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2008 Vol.6 No.6  Published 2008-12-31
1 CAO Jian-Hua-;Jiang-Zhong-Cheng-;Yang-De-Sheng-;Fei-Jian-Guo-;Yang-Hui-;Luo-Wei-Qun
Grading of soil erosion intensity in Southwest karst area of China
The concentration of acid insolvable matter in carbonate rock is very low in Southwest area of China.Consequently,the formation of limestone soil is slow and the soil layer is usually thin on karst slope,and the soil loss intensity is mostly weak and light.In fact,the area of rocky desertification in karst region, is continuously increasing these years,and with the soil erosion,the ecological situation is going to worse.The traditional standard for soil erosion gradation is confronted with challenge.The risk valuation and intensity classification of soil erosion in karst region should be redefinition.Depending on the factors on the limestone soil formation and carbonate rock corrosion,related data and images have been collected.With the help of ArcView3.2,the rate of limestone soil formation image can be produced.When the rate of limestone soil formation considered as the soil loss tolerance,a new standard for soil erosion gradation suitable to karst region was put forward.The duration of feeble,light,middle,strong,very strong,and acute soil loss gradation is 1 000 t/(km2·a) respectively.Meanwhile, on the basis of features of soil loss process and karst environment,four suggestions for soil conservation in karst region are also put forward: 1) depending on the karst hydrological characters,the sinkholes and dolines is the key part to prevent the soil loss,and effective measurement for soil protection should be taken;2) on top part of karst hill,the carbonate rock is largely exposed and there is a little soil cover,the way to close hillside to facilitate afforestation should be selected;on the middle part of slope,the rocky desertification of which is middle gradation,the economic plants to increase the land productivity,should be planted;in the foothill part,there are thick soil layer,the farmland construction,modern agriculture activity and food production should be taken;3) in the karst region with thin soil layer,biogenic fence technology is recommended;4) the research of soil melioration technology should be strengthened.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 1831 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3983KB] ( 1533 )
8 LI Guo-Hua-;Yue-Ceng-Bi-;Shu-Jin-Zhao-;Jing-Feng-;Zhang-Hua-Pei-;Wei-Tian-Xin
Tests of seed-base for afforestation on saline-alkali soil by sea
Taking a bad saline-alkali soil by sea in the city of Tangshan as the research object,adopting some measures,such as sowing by seed-bases to breed seedlings,building stair-fields,digging open drains,constructing isolating layers,transplanting seedlings in carrying soil columns etc,and exploring a new technology of seed-base for afforestation on saline-alkali soil by sea.The results showed that the seed-bases had a certain function to anti-salinization.Vermiculite and pearlite had a better effect than peat in the rate of germination,and the seed-base that was made by carrying soil,peat,vermiculite and pearlite in the volume ratio of 5∶1∶2∶2 had the highest rate of germination.The isolating layer of slag was better than that one of construction waste in anti-salinization,and the stair-field with a slag layer in the shape of two stripes from south to north and one strip from east to west had the best effect.The carrying soil columns could prevent transplanting eedlings from the harmful effects of salinization,which made most of transplanting seedlings to survive.The results could provide a certain technical support for afforestion on saline-alkali soil by sea.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 8-13 [Abstract] ( 1642 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2846KB] ( 1337 )
14 ZHANG Jian-;Liu-Guo-Ban-;Hu-Meng-Xiang-;Xue-Sha-;Liu-Jiang-Hua
Influencing factors of biological crust degradation in Hilly-gullied Region of Loess Plateau in China
This paper studied on influencing factors of soil biological crust degradation in Hilly-gullied Region of Loess Plateau.Based on investigation of vegetation,litters and biological crust,the factors of vegetation and litters as well as biological crust's growths status that related to biological crust degradation was analyzed.The results indicated that: 1) The change of vegetation coverage and basal coverage has great influence on the degradation of biological crust,but it has no significant influence on coverage and degraded degree of biological crust degradation underside of the litters.Those showed that biological crust degradation in the interspaces of plants was rarely influenced by living higher plants.2) The process of biological crust degradation no related to its growth status,it was affected mainly by other factors.3) Coverage and thickness of litters was important influencing factors to biological crust degradation underside of the litters,and it was also important influencing factors to degradation coverage of biological crust.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 14-20 [Abstract] ( 1614 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3069KB] ( 1379 )
