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2008 Vol.6 No.S1  Published 2008-06-01
1 WANG Cheng-Hua-;Deng-Hong-Yan-;Xue-Ning-Bei
Theory and measure of selecting new countrysides building location in geological hazards mountainous area
Once there were serious hidden geological hazards in building construction in countryside.Because many country buildings were constructed in the geological hazards zones of landslide,collapse and debris flow,without thinking of the selection of the building locations scientifically.During the construction of the New Countrysides,we should select the building locations scientifically and spurn the uncultured modes before.Surveying and evaluating the geological circumstance and the present situation of geological hazards at the places.These places should be categorized according to the hazards assessment and groundwork circumstance.We should select the groundwork circumstance of type Ⅰas the new building locations.And the excellent groundwork circumstance of type Ⅱ is also permitted if the type Ⅰis not enough for construction.The environment should be protected,the slopes should be strengthened while excavating,.and the possible geological hazards should be prevented in time.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 1921 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2816KB] ( 1313 )
6 CUI Feng-;Wang-Dao-Jie-;Peng-Jian-Qi
Land exploitation and utilization on debris-flow fan
Land on debris-flow fan is the valuable resource in mountain area,but its soil layer structure and physical structure are irrational.The soil nutrient is poor,and the content of organic matter is less than 1%,the content of available nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium are in low to middle level.Land reclamation measures,soil amelioration measures and fertilizing measures for exploitation and utilization of debris-flow fan land are proposed according to its terrain,soil texture and nutrient characteristics and the problems in land development and utilization.The soil particles are mainly between 0.02 mm and 0.002 mm after improvement by silting fine sediment;the soil texture is improved from loamy sand to silty clay loam;the thickness of superficial soil achieves 25 cm which increases by 7 cm.The amount of soil micro-aggregates is 95.31% which increases by 56.87% compared with non-siltation land,and the micro-aggregates are mainly between 0.02 mm and 0.002 mm after silting improvement,which plays an important role in soil fertility and water conservation. The natural potential productivity of siltation lands on debris-flow fan is as high as 32 586 kg/hm2;while the natural potential productivity of new land on debris-flow fan and non-siltation lands are only 19 295 kg/hm2 and 28 299 kg/hm2 respectively.The content of fine grains of debris-flow fan lands formed by viscous debris flow is comparatively high and this kind of lands can be easily exploited into good quality and high output farmland;while the content of fine grains of debris-flow fan lands formed by sparse debris flow is comparatively low and this kind of lands are exploited with great difficulty and high cost.Newly reclamation lands(with high content of gravel) are suitable for planting fruit,watermelon,sweet potato,peanut and so on;and the lands with obvious improvement in the soil texture and fertility can grow rice and counterseason vegetables which have high benefit.But for the lands on sparse debris-flow fan which are difficult to be exploited,can grow the crop which does not demand rigorously on soil texture and just needs simple soil preparation,such as watermelon and pomegranate.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 6-11 [Abstract] ( 1875 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3549KB] ( 1363 )
12 XUE Ning-Bei-;Ma-Qing-Wen-;Wang-Cheng-Hua
System of operated by mass people and warning of sudden outbrust hazards in geological hazards mountainous area
The system of operated by mass people for geohazards is formed by three degree monitoring network of counties,towns and villages,the system of information transmission and the institution of management.The whole system contains three steps: the first step sets up in the counties;the second step sets up at the towns;the third step sets up at the villages.On the basis of monitoring network operated by mass people and the professionals,the offices of counties would be the centers.The second step is the middle tache of two other steps.The happening warn of geological hazards contains three degree.At first,the offices of counties analyze the information from the monitoring networks at villages,the geological scout and the premonitions,then the hazards prevented centers of county governments take out the warning.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 12-15 [Abstract] ( 1697 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5559KB] ( 1366 )
16 CUI Yun-;Kong-Ji-Ming-;Liu-Zheng-Liang-;Wang-Cheng-Hua
Study on solutions for prevention of fulminant soil erosion
Landslide and debris flow are in close contact belong to area of soil erosion and further to area of fulminant soil erosion which is the corresponding type of soil erosion to recurrent soil erosion.Great loss caused by the fulminant soil erosion let us pay enough attention to control it.For preventing and curing the special soil erosion completely and effectively,measures must be carried out in accordance with the integrated prevention strategy,and the comprehensive assessment of ultimate result should be undertaken for the overall efficiency.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 16-20 [Abstract] ( 1496 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2945KB] ( 1305 )
21 DIAO Qin-;Cao-Shu-You-;Li-Wen-Ping
Impacts on eco-environment from basin cascade development and corresponding measures
