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2009 Vol.7 No.4  Published 2009-08-31
1 LIU Shen
Achievements and experiences of soil and water conservation during the past 60 years in China
During the past sixty years since the establishment of the People's Republic of China,the soil and water conservation in China has been developing rapidly.The speed and process of comprehensive control of soil and water losses have been accelerated significantly.The eco-environment and people's living conditions have been improved in many regions.The experiences of sixty-year's practices in soil and water conservation have gotten remarkable successes and formed a distinctive methodology to control the soil and water losses in China.Meanwhile,to build ecological civilization and well-off society also requires applying these successful experiences to further practices of soil and water conservation based on the idea of scientific development and Chinese national conditions.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 1452 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3245KB] ( 1379 )
7 HU Jiong-Xin
Influence of soil and water conservation on sediment budget of channel system:A case study of the Wudinghe River Basin
A fluvial system can be divided into two sub-systems,i.e.,hillslopes and channels.For the two sub-systems,sediment budget can be established separately.The results show: 1) After the implementation of soil and water conservation,all components of the sediment budget of channel system of the Wudinghe River Basin varied markedly.Channel sediment delivery ratio decreased significantly,and sediment storage in gullies and river channels increased significantly.Sediment yield of drainage basin decreased sharply,but net erosion from hillslopes decreased mildly.2)The contribution of soil erosion control measures and high-flow season rainfall(P6—9) to the variation in various components of sediment budget have been estimated,using multiple regression analysis.For the variation in net erosion on hillslopes,the contribution from P6—9 is estimated as 90.82%,and that from hillslope soil conservation measures is only 9.18%.However,for the variation in sediment storage in gully and channel system,the contribution from sediment trapping by check dams is estimated as 76.16%,and that from P6—9 is only 23.81%.For the variation in sediment yield of drainage basin,both the variations in rainfall and in sediment and soil conservation played important roles.For the variation in sediment yield of drainage basin,the contribution from P6—9 is estimated as 57.84%,and that from sediment and soil conservation is 42.16%.3)For the variation in channel sediment delivery ratio,the contribution from sediment trapping by check dams is estimated as 87.27%,but that from P6—9 is only 12.73%.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 7-13 [Abstract] ( 1448 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3560KB] ( 1262 )
14 LI Zhi-An-;Ceng-Gong-Juan
Spatial distribution of rockfall and landslide mass in disaster areas of Wenchuan earthquake
Taking Beijing-1 remote sensing image as basic material,this paper distills the spatial distribution information of landslide and rockfall mass in disaster areas of Wenchuan earthquake.Utilizing buffer analysis as main technique.We analyze the indicators of landslide and rockfall mass including area,number,volume,size and distribution density in different distant buffers of the aftershock centralized belt,as well as the epicenters upwards 5th grade,and obtain the spatial relationship between them.The result shows,among the different distance buffers of the aftershock centralized belt,the area of landslide and rockfall mass in 10-30 km section is the largest,while the largest number,volume and distribution density appear in 5 km buffer.Among the buffers of the epicenters upwards 5th grade,the area and number of landslide and rockfall mass in 10-30 km section are the largest,while the largest distribution density appears in 5 km buffer.The 30 km buffer is the high frequency region of landslide and rockfall mass,the area of this region only occupies 10% of the research area,but landslide and rockfall mass reaches 60% of the total area,about above 80% of the total number and volume of landslide and rockfall mass.The number of landslide and rockfall mass whose area is from 1 hm2 to 5 hm2 is the most in each buffer,then is the area less than 1 hm2.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 14-19 [Abstract] ( 1554 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2654KB] ( 1256 )
20 JING Ge-;Jiao-Ju-Yang
Mode,cost and benefit of soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau:A case study in Gaoxigou watershed in Mizhi County
