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2009 Vol.7 No.1  Published 2009-02-28
1 CUI Yan-Beng, ZHENG Fen-Chi, LIU Yu
Effects of hydrological conditions on soil erosion and nutrient loss at purple soil hillslope
This paper quantitatively studied effects of hydrological conditions on soil erosion,nitrogen and phosphorus losses at purple soil hillslope by using of rainfall simulator.Experimental treatments included two levels of fertilizer input(low and high input) and four near-surface soil hydrological conditions(free infiltration;water saturation;subsurface flow without rainfall;and subsurface flow with rainfall).Rainfall intensity of 60 mm/h was simulated for 60 min.The results showed that soil loss of subsurface flow with rainfall and water saturation treatments is 3.1 and 1.7 times higher than that of free infiltration.The concentrations and losses of the NO3-N and HPO4-P in surface runoff of subsurface flow without rainfall,subsurface flow with rainfall,and water saturation are much higher than those of free infiltration.Under the low fertilizer input,the NO3-N concentrations in surface runoff from free infiltration,water saturation,subsurface flow without rainfall and subsurface flow with rainfall are 0.88,58.90,698.41,and 87.80 mg/L,respectively;HPO4-P concentrations from free infiltration,water saturation,subsurface flow without rainfall and subsurface flow with rainfall are 0.252,0.322,0.811 and 0.383 mg/L,respectively.Similar trends are observed for the concentrations of NO3-N and HPO4-P under the high fertilizer treatment.NO3-N and HPO4-P loadings from water saturation and subsurface flow with rainfall are 27-39 and 100-114 times higher than those from free infiltration;and HPO4-P loadings from water saturation and subsurface flow with rainfall are 1.3 and 1.5-1.7 times higher than those from free infiltration.Meanwhile,the losses of the NO3-N and HPO4-P in sediment from subsurface flow with rainfall and water saturation are higher than those from free infiltration.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 1838 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3714KB] ( 1212 )
8 CHEN Ru-Gong, TU Xin-Xiao, XIE Chong-Bao
Impacts of land use and rainfall intensity on runoff and sediment load in the Lu'ergou watershed on the Loess Plateau
This paper describes a developed methodology based on the statistical analyses on sediment yield and runoff volume for individual rainfall events during 1982-2005 of the Lu'ergou watershed,located at the Ganshu Province,in the Loess Plateau.These analysis evaluated the relationships between timely runoff-rainfall and timely sediment runoff for different rainfall intensity and different land use patterns.For the relationships between timely,power and exponential functions were found regarding runoff-rainfall and sediment yield-runoff,respectively.This paper also presents the influences of land use variation on soil erosion under the circumstance of different rainfall intensity of the watershed.The results show that from the long run that is necessary to adjust the land use structure in order to improve the rate of forest land of the watershed.In addition,it is also needed to increase the vegetation cover of the watershed to control soil erosion in Loess Plateau.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 8-12 [Abstract] ( 2016 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5463KB] ( 1486 )
13 LIU Chun-Li, SHAO Meng-An
Spatial variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water of the surface layer of a slope on the Loess Plateau
A geo-statistical method was used to study the spatial variability of a soil surface layer(0-30 cm),for analysis of the spatial patterns of saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water,on a slope(50 m×360 m) of the Loess Plateau,using a grid sampling method(10 m×10 m space).Results indicated that bulk density of the layer is higher at the bottom than that at the top.The variation coefficient of the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity is 0.37,which belongs to the middle variation degree.Saturated hydraulic conductivity and its natural logarithm have no characteristic spatial variability in the 360 m distance,indicating that both are purely random variables;a line model can be used to describe the characteristic variation in soil water.The distribution of soil water has an obvious nugget effect,the semi-variance increasing with an increase in lag distance.Saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water content fluctuate wavily along the slope with the largest values of saturated hydraulic conductivity corresponding to the lowest values of soil water.Conversely,soil water is high when saturated hydraulic conductivity is low.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 13-18 [Abstract] ( 1927 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3288KB] ( 1282 )