The original natural basin is one integral ecosystem,while the basin cascade development intercepts the continuum of the river and puts stress on the ecosystem so as to destroy the eco-balance of the whole system.The emerging ecological environment problems such as the influence on sediments and river channel,the reservoir flood and immigrants,the influence of water body's change,the influence on fish and biological species,the geological disaster as well as the loss of soil and water is analyzed during the process of the basin cascade development.In order to decrease the disadvantageous impacts of river cascade development, the corresponding engineering or non-engineering measures are put forward in different phases such as the planning,construction and operation.The aim to build friendly-environment water projects and realize the sustainable development of water resources is arrived at.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 21-23 [Abstract] ( 1550 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2374KB] ( 1408 )
24 LEI Xiao-Zhang-;Cao-Shu-You-;Jiang-Xiao-Hua
Study on impacts of forest systems upon adjust and exchange of the rainfall and runoff
This paper uses the systematic theory to study forest eco-system's function on adjustment and exchange of rainfall and runoff,and starts with single factor to show the independent role of each factor in water and eco-system in the fields.The author applies the results to study the synthetic effects and the final responds with the scale enlargement in watershed,hence implies the adjustment and exchange rule of rainfall and runoff after forest systematic coupling.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 24-29 [Abstract] ( 1369 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3156KB] ( 1267 )
30 YANG Jian-Xia-;Lei-Xiao-Zhang-;Qiu-Jing-;Chen-Beng-An
Law of water loss and soil erosion in the 5°-25° sloping field
Based on the observation and statistics of soil erosion and water loss in the sloping field,it is clear that the runoff depth and erosion would change along with the gradient,farming measures and vegetation.When the gradient increases or farming measure is changed from horizontal slope to the longitudinal one,the water loss and soil erosion would be incereased,and the different factor combinations of farming and vegetation make great impact on it too.The sequence of the factors about runoff has been got from the Gray Correlation Method: gradient > farming >vegetation is the weakest.The similar sequence about erosion is like this: farming>gradient >vegetation.Therefore,the interaction of them is of great value to analyze the change law of soil erosion and water loss,and it will be helpful to its prevention and management.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 30-34 [Abstract] ( 1605 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3043KB] ( 1314 )
35 HAO Yun-Qiang-;Wang-Xin-;Liu-Shao-Yang-;Xie-Da-Jun-;Diao-Jie-;Li-Hua
Biodiversity evaluation of Zoige wetland national nature reserve
Zoige wetland is not only the largest plateau peat bog in the world,but also one of biodiversity conservation hotspots in China.There are 414 vascular plant species of 165 genus,50 families;137 bird species of 28 families 13 orders;38 beast species of 15 families,5 orders;3 amphibian species of 2 families,1 order;3 reptile species of 3 families,2 orders;and 15 fish species of 2 families,1 order in the Reserve.Among them,there are 3 secondary state-protected plant species and 5 endemic plant genus in China.There are 7 first rank state-protected bird species and 20 secondary rank state-protected species,in which 7 bird species are endemic in China.There are 1 first rank state-protected beast species and 7 secondary rank state-protected species in the Reserve,in addition,6 species are endemic in China.In the paper,5 evaluating ingredients i.e.biodiversity,rarity,endemism,stability and security of ecosystem,area suitability and natural property,and their 17 affiliated indicators were employed to integrally survey its biodiversity quality.Its total score is 73.5,which indicates that the Reserve possesses sound biodiversity and is highly worthy of being protected.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 35-40 [Abstract] ( 1778 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3512KB] ( 1339 )
41 JIANG Dun-Meng-;Zhang-Xu-Dong-;Bi-Shi-Min-;Zhou-Jin-Xing-;Ca-Xiao-Hu
Effects of environment on soil water in dry-hot valleys of Panzhihua
The deficiency of soil water in dry season was the main limited factor for restoration of vegetation in dry-hot valleys.In this paper,focusing on the water environment,some key approaches for the restoration of vegetation in the area of Panzhihua were advanced according to four aspects with the regional climate,water-holding capacity of soil,the water-consuming feature of vegetations and dynamics of soil water,and some main conclusions were also made as follows.(1) The difficulty in restoration of vegetation mainly owed to non-synchronization between water and temperature in the dry season.The climate difference of microenvironments,such as amount of evaporation determines distribution and type of vegetation.(2) The water-holding capacity of the red soil with more gravel is poor owing to bad soil structure and thin depth of soil layer.Saturated storage and infiltration ratio of soil are respectively 3.8-5.0 mm with every centimeter soil layer and 0.77-4.72 mm/min,but amount of the available water is only 50% of saturated water in soil layer.(3) Because of its particularity possessed by this soil,saturated storage and infiltrative ratio f parent material layer were both less than soil layer,and there were the same amount of available water in two layers.(4) The water in deeper soil,especially in parent material layer played a crucial role in maintaining existence of the vegetation in dry season.Therefore,to add he thickness of soil layer and improve infiltrative ratio of parent material layer were important technical measures for the restoration of vegetation in the red soil.(5) The dayly water-consuming amount in dry season was considerable difference among tree species for forestry,and the rational structure collocation of tree species was a key for restoration of vegetation.Presently,plants practically afforested such as Jatropha curcas,Pinus caribaea,Dodonaea viscosa,Acacia dealbata,India neem,Lantana camara,Broussonetia papyrifera have strong capacity of tolerance to drought.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 41-47 [Abstract] ( 1545 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3880KB] ( 1090 )