Based on the analysis of mode,cost and benefit of collocation of soil and water loss control measures in Gaoxigou of Mizhi County in the North of Shaanxi Province,which is the typical examples of soil and water loss control in the hillygullied Loess Plateau,it's regarded that collocation mode of soil and water loss control measures should be decided by the goal of soil and water conservation, and the ecological benefit and economy benefit are different under control modes which are instructed by different goals.According to multiple,coherent-dynamic,intercrossing and mutual-dynamic characteristics of soil and water conservation benefit,assessment principle of soil and water conservation benefit is put forwarded.According to the assessment principle,the cost of control mode under the goal of food self-support is 657 000 yuan/km2,and the cost could be took back in about 5-6 years;at this moment,no sediment come form slope and no water flow out of gully,vegetation cover reach to 40%-50%,food self-supply,and annual income is 3 000 Yuan per capita.However,even after reaching to the goal of comprehensive control,the economical income is far below the countrywide average level,it's hard to entirely achieve well-off level only depending on soil and water conservation,and this is a thoughtful question to related institutions.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 20-25 [Abstract] ( 1462 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3746KB] ( 1395 )
26 HU Jian-Zhong-;Du-Wen-Yan-;Yan-Li-Jiang-;Guo-Hai-;Liu-Li-Ying-;He-Jing-Liang-3;Guo-Jian-Yang-;Jia-Bo
Sprouting capacity of artificial <i>Hippophae rhamnoides</i> forest in soft sandstone areas
For a quick method to controlling the soft sandstone areas,the author investigated the sprouting capacity of newly planted Hippophae rhamnoides forest in Zhungar township through the method of sample plot.The result shows that Hippophae rhamnoides has strong capability of sprouting,for example,2-8 years' artificial Hippophae rhamnoides forest can sprout 2 000-80 000 seedlings per hectare.The sprouting ability(SA) always changes with the age of stand,that is,the SA for 2-4 ages' forests increase gradually,and achieve the highest in 5-6 ages' forests,and gradually drop tendency for 7-8 years' forests.In the best site,like alluvial gully bed,the SA may reach 21 000 per hectare,one times higher than that of the bad site.In medium coverage of Hippophae rhamnoides(40%-70%),the SA appears to be the highest;whereas it drops rapidly for the coverage which is higher than 70% or lower than 40%.Thereby the SA can be used in the rehabilitation practice in order to reduce the original plantation density effectively,and seedling and planting costs as well,and restore the vegetation rapidly,economically,and effectively in the area for harnessing the severe soil and water losses.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 26-30 [Abstract] ( 1575 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2193KB] ( 1187 )
31 SHI Zhong-Jie-;Wang-Pan-Hui-;Xu-Li-Hong-;Xiong-Wei-;Xu-Peng-Chao-;Hu-Zhe-Sen-;Gao-Ji-Chi
Effect of topographic form and vegetation type on the runoff coefficient in the Xiangshuihe Watershed of Liupan Mountains
According to the observations of precipitation and runoff in Xiangshuihe Watershed of Liupan Mountains on Jun.-Oct.,2004 and 2005,the effect of slope aspect,altitude and vegetations type on runoff is studied by GIS technique and SPSS software.The results of runoff coefficient for different vegetation types show such an descending order as plantation forest,shrub forest,natural forest,and sub-alpine meadow.The descending order of runoff coefficient for different altitude ranges is lower altitude area(2 060-2 350 m),middle altitude area(2 350-2 640 m),higher altitude area(2 640-2 930 m).With the increasing of altitude,the runoff coefficient in the natural forests decreases at the beginning and then increases,while the runoff coefficients for plantation and shrub forests have the trend of increasing at the beginning and then decreasing.However,the runoff coefficient for subalpine meadow keeps an increasing trend from middle to higher altitude.According to the slope aspects,the runoff coefficient for southern slope is the highest and that for eastern slope is the lowest.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 31-37 [Abstract] ( 1823 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4565KB] ( 1104 )
38 CHEN Yin-Zhen-;Cheng-Jin-Hua-;Zhang-Hong-Jiang-;Yin-Jing-;He-Fan
Effects of land-use change on the runoff in Qingganghe River Basin
Land-use change has great influence on the occurrence of runoff.Based on the remote sensing data of 1987 and 2000,and nearly twenty years meteorological and hydrological data(1969—1987),SWAT was adopted to analyze the effect of landuse on runoff in Qingganghe River basin.Results showed that,compare to the land-use in 1987,annual runoff decreased under the land-use condition in 2000.And the distribution of monthly runoff is more rational under the land-use condition in 2000 by decreasing the monthly runoff from June to September and increasing that from October to May of next year.The value difference of annual runoff was not related to annual precipitation,but the value difference of average monthly runoff increased with precipitation.The results also showed that the land-use in 2000 is more beneficial for the protection of eco-environment of Qingganghe River Basin.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 38-43 [Abstract] ( 1736 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2746KB] ( 1376 )
44 ZHOU Xiao-Xin-;Zhang-Jian-Jun-;Li-Die-Chao
Transpiration characteristics of major tree species for soil and water conservation in Loess Plateau