19 ZHANG Xiao-Ping, ZHANG Lu, WANG Yong, MU Xin-Min
Tempo-spatially responses of the annual streamflow to LUCC in the middle reaches of Yellow River,China
Land use/cover changes(LUCC) have profound impacts on many aspects of the environment,including hydrology.To control the severe soil erosion in the Loess Plateau,China,a great number of soil conservation measures and eco-environmental construction have been implemented in the studied region especially from 1970s.These measures have resulted in large scale land use/cover change and considerably modified the streamflow leading to reduced water yield.It is important to understand the impacts of the soil conservation measures on streamflow and its tempo-spatial change pattern in the arid and semi arid region.In this study,data from 38 catchments in the Hekou-Longmen section of middle reaches of Yellow River were analyzed to investigate the responses of streamflow to the land use/cover changes.The nonparametric Mann-Kendall test and Pettitt test were used to identify trends and change points in the streamflow records.It was found that 29 out of the 38 catchments had significant downward trends in annual streamflow ranging from 0.17 to 2.61 mm/a.Pioneer abrupt changes in annual streamlfow defined by change points occurred from 1970 to 1973 found in Wuding River.In other catchments,the change points occurred from 1978 to 1985,the latest was in 1994.The other catchments with no significant trend located mainly in South-West part of study area probably caused by the complex human activities.For Hekou-Longmen section,the streamflow was significant downtrend with 0.79 mm/a and the change point occurred in 1979.Frequency analysis showed that the ratio of reduction in annual streamflow during before and after periods at 5%,50% and 95% percentile were mostly from 30% to 60%.The highest reduction reached to 73.2%,63.5% and 69.7%,respectively.For the whole Hekou-Longmen section,the annual streamflow reduced by 46.5%,42.4% and 24.1%,respectively.It was estimated that the land use/cover changes accounted for over 50% of reduction in mean annual streamflow in 9 of 11 catchments.The construction of soil conservation measures,especially sediment trapping dams,appeared to be the main cause for the changes of mean annual streamflow.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 19-26 [Abstract] ( 1646 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4498KB] ( 1527 )
27 CHEN Jie, LIU Wen-Zhao, WANG Wen-Long, LI Zhi
Characteristics of precipitation and soil erosive rainfall in Changwu Loess Plateau-gully Region
The monthly and annual distribution characteristics of precipitation as well as the probability distribution of annual precipitation were studied,utilizing the daily precipitation from 1957 to 2006,data of which supplied by the Changwu Meteorological Station.The results demonstrate that the distribution of monthly precipitation is variable,and mainly concentrated in July,August,and September.The total annual precipitation varied greatly from year to year.The annual variation of precipitation is larger than the annual variation of rainy days.Analysis of the soil erosive rainfall showed that the highest occurrence of rainfall happened in July and August.The times of rainfall that amounts of rainfall less than 30 mm were more than others.As to single soil erosive rainfall,the rainfall intensity reduced along with the rainfall amount increasing.Meanwhile the times of rainfall duration within 30 min are more than that over 30 min.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 27-31 [Abstract] ( 1857 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3288KB] ( 1507 )
32 CUI Yan, LI Dui, YANG Qi-Ke, TAO Zhi-Hong
Design of the regional soil erosion model based on GIS
Regional soil erosion model is a effective tool for regional soil erosion survey and policy-making of water and soil conservation.This thesis attempts to develop regional soil erosion model,according to the oversea regional soil erosion model,the study region was divided into regular cells based on DEM.The sub-process of interception,infiltration,surface storage were quantitatively described.Transportation and Accumulation of runoff among units was calculated by means of spatial analytic function of GIS.According to using the concrete data of the Yanhe drainage basin to calculate,the result reflects the tense and spatial tendency and difference of soil erosion.It will support macro-decisions of soil and water conservation.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 32-36 [Abstract] ( 1650 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2933KB] ( 1175 )