48 HE Fei-;Ma-Qin-Pan-;Liu-Xin-Liang-;Wang-Jin-Ti-;He-Da-Hong
Characteristics of biology and geographical distribution of wild Magnoliaceae plants in Sichuan Province
Magnoliaceae plants,which have important role in botanic systematic taxonomy and are also important trees in sub-tropic forests,mainly distribute in South and Southwestern China.This paper studies systematically the classification and geographical distribution and utilization of the wild Magnoliaceae plants in Sichuan Province.There are rich wild Magnoliaceae plants in Sichuan,and 5 genera 24 species 1 variety species with 23 species of arbors and 2 species of shrubs,and 13 evergreen species and 12 deciduous species,were distributed in the hills around basin and the southwestern Sichuan and the southeastern of the mountain and deep valley in western Sichuan.They mainly distributed in the southeastern of the mountain and deep valley in western Sichuan,situated in the edge of the core of the distribution and development and origin of mordern Magnoliaceae.Their flowers have many kinds of colors including redness,rosiness, fuchsia,purple,yellowness,straw yellow,kelly,white and milkiness,some flowers of them have strong fragrance.Their leaves and fruits are not ordinary,and their tree shapes are very beautiful.Arbors grow fast with good stem shape and good timber.These important trees will have wide application prosperity in the ways of research,garden ornament,forestry,etc.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 48-53 [Abstract] ( 1805 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3118KB] ( 1400 )
54 CHEN Chang-Hong-;Liu-Ding-Hui-;Shu-Zhong-Lin-;Shu-Li-;Wang-Chang-Quan
Effects of straw-mulching and no-tillage on soil nutrients and carbon pool in Sichuan Basin
The content of NPK,different available carbons and CPMI are discussed through a fixed field experiment of three years on two kinds of different parent materials soil in Sichuan Basin.The results indicated that straw-mulching treatment increased the content of soil organic matter,total NPK,available NPK,different available carbons and CPMI.Treatment of straw-mulching-spiral-tillage can improve the quality of available carbon cool comparing with straw-mulching-no-tillage,and CA、CMB、CM and CPMI increased 5.81%-31.76%,33.87%-39.33%,15.42%-21.56% and 4.03%-21.13% respectively.The results of correlation analysis demonstrated that CPMI can reflect the dramatic variation of soil fertility and soil carbon more actively than that of soil organic matter.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 54-56 [Abstract] ( 1458 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2161KB] ( 1267 )
57 TU Zhong-Meng
Function of natural no-tillage technology in soil and water conservation
Though natural no-tillage technology has wide uses for every kind of soil both in theory and proactice,it has not used for soil and water conservation work.The paper introduces six key technologies,such as soil with humus,structure and bacteria,protection belt,irrigation work and sequential cropping,and four principles like successive rotation,soakage,planting and no-tillage for the implementation of the natural no-tillage technology,and analyzes the roles of the natural no-tillage technology for soil and water conservation.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 57-58 [Abstract] ( 1255 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1310KB] ( 1006 )
59 YANG Xie-;Diao-Xie-Jing-;Wang-Chang-Quan-;Wang-Chang-Tao
Research on leakage of nitrogen in the rotation field of rice and wheat under the conservation tillage
The purpose of this experiment was to research the leakage of nitrogen at the 60 cm depth of the rice field under the conservation tillage.The results showed that there was more NO-3-N losing in the rice field than NH+4-N no matter it was tillage,no tillage or straw cover.From a certain angel,no tillage and straw cover played a promotional role for leakage of NO-3-N.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 59-62 [Abstract] ( 1391 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2149KB] ( 1143 )
63 LI Long-Guo-;Cao-Shu-You-;Shu-Zhong-Yang
Water-saving irrigation and soil erosion
As a general,water-saving irrigation includes the development and utilization of water resources,the agricultural water-saving techniques and the water-saving irrigation techniques,etc..Those measures can change some soil erosion factors and take action to the soil and water conservation.Based on the studying of different water-saving measures,we got conclusions that water-saving irrigation can protect and improve and rational use the water and soil resources in mountain and hilly area,change the tiny landform in flopping filed,increase the ground roughness and the plant coverage,impound the precipitation and slowing the surface runoff,improve the soil structure,increasing the soil anti-erodibility,infiltration and water-saving capabilities etc.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 63-66 [Abstract] ( 1320 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2578KB] ( 1416 )
67 HU Jian-Zhong-;Li-Rong-;Jia-Jing-Fang-;Cha-Xiao-Ning
Accelerating soil and water losses control in slope land of south China by developing <i>Boehmeria nivea</i> enterprise
