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2018 Vol.16 No.4      Published 30 August 2018

1 HAO Rui, DENG Yusong, NA Heya, FENG Chunjie, WANG Junsheng, CAI Zhiwen, DING Shuwen
Soil weathering characteristics of granite collapsing gully section in Southeast Hubei province
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 525 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 765KB] ( 461 )
9 DU Shengli, ZHU Qingke, WANG Xuhu, LIU Shuqin
Response of soil moisture to micro-topography of steep slope in the Loess Plateau, northern Shaanxi
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 9-15 [Abstract] ( 588 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 973KB] ( 515 )
16 HE Zimiao, XIAO Peiqing, HAO Shilong, YANG Chunxia
Response of soil moisture variation to individual rainfall on the field slope in the loessial hilly-gully region
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 16-24 [Abstract] ( 454 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2645KB] ( 458 )
25 CHENG Xiaoxin, HE Yuanmei, ZHANG Yan
Correlations between vegetation restoration and regional climate change in the Loess Plateau
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 25-33 [Abstract] ( 455 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 4567KB] ( 480 )
34 LIU Baoyuan, LIU Gang, WANG Da'an, WU Yongqiu, DUAN Xingwu, LI Jianwei, SHEN Bo, MENG Lingqin, GAO Yan
A field survey method for regional gully erosion: A case study in northeastern China
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 34-40 [Abstract] ( 605 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 892KB] ( 496 )
41 LIU Can, CAO Longxi, LIANG Yin
Spatial relationship between roads and stream networks in hilly red soil region of Fujian province
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 41-48 [Abstract] ( 556 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2325KB] ( 448 )
49 ZHU Zihong, ZHU Tongbin, HUANG Jing, GU Jiahui, YANG Lin
Dynamic variation analysis of rocky desertification in Xijiang River Basin of Guangxi based on GIS
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 49-55 [Abstract] ( 588 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3655KB] ( 408 )
56 YANG Bo, WANG Quanjiu, GUO Siqi
Characteristic of temporal and spatial variation of soil erosion in Tuwei river watershed from 1988 to 2013
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 56-65 [Abstract] ( 373 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2348KB] ( 402 )
66 GAO Haidong, LI Zhanbin, LI Peng, REN Zongping, YANG Yuanyuan, WANG Jie
Paths and prevention of sediment during storm-runoff on the Loess Plateau: Based on the rainstorm of 2017-07-26 in Wuding River
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 66-72 [Abstract] ( 440 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 5965KB] ( 473 )
73 WANG Xinhao, WANG Yunqi, MA Chao, WANG Yujie
Effect of root architecture on soil permeability
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 73-82 [Abstract] ( 493 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1410KB] ( 361 )
83 LI Shusong, ZOU Qiang, CHEN Rong, TANG Jianxi
Hazard assessment of debris flow in Bailong River Basin
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 83-88 [Abstract] ( 553 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2288KB] ( 402 )
89 HE Yingying, YU Minghan, DING Guodong, GAO Guanglei, ZHAO Yuanyuan, SAI Ke
Application of typical psammophytes canopy temperature in the diagnosis of soil moisture status
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 89-96 [Abstract] ( 458 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2394KB] ( 346 )
97 LIU Baoyong, ZHAO Kai, SONG Ziling, LI Yanyan
Canonical correlation analysis between soil enzyme and soil fertility under different reclamation modes in Haizhou opencast coal mine dump
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 97-105 [Abstract] ( 473 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1007KB] ( 488 )
106 HUANG Tuanchong, HE Kangning, WANG Xianbang, WANG Shilei
Effects of forest canopy structure on the diversity of understory vegetation in Beichuan River basin of an alpine region
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 106-114 [Abstract] ( 521 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 927KB] ( 517 )
115 YU Kunxia, BAI Lulu, LI Zhanbin, ZHANG Xiaoming, SUN Qian, FANG Jinli, XIE Gang, LI Peng, JIN Tao
Dynamic evaluation of ecological benefits and weight analysis of indexes for the linear production and construction project: A case study of national highway from Xi'an to Shangluo
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 115-123 [Abstract] ( 568 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2709KB] ( 482 )
124 CHEN Yichao, SUN Baoping, ZHANG Jianfeng, SONG Shuangshuang, LI Zhiyong, CHEN Chuan
Effects of application rate of super absorbent polymers on the growth of Medicago sativa in mining area
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 124-131 [Abstract] ( 372 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 940KB] ( 362 )
132 ZHAO Yang, GAO Guanglei, DING Guodong, ZHOU Jinxing, JIANG Xingui
Optimization of protection system against wind-sand disasters in Nanshankou section along Qinghai-Tibet railway
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 132-137 [Abstract] ( 347 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2543KB] ( 362 )
138 GUO Zihao, GAO Jianen, WU Lina, LOU Xianyong, ZHANG Yuanxing
A measurement method for shallow gully erosion amount based on Google Earth
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 138-143 [Abstract] ( 518 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1503KB] ( 578 )
144 CAO Wei, WANG Yilin, HU Yongge, XU Enkai, YANG Hang, TIAN Guohang
Coupling degree between plantation vegetation community diversity and soil properties: Xinyang-Nanyang highway as an example
2018 Vol. 16 (4): 144-150 [Abstract] ( 504 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 817KB] ( 331 )
SSWC Continuously Indexed in the 2023 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journal of China”
Notice on the Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members for the Journal of SSWC
Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
ZHENG Fenli, CHEN Liding and LEI Tingwu in the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier
SSWC Indexed in the 2020 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Science of Soil and Water Conservation Accepted for Inclusion in Scopus
2020 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in Beijing, Concurrently
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of CSCD during 2019-2020
SSWC Indexed in the 2017 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Appreciation for peer reviewer of SSWC Editorial Board
2017 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in the Yangling of Shaan
Professor Wang Lixian, Former Editor-in-Chief of SSWC Won Norman Hudson Memory Award
Calls for Papers in English
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Cui Peng Elected as a Member of 9th National Committee of CAST
Three Members of SSWC Editorial Board Rewarded as NOSTW in 7th Session Assessment
Election of 4th Editorial Board and First Meeting of New Board Held in Beijing
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SSWC, Academician Cui Peng elected as a member of the IRDR SC
Notice About The 5 Not-Allowed Rules While Publishing Academic Articles by 7 Organizations
SSWC Indexed in “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Science of Soil and Water Conservation Calls for Papers
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of Chinese Science Citation Database During
On the Home Page of the Journal Science of Soil and Water Conservation
Five Papers of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Determined as Excellent in 5th Assessment
Congratulations to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Cui Peng Elected as Academician of Chinese Academy of Scie
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