37 XIAO Xiang, CHEN Li-Hua, TU Xin-Xiao
Hydrological effects of two artificial forest ecosystems in Miyun reservoir of Beijing
The hydrological effect of canopy,litter and soil of different plantations in the west of Miyun reservoir in Beijing were observed and analyzed.The results showed that canopy interception,throughfall and stemflow of Pinus tabuleaefomis and the mixed Quercus acutissima and Platycladus orientalis stands account for 8.46%-8.97%,30.80%-90.63%,0.12%-1.62% and 0.53%-29.35%,68.48%-93.71%,2.17%-5.76% of the rainfall input in open field,respectively.The average rates of canopy interception are 29.23% and 18.21% for the pine stand and mixed stand.The maximum water holding capacity of the litters of the two stands are 1.51 mm and 1.76 mm,respectively.The maximum and the effective soil water storage capacity of 0-30 cm soil layer in Pinus tabuleaefomis plantation and the mixed Quercus acutissima and Platycladus orientalis stands are 204.90 mm and 68.23 mm,160.80 mm and 41.87 mm,respectively.The stable infiltration rate are 0.68 mm/min and 0.22 mm/min in Pinus tabuleaefomis plantation and the mixed Quercus acutissima and Platycladus orientalis stands,respectively.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 37-42 [Abstract] ( 1742 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3215KB] ( 1575 )
43 LIN Yi, BI Hua-Xin, YUN Lei
Analysis of landscape pattern of Changwu County in the Loess Plateau-gully region
Based on the remote sensing data in 2005,the general features of land use type and landscape patterns in Changwu County,Shaanxi Province,in the Loess Plateau were studied with the methodologies of remote sensing,geographical information system(GIS)and the landscape ecology.It is shown that: the matrix landscape in this area was garden plot and woodland,which were embedded by other landscape patches.The current landscape pattern in the study area illustrated its landscape features as low biodiversity,high distribution evenness,low level of heterogeneity and low fragmentation and fractal dimension of the overall landscape in this area.It was learned from the patch area and the patch density that the fragmentation of farmland and garden plot is high,but it is low in the woodland. The results also showed that there was obviously negative correlation between the area of the garden plot and the woodland and there was obviously positive correlation between the dominance and the contagion.The results demonstrated that Penggong village had mainly high level of dominance and contagion and low level of fractal dimension dominated by large blocks of garden plot and woodland.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 43-48 [Abstract] ( 1909 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3534KB] ( 1385 )
49 ZHAN Hai-Xia, ZHANG Guang-Can, LIU Xia, TAO Xiao-You
Fractal features of soil particle size distribution and infiltration characteristics under different vegetation communities in the forestland of Yimeng mountains area
For exploring the improving effect and the mechanism of the forest vegetation to soil fractal structure and infiltration property in Yimeng mountainous area,composition of soil particles and infiltration under seven vegetation communities of Yimeng forestry area are studied according to the theories and means of soil fractal geometry and hydrology.Results indicate that: 1) All kinds of forest communities have obvious function of meliorating soil particle structure and characteristics of infiltration,the improved degree of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest(Pinus densiflora & Quecus variabilis Carr.) is higher than broad-leaved forest(Robinia pseudoacacia,Quecus variabilis Carr.) and coniferous forest(Pinus densiflora).2) Soil particle composition which is positive correlativity obviously between the soil fractal dimension and soil infiltration rate displays a typical fragment of rocky mountainous area.3)Fractal geometry mechanism of forest communities meliorating soil fractal structure and infiltration property is that by raising the content of fine-grained soil particles to increase the soil fractal dimension,thereby improving both aggregate structure and pore structure,the degree of soil texture uniformity and the infiltration capacity is advanced.The research findings can provide reference for scientific selection and distribution of water conserving vegetation types in Yimeng mountainous area.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 49-56 [Abstract] ( 1742 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 6317KB] ( 1378 )