21 WANG Hui-;Wang-Quan-Jiu-;Shao-Meng-An-;Li-Yu-Yuan
Influence of tillage and compaction on solute transport process on the sloping land
Soil and water losses and leaching loss of nutrients from sloping land are major reasons for soil degradation and water pollution.Experiments were conducted on runoff and sediment yield characteristics and nutrients solution movement in field plots by soil surface treatments(tillage and compaction) under simulated rainfall conditions.Comparing soil tillage with the compaction,the initial runoff generation time was delayed by 3 times,the transforming ratio from rainfall to soil moisture was more than 10%,but soil loss amount increased by 67%.Under tillage conditions,the amount of losses of dissolved phosphorus(DP) and sediment extractive phosphorus(SEP) decreased significantly,but the loss form was not changed and particle phosphorus loss was dominant.Tillage treatment had greatly changed the ratio of dissolved bromine(Br) and sediment extractive bromine(SBr),its value(Br/SBr) reduced by 72%.Soil tillage enhanced the possibility of bromine(or NO-3-N) leaching.It is practical meaning for decreasing soil,water and nutrients losses from sloping land through taking no-tillage or conservation tillage measures on sloping land,and combining with other cultivated measures.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 21-25 [Abstract] ( 1401 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3069KB] ( 1260 )
26 WANG Meng-Jun-;Zhang-Guang-Can-;Liu-Xia-;Tao-Xiao-You
Characteristics of soil water infiltration and water-holding under different forest community in Yimeng Mountainous forest area
Characteristics of soil water infiltration and water-holding of typical forest stands in Yimeng Mountainous forest area are researched by using forest hydrology principle and method,in order to offer references for the choice of proper forest community types and allocation model in the course of vegetation construction.Results indicate that: 1) The forest stand has an obvious effect on increasing the soil porosity,the soil water holding amount and the soil water infiltration rate.And for these effect,the mixed forest stands are much better than pure forest,the broadleaf forest stands are much better than coniferous forest stands.2) The degree of improvement of forest vegetation on soil non-capillary porosity water-holding amount is greater than on soil capillary porosity water-holding amount,so the forest vegetation has an obvious effect on water conservation.3) Both Horton infiltration model and Kostiakov infiltration model can simulate the soil water infiltration process of each forest vegetation type in research area well.But the applicability of the Common experienced infiltration model and Philip infiltration model are worse.There is a clear linear positive correlation between the soil water infiltration rate and the soil porosity.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 26-31 [Abstract] ( 1346 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2943KB] ( 1495 )
32 CHEN Bao-Yu-;Wang-Hong-Jun-;Teng-Die-;Sun-Hai-Qin-;Yang-Jian-;Huang-Shua-Rui
Effect of super absorbent polymers on soil temperature and water movement dynamics
In order to find out the effect of super absorbent polymers(SAP) on the dynamics variation of soil temperature and water movement after SAP was used in soil,soil temperature and water movement of SAP-mixed soil were measured at experimental base,Agricultural University of Hebei.The three kinds of SAP were offered by Lvbao Company,Xining,Qinghai Province.Results show that SAP can regulate the variation of soil temperature and improve the capability of heat preservation of soil,so that the difference in temperature of SAP-mixed soil between day and night is decreased.SAP can restrain remarkably evaporation of soil water.The water of SAP-mixed soil can diffuse to dry soil around,and the distance was 2 times as much as control,but soil water content of SAP-mixed soil is still kept at 16%-19%.About 86.7%-88.4% water of SAP-mixed soil is availability(0-1.5 MPa) and easy to be absorbed by plant.The effects of heat preservation and evaporation restraint are better with the dosage of SAP increasing.When soil water diffuses the same distance,the more SAP dosage is used,the higher the water content of SAP-mixed soil is,so that there was enough water to be absorbed by plants and benefit for growing.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 32-36 [Abstract] ( 2286 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2225KB] ( 1343 )
