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档案学研究  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (5): 132-140    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2024.05.016
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中国人民大学信息资源管理学院 北京 100872
An Analysis of the Linguistic Turn of Archive in International Digital Humanities Practice
LONG Jiaqing
School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872
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关键词 数字人文语言转向档案概念国际数字人文奖范式变革    

The digital resources targeted by digital humanities (DH) projects are usually archived and preserved as "archive". This has led to a conceptual expansion that goes beyond the defined scope of archival science, indicating a linguistic shift in archives in the digital age. Exploring this phenomenon could help bridge the research gap between both communities. Using internet research and content analysis methods, 51 cases about archival DH project were selected from the award-winning cases of the International Digital Humanities Award (DHA) from 2012 to 2022. Drawing on the social level analysis framework, this paper conducts coding and descriptive analysis of the cases, revealing the phenomenon of linguistic turn of archive in DH research. Through structured analysis and sorting, three significant characteristics are found: firstly, the concept of traditional archival terminology has expanded, i.e., an increasing number of digital products referring to themselves as 'archive'; secondly, the use of archival management methodologies, i.e., the project adopts archival principles or methods to carry out archiving; thirdly, the archival thinking abstracted from DH research provides ideas for project creation, operation and output. The research results further reflect that DH promotes an archival paradigm shift, while archival methods and thinking provide references for the sustainable development of DH projects.

Key wordsdigital humanities    linguistic turn    concept of archive    international digital humanities award    paradigm shift
出版日期: 2024-10-28

龙家庆. 国际数字人文实践中档案(archive)的语言转向探析[J]. 档案学研究, 2024, 38(5): 132-140.
LONG Jiaqing. An Analysis of the Linguistic Turn of Archive in International Digital Humanities Practice. Archives Science Study, 2024, 38(5): 132-140.

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