57 LI Meng-Ze, YING Tian-Yu, FAN Wen-Xi, LIU Li-Juan
Remote Sensing quantitative evaluation for desertification degree of Nenjiang sandy land:A case study with in Durbote Autonomous County of Mongolian Minority
Autonomous County of Mongolian Minority,Durbote is located at the center of Nenjiang sandy land,which was a good representation to study the Nenjiang sandy desertification degree.The remote sensing information model was used in this study for the quantitative evaluation of the desertification degree to this region.The desertification degree of the 63 selected plots in the study area were investigated,simultaneously the ETM+ remote sensing images were obtained.And from the images the main desertification appraisal factors such as vegetation cover degree,biomass and percentage of the bare sandy land occupying the land were retrieved quantitatively by remote sensing;the surface crust and the soil texture were extracted by the qualitative method combining with the visual interpretation.The quantitative remote sensing information model taking a pixel as a unit for desertification degree estimation was established and then the desertification degree map was output,which was all based on the existing desertification appraisal methods.The model precision was evaluated by using 63 measured plots,and among which 57 plots were exactly estimated.The result indicated that,the precision of the remote sensing information model for the quantitative evaluation to the desertification degree in autonomous county of Mongolian minority,Durbote was up to 90.5%.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 57-61 [Abstract] ( 1489 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2885KB] ( 1170 )
62 LIU Hai-Long, TU Chi-Jia, XIONG Wei, WANG Pan-Hui, ZHOU Mei, GUAN Wei, SHI Zhong-Jie, DU A-Peng
Drought resistance of ten woody plants in Liupan Mountain
The water parameters of ten woody plants(Quercus liaotungensis,Tilia paucicostata,Betula platyphylla,Betula albo-sinensis,Betula utilis,Larix principis-rupprechtii,Pinus armandii,Populus davidiana,Prunus davidiana,Hippophae rhamnoides) were measured by pressure-volume technique,and the drought resistance of ten woody plants were evaluated from July to August in 2005 in the south (Xiangshuihe Watershed,semi-humid area) and north(Diediegou Watershed,semiarid area) of Liupan Mountain,Ningxia.The results showed that the order of drought-resistant characteristics of the ten woody species were different evaluated by each of all water parameters in the measurement period.A comprehensive evaluation of the drought resistance of the ten plants was conducted by using fuzzy function method,and the result indicated that the ability of drought resistance of 7 woody plants in the Xiangshuihe Watershed was followed as:Tilia paucicostata,Pinus armandii,Quercus liaotungensis,Larix principis-rupprechtii,Betula platyphylla,Betula albo-sinensis,Betula utilis;the order of drought resistance of 4 woody plants in the Diediegou Watershed was followed as: Larix principis-rupprechtii,Prunus davidiana,Hippophae rhamnoides,Populus davidiana.and the result of which was similar to that of the method by using the ratio of bound water to free water as an evaluate index.It meant that the ability of water storage in plant body played a very important role in evaluating the drought resistance of tree species.There was a significant difference in drought resistance of Larix principis-rupprechtii between two different regions,the ability of drought-resistant of this tree species was stronger in Diediegou Watershed than that in Xiangshuihe Watershed.It showed that the ability of drought resistance of the same tree species could be improved as a result of long-term adoptation to drought.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 62-66 [Abstract] ( 1640 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3081KB] ( 1375 )
67 ZHOU Ping, LIU Guo-Ban, HOU Chi-Lu
Biomass and species diversity of herbosa at different position and aspects of slope in the Hilly-gully Region of Loess Plateau