37 WU Xiu-Juan-;Ca-Ben-Jiu-;Li-Hua-;Cheng-Hou-Cai
Precipitation hydrochemical characteristic in virgin Pinus koraiensis forest and artifical Larix gmelinii forest in Liangshui National Nature Reserve
The hydrochemical characteristic of precipitation,throughfall and stemflow in virgin Pinus koraiensis forest and artifical Larix gmelinii forest were studied in Liangshui National Natural Reserve.Inorganic nitrogen,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,potassium,calcium,natrium,magnesium as the indicators of the hydrochemical characteristic were compared.The results showed that in precipitation the highest concentration was for calcium and the lowest for total phosphorus among all analyzed nutrients,and ammonium is the most abundant inorganic nitrogen.The decreasing order of all elements contained was calcium,total nitrogen,potassium,natrium,magnesium,total phosphorus.The amount of each element was very various in terms of seasons alternate and in which the change of potassium and magnesium of throughfall and stemflow were clearly higher than those of rainfall,calcium was lower in July and higher in August and September,at the same time inorganic nitrogen presented a inverse trend,but total phosphorus was higher in virgin Pinus Koraiensis forest and lower in artifical Larix gmelinii forest.The nutrient concentrations of stemflow in two different forests were different significantly,but their trends were similar,among which potassium,calcium and magnesium of stemflow were higher than those of throughfall,since July the concentrations of total phosphorus,potassium,calcium and magnesium were higher than those of precipitation,the elements above were higher in artifical Larix gmelinii forest than those in virgin Pinus Koraiensis forest,but inorganic nitrogen was less than that of precipitation.The important basic data which came from the results can be used to study on nutrient cycle in Liangshui National Natural Reserve.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 37-42 [Abstract] ( 1420 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2945KB] ( 1260 )
43 SHI Hai-Jing-;Wen-Zhong-Meng
Floristic characteristics of seed plants and its spatial distribution in Yanhe River Basin
This paper,aiming at providing the detailed information on the species composition of main natural vegetation communities and their distribution in Yanhe River Basin,based on the environmental stratification sampling technique to collect the vegetation information.The results showed that there are 211 species of seed plants belonging to 148 genera in 57 families,including gymnosperms(3 species,3 genera and 3 families) and angiosperms(54 families,145 genera and 208 species) in the Yanhe River Basin.Of these species,18 species belong to pantropic families,accounting for 31.57%of the total families,and 16 species belong to temperate families accounting for 28.07% of the total families.The results also showed that there are 18 pantropic genera,accounting for 11.72% of the total genera,and 89 temperate genera accounting for 60.54% of the total genera.It was showed that the plant flora in Yanhe River Basin are mainly composed of north temperate components,but also related with tropic and subtropic flora.In generally,it is comparatively rich in species with obvious transitional characteristics.The information of the flora and its spatial distribution of the species in the Yanhe River Basin can provide concrete support for ecological restoration and re-vegetation in Yanhe River Basin.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 43-49 [Abstract] ( 1621 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3027KB] ( 1326 )
50 GU Yan-Feng-;Wang-Ning-;Han-Lu-Yan-;Jiao-Ju-Yang
The vegetation series along slopes on the Hilly-gullied Region of Loess Plateau
Vegetation series explains influence of micro-landform on the vegetation distribution.Two north-south sections,a short slope with deep gully section and a long slope with shallow gully section,in Guaigou of Zhifanggou watershed in Ansai county were investigated by line transection.Then,the characters of vegetation series,composition and diversity of vegetation were analyzed.The main results are as follows: there are more herbs on the long slope with shallow gully section,while,on the short slope with deep gully section,there are more shrubs and trees,which are the main species of later community.And on the same section,the communities of the shade and gully region are more complex.Species of Compositae,Leguminoseaea and Gramineae composite of all most species,perennial herbs is the dominant life-form,and xerophyte and mesoxerphyte are the main water ecotype.The α diversity of the shade slope and the short slope with deep gully section is higher,while the β diversity is higher at erosion front of gully.Based on all above,suggestions of vegetation restoration are given.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 50-57 [Abstract] ( 1585 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3769KB] ( 1252 )