Leaf water conservation capacity,daily changes of transpiration rate and leaf water potential of Populus davidiana,Robinia pseudoacacia,Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis were studied by using precision Electronic Balance with the accuracy of 0.001 g and Dew Point Microvokmeter.The results show that the descending order of the leaf water conservation capacity of four tree species is Populus davidiana,Robinia pseudoacacia,Pinus tabulaeformis,Platycladus orientalis,and it took 19 h、41 h、49 h and 77 h respectively before the leaf-weight did not decrease in natural condition.The descending order of the average transpiration rate is: Populus davidiana(0.616 mmol/(m2·s)),Robinia pseudoacacia(0.605 mmol/(m2·s)),Pinus tabulaeformis(0.318 mmol/(m2·s)),Platycladus orientalis(0.270 mmol/(m2·s)),and the daily maximum transpiration rate in the following descending order: Populus davidiana(1.196mmol/(m2·s)),Robinia pseudoacacia(1.190 mmol/(m2·s)),Pinus tabulaeformis(0.723mmol/(m2·s)),Platycladus orientalis(0.704 mol/(m2·s)).The diurnal variation of leaf water potential was a waveform curve with the highest in the early morning,the lowest at noon and significant recovery in the afternoon,and its daily variation amplitude is in the following order: Robinia pseudoacacia is the largest,while Pinus tabulaeformis is the smallest,and Populus davidiana,Platycladus orientalis are in the middle.Leaf water potential and transpiration rate are negatively related,and the relationship between them can be fitted by logarithmic curve.Daily transpiring water consumption amount(by 12h/d) on unit leaf area(by 1 cm2) of the four tree species is in the following descending order: Populus davidiana(0.48 mm),Robinia pseudoacacia(0.47 mm)>Pinus tabulaeformis(0.25 mm),Platycladus orientalis(0.21 mm).
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 44-48 [Abstract] ( 1706 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2960KB] ( 1215 )
49 GUO Zhong-Sheng
Limit of vegetation rehabilitation for soil and water conservation in semi-arid region of Loess Plateau:A case study of artificial <i>Caragana korshinskii</i> Kom stand
In order to determine the potential for vegetation rehabilitation and set the goal of soil and water conservation forest in water-shortage region of Loess Plateau,16-year-old artificial Caragana korshinskii Kom stand grown in a reasonably uniform site was selected and thinned to establish different densities of experimental plots,and the experiments of the relationships between density of a stand,forest benefit to conserve soil and water and soil water was conducted in the Caragana korshinskii Kom stand in Shanghuang Eco-experimental Station of the semi-arid region,Guyuan County,Ningxia Hui Autonomic Region of China. The results showed that the mean basal diameter of Caragana korshinskiiKom stand decreases with increasing density and there is a linear relationship between basal diameter and stand density,the stand coverage increases with increasing density and there is a logarithm relationship between coverage and density;the canopy interception increases with density and both of them is a power relationship;the surface runoff decreases with increasing density and the relationship between them is a logarithm functional relationship,the sediment charge in the runoff increases with reducing density and the relationship between them can be expressed by an "inverse-S shape"curve.Although the canopy closure increase with increasing density,and the effect of Caragana korshinskii Kom stand on soil and water conservation strenthens,but there is a limit in the course of vegetation rehabilitation because of the limit of soil water resources.When the cover degree is more than the limit,soil drying appears or was aggravated in the Caragana korshinskii Kom stand.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 49-54 [Abstract] ( 1736 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3116KB] ( 1318 )
55 DUAN Zheng-Song-;Chang-Qiang-Rui
Connotation and expression of soil erosion information tupu
Based on the analysis and summary of research progresses in Geo-information tupu,the concept of soil erosion information tupu and the connotation of three basic types information tupu that contain soil erosion types,spatial pattern of soil erosion,processes of soil and water loss are expounded.In this paper,the construction process of soil erosion information tupu is discussed,contents and ways of the expression are proposed,and the signification and developmental perspective of soil erosion informatic tupu were described also.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 55-59 [Abstract] ( 1332 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2675KB] ( 1073 )
60 ZHANG Li-Ping-;Zhang-Xin-Chang-;Sun-Jiang
Engineering properties and influencing factors of solidified loess by EN-1 solidifying agent
The paper researched the effect of EN-1 solidifying agent content,curing age,compactness and water content on loess strength and seepage properties by compaction,shear strength and permeability tests.The result indicated that EN-1 solidifying agent can remarkably increase the dry density,shear strength and impermeability;improve the loess mechanical properties.Along with the increase of solidifying agent content,curing age and compactness,the cohesion and internal friction angle increases and the permeability decreases.Along with the increase of the water content,the cohesion and internal friction angle decreases.The paper suggested that the suitable mixing amount of EN-1 soil stabilizer is about 0.01%,the curing age is at least 7 d and the compactness is controlled above 0.95,the water content of solidified soil should under the optimum moisture content a little.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 60-65 [Abstract] ( 1678 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2844KB] ( 1241 )