Boehmeria nivea is a good plant for realizing ecologic,economic,and social benefits in the slope land of south China.The development of Boehmeria nivea enterprises has been slowed down recently due to some problems in key technology,equipment and product research issues.Occupied a quota of more than 90% of the global Boehmeria nivea product,the fiber is called as "China Grass" in the world market,which belongs to one of the national treasures for a lot of time.We propose that the government at all levels should vigorously emphasize the development of Boehmeria nivea product and planting,pay more attention to solving the problems restricting the development,and accelerate the planting through the development of Boehmeria nivea product,so as to governing the severe soil and water losses in the slope land,and retrieval and develop the national enterprise of Boehmeria nivea for an environment with clean water and blue sky in China.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 67-69 [Abstract] ( 1583 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1989KB] ( 1354 )
70 QING Ta-Meng
Exploitation and utilization of <i>Boehmeria nivea</i> that is a good soil and water conservation plant in Sichuan
Boehmeria nivea,a good soil and water conservation plant,has a long history in plantation in Sichuan.It is perennial plant with good economic,ecological and social benefits.In Dazhu and Daxian counties of Dazhou City,Boehmeria nivea project is a good economic one for farmers.The author sums up five problems in Boehmeria nivea development,such as,severe pollution,extensive development,old equipment,tighten fund,and resistance in the process,and proposes four suggestion to promote Boehmeria nivea industry.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 70-72 [Abstract] ( 1307 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1539KB] ( 1197 )
73 LIU Zhong-Tian
Function of Boehmeria nivea in soil and water conservation
As a famous county for Boehmeria nivea platation,Dazhu,has a history for more than 3000 years in Boehmeria nivea plantation with rich planting experience.Based on the data of runoff plots from 1986 to 1989,and analysis of SWC reason of Boehmeria nivea, contrast among cash forest,SWC forest and Boehmeria nivea,the results are gained as follows: the retention for water,holding ability for sediments,anti-erodibility of Boehmeria nivea are all bigger than the others.Boehmeria nivea,which has strong function in SWC work,need to be popularized as a good plant for governing soil and water losses.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 73-74 [Abstract] ( 1554 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1033KB] ( 987 )
75 ZHENG Zi-Cheng-;Kong-Xiang-Dong
Eco-economic evaluation of three counties of Ya'an City
Faced to the actual situation of Ya'an City,eco-economic evaluation system has been established in this region,and eco-economic condition has been evaluated through the methods of AHP to the three counties,that is Yucheng,Mingshan and Hanyuan.The results shows that Yucheng's ecology benefit index is 0.216 0,the economic efficiency index is 0.433 2,the social efficiency index is 0.047 4,the eco-economy synthesis benefit index is 1.345 7,the composite index is obviously higher than those of Mingshan and Hanyuan;The difference of the eco-economy synthesis benefit index is not obvious between Mingshan and Hanyuan,but in various sub-items index ther are some differences,for example,Mingshan's social efficiency index is better than that of Hanyuan,but Hanyuan's ecology index is better than that of Mingshan.The study may provide the certain theory basis for the decision-making body,and to promote the counties to realize the sustainable development.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 75-78 [Abstract] ( 1497 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1993KB] ( 1362 )
79 JIA Meng-You-;Tun-Zhi
Estimation of economic loss from soil erosion in Nanchong
Based on the theory and method of Environmental Economy,the author estimates the effect from soil erosion,and calculate the effect into currency to be compared with main economic items in the areas to reflect the degree of soil and water losses.The total loss for soil erosion in currency is 622 million RMB in 2002,which occupies 4.96% of the agricultural productive value.Among them,the nutrition loss estimated to be 550 million RMB,occupies 88.45% of the total loss for soil erosion in currency.Soil erosion results in bad land productivity.The most severe areas are Nanbu county,Langzhong City of Nanchong,needing to be emphasized for governing.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 79-81 [Abstract] ( 1514 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2040KB] ( 1362 )
82 QIU Jing-;Lei-Xiao-Zhang-;Yang-Jian-Xia-;Chen-Beng-An
Study on soil and water losses prediction in waste disposal area close to river in hydro-power project of upper reaches of Minjiang River
The paper has calculated the real and design waste disposal amounts according to the survey of some hydro-power station in the upper reaches of Mingjiang River in July,2006,and got a loss to disposal ratio(LDR),that is,the ratio of loss to disposal in every waste disposal area.The reason and formation of LDR are studied.The reasonable scopes of LDR are proposed in the waste disposal area close to the upper reaches of Mingjiang River for stone tiles and slabs for providing references of soil and water losses prediction to the areas in the near future and similar areas.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 82-85 [Abstract] ( 1615 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2122KB] ( 1294 )
86 LIU Xiang
My opinions on soil and water conservation monitoring for development and construction project
