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2010 Vol.8 No.2      Published 30 April 2010

1 ZHANG Chao-;Liu-Guo-Ban-;Xue-Sha-;Tu-Na
Evolution of soil anti-erodiblity of Robinia pseudoacacia L. plantation at different ages in Hilly-gully region of Loess Plateau
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 1605 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2176KB] ( 1400 )
8 YIN Xian-Beng-;Zhou-Yun-Chao-;Luo-Meng-;Zhang-Ma-Gen-;Tu-Zheng-Liang-;Yang-Xiao-Mao
Contrast on soil anti-erodibility of main soils in the source area of Ganjiang River
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 8-14 [Abstract] ( 1897 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2440KB] ( 1336 )
15 XIAO Pei-Jing-;Tao-Wen-Yi-;Shen-Shen-Zhou-;Yang-Chun-Xia
Reduction effects of grass on runoff and sediment and its mechanical mechanism
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 15-19 [Abstract] ( 1589 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1802KB] ( 1257 )
20 XIE Liang-Qing-;Tun-Pan-;Gu-Chang-Xi-;Cao-Zhen-Xin-;Ge-Jia-Jie
Calculation of the soil erosion modulus of basin with the measurement method of sedimentation in Karst area
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 20-23 [Abstract] ( 1810 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1702KB] ( 1242 )
24 LIU Yan-Ling-;Liu-Bin-Hui-;Wang-Li-Gang-;Yuan-Wen-Chao
Variation characteristics of rainfall erosivity in Heilongjiang Province
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 24-29 [Abstract] ( 1829 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2019KB] ( 1212 )
30 CAO Ying-;Zhang-Guang-Hui-;Luo-Rong-Ting
Response of runoff and sediment discharge to global climate change in Jinghe River Basin
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 30-35 [Abstract] ( 1796 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1614KB] ( 1522 )
36 ZHENG Hai-Jin-;Fang-Shao-Wen-;Yang-Ji-;Shang-Chong-Jun-;Hong-Bang-Wen-;Song-Ru-Jun
Analysis of rainfall erosivity on sloping land of Quaternary Red Earth in North Jiangxi Province
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 1552 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1355KB] ( 1218 )
41 YANG Xiao-Mei-;Cheng-Ji-Min-;Meng-Lei
Carbon storage and density features of natural forest of Pinus tabulaeformis fshekannesis in Loess Plateau
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 41-45 [Abstract] ( 1602 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1867KB] ( 1269 )
46 SONG Xiao-Yan-;Mu-Xin-Min-;Gao-Feng-;Wang-Fei-;Wang-Shuang-Yin
Analysis on historical evolution and driving force of rainfall and runoff of Harbin Station in Songhua River
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 46-51 [Abstract] ( 1363 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1964KB] ( 1298 )
52 HU Zhen-Hua-;Wang-Jun-;Li-Chang-Sheng
Infiltration experiment of coal-ash mixed with earth
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 52-58 [Abstract] ( 1442 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1890KB] ( 1467 )
59 ZHANG Zhen-Guo-;Jiao-Ju-Yang-;Gu-Yan-Feng-;Wang-Ning
Interpretation proportion analysis of different environmental factors on vegetation variations in the Hilly-gully area of Loess Plateau
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 59-67 [Abstract] ( 1529 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2613KB] ( 1232 )
68 GUO Man-;Zheng-Fen-Chi-;An-Shao-Shan-;Liu-Yu-;Wang-Ban-;FredericDarboux
Application of Le Bissonnais method to study soil aggregate stability in the Hilly-gully region
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 68-73 [Abstract] ( 1566 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2124KB] ( 1217 )
74 MA Feng-Yun-;Bai-Shi-Gong-;Hou-Ben-Dong-;Liu-Yan-;Hou-Long-Yu
Soil properties of degraded Robinia pseudoacacia plantation in Yellow River Delta
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 74-79 [Abstract] ( 1610 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1684KB] ( 1121 )
80 YANG Feng-;Li-Chuan-Rong-;Sun-Meng-Gao-;Zhang-Liu-Dong-;Sun-Jiu-Shi-;Liu-Pu-Xiao
Soil structure characteristics and health evaluation of different revegetation types around the coastal damaged mountain
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 80-84 [Abstract] ( 1694 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2060KB] ( 1229 )
85 ZHANG Bei-;Zhang-Jian-Jun
Application of LFA method to landscape function assessment of vegetation in Western Shanxi Loess Plateau
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 85-90 [Abstract] ( 1443 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1598KB] ( 1152 )
91 LIU Hong-Yan-;Diao-Yu-Sen
Analysis on landscape pattern of land use in Harbin based on remote sensing image
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 91-98 [Abstract] ( 1574 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2697KB] ( 1182 )
99 WEI Zhen-Rong-;Xiao-Yun-Li-;Li-Dui
Natural restoration process and diversity change of vegetation on abandoned cropland of Bashan Mountain region
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 99-104 [Abstract] ( 1509 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1805KB] ( 1280 )
105 DAN Jiang-Hua-;Wang-Ke-Qi-;Chen-Zhi-Zhong-;Zhang-Rui-Guo-;Chen-Quan-Fang
Application of pond system to control non-point pollution in rural area
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 105-110 [Abstract] ( 1376 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1661KB] ( 1489 )
111 KANG Ling-Ling-;Zhang-Qing-Li-;Wei-Xi-Chang-;Liu-Xiao-Jiang
Review of the effects researches of soil and water conservation on sediment reduction in the middle reaches of the Yellow River
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 111-116 [Abstract] ( 1323 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 1972KB] ( 1507 )
117 QIN Wei-;Shu-Qing-Ke-;Zhang-Yan
Advance in researches on slop length factor in Universal Soil Loss Equation
2010 Vol. 8 (2): 117-124 [Abstract] ( 4706 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3136KB] ( 1589 )
SSWC Continuously Indexed in the 2023 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journal of China”
Notice on the Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members for the Journal of SSWC
Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
ZHENG Fenli, CHEN Liding and LEI Tingwu in the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier
SSWC Indexed in the 2020 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
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2020 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in Beijing, Concurrently
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of CSCD during 2019-2020
SSWC Indexed in the 2017 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Appreciation for peer reviewer of SSWC Editorial Board
2017 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in the Yangling of Shaan
Professor Wang Lixian, Former Editor-in-Chief of SSWC Won Norman Hudson Memory Award
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Deputy Editor-in-Chief Cui Peng Elected as a Member of 9th National Committee of CAST
Three Members of SSWC Editorial Board Rewarded as NOSTW in 7th Session Assessment
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Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SSWC, Academician Cui Peng elected as a member of the IRDR SC
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Science of Soil and Water Conservation Calls for Papers
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