58 MA Bei-;Tun-Fa-Qi-;Ma-Fan-;Zhou-Mi-Jing
Effect of leaf area and rainfall intensity on the stemflow of Glycine max
The objective of this study was to measure the stemflow amount by Glycine max and determine the effect of leaf area and rainfall intensity on stemflow of Glycine max at different growing stages.The experiment was conducted in the laboratory using a rainfall simulator.The results showed that the mean ratio between stemflow and total rainfall is 16.77%,and the highest ratio reached 32.15%.The amount of stemflow from Glycine max increased as Glycine max leaf area and rainfall intensity increased.The ratio between stemflow and total rainfall increased as leaf area increased and decreased as rainfall intensity increased.Two simple equations were built to describe those two relationships.This results provides theoretical direction for study the water redistribution in Glycine max canopy.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 1519 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2313KB] ( 1352 )
63 WANG Li-;Wang-Quan-Jiu-;Dan-Bin-Jia-;Gong-Qi-Yi
Characteristics of fractal dimension of soil particles in alkali grasslands of Anda City
The model of mass fractal dimension was used to analyze the mechanical composition of soil particles for the sample plots of Leymus chinensis and alkali land in Anda City of Heilongjiang Province,and the regression equation between fractal dimension and diameters of soil particles was established.The purpose is to provide a general comprehension for the relationship between soil physical properties and fractal dimension affected by soil alkalinization,and to present a new heuristic idea to regional-level management of ecosystem in the Anda City and Songnen Plain.The results showed that fractal dimensions in the Anda City are relatively big,which represents the content of fine soil particles is high,the quantity of macropore is little,and saturated hydraulic conductivities are low(averagely 48.7×10-5 cm/s in Pit A and 4.30×10-6 cm/s in Pit B).Between fractal dimension and clay content there is a positive correlative relationship but no significant correlation between fractal dimension and silt or sand content,which showed the main decisive factor on fractal dimension of soil particles is clay content in the experimental area of Anda City.In addition,the variation of fractal dimension in the soil profile of the Leymus chinensis land was bigger than that in the alkali land,which indicated the growth of vegetation may promote the variation of soil particles distribution.The fractal dimensions of the alkali land were significantly greater than those of the Lermus chinensis land because of more fine particles and higher saturated hydraulic conductivity in the alkali land.This showed that the formation of alkali plots exacerbated the soil physical properties,and the fractal dimension can be used as an index to evaluate the soil physical properties and to appraise the status of soil degeneration and eco-environment deterioration.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 63-67 [Abstract] ( 2418 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2455KB] ( 1204 )
68 LIU Bin-;Luo-Quan-Hua-;Chang-Wen-Zhe-;Hu-Xiao-Mei
Relationship between percentage of vegetative cover and soil erosion
Vegetative cover plays an important role in reducing soil and water losses.Based on the meteorological and hydrological data and the observation data of forest and grass plots in Nanxiaohe watershed from 1954 to 2004,relations among erosion intensity,runoff,precipitation and vegetation coverage was quantitatively analyzed.Results showed that: 1) Effect of forest and grass coverage in reducing slope erosion was obvious.2) Significant demarcation was found when vegetation coverage reached to 40 percent to 60 percent in controlling water and soil loess.3) From the view of soil erosion control,effective vegetation coverage of artificial forest stand and grassland in Hilly-gully Region of Loess Plateau should not be lower 50%-60%.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 68-73 [Abstract] ( 1777 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3039KB] ( 1537 )
74 LIU Wen-Yong-;Man-Xiu-Ling
Effect of plant measure on soil nutrient of wasteland of mine areas of Jixi