Soil and water conservation monitoring is the fundamental work of soil and water conservation,which is still at the primary development stage at present.The paper mainly introduces the goal,significance,contents,indicator and characteristic of soil and water conservation monitoring for the development and construction project,and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures based on main problems in the project.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 86-87 [Abstract] ( 2188 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1239KB] ( 1144 )
88 XIE Lin-Chun-;Shu-Xue-Mei-;Shao-Ji-Rong
Current status of soil and water losses in mining areas and its control   measures
To reduce the losses of soil and water in the process of mineral resources exploitation,master the law of soil and water losses and explore the model of the restoration,the paper Sums up the corresponding engineering measures,plants,land renovation and cultivation,and put forward the "three at the same time" principles in the course of restoration on the basis of the analysis of soil and water losses and its reasons.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 88-89 [Abstract] ( 1706 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1675KB] ( 1694 )
90 ZHOU Zheng
Prediction of soil and water losses on compiling soil and water conservation scheme for development and construction project
The author proposes some thoughts and suggestions about the prediction of soil and water losses on ompiling soil and water conservation scheme for development and construction projects through the similarity method of projects.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 90-94 [Abstract] ( 1545 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2627KB] ( 1350 )
95 LIN Li-Jin-;Wang-Li-Liang-;Chen-Qi-Shui
Special role of plants in soil erosion control measures of metal mines
In the course of the exploitation of heavy metals mining,the mining area and the surrounding environment are affected from serious pollution of heavy metals.Therefore,It is very important to reducing the hazards of heavy metals in the metal mining area for the crop production safety and people's health.In this paper,the special role of plants to prevent soil erosion in the metal mine was briefly summarized.The soil erosion of the status in metal mine,the characteristics of phyto-remediation technology,ultra-enrichment plant section and the results,and the impact of other factors on special role of plants in the metal mine were presented with an expectation to provide reference for governing the ecological environment of metal mines.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 95-96 [Abstract] ( 1627 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1770KB] ( 1223 )
97 TU Zhi-Qin
Soil and water losses and counter measures of prevention and cure in construction of water conservancy works
In recent years,the numbers of water conservancy projects increases rapidly.In the past,because of the one-sided emphasis on the main building of water conservancy projects and the ignorance of soil and water conservation,most of the water conservancy construction has caused soil erosion in different extent.According to the survey materials,this article analyses the reason of soil erosion and water loss,and put a general protective measures.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 97-98 [Abstract] ( 1597 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1025KB] ( 1064 )
99 HU Jia
Primary discussion on ecological compensation mechanism for soil and water conservation
The mechanism of ecological compensation are being studied in China now.Some experiences have been achieved in Panzhihua,Sichuan,after a series of attempts.The author thinks that some correction to the present law,rules and related files must be done to adapt the new position and put the work into effect.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 99-101 [Abstract] ( 1476 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1641KB] ( 1314 )
102 XIE Jia-Jia
Thinking on prevention and supervising work of urban soil and water conservation in Deyang
The prevention and supervising work of soil and water conservation is very weak in plain,especially for the increasing of urban development and construction project,which has bad effects to environment.The paper studies the problems in the work of prevention and supervising of soil and water conservation in the plain area.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 102-104 [Abstract] ( 1366 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1697KB] ( 1223 )
105 XIANG Xiu-Meng
Some issues about project binding in ecological environment construction for soil and water conservation
The ecological environment construction is related with a lot of departments.The departments of water conservancy in Yibin have studied the project binding to realize maximum benefits of the fund from the Central government.Though remarkable results have been achieved in the work,project binding still has a lot of work to do.Some suggestions have been proposed in the paper to solve the existing problems.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 105-106 [Abstract] ( 1547 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1131KB] ( 1016 )
107 YANG Ting-You-;Yang-Fang-Qing
Problems and countermeasures of prevention and supervising works for soil and water conservation in development and construction projects in plain cities
Some man-made phenomena of soil and water losses have been gradually increased in the development and construction projects in plain cities as the process of urbanization.The paper studies the problems in laws,rules,administrative authorization and punishment,etc.,and proposes the corresponding countermeasures.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 107-111 [Abstract] ( 1457 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3222KB] ( 1244 )
112 LIU Zhong-Tian
Pulverized coal ash linear column and its utilization in terraced fields construction for soil and water conservation
