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2023 Vol.21 No.3      Published 30 June 2023

1 WANG Yihao, ZHANG Jiayi, WANG Yanhui
Variation of stem sap flows of Pinus massoniana forest and its differences among individual trees at Tieshanping of Chongqing
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 150 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1978KB] ( 165 )
9 WANG Xinyue, WANG Bin, WANG Yunqi, AN Xin, WANG Xiaoping, WANG Chenfeng
Slope effect of soil detachment capacity on yellow-soil hillslope
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 9-16 [Abstract] ( 204 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1416KB] ( 140 )
17 ZHU Jinqi, LIU Yong, WANG Dan, ZHENG Bofu, WANG Yujie, JIANG Yihui, WANG Yunqi
Multiple soil reinforcement mechanisms during the initial phase of vegetation restoration: A case study of two plant species in Jinyun Mountain area of Chongqing
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 17-24 [Abstract] ( 95 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 4225KB] ( 142 )
25 WANG Lintao, WANG Yunqi, WANG Yujie, ZHANG Jiancong, YIN Le, ZHANG Hongshan
Influence of fire interference on the stability of soil aggregates in Jinyun Mountain
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 25-33 [Abstract] ( 158 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1085KB] ( 119 )
34 LI Kewen, WANG Yunqi, QI Zihan, WANG Taiqiang, LIU Yufang, HE Xiangchang
Effects of forest fire on the mechanical properties of roots-soil composites
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 34-41 [Abstract] ( 176 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 5548KB] ( 130 )
42 YAN Xiangjun, WANG Yunqi, QI Zihan, HE Xiangchang, LI Kewen, LUO Pizhao
Influences of root distribution on the soil water characteristics and permeability characteristics of shallow root-bearing soil in the burned areas
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 42-51 [Abstract] ( 127 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 4304KB] ( 106 )
52 SHEN Hang, WANG Yunqi, WANG Yujie, LIU Xiaodong, ZHENG Yonglin, ZHENG Yifan, WANG Taiqiang, LIU Yufang
Effects of fire on the soil chemical properties in the Jinyun Mountain of Chongqing
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 52-59 [Abstract] ( 118 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 903KB] ( 112 )
60 LAN Yue, WANG Yunqi, WANG Yujie, CUI Xinrui, ZHENG Yonglin, SHEN Hang, YAO Lu, SI Hongtao, LI Manyi
Short-term effects of forest fire on the soil bacterial community-enzyme activity in typical forest stands in Jinyun Mountain, Chongqing
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 60-68 [Abstract] ( 111 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2674KB] ( 112 )
69 WANG Songnian, HOU Ruiping, FENG Yincheng, MAO Wei, LIU Shuangnan, MENG Xiangjiang, XUE Peipei, WANG Yunqi
Response of soil respiration to fire interference in two forest types in Jinyun Mountain, Chongqing
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 69-77 [Abstract] ( 120 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1017KB] ( 96 )
78 YAO Lu, HOU Ruiping, WANG Yunqi, WANG Yujie, CUI Xinrui, ZHENG Yonglin, SHEN Hang, LAN Yue, LI Cheng, MA Lei, SI Hongtao
Short-term effects of burning on the soil moisture physical characteristics of typical stands in Jinyun Mountain
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 78-85 [Abstract] ( 112 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1994KB] ( 125 )
86 SHI Xueqi, FU Xiao, ZHU Meifei, SHI Dewei, CHENG Jinhua
Effects of root system with different diameters on soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in stands
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 86-93 [Abstract] ( 117 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1596KB] ( 106 )
94 WANG Taiqiang, DENG Hongping, LIU Yufang, ZHENG Yifan, CUI Xinrui, WANG Yunqi
Plant species diversity and geographical distribution in Jinyun Mountain National Nature Reserve
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 94-102 [Abstract] ( 91 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1503KB] ( 95 )
103 OUYANG Xue, YANG Yongchuan, HUANG Li, ZHOU Lihua, LONG Yuxiao, LIU Yufang
Interannual dynamics of seed production and morphological traits of Castanopsis fargesii in evergreen broad-leaved forest of Jinyun Mountain
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 103-109 [Abstract] ( 121 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1787KB] ( 97 )
110 ZHU Yin, YANG Yongchuan, ZHOU Lihua, LONG Yuxiao, HUANG Li, CHEN Hua
Litterfall amount and dynamic characteristics of evergreen broad-leaved forest in Jinyun Mountain
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 110-118 [Abstract] ( 85 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2361KB] ( 163 )
119 ZHU Meifei, CHENG Jinhua, SHI Xueqi, SHI Dewei, MA Siwen
Characteristics of forest structure and carbon sequestration of typical artificial shelterbelts in Three Gorges Reservoir Area
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 119-127 [Abstract] ( 177 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1715KB] ( 110 )
128 YIN Le, WANG Yunqi, WANG Songnian, WANG Taiqiang, LIU Yufang, MENG Xiangjiang, XUE Peipei, ZHANG Jiancong, WANG Lintao, ZHANG Hongshan
Estimation of carbon loss under fire disturbance in Pinus massoniana coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Jinyun Mountain, Chongqing
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 128-136 [Abstract] ( 84 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1956KB] ( 90 )
137 ZHANG Hongjiang, FU Xiao, MA Siwen, CHENG Jinhua, GUAN Ning
Root distribution and water infiltration characteristics of agricultural soils with different crops in the Simian Mountain of Chongqing
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 137-144 [Abstract] ( 112 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 877KB] ( 161 )
145 WANG Zhuoxun, WANG Yunqi, WANG Yujie, LIU Xiaodong, WANG Zhen, LI Danqing, YAN Zhiyi, CHANG Renfang, GUO Yujing
')" href="#"> Forest fire analysis in Jinyun Mountain based on "star-machine-ground" technology
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 145-155 [Abstract] ( 109 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 8271KB] ( 95 )
156 ZHANG Xingcun, CHENG Yumeng, LI Tong, QI Zihan, HE Xiangchang, LUO Pizhao, WANG Yujie, WANG Yunqi
Dynamic mechanism of river bank stability and analysis of ecological support scheme
2023 Vol. 21 (3): 156-164 [Abstract] ( 119 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 7634KB] ( 126 )
SSWC Continuously Indexed in the 2023 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journal of China”
Notice on the Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members for the Journal of SSWC
Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
ZHENG Fenli, CHEN Liding and LEI Tingwu in the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier
SSWC Indexed in the 2020 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Science of Soil and Water Conservation Accepted for Inclusion in Scopus
2020 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in Beijing, Concurrently
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of CSCD during 2019-2020
SSWC Indexed in the 2017 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Appreciation for peer reviewer of SSWC Editorial Board
2017 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in the Yangling of Shaan
Professor Wang Lixian, Former Editor-in-Chief of SSWC Won Norman Hudson Memory Award
Calls for Papers in English
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Cui Peng Elected as a Member of 9th National Committee of CAST
Three Members of SSWC Editorial Board Rewarded as NOSTW in 7th Session Assessment
Election of 4th Editorial Board and First Meeting of New Board Held in Beijing
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SSWC, Academician Cui Peng elected as a member of the IRDR SC
Notice About The 5 Not-Allowed Rules While Publishing Academic Articles by 7 Organizations
SSWC Indexed in “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Science of Soil and Water Conservation Calls for Papers
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of Chinese Science Citation Database During
On the Home Page of the Journal Science of Soil and Water Conservation
Five Papers of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Determined as Excellent in 5th Assessment
Congratulations to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Cui Peng Elected as Academician of Chinese Academy of Scie
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