Based on experiments,the content of soil nutrients in mine areas wastelands were analyzed.The results show that: the content of soil nutrient of planted land is more higher than that of the wasteland and the natural restorated land,it shows that the soil nutrient of wastelands were clearly improved by plantation;except the phosphor content,the other soil nutrients are more less than that of the forest stands;the best plant with improving effect is the Salix matsudana,the soil organic matter content of which is 37.28 g/kg,2.6 times of the residue.The Hippophae rhamnoides L.plantation can increase the content of the soil nutrient in the cinder pile of power house,the soil organic matter content of which is 48.25 g/kg;The content of the soil nutrient were rise fast by plantation in flat coal waste rock pile and close to the forest stands,the soil organic matter content of mixed planting Larix gmelinii Rupr. and Ulmus pumila L.are 193.42 and 151.46 g/kg respectively,which is 8.9 and 7 times of that under natural recovery conditions;It was suggested that the dominant species(Pinaceae for example) should be planted to increase the speed of the succession.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 74-78 [Abstract] ( 1504 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2606KB] ( 1189 )
79 LI Yun-Beng-;Liu-Yong-Bing-;Wang-Ji-Beng-;Li-Hai-Long-;Zhang-Guo-Meng
Landscape pattern change and prediction on county scale of west Songnen grasslands: A case study of Dumeng County
Landscape pattern change and prediction is very important for ecological land-use and plan.Based on 1979,1990 and 2004 TM datum,the landscape pattern of Tempo-spatial conversion,driving element analysis and its impact in the eco-environment in Dumeng County were studied in macro-scale by ERDAS 9.1,ArcGIS 9.2 and landscape ecology methods.The results showed that significant changes have taken place in the past 25 years.Grassland decreased rapidly from 1979 to 1990 and a increasing trend appeared from 1990 to 2004;field land increased rapidly and the rate of increasing fell in 1990 to 2004;water area changed periodically;bulrush land all along decreased,however salina land increased.Landscape fragmentation degree and fractal dimension increased,which implied the enhancement of landscape heterogeneity,the whole landscape take on instability trend.Landscape pattern predicted results by Markov model showed that the field land,grassland,water area,bulrush land will keep decreasing,while forest land,salina land and construction land would increase year after year.It was indicated that the eco-environment in the study area was very vulnerable and sensitive to the landscape pattern change.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 79-86 [Abstract] ( 1604 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3880KB] ( 1222 )
87 WANG Yang-;Huang-Meng-Bin
Application of the SCS-CN method on runoff estimation in small watershed on Loess Plateau
The Soil Conservation Service curve number(SCS-CN) method is widely used for predicting direct runoff from rainfall for the areas without observed runoff data,the application of this method in the Loess Plateau was limited because that the difference of climate,hydrology and underlying surface.Focus on the characteristic of rainfall,initial abstraction ration λ was optimized by using 303 rainfall-runoff events from 3 watersheds in the Loess Plateau.And further more,a rainfall intensity adjusting factor for rainfall was developed and incorporated into the SCS-CN method,and its model parameters were optimized with an <i>E</i> value of 0.812,and the <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> of regression equation between the measured and estimated values was 0.822.The results showed that the improved SCS-CN method can be used to estimate runoff in small watershed on Loess Plateau.It has important meaning for predicting direct runoff and soil erosion from rainfall for the area without observed runoff data on Loess Plateau,for guiding configuration and design of soil and water conservation engineering.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 87-91 [Abstract] ( 1736 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 15775KB] ( 1293 )
92 BAO Ban-;Huang-Hua-Wen-;Ma-Li-Jiang-;Wang-Kong-Min
Characteristics of vascular plants flora and vegetation types in Chaocha Nature Reserve
By analyzing the community of vascular plants in Chaocha Nature Reserve,we studied the composition and vegetation types of this area.The results showed that there were a total of 352 species of wild vascular plants,which belong to 204 gen.branch 72 families in Chaocha Nature Reserve,of which there are 334 kinds of seed plants,which belong to 190 gen.branch 61 families,respectively of the total number of the families、gen.and seed species are 84.72%,93.14% and 94.89%.The vegetation types are relatively abundant,diverse elements of flora,mainly to North temperate elements.In the community and the types of vegetation,there are 4 types of vegetation,9 formations and 19 shrubs,in a lesser extent, brought together most of the mountain vegetation and communities in northern Great Xing'an Mountains,,with a typical regional features.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 92-97 [Abstract] ( 1793 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2632KB] ( 1359 )
98 HU Jian-Zhong-;Jia-Jing-Fang-;Cha-Xiao-Ning