The paper discusses the utilization of pulverized coal ash linear column(PCALC) in the project of terraced fields construction from sloping land.The use of PCALC can release the pressure of stone-slab shortage,solve the pollution,increase the quality of ridges of terraced fields,decrease the cost of enginerring,etc.,especially reduce the soil and water losses,and beautify the environment.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 112-113 [Abstract] ( 1437 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1229KB] ( 1080 )
114 HUANG Shun-Hua-;Li-Pin-De
Function and benefits of "Yangtze river control project" in new socialist countryside construction
For a small watershed in Yibin County,Sichuan province,which have been governing for nearly 20 years in "Yantze river control project",the author compares the achievements before and after the governing in economic,ecological and social aspects,and analyses the important function of SWC project in new socialist countryside construction compared with other similar project.A method is proposed for planning,desigh,coordination in the construction of new socialist countryside.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 114-116 [Abstract] ( 1392 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1814KB] ( 1267 )
117 DAI Xiao-Beng
Soil and water conservation:pioneer for new socialist countryside construction in Jiuli
Jiuli is a famous poor rural village in Liangjiang,Cuiping District,Yibin City.The soil erosion is very serious,resulting a poor ecological environment and poverty there.Relying on the village soil and water conservation projects,the grapes have been planting with a great success.So the enthusiasm and innovation of the local people for adjusting the industry and economy are positively and fully mobilized.Leading with the grape industry,the plantations of the loquat,peach,sha-pear,and other fruit varieties have been developed widely.Nowadays,the 313 hm2 continuous area surrounding the Jiuli rural village has been planted with economical fruits,and Jili has become a famous ecotourism district and a constructing model for the new socialist countryside construction.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 117-118 [Abstract] ( 1385 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1078KB] ( 989 )
119 DIAO Ling-Yun-;Yang-Wen-Wu
Discussion on new socialist countryside construction and soil and water conservation work in new period
As an important part of agriculture and rural economy,soil and water conservation is the important basis for socialist new countryside construction.At the process,soil and water conservation should emphasize the work by exerting the management function,strengthening the work of changing slope land to terraced fields and slope irrigation work,modulating the structure of rural economy,quickening the rural enterprises,improving environment of people being,and enhancing prevention and supervising.For increasing the technology in the work,the new mechanism for work and devotion should be set up according to the views of scientific development and human-oriented concept.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 119-120 [Abstract] ( 1413 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1233KB] ( 936 )
121 HUANG Lin
Innovating construction and management mechanism for implementing SWC project
A village-hamlet management mechanism has been established for implementing the soil and water conservation(SWC) project to solve the problem of careless management and low benefits.Some revelations after the measure are showed in the paper too.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 121-122 [Abstract] ( 1340 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1095KB] ( 1005 )
123 GUO Zhi-E
Soil and water conservation work and new socialist countryside construction
The paper discusses the relationship between soil and water conservation work and new socialist countryside construction.Soil and water conservation is a basis for realizing a sustainable agriculture,and a available measure and important ways to make people rich and fairly comfortable.The author put forward some suggestions on the issues of soil and water conservation to serve the new socialist countryside well.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 123-124 [Abstract] ( 1405 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1252KB] ( 1037 )
125 TUN Jun
Survey and thinking abount projects of water conservancy and soil and water conservation in new socialist countryside construction in Suining City
After the investigation and research to new rural water conservancy construction and water & soil conservation in a new socialist countryside model village——Jitoushi Village in Yufeng small watershed of Suining City.We explored the Water Conservancy & Water and soil Conservation Projects and the roles they played in six aspects in the new rural construction as well as the four existing problems.We reached five enlightenments and also raised four countermeasures.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 125-127 [Abstract] ( 1180 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2091KB] ( 1171 )
128 GUI Lai-Fu-;Xiang-Jian
Primary opinion on SWC and new socialist countryside construction
Through the analysis of the relationship between soil and water conservation(SWC) and new socialist countryside construction,the author put forward some thoughts and suggestions.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 128-130 [Abstract] ( 1352 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1593KB] ( 1160 )
131 WANG Xian-Fu
Position and function of SWC in new socialist countryside construction:discussion on courtyard SWC model in Cangci County,Sichuan  Province
The paper introduces the models for courtyard soil and water conservation(SWC), and its origin,development and mechanism,and sets forth its position and function in new socialist countryside construction(NSCC).Courtyard SWC is one of the reasonable ways to improve the environment,set up the harmonious society,and construct a new socialist countryside.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 131-134 [Abstract] ( 1388 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2511KB] ( 1358 )