Based on the investigation of herbasa of different positions and aspects of slope in the Dafanjiagou and Guaigou of Zhifanggou watershed on the Loess Plateau,the indices of coverage,above-ground biomass and species diversity were analyzed.The results showed that the number of species reach to twenty in the shady slope,thirty percent more than that of sunny slope.The biomass and coverage of herbosa is decreasing from upper slope to the lower slope both on the sunny and shady slope.The shrubs appears in the batter condition with more water and nutrients.Margalef and Menhinick richness indices are decreasing with slope position raising in the sunny slope,while Mafgalef index in the shady slope has the same law,but Menhinick index in the shady slope is increasing with slope position raising.The three eveness indices and biodiversity indices are all decreasing with raising of slope position.There are significant difference among herbosa coverage,Margalef and Alatalo indices of different slope positions(P<0.05).Meanwhile,there are also significant positive correlation between slope position and Margalef index,Alatalo index(P<0.05),also extremely significant positive correlation between slope position and Shannon-wiener index(P<0.01).In order to avoid one sidedness causing by using signal index,it would be better to choose more biodiversity indices to describe or evaluate diversity,richness or evenness of herbosa in practice.Mastering the characters of herbosa,its habitats and recognizing succession condition and discipline are very important for guiding the ecosystem restoration.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 67-73 [Abstract] ( 1998 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4583KB] ( 1263 )
74 YANG Zhi-Guo, DIAO Xiu-Hai, LIU Xiang-Min, LUO Yi-Qun, ZHOU Xiao-Meng, CHEN Mo-Meng, LI Yu-Jie, ZHANG Ji-Wen
Effects of different afforestation measures on vegetation restoration and wind erosion of Huangyangtan Sandland
Plantation of different species was made in Hangyangtan Sandland.Effects of natural vegetation restoration and difference of wind erosion in stands were studied in 7 years after plantation to provide scientific basis for Hangyangtan Sandland and other similar areas.Natural vegetation restoration process was speed up in Caragana microphylla and Platycladus orientalis stands based on species richness,the opposite effect in the Populus alba var.Pyramidalis and Populus euramercana 107 stands,and little effect in Elaeagnus angustifolia and Ulmus pumila stands.The undergrowth was dominated by annual herbs in the P.alba var.pyramidalis and P.euramericana 107.A slight increase of the shrubs and perennial herbs were found in the E.angustifolia and U.pumilaforests.And the life-form spectra tended to diversification in the C.microphylla and P.orientalis stands.Observation data showed that wind erosion was most serious in the P.alba var.pyramidalis and P.euramericana 107 stands,and that in the E.angustifolia and U.pumila forest was the second.Natural vegetation similarity coefficient in the same desertification stage is higher than the value in different stages of those stands.So C.microphylla and P.orientalis are the best choice as afforestation species,E.angustifolia and U.pumilaforests are the second,and P.alba var.pyramidalis and P.euramericana 107 should not be chosen.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 74-79 [Abstract] ( 1598 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 6048KB] ( 1488 )
80 WANG Ling-Ling, TAO Wen-Yi, SHEN Shen-Zhou, YANG Chun-Xia
Effects of grass coverage on shallow flow hydraulic parameters and sediment reduction
The experiment is to study the soil erosion characteristic under different grass coverage,flow amount on slope.The result shows that: the flow on slope covered by grass is turbulent flow or transition flow;the Re is changing between 0.27 and 2.04,the Fr is changing between 326 and 1 538,the f is changing between 8.3 and 16.29.Average velocity of flow on slope under 30% and 70% coverage is reduced by 25% and 47% respectively compared with bare slope,Grass cover could reduces the sediment yield,but the effect of drag flow will be weaken with the discharge increasing.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 80-83 [Abstract] ( 1590 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2659KB] ( 1496 )
84 ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Zhi-Jiang, XIE Bao-Yuan, WU Jun, TUN Bin, DIAO Hui-Juan, DIAO Yuan-Yuan, WANG Li, TANG Yin, LIU En
Estimating methods for non-point source pollution of small watershed in drinking water source area
