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档案学研究  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (1): 130-135    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2022.01.019
  档案安全保障 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
1 辽宁大学生命科学院 沈阳 110036
2 加州大学洛杉矶分校 洛杉矶 90024
3 辽宁大学档案管理中心 沈阳 110036
Study on Selection and Application of Eco-friendly Bacteriostatic Agent for Paper Archives
GENG Junqiang1,LIU Chenshu2,HAO Yilin1,CHEN Juan1,WANG Yue3,BEN Songbin1
1 College of Life Science,Liaoning University,Shenyang 110036
2 University of California, Los Angeles,Los Angeles 90024
3 Archives Management Center of Liaoning University,Shenyang 110036
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关键词 档案纸张抑菌剂微生物    

Microbial prevention and control is an essential task for the protection of paper archives. However, the harmful conservation process to human body, as well as potential contamination to the environment, has always been troubling the workers. In this paper, non-harmful Eco-friendly bacteriostatic agent is selected to carry out bacteriostatic experiments on paper-based documents. Firstly, the bacteriostatic agents are selected based on antibacterial activity. Among contact-type bacteriostatic agent, their effectiveness can be ranked as pimamycin > PHMB > Epsilon-PL > Allicine; the effectiveness of spatial bacteriostatic agent can be ranked as carvol > Citronellal > 2-phenylethanol. Secondly, the test for synergistic bacteriostatic effect is carried out. PHMB (125mg/L) and Pimamycin (3.906mg/L) forms the contact-type synergistic pair that produces the optimal bacteriostatic effect. Carvol (15.62mg/L) and Citronellol (31.25mg/L) forms the spatial-type synergistic pair that has the best bacteriostatic performance. Finally, the applicability of the two identified synergistic bacteriostatis pairs were tested. Results show that both pairs of bacteriostatis agents did not induce significant changes to the tensile force of paper; significant diacidification and anti-aging effects are observed; the value of ΔE should not exceed 1.5 after the treatment. The identification, selection and validation process could provide practical basis for future development of safe and efficient bacteriostatic agent for paper.

Key wordsarchives    paper    fungistat    microorganisms
出版日期: 2022-02-28
通讯作者: 贲松彬   
Corresponding author: Songbin BEN   

耿俊强, 刘辰澍, 郝艺琳, 陈娟, 王悦, 贲松彬. 纸质档案绿色抑菌剂的筛选及应用研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2022, 36(1): 130-135.
GENG Junqiang, LIU Chenshu, HAO Yilin, CHEN Juan, WANG Yue, BEN Songbin. Study on Selection and Application of Eco-friendly Bacteriostatic Agent for Paper Archives. Archives Science Study, 2022, 36(1): 130-135.

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