135 FENG Ba-Cheng-;Li-Feng-Yang-;He-Xin-;He-Lian-Jun
Measure of acceptance deposit of aggregating capital and labor and its application in project of soil and water conservation of national agricultural comprehensive development
As the banning of "The taxes and fees" and "two labors" along with more and more farmers leaving countryside for city jobs,the labors and capitals of the project of soil and water conservation of national agricultural comprehensive development are difficult to solve.Therefore,the Soil and Water Conservation Office of Yanting County proposed a scheme by gathering capital and labor through making measures of acceptance deposit as the guarantee for the project.Its establishment has insured the project and popularized in the whole county.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 135-136 [Abstract] ( 1440 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1829KB] ( 1165 )
137 FU Yu-Chuan
Exploration and ponder of Beichuan County in mountainous area soil and water loss control work
The Beichuan Qiang national minority Autonomous County is located at northeast the Sichuan Mianyang's mountainous area county,2005 year are listed as 2006—2008 year country agriculture to flood guarantees the county,project area determination northeast county Ba River project area.To complete 2006—2008 year country agriculture to flood completely guarantees the duty,in 2006 year in the project start,Beichuan first was clear about "the construction to pass through ten thousand Chinese acre walnut bases" this strategic target,acted according to the mountainous area soil and water loss control work mentality which again oneself explored: Floods take the agriculture guarantees the project as the main item,the national territory,the forestry,the agriculture and so on related department coordinates closely,the individual owner invests enthusiastically,project area populace participation positively,fan out from point to area,the application of local experience to the entire area,has done each control work comprehensively,thus achieves the year duty plan quantity.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 137-138 [Abstract] ( 1356 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1150KB] ( 1001 )
139 KONG Xiang-Dong-;Huang-Jian-Dong
Discussion on management experience of soil and water conservation in   Sichuan
The management and protection of soil and water conservation projects are very important to guarantee the sustainable development of benefits.From the management and proctection of the "Yangtze River management project" in Sichuan,experiences have been acquired as three aspects,that is,managing on the basis of laws and setting up the system of management and protection;manifesting the property right and implementing the responsibility of management and protection;innovating the mechanism and manoeuvring the participants' enthusiasm of management and protection.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 139-141 [Abstract] ( 1386 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2507KB] ( 859 )
142 LIAO Ying-Quan
Discussion on "Yangtze River control project" and new socialist countryside construction in Pingshan County
As one of a national poverty-stricken counties,Pingshan county stick to the principle of not only controlling slope but village,and a harmonious status of prevention and development in the process of Yangtze River control project(YRCP), to construct ecological civilization.YRCP has improved the conditions both in production and life of countryside,enhanced the incomes of farmers,and the rural civilization in the countryside as well.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 142-144 [Abstract] ( 1433 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1777KB] ( 956 )
145 LI Meng
Preliminary approach to soil and water conservation models of open economic zones and small residential districts in Dazhou City
The paper focused on a new soil and water conservation model of open economic zones and small residential districts,which was used for comprehensive treatment and exploiture of hilly area's soil and water losses in Dazhou city Sichuan province.Expatiating on the characteristics and advantages,this paper introduced the specific approach for soil and water conservation of the districts and main achievements in detail,which would be helpful for the rehabilitation in the district.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 145-148 [Abstract] ( 1371 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2548KB] ( 918 )
149 HUI Dun-Li-;Lin-Li-Jin-;Shu-Xue-Mei
Thinking on soil and water conservation in new era
Soil erosion is the No.1 environmental problem in China.This article expounded construction of the Soil and Water Conservation in the new period in nine respects as follows: carrying out soil and water conservation advocacy effectively;reforming and innovating Programming of Soil and Water Conservation;implementing soil and water conservation monitoring seriously;improving legislation and law enforcement supervision;increasing investment and incentive;strengthening research on soil and water conservation;combining the construction with the traditional soil and water conservation measures;promote scientific and technological progress,expand international exchanges and cooperation.Some recommendations are proposed too.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 149-150 [Abstract] ( 1365 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1795KB] ( 976 )
151 XU Zheng-Lin
Seizing opportunity and promoting bamboo industry in Naxi
