SSWC  2018, Vol. 16 Issue (4): 66-72    DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2018.04.009
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Paths and prevention of sediment during storm-runoff on the Loess Plateau: Based on the rainstorm of 2017-07-26 in Wuding River
GAO Haidong1, LI Zhanbin1,2, LI Peng1, REN Zongping1, YANG Yuanyuan1, WANG Jie1
1. State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulics in the Norwest Arid Region of China, Xi'an University of Technology, 710048, Xi'an, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Agriculture on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, CAS and Ministry of Water Resources, 712100, Yangling, Shaanxi, China
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