Nitrogen pollutant in Miyun Tumenxigou small watershed was estimated by export coefficient method,the Universal Soil Loss Equation,Runoff field experiment and relevant relationship method.The results show that: Johnes model of the export coefficient method and the export coefficient model which was considered the rainfall impact on,had large relative error.Considering the loss of watershed the of export coefficients method was the best,of which the simulation value closed to the true one and the relative error was 5%.Export coefficient method is suitable for the region where there is no enough observation data.Export coefficient is the key to improve the accuracy of estimation.The relative error will be smaller if non-point source pollution area are divided into smaller type block and the monitoring results of runoff plot can be used for the whole small watershed.The relative error of runoff plot experiment estimation in Miyun Tumenxigou small watershed reached to 8% by this method.Relevant relationship method needs establish the relationship between pollution load and rainfall,which requires long-term rainfall-water quality monitoring data.Relative error of relevant relationship method was approximate to 4%.Universal Soil Loss Equation did not take into account the transport capacity of runoff,estimation error of which was relatively large.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 84-91 [Abstract] ( 1455 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5984KB] ( 1643 )
92 WANG Fu, LI Gong-Li, DONG Zhi, DONG Lu-Guang, SUN Meng-Gao
Site type division of breakage hill pits and vegetation restoration around city:A case study of Zibo City of Shandong Province
The breakage hill pits around Zibo City was regarded as the research object of the paper.Based on the field investigation combined with the influence degree of vegetation restoration,five site factors were determined including morphology, slope height,slope degree,soil thickness and gravel content,and then were classified and quantified.The breakage hill pits was divided into seven site types and sixteen subtypes with the method of Cluster analysis.The difficult degree of vegetation restoration was different for site types.On the basis of analyzing site types characteristic,vegetation restoration measures were put forward properly to provide the scientific basis for vegetation restoration of the breakage hill pits.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 92-96 [Abstract] ( 1688 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3075KB] ( 1424 )
97 WANG Xiong-Bin, TU Xin-Xiao, GU Jian-Cai, LU Chao-Wei, WU Hui-Xin
Ecosystem health assessment of the <i>Pinus tabulaeformis</i> forest in earch-rocky mountain area of North China
Based on the Principal Component Analysis,the 51 Pinus tabulaeformis sample plots were classified with Clustering Analysis,and the 51 sample plots' health status were assessed with the constructed integrated assessing model.The results indicate that the 51 sample plots could be clustered into 5 levels.Among all the Pinus tabulaeformis sample plots,6 are the excellent health(Ⅰ level),12 are the good health(Ⅱ level),11 are the general health(Ⅲ level),18 are the sub-health(Ⅳ level) and 4 are the ill health(Ⅴ level).Of the 6 excellent health sampling plots,5 are natural forest,only 1 is planted forest,all other healthy sampling plots are planted forest.The assessing method can reflect the health status of the sample plots objectively and operability,and it offers a certain reference to the forest ecosystem health management.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 97-102 [Abstract] ( 1926 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3355KB] ( 1464 )
103 WANG Fei, LI Dui, YANG Qi-Ke, JIAO Ju-Yang
Policy development of soil and water conservation in the Loess Plateau
Policy is one of most important driving forces in soil and water conservation.There are five stages in the soil and water conservation history in the Yellow River basin,such as the preparatory stage,the key area control stage,the masses participation stage,the integrated watershed measurement stage and the prevention first and conservation by laws stage.The objective and task,main managing body and principles and main measures are different between that of each stage.The objective and task development from sediment and flood control of the Yellow River,then together with local economic development,and then for food production,and for natural resource protection,agriculture development and disaster prevention.The main managing body changed from the local farmers,to local farmers mainly with help of the governments,and to the person or organization who effected by conservation or destruction of the land resources.And the role of government changed from the manager to protagonist and undertaker.The choice of measures changed from erosion control in the beginning to the integrated management of watershed.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 103-107 [Abstract] ( 1290 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3319KB] ( 1450 )
108 LIU Gang-Cai, ZHANG Jian-Hui, DU Shu-Han, ZHOU Zhong-Gao
On the suitability assessment of soil and water conservation measures
