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2009 Vol.7 No.2      Published 01 April 2009

1 LIU Gan-;Lei-Ting-Wu-;Diao-Jun
Effects of initial soil water content and rainfall intensity on Loess infiltration capacity
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 1982 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3251KB] ( 1434 )
7 HONG Xiao-Yong-;Zheng-Fen-Chi-;Zhang-Xin-He
Effects of upslope runoff on detachment and transport processes on loessial hillslopes
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 7-11 [Abstract] ( 1676 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2661KB] ( 1147 )
12 TAN Zhen-Hua-;Wang-Tie-Li-;Ma-Chun-Yan-;Liu-Dun-E-;Yuan-Yan
Simulated-rainfall experimental research on soil erosion processes on downslope segment of loess hillslope
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 12-17 [Abstract] ( 1713 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3978KB] ( 1495 )
18 FU Su-Hua-;Liu-Bao-Yuan-;Lu-Bing-Jun-;Yuan-Ai-Ping-;Wang-Nan
Effect of soil conservation practice on runoff and sediment in upper reach of Guanting Reservoir
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 18-23 [Abstract] ( 2238 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3354KB] ( 2345 )
24 ZHANG Rui-Fang-;Wang-Xuan-;Fan-Hao-Meng-;Zhou-Li-Li-;Wu-Min-;Liu-Yan-Hua
Study on the regionalization of freeze-thaw zones in China and the erosion characteristics
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 24-28 [Abstract] ( 1991 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2738KB] ( 1645 )
29 HU Jian-Zhong-;Du-Wen-Yan-;Guo-Hai-;Yan-Li-Jiang-;Liu-Li-Ying-;He-Jing-Liang-;Guo-Jian-Yang-;Jia-Bo
Female and male proportions of artificial Hippophae rhamnoedes ssp. sinensis forest in soft sandstone area
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 29-34 [Abstract] ( 1560 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3654KB] ( 1466 )
35 DONG Chi-Li-;Zheng-Fen-Chi
Fractal characteristics of soil particles in the Hilly-gully Regions of the Loess Plateau,North of Shaanxi,China
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 35-41 [Abstract] ( 1769 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3505KB] ( 1700 )
42 LI Wei-;Tu-Xin-Xiao-;Yue-Yong-Jie
Rainfall characteristics under canopy of main tree species in loess area
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 42-47 [Abstract] ( 1547 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3390KB] ( 1433 )
48 MENG Qiang-Xiang-;Liu-Guo-Ban-;Yang-Qi-Ke
Dynamic change of land use and its ecological effects on the Loess Plateau
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 48-53 [Abstract] ( 1530 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3822KB] ( 1383 )
54 QIN Wei-;Shu-Qing-Ke-;Liu-Zhong-Ai-;Xue-Zhi-De-;Diao-Lei-Lei-;Li-Yang
Assessment on soil conservation value of the returning farmland to forestland and grassland project based on GIS and RS:Taking the Simianyaogou Watershed of Wuqi,Shaanxi as the example
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 54-62 [Abstract] ( 1747 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 4882KB] ( 1248 )
63 LIU Bin-Hui-;Liu-Yan-Ling
Spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity in Heilongjiang Province
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 63-68 [Abstract] ( 1720 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3444KB] ( 1579 )
69 LI Liang-Dong-;Gao-Feng-;Mu-Xin-Min-;Mo-Chi
Spatial-temporal varieities of rainfall erosivity in the Liaohe River Basin
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 69-73 [Abstract] ( 1487 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2593KB] ( 1260 )
74 LI Tie-Hong-;Hai-Chun-Xin-;Cong-Yan-Jing
Topsoil particle-size distribution and its spatial variation in Mo Us Desert
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 74-79 [Abstract] ( 1656 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3794KB] ( 1535 )
80 WANG Shuai-;Ha-Shi
Air flow dynamics of the blowout trough in the Hulun Buir sandy grassland
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 80-85 [Abstract] ( 1520 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3329KB] ( 1526 )
86 DAN Sha-;Ju-Hua-Yong-;Zhang-Chun-Lai-;Su-Ge-Ri-Le
Investigation of vegetation restoration in the area of Beijing and Tianjin sandstorm source control project
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 86-92 [Abstract] ( 1673 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 4535KB] ( 1598 )
93 JU Ai-Beng-;Chen-Zhi-Biao-;Chen-Li-Hui
Spatio-temporal variation of eroded landscape in typical small watershed in the hilly region of red soil: A case study of Zhuxihe Small Watershed in Changting County,Fujian Province
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 93-99 [Abstract] ( 1629 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3480KB] ( 1286 )
100 LI Fen-;Wang-Ji-Jun
Driving forces analysis of agro-ecological security change of Zhifanggou Catchment in Hilly-gully Region of the Loess Plateau
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 100-106 [Abstract] ( 1494 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3731KB] ( 1280 )
107 LIU Ceng-Wen-;Duan-Er-Jun-;Fu-Gang-;Cui-Fang-Fang
Soil polarizations of forest plantation in semi-humid gullied area of southern Loess Plateau
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 107-112 [Abstract] ( 1744 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 3269KB] ( 1397 )
113 LIU Yan-;Song-Yu-Min-;Chen-Fu-Liang-;Ma-Feng-Yun-;Hou-Long-Yu
Effects of mulching on emergence rate of direct seeding of four tree species
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 113-117 [Abstract] ( 1495 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2802KB] ( 1549 )
118 ZHOU Gang-;Tian-Yo-Xin-;Chen-Guo-Yu-;Fu-Zheng-Liang-;Bao-Wen
Runoff and sediment yield on slope land in initial stages of conversion of cropland to forest in Northwestern Hunan Province
2009 Vol. 7 (2): 118-122 [Abstract] ( 1473 ) [HTML] ( ) [PDF 2663KB] ( 1424 )
SSWC Continuously Indexed in the 2023 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journal of China”
Notice on the Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members for the Journal of SSWC
Theme on Spreading Spirits of Great Scientists: LIANG Xi, the Founder of Forestry Education in China
ZHENG Fenli, CHEN Liding and LEI Tingwu in the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier
SSWC Indexed in the 2020 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Science of Soil and Water Conservation Accepted for Inclusion in Scopus
2020 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in Beijing, Concurrently
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of CSCD during 2019-2020
SSWC Indexed in the 2017 edition of “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Appreciation for peer reviewer of SSWC Editorial Board
2017 Editor-in-Chief Meeting of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Held in the Yangling of Shaan
Professor Wang Lixian, Former Editor-in-Chief of SSWC Won Norman Hudson Memory Award
Calls for Papers in English
Deputy Editor-in-Chief Cui Peng Elected as a Member of 9th National Committee of CAST
Three Members of SSWC Editorial Board Rewarded as NOSTW in 7th Session Assessment
Election of 4th Editorial Board and First Meeting of New Board Held in Beijing
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SSWC, Academician Cui Peng elected as a member of the IRDR SC
Notice About The 5 Not-Allowed Rules While Publishing Academic Articles by 7 Organizations
SSWC Indexed in “A Guide to the Core Journals of China”
Science of Soil and Water Conservation Calls for Papers
SSWC Selected to Be in Core Library of Source Journals of Chinese Science Citation Database During
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Five Papers of Science of Soil and Water Conservation Determined as Excellent in 5th Assessment
Congratulations to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Cui Peng Elected as Academician of Chinese Academy of Scie
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