66 DIAO Yong-;Wang-Feng-Fei-;Fan-Wei-;Shu-Yan-Feng
Nutrient cycling in Quercus varlabilis plantations of different ages classes in hilly region of Taihang Mountain
In order to analyze the characteristic of the vegetation restoration process,the characteristic of the content,accumulation,distribution and nutrient cycling of three nutrient elements(N、P、Ca) in Quercus variabilis plantations were studied taking the communities of the sample sites analysis in hilly region of Taihang Mountain as investigation objectors.The results showed that: 1)the nutrient element content in different tree organs is different,the content of three nutrient elements in leaves were the highest,but the lowest in stems.The descending order of nutrient elements contents is as following: Ca,N,P.2)the content of organic matter and N,P in soil have significantly increased with the plantations ages of Quercus varlabilis,it is concluded that the soil fertility increased with the vegetation restoration process.3)the total accumulation amount of nutrient elements ranged from 2 764.58 to 3 689.38 kg/hm2 in the different age stands,annual nutrient elements storage were from 89.88 to 138.17 kg/(hm2·a).The return amount of different elements were 229.80,262.06 and 246.63 kg/(hm2·a) for 20,30 and 40 a stands of Quercus variabilis respectively.It shows a increasing trend of the total accumulation amount with stand age.The amount of absorption and return of different elements increased with the stand age at first,and then decreased.The descending order of amount of elements storage,absorbance,return,and accumulation is Ca,N,P. 4) The nutrient use coefficient was decreased with stand age.However,both nutrient cycling coefficient and turnover time were increased with stand age.Ca has the longest turnover period of 12.73-16.19 years but the lowest utilization coefficient.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 66-71 [Abstract] ( 1571 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3969KB] ( 1296 )
72 LI Guo-Hua-;Jing-Feng-;Shu-Jin-Zhao-;Yue-Ceng-Bi-;Zhang-Hua-Pei-;Wei-Tian-Xin
Survival rate of trees by different seed-bases in the earth-rocky mountain area of Northern China
Taking the example of the seed-base formula and tree of the seed-base afforestation in the rocky.This article explains our systematic research of trees by seed-bases in the earth-rocky mountain area of Northern China.Results showed that,the survival rate decreased with the seed-base and the use of seaweed fertilizer.The survival rate of the seed-base is not affected by the use of adhesives.Platycladus orientalis,Acer truncatum and Robinia pseudoacacia have a better adaptation by use of the seed-bases.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 72-76 [Abstract] ( 1555 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2321KB] ( 1142 )
77 FANG Xiang-Jing-;Li-Gui-Xiang-;Meng-An-Chao-;Zhang-Zheng-Hai-;Shao-Jin-Beng
Analysis on planting modes and benefits of eco-economic forest of returning farmland to forests in northeastern Yunnan Province
The growth,soil and water conservation and economic benefit of the typical modes of returning farmland to forest in northeastern Yunnan Province was studied.The results showed that Ligustrum purpurascens forest,Prunus persica forest,Litsea pungens forest and Castanea mollissima forest were considered as major planting modes of returning farmland to forest.The descending order of water holding capacity of overground part is Ligustrum purpurascens,Prunus persica,Litsea pungens,Castanea mollissima.Their run-off is nearly to that of slope farmland,but their soil loss amount is less than that of slope farmland.The eco-economic benefits of the two modes was analysed.The economic benefits of the modes was also obviousely.After planting two years,annual output value of Ligustrum purpurascens forest reached 28 125-112 500 yuan per hectare.The anticipative economic benefits of Gastrodia elata forest was also obviousely.Therefore,the two eco-economic forests planting modes are considerable for returning farmland to forest in the mountain areas of northeastern Yunnan Province.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 77-81 [Abstract] ( 1601 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2542KB] ( 1319 )
82 DU Gong-Xia-;Tun-Pu-Te-;Feng-Gao-;Wang-Bai-Qun-;Ma-Jun-Yong
Influence of nitrogen application on soil moisture-nitrogen dynamics and water-fertilizer use efficiency of <i>Zea mays</i>