Suitability of the soil and water conservation measures are the basic problem of ecological environmental protection and improvement,as well as one of important study field in science of soil and water conservation.Based on the summary of pertinent literatures,the shortages in this field were put forward,and some new ideas and methods were also presented in the study field of suitability of soil and water conservation measures.Particularly,a ""double-set assessment indexes system"" and a method of ""double-set coupling assessment indexes minimum difference"" were put forward to evaluate the suitability of soil and water conservation measures.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 108-111 [Abstract] ( 1853 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2265KB] ( 1289 )
112 TAO Wen-Bei, LIU Wen-Zhao, DIAO An-Cheng, LI Fu-Wei
Evaluation index of the soil and water conservation benefits
Through questionnaire survey and the analysis of relative literature data on soil and water conservation of the Loess Plateau in east Gansu Province,it is found that most of local people are aware of the importance of soil and water conservation measures,but they are not so active in the participation in the work,which thus reduces the effects of comprehensive control.Soil and water conservation obviously succeeds at small scale.However,at large scale the implementation is not as desirable as expected because of the undesirable applications in the non-demonstration zones and non-project areas.The major reason for this is that an insufficient attention is paid to the economic benefits during the implement of soil and water conservation measures.Therefore,an evaluation of comprehensive control of soil and water loss should give first priority to economic efficiency.In order to achieve the better comprehensive control,implementers' enthusiasm and initiative should be mobilized by economic benefits and the efforts for them to get rich should combine closely comprehensive control with ecological and social benefits.Based on the consideration,a system of evaluation indexes is presented for comprehensive control of soil and water loss.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 112-117 [Abstract] ( 1936 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3579KB] ( 1532 )
118 LV Ling, TUN Pu-Te, DIAO Xi-Ning, WANG Yu-Bao
Research advance of urban rainwater utilization
Urban rainwater utilization is an effective way to solve water shortage and water pollution.By summarizing the exiting theories and technologies of rainwater utilization,some important recent problems in this field were put forward.Setting up runoff generation model and calculating the potential of rainwater utilization,monitoring and managing rainwater quality,planning rainwater utilization in urban areas and applying the rainwater utilization technologies comprehensively were problems that should be studied.The fundamental research direction of urban rainwater utilization will be changed from the qualitative to the quantitative,the urban rainwater utilization technologies will be developed from the single to the integrated,and the urban rainwater utilization will become one of important methods for the urban flood control.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 118-123 [Abstract] ( 1620 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3903KB] ( 1397 )
124 XIE Zhi-Han, LIU Bao-Yuan, FU Su-Hua, CENG Xian-Qi
Review of research on enrichment ratio of nutrient in soil erosion process
Nutrients are usually enriched in sediment comparing with the original soil where they are eroded from.The degree of enrichment,expressed as the enrichment ratio,must be known to estimate and predict nonpoint source pollution.The purpose of this study was to do a systematic review of the research on values and equations of nutrient enrichment ratio.The reviewed literature showed that enrichment ratio of nitrogen varied from 0.99 to 8.17 and the main scope was 1.11 to 2.99.The enrichment ratio of phosphorus varied from 0.84 to 16.12 and the main scope was 1.26 to 7.17.The equations for calculating enrichment ratio could be generally classified to six groups,which are based on the relationships between enrichment ratio(ER) and sediment yield,sediment concentration,soil texture,soil specific surface area,sediment delivery ratio or some combinations of them.In this paper,analysis and comparison were made on different equations.The results presented in this paper may help to choose nutrient enrichment ratio in nonpoint source pollution estimation and further studies.
2009 Vol. 7 (1): 124-130 [Abstract] ( 2005 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4041KB] ( 1814 )
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