Bamboo industry has been developed fluently in Naxi district,Luzhou City,Sichuan Province in recent years by strengthening social factors to control soil and water losses,and promote new socialist countryside construction.The benefits both in ecology and economy have been greatly improved in the district.The author puts forward some suggestions for the problem in the process.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 151-153 [Abstract] ( 1206 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1812KB] ( 893 )
154 WANG Yu-Hai-;Feng-Cheng
Ways of ecological restoration for soil and water conservation in Xichong County
The paper summarizes the work of soil and water conservation in the past sixteen years,introduces the current situation of soil and water conservation,clarify the importance of restoring the ecology and put forward solutions to the future ecological restoration in Xichong County.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 154-157 [Abstract] ( 1324 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2486KB] ( 947 )
158 SUN Zheng-Yong
SWC and new socialist countryside construction in Wangcang
More emphasizes have been put into the eco-environment construction in Wangcang county,Sichuan province,for new socialist countryside construction(NSCC).Soil and water conservaton(SWC) is the important part for NSCC.The position of SWC in NSCC is discussed in the paper.SWC is basis and support for NSCC.The author proposes some measures for SWC in NSCC.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 158-159 [Abstract] ( 1233 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1804KB] ( 1046 )
160 XIE Song-Liang-;Tun-Xin-Zhong
Relationship of courtyard SWC and new socialist countryside
Soil and water conservation(SWC) in courtyard,is a good way to support and realize the new socialist countryside construction(NSCC),whereas the NSCC promots the development of courtyard SWC.Based on the small watershed comprehensive control,courtyard and adjacent scope is a reasonable place to cure the soil and water losses,improve the environment of human being and ecology,regulate the rural industry structure,increase farmer's income,and realize a harmonious landscape both for human being and nature.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 160-163 [Abstract] ( 1376 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2620KB] ( 864 )
164 KONG Xiang-Dong-;Zhou-Bin
Status and countermeasure of soil and water losses control through big-household ways in Sichuan
Sichuan is one of the severest province of soil and water losses in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.The so-called big-household control is a very important way to promote the soil and water conservation process.Some good experiences have been gained in the practice of controlling soil and water losses in some important counties of Sichuan.The paper puts forward some countermeasures to solve the existing problems.The mechanism of policy for big-household control should be set up and perfect gradually,and some measures to lead and supervise the big-household should also be set up according the laws.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 164-167 [Abstract] ( 1581 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2436KB] ( 940 )
168 HUANG Zhen-Yong
Pushing forward soil and water conservation work in Shifang City with firm confidence
Since the reform and opening up in China,especially in recent years,Shifang municipal party committee and people's government conscientiously implement Comrade Jiang Zemin's instruction to control soil erosion in the practice of a series projects like the Central Soil and Water Conservation Bonds,Comprehensive Agricultural Development,Mountain Development and Construction.They focus on the ecological construction to practice the "Three Represents","Morale Project",which has greatly improved the ecological environment and production conditions, enhanced the comprehensive agricultural production capacity,promoted a sustainable economic growth in the county.Thinkings on ways to continue soil and water conservation work have been proposed in the paper too.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 168-169 [Abstract] ( 1526 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1601KB] ( 881 )
170 ZHOU Bin-;Qing-Ta-Meng-;Huang-Jian-Dong
Practice and probing in promoting comprehensive agricultural development project-soil and water conservation component through project integration in Chuanshan district,Suining City
For the implementation of the comprehensive agricultural development project-soil and water conservation component,a project integration has been carried out in Chuanshan District,Suining city,Sichuan province,to solve the problems,such as the segmentation in departments and districts,decentralization of invest and places,small scales,etc.,through the methods of government plan,total layout,and department coordination.The integration has inaugurated the model in soil and water conservation for a total benefits and got a remarkable results.
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 170-173 [Abstract] ( 1431 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2250KB] ( 905 )
174 WANG Heng-;Shu-Xue-Mei-;Shao-Ji-Rong
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 174-175 [Abstract] ( 1305 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1115KB] ( 853 )
176 HU Yao-Ai-;Liu-Yuan-Guo
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 176-177 [Abstract] ( 1175 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1149KB] ( 772 )
178 TU Zhong-Meng
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 178-179 [Abstract] ( 1466 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1101KB] ( 811 )
180 DENG Chi-Yu
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 180-181 [Abstract] ( 1099 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1192KB] ( 777 )
182 HE Xin-Zhong
2008 Vol. 6 (S1): 182-182 [Abstract] ( 908 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 560KB] ( 771 )
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