoliaceae plants were determined by quantitatively research with immersion method and cutting-ring method. [Results] 1) The litter volume of the seven plants was about 5.24-25.11t/hm2, which followed the order of M.shiluensis>M.crassipes>M.foveolata>M.sinicum>M.maudiae>M.odora>M.lucida. The decomposition degree of dead branches and leaves of Manglietia lucida was high. 2) The maximum water-holding capacity of litter layer varied from 14.32 to 25.45t/hm2. The modified interception amount was 15.88-53.85t/hm2, which followed the order of M.shiluensis>M.crassipes>M.foveolata>M.sinicum>M.odora>M.lucida>M.maudiae. The water-holding function of M.shiluensis and M.crassipes litter layer was good. 3) Semi-decomposed litter could be saturated in 8 h and undecomposed litter reached saturation in 10h, the water-holding capacity had logarithmic relationship with soaking time (R2>0.92); the absorption rate changed the most within the first 2h of soaking and there was a power function relationship between water absorption rate and soaking time (R2>0.94). 4) The mean soil bulk density of different plants varied from 1.22g/cm3 to 1.55g/cm3, and the total porosity varied from 40.03% to 49.89%. The saturate soil water holding capacity was about 400.34-498.95t/hm2, and the effective soil water-holding capacity was about 26.23-70.33t/hm2. The water-holding capacity of the soil layer was in the order of M.foveolata>M.crassipes>M.lucida>M.shiluensis>M.odora>M.sinicum>M.maudiae. A significant power function relation between infiltration rate and infiltration fitting time was found (R2>0.90). [Conclusions] The water conservation capacity of soil layer is higher than that of litter layer, which is the main part for hydrological effect of forest land. The water conservation capacity of M.shiluensis, M.crassipes and M.foveolata is better than those of other Magnoliaceae plants, which suggested to give priority to the mixed planting of M.shiluensis, M.crassipes and M.foveolata in the application of landscape.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 126-136 [Abstract] ( 444 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1034KB] ( 230 )
137 GAO Hang, XU Xiangzhou, LI Yihang
Retrospective study for the role of vegetation on the gravity erosion on the Loess Plateau
[Background] Gravity erosion, mass failure on steep slope triggered by self-weight, is an important process controlling the sedimentary structures and growth patterns of the steep slope, and the gravity erosion is also one of the major sources causing large amount of soil loss to the lower reaches. Under the national strategy to promote the high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, the relationship between the vegetation and gravity erosion in the ecological management on the Loess Plateau has received more and more attentions from China. [Methods] Using a comprehensive and selective citation of the references around the world together with an in-depth discussion, this paper discussesd the occurrence mechanisms and research methods of the gravity erosion, as well as the effects of vegetation on soil loss caused by gravity erosion in the small watersheds of the Loess Plateau under the ecological management. The existing problems and future research highlights were also pointed out based on the above analysis. [Results] In previous studies, a variety of techniques have been used to estimate the gravity erosion on the Loess Plateau, each with intrinsic limitations and uncertainties. Presently, various methods, including onsite monitoring, onsite survey, field experiment and laboratory experiment, have been used to obtain the original data of gravity erosion on the gully sidewall covered with plants for analyzing the effects of vegetation on gravity erosion. A laboratory or field experiment may show the role of vegetation during the dynamic process of gravity erosion and the experiment is an effective way to study the micro-mechanism of gravity erosion. In contrast, the data of gravity erosion on a large scale can quickly obtained via remote sensing monitoring and the method may provide a reference for macro decision-making on soil and water conservation. Furthermore, the first-hand data observed via onsite monitoring or investigation from the real watershed may be used to testify the realizability of the result from the field or laboratory experiments. The previous studies show that soil erosion from the gully sidewall has not been obviously alleviated due to the serious gravity erosion although the ecological management has been greatly developed and the vegetation have been well restored in the small watersheds of the Loess Plateau. [Conclusions] The contribution of gravity erosion to sediment yield under the influence of vegetation and the complex relationship between the vegetation and gravity erosion need to be further explored. In the near future, to propose a new method is necessary in order to obtain the distribution information and development mechanism of gravity erosion and to evaluate the role of vegetation in conserving soil and water in the small watersheds on the Loess Plateau, China. Only has the mechanism of the gravity erosion been thoroughly understood, and then the theoretical framework can be constructed to study the gravity erosion in the area.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 137-142 [Abstract] ( 390 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 792KB] ( 262 )
143 ZHANG Jiaqiong, YIN Minfeng, LIU Ying, DANG Zhen, BAI Ruru, SHANG Yueting, YANG Mingyi
Influence of fingerprinting properties and estimation models on sediment source discrimination via composite fingerprinting approach
[Background] The composite fingerprinting approach has been developed as one of the most important methods in sediment and contaminant source study, change tracing in erosional environment, and integrated management improvement of watersheds. Fingerprints and contribution estimation models are key aspects affecting the accuracy of sediment source identification, which further influence the tracing reliability of correlated contaminant source and erosional environment change, as well as the development of watershed management strategies. Thus, it is significant to understanding the impact of fingerprints and estimation models on sediment source. [Methods] This study summarizes research progress on the screening methods of fingerprints, selection of estimation models, and correction of key factors in models to clarify their impacts on the accurate identification of sediment sources using the composite fingerprinting approach. [Results] The selection of an optimal composite fingerprinting group or multiple composite fingerprinting groups had a significant impact on sediment source identification, which was also the case for the selection of different types of models. This was because fingerprints not only linked soil in source areas and deposited sediment, but also provided the basis for the selection of estimation models. Studies conducted in the same region suggested that sediment contribution from the same source varied up to 18.0% and 14.2%, respectively, when adopting different composite fingerprints selection methods and contribution estimation models. Thus, future research must enhance system study of the approach, and focus on solving the issue that previous studies lacked reliable validation of sediment source estimation using the composite fingerprinting approach through other reliable methods. It is urgent to obtain reliable and precise sediment source quantification data through scientific experiments using multiple techniques. Based on these precise verification data, further studies should first check and confirm the primary uncertainty sources affecting sediment source discrimination; second, select better fingerprints screening method; and third, improve contribution estimation models and algorithms of the key factors. [Conclusions] The ultimate objective is to improve the composite fingerprinting approach, and establish a normative methodology for the accurate quantification of sediment sources to serve the reasonable design of soil water conservation measures.
2022 Vol. 20 (6): 143-150 [Abstract] ( 397 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 884KB] ( 292 )
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