A field experiment was carried out to study the influence of applying nitrogen(N)-fertilizer on soil moisture,soil nitrate N(NO-3-N) distribution and accumulation amounts in soil profile,grain yield,water use efficiency(WUE),and nitrogen use efficiency(NUE) of Zea mays during different growth periods. The results show that variation of soil moisture and NO-3-N concentration in soil profile with soil depth show similar changes under different amount of N-fertilizer,namely soil moisture and NO-3-N in the 50 cm topsoil has a larger variation range than that did in the 50-110 cm,both of this reach lowest value in grouting stage.During different growth periods,soil water content(SWC) without nitrogen fertilizer application(NFA) is more than that with NFA in 50 cm topsoil,on the contrary,in 50-110 cm soil depth.Applicating N increased NO-3-N content significantly.Translocation of NO-3-N is affected by soil water content and NO-3-N content,the higher of the content the deeper movement in the soil.NFA could improve sharply WUE and grain yield(increase 28.52%-37.86%),the situation reach the summit at 240 kg/hm2 of NFA.Whit the N application rates enhance,grain yield and amount of N uptake by grain shows increased at first and then decreased,when applying N-fertilizer exceeded 240 kg/hm2,grain yield and WUE increase not significantly.N productivity and NUE have very significant between NFA and without NFA.Under this experiment conditions,results suggested that the optimal effect on boosting its yield,WUE,NUE and controlling soil NO-3-N accumulation for Zea mays happened with 120-240 kg/hm2 of NFA.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 82-87 [Abstract] ( 1501 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2971KB] ( 1089 )
88 NIU Dun-;Diao-Xi-Ning-;Tun-Pu-Te-;Huang-Dun-;Zhang-Yong-Yong
Experimental study on the law of runoff and sediment generation in the natural grassland of the typical loess slope
The paper studied the runoff generation and sediment yield regulations of the natural slope-green-land in loess zone by the simulated rainfall.There were two land types(grass land and bare land),three types of rainfall intensity and slope.The research results showed that: there was negative correlation between the original runoff generation time and the rainfall intensity.Compared with the bare land,the heavy rainfall intensity(>2.0 mm/min) accelerated the runoff generation in the green land,while the mediate(1.0-2.0 mm/min) and light rainfall intensity(<1.0 mm/min) made the runoff generation delayed.In the condition of heavy rainfall intensity,the strength of runoff generation increased with the time in the form of logarithmic function for the sharpen slope in the bare land,and this regulation was not suitable for mediate and light rainfall intensities.The processing of runoff and sediment generation in heavy rainfall intensity of bare land was inconsistent with mediate and light rainfall intensity.Compared with the bare land,the runoff generation process was more complex for green land,and the runoff generation intensity did not grow with the time in the form of logarithmic function.The effect of rainfall intensities on runoff and sediment hydrographs was no significant.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 88-93 [Abstract] ( 1605 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3613KB] ( 1115 )
94 CHEN Li-Meng-;Man-Xiu-Ling
Soil enzymes activities and soil nutrient of Picea and Abies forest
Soil enzymes activities were compared on different soil depth in Picea and Abies forest with different growth conditions.We studied the relation between different soil enzymes activities,and the different Picea and Abies forest in relation to soil nutrient and plant diversity.The results showed that the five soil enzymes activity varied decrease with increasing soil depth.And the soil enzymes in the top layer(0-15 cm) were enhanced distinctly compared with in the layers middle(15-35 cm) and subsoil(35-55 cm).Also,the five enzymes in the topsoil(0-15 cm) were affected differently by different level of deaths of Picea and Abies forest,showing that soil urease and catalase were highest response to different level of deaths of Picea and Abies forest,while invertase and phosphatase and polyphenol oxidase were response to slight.The response of soil organic matter to the death of Picea and Abies forest were most apparent.There were significant correlations between soil organic matter of contrast sample plot and intense death sample plot and super intense death sample plot(P<0.01).It was concluded that increasing the mortality of Picea and Abies forest was benefit to the development of diversity indices of the undergrowth,diversity of the undergrowth in shrub layer increased with increasing the death degree of Picea and Abies forest, but diversity of the undergrowth in herbaceous layer was initially increased then decreased.Correlation studies have shown that the most relevant exists among undergrownth plants Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index and the soil polyphenol oxidase activity,followed by catalase.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 94-99 [Abstract] ( 1401 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3000KB] ( 1326 )
100 TUN Liang-Lin-;Chen-Qiu-Hua-;Lei-Yuan-;Diao-Ling
Analysis of spatial relation between rocky desertification and karst landforms in northwest Guangxi Province based on GIS and RS technology
