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2014 Vol.12 No.6      Published 31 December 2014

1 Jiang Fangshi, Huang Yanhe, Lin Jinshi, Zhao Gan, Ge Hongli
Effects of repetitive rainfalls on rill erosion of coluvial deposit in granite slope collapse
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 393 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3815KB] ( 667 )
8 Zhang Naifu, Liu Xia, Zhu Jipeng, Zhang Guangcan, Zhang Ronghua,Yang Shaoyang, Wang Jing
Assessment and spatial heterogeneity of soil erosion sensitivity in the Xin'anjiang river basin, Anhui Province
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 8-15 [Abstract] ( 568 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3486KB] ( 676 )
16 Zhao Qiankun, Wang Zhiguo, Zhang Guangcan, Zhang Chao, Hu Xuli, Zhang Shuyong
Assessment of eco-environment vulnerability in functional regions of soil and water conservation in Shanxi Province
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 16-22 [Abstract] ( 499 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 946KB] ( 775 )
23 Li Min
Effect of soil and water conservation on sediment discharge in the Yellow River
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 23-29 [Abstract] ( 564 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 5905KB] ( 850 )
30 Zhang Tengfei, Zha Xuan, Huang Shaoyan
Soil erosion process and particle composition of three soil types in natural rainfalls
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 30-35 [Abstract] ( 430 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 980KB] ( 717 )
36 Zheng Liwen, Liu Xiaoguang, Tu Zhihua, Chen Lihua, Yu Xinxiao
Effects of moisture content and dry density of soil on the friction characteristics between Pinus tabulaeformis root and soil
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 36-41 [Abstract] ( 479 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2075KB] ( 682 )
42 Chen Xiaobing, Zhang Hongjiang, Li Shiyou, Zhang Fuming, Cheng Jinhua, Wei Huwei, Tian Xiangjiao
Characteristics and influencing factors of preferential flow in different vegetation types of purple sandstone regions
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 42-49 [Abstract] ( 351 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3734KB] ( 756 )
50 Liu Yong, Wang Yujie, Wang Hongxia,Wang Yunqi, Sun Suqi, Qin Fanghua, Liu Liziyuan
Function and value assessment of soil and water conservation under six patterns of the Grain to Green Program in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Yangtze River
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 50-58 [Abstract] ( 470 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1076KB] ( 671 )
59 Zuo Lixiang, Chen Jiacun, Li Yangyang
Water use strategies of different ages of Populus simonii on sandy land of northern Shaanxi
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 59-67 [Abstract] ( 426 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1088KB] ( 707 )
68 Ai Zhao, Chen Zhicheng, Yang Fei, Li Sai, Wang Zhiwei, Zhang Yongtao
Physiological responses to different soil water contents in Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. , Diospyros kaki Linn. and Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim. Seedlings
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 68-74 [Abstract] ( 498 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1020KB] ( 782 )
75 Li Ling, Zhang Shaokai, Yang Suqin
Spatial-temporal variation of mass fraction of soil total phosphorus in Henan Province
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 75-81 [Abstract] ( 498 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3334KB] ( 753 )
82 Zhao Yunjie, Tian Yun, Wang Xiao
Stock and allocation of carbon and nitrogen in typical Ulmus pumila dominated savanna in Inner Mongolia, China
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 82-89 [Abstract] ( 412 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1502KB] ( 846 )
90 Xing Yunxia, Wang Meng, Liu Shiliang, Hua Dangling, Zhao Dan, Liu Fang, Zhu Jinfeng, Wang Guofeng
Effect of N and K fertilizer application methods on quality and economic benefits of Nicotiana tabacum L.
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 90-96 [Abstract] ( 433 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 952KB] ( 825 )
97 Zou Long, Feng Hao
Water-fertilizer effect on Zea mays based on the DSSAT model: A case study in the Loess Plateau
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 97-104 [Abstract] ( 505 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1090KB] ( 898 )
105 Chai Yafan, Zhou Bo, Li Xinjuan, Yang Jingwen, Gao Yuting
Characteristics and impact index of soil and water loss in photovoltaic power generation projects in Gobi Desert Area
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 105-110 [Abstract] ( 537 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 930KB] ( 784 )
111 Wang Yuexin
Urban soil and water conservation and ecological environment features of Lexington, USA
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 111-115 [Abstract] ( 352 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 921KB] ( 787 )
116 Jiang Chao1, Chen Zhibiao1,2, Chen Zhiqiang1,2
Comparison of mechanism between collapsing erosion in China and overseas badland erosion
2014 Vol. 12 (6): 116-122 [Abstract] ( 502 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 947KB] ( 873 )
SSWC Continuously Indexed in the 2023 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journal of China”
Notice on the Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members for the Journal of SSWC
Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
ZHENG Fenli, CHEN Liding and LEI Tingwu in the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier
SSWC Indexed in the 2020 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Science of Soil and Water Conservation Accepted for Inclusion in Scopus
2020 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in Beijing, Concurrently
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of CSCD during 2019-2020
SSWC Indexed in the 2017 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Appreciation for peer reviewer of SSWC Editorial Board
2017 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in the Yangling of Shaan
Professor Wang Lixian, Former Editor-in-Chief of SSWC Won Norman Hudson Memory Award
Calls for Papers in English
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Cui Peng Elected as a Member of 9th National Committee of CAST
Three Members of SSWC Editorial Board Rewarded as NOSTW in 7th Session Assessment
Election of 4th Editorial Board and First Meeting of New Board Held in Beijing
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SSWC, Academician Cui Peng elected as a member of the IRDR SC
Notice About The 5 Not-Allowed Rules While Publishing Academic Articles by 7 Organizations
SSWC Indexed in “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Science of Soil and Water Conservation Calls for Papers
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of Chinese Science Citation Database During
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Five Papers of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Determined as Excellent in 5th Assessment
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