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档案学研究  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (2): 126-133    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2024.02.015
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黑龙江大学人事处(教师工作部) 哈尔滨 150080
The Construction Strategy of Data Sharing Platform for University Teachers' Ethics Archive Information Based on Blockchain and Interplanetary File System Technology
Personnel Department(Teacher Work Department)of Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080
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随着区块链技术的发展,其受到档案行业的高度关注。从数据信息管理的角度看,区块链技术利用其去中心化、去信任化、防篡改、匿名、开放、自治、可追溯等特性,能够增强数据管理的安全性、可靠性,这与师德档案信息管理需求高度契合。本文设计了基于星际文件系统(IPFS)和联盟区块链技术的师德档案信息数据共享平台,利用Hyperledger Fabric建立所有参与者共同管理交易的系统,建构链上、链下相结合的师德档案信息数据存储策略,设计基于属性的加密机制策略实现细粒度的师德信息数据访问控制,从理论层面解决了师德档案信息数据的数据孤岛、数据存储成本昂贵以及数据安全传输的问题。

关键词 师德档案区块链星际文件系统    

With the development of blockchain technology, it has received high attention from the archival industry. From the perspective of data information management, blockchain technology utilizes its characteristics of decentralization, trustworthiness, tamper resistance, anonymity, openness, autonomy, and traceability to enhance the security and reliability of data management, which is highly in line with the needs of teachers' ethics archive information management. This article designs a teachers' ethics archive information data sharing platform based on Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) and Alliance Blockchain Technology. It uses Hyperledger Fabric to establish a system for all participants to jointly manage transactions, constructs a combination of on chain and off chain strategies for storing teachers' ethics archive information data, and designs attribute-based encryption mechanisms to achieve fine-grained access control of teachers' ethics information data, which could theoretically solve the problems of data silos, high data storage costs, and secure data transmission of teachers' ethics archives information data.

Key wordsteachers' ethics archive    blockchain    IPFS
出版日期: 2024-04-28

张达. 基于区块链和星际文件系统技术的高校师德档案信息数据共享平台建构策略[J]. 档案学研究, 2024, 38(2): 126-133.
ZHANG Da. The Construction Strategy of Data Sharing Platform for University Teachers' Ethics Archive Information Based on Blockchain and Interplanetary File System Technology. Archives Science Study, 2024, 38(2): 126-133.

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