Achievements and experiences of construction and development of Hippophae rhamnoides resource in China
Construction and development of Hippophae rhamnoides resource(SRCPD) have vital significance in China.Based on the experiences of more than twenty year's work,we found that the present achievements of SRCPD in China benefit a lot from the high attention of all level leaders,and the close cooperation of all the relevant ministries.Furthermore,the specialized institutions(China National Administration Center for Seabuckthorn Development) has also played a very important role.But there exists some problems in the process of SRCPD,which needs to be solved by setting up the special research programs and strengthening the international cooperation,etc.,only then the Hippophae rhamnoides comprehensive development benefits can be steadily increased for the construction of harmonious society in China.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 98-102 [Abstract] ( 1317 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2878KB] ( 1228 )
103 LIU Xie-Ting-;Zhang-Peng-;Geng-Li
Measurement system of ecologic restoration at downstream of the Tarim River
The State Council of China launched a five-year emergency water diversion programme in the main stream of the Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang in 2001.The programme aimed at ending no flow history of downstream of the Tarim River from Daxihaizi Reservoir for ages.The ecosystem from Daxihaizi Reservoir section to the Tailtema Lake was degraded over years.In order to get better ecologic restoration of the ecosystem at downstream of the Tarim River,this paper discusses soil and water conservation measures systems with preliminary design,sums up some ideas and methods of ecological restoration in sandy area of arid inland.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 103-106 [Abstract] ( 1630 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2225KB] ( 1348 )
107 MENG Li-Jing-;Wang-Ren-De-;Zhang-Bao-Cang-;Chen-Jun-Xiao
Integrated assessment and countermeasures of typical wetland ecosystem in Hebei Province
Choosing five typical wetlands in Hebei Province as the researching objects,this research appraises comprehensively ecological environment quality and ecological service value of the typical wetland ecosystem on the basis of ecological and resource-economic methods.According to the appraisement,this research explores the optimizing measures for sustainable utilizing of wetland resource in Hebei Province in order to provide the theoretical basis for the protection and utilization of wetland ecosystem,promote the coordinative development of wetland ecosystem,society,economy,environment,and biological diversity.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 107-111 [Abstract] ( 1571 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2454KB] ( 1313 )
112 CHA Tong-Gang-;Zhang-Zhi-Jiang-;Shu-Jin-Zhao-;Cui-Lian-Jun-;Zhang-Jin-Lin-;Chen-Jun-;Tan-Jiong-Dui-;Fang-Xian-Rui
Carbon storage and carbon cycle in forest ecosystem
By summarizing the research methods,the spatio-temporal characters of the carbon storage and carbon cycle in forest ecosystem and the environmental reaction on carbon exchange between the forest ecosystem and the atmosphere,some suggestions are given as follows: the biological statistical method is classical on carbon storage,and the eddy covariance method is propitious to the process and mechanism of carbon cycle;the forests in low latitude area are carbon sources,and carbon sinks in middle and high latitude;the carbon storage increases with the process of succession,and runs to a relative balance in climax;the environmental reaction to net ecosystem carbon budget is determined by the environmental factors(radiation,temperature and water etc.) in the process of photosynthesis and respiration of the forest ecosystem.The existing shortcomings and the directions for future research of forest ecosystem carbon storage and carbon cycle in China are also discussed in this paper.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 112-119 [Abstract] ( 1734 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3961KB] ( 1331 )
120 DU Li-Juan-;Wang-Xiu-Ru-;Wang-Chi-Guo
Status and prospect of ecosystem service compensation
Ecosystem service compensation is a hot topic in China.This paper summarized the concept of ecosystem service compensation.The status of ecosystem service compensation in China and foreign countries was analyzed.It was indicated that the calculation methods of ecosystem service value are not perfect.How to determine the scientific and reasonable compensation standards are very important problem.Compensation standards for different ecosystem service value in different regions should be researched.
2008 Vol. 6 (6): 120-124 [Abstract] ( 1444 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2648KB] ( 1205 )
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