The relation between karst rocky desertification and soil erosion is a kind of mutual causal relation.Terrain condition is an important influence factor for soil erosion and rocky desertification.The paper discussed the suitable methods for gradient calculation in northwest Guangxi Province,and then analyzed the landforms,gradient and aspects data based on GIS technology,and get the rocky desertification data of the region based on remote sensing technology.By the means of spatial overlay analysis of the terrain and rocky desertification data,the paper focused on discussing the spatial relation between rocky desertification and karst terrain condition in the region.The study result shows that the ratio of rocky desertification is relatively higher in the low-mountain and high-hills areas,the ratio of rocky desertification in the 0°-25°gradient areas declines gently with the slope increment,but the ratio in the great than 25°gradient areas increases substantially.The rocky desertification is obviously interrelated to the landforms and gradient factor,but it is not interrelated to the aspect factor.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 100-105 [Abstract] ( 1616 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3543KB] ( 1310 )
106 SUN Chang-Hua-;Liu-Jian-Jun-;Kang-Bo-Wen-;Li-Wen-Hua
Eco-landuse planning and designing in the small watershed of hilly-gully region in west Weibei Loess Plateau
To improve and optimize land use pattern and structure is one of the most effective ways to control soil erosion in the hill-gully Loess region.We had taken the small watershed of Ranjiagou with typical characteristics of hilly-gully region in Weibei Loess Plateau,focusing on restoring ecological system in this small watershed,to improve land productivity and achieve sustainable development of economy.The main procedures include land use system analysis,eco-landuse type evaluation,optimization of land use system,and eco-designing of the optimum land use system.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 106-111 [Abstract] ( 1342 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3078KB] ( 1283 )
112 CHEN Li-Xin-;Shu-Yong-Lin-;Jiao-Lu
Teaching reform and practice of Soil Science for forestry major
Some defects,such as too much of theoretical teaching,too little of the teaching contents about student's practical skill training and ability of solving practical problems,generally exit in present teaching of Soil Science.Through teaching practice,some experience of teaching reform about Soil Science for forestry major is summarized as follows: students' comprehensive ability and practically operational skills should be cultivated and improved,some features of forestry major should be focused,some abilities of field soil survey,identification of soil types and analysis in laboratory should be enhanced;The latest results and their applications in forefront field of their own subject,which are obtained by teachers and researchers in scientific research,should be introduced to teaching contents in order to expand students' knowledge.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 112-114 [Abstract] ( 1231 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1777KB] ( 1292 )
115 QIN Wei-;Diao-Lei-Lei-;Liu-Xiao-Ying
Research of soil erosion and river sediment in Iran
The soil erosion results in soil and water losses,sediment deposition,and restricts the development of society and economy.As a result of in arid,semi-arid climatic zone,soil erosion and sediment deposition in Iran are very serious and have become one of main problems influencing national development.A review of the basic status of soil erosion and sediment deposition of Iran was briefed,and the advances and experiences were summarized.On this basis,some suggestions were put forwarded as a reference.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 115-119 [Abstract] ( 1509 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3222KB] ( 1338 )
120 QIN Fei-;Chen-Beng-;Wang-Peng-;Tun-Jing-;Shu-Yuan-Chun-;Wang-Wei-;Guan-Qiang-Wei
Research progress of silviculture in limestone areas of China
Limestone is widely distributed in China.The typical ecological characteristics,such as shallow soil body,serious water infiltration,poor water retention and rich in calcium,promote the flora of endemism developed in limestone area.In this paper the research results on artificial restoration of forest vegetation in limestone area are reviewed,including regional distribution of limestone area,site classification,proper forest plant species,silviculture technology and integrate technology of afforestation.At present and in the future,we should strengthen the study of pioneer plants breeding,optimization and standardization of engineering afforestation technology,regional integrate afforestation pattern in limestone zone,to provide more effective technical support for the advance of the restoration forest vegetation process in limestone area.
2009 Vol. 7 (4): 120-124 [Abstract] ( 1503 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2513KB] ( 1243 )
SSWC Continuously Indexed in the 2023 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journal of China”
Notice on the Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members for the Journal of SSWC
Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
ZHENG Fenli, CHEN Liding and LEI Tingwu in the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier
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