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档案学研究  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (2): 116-125    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2024.02.014
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1.苏州城市学院城市治理与公共事务学院 苏州 215104
2.西藏民族大学管理学院 咸阳 712082
Data-based Event Narration of Archives: Rationale, Approach and Empirical Study
ZHAO Shenghui1,2,MIN Dongyuan2
1. School of Urban Governance and Public Affairs of Suzhou City University, Suzhou 215104
2. School of Management of Xizang Minzu University, Xianyang 712082
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关键词 档案数据化数据态叙事历史结构主义框架理论    

By combined the narrative theory with the needs of archival data processing, the academic concept of data-based event narration of archives is proposed, its core concept, theoretical basis, logical framework and technological roadmap are discussed and verified through a practical case. It is concluded in this paper that narrative is a typical characteristic that distinguishes archives from other literature resources. Data-based event narration of archives refers to the theory, method and technology which under the guidance of historical structuralism methodology, based on binary narrative logic of "frame+object", reconstructs narrative context of core semantic information of archival text or image in the form of structured data sets, constructs computable data model of historical events, and drives intelligent transformation of archival information services. Data-based event narration of archives provides scientific theory and methodology guidance for archival data processing and is expected to have profound impact on the intelligent transformation of archival information system development.

Key wordsarchival datafication    data-based event narration    historical structuralism    theory of frame
出版日期: 2024-04-28
通讯作者: 赵生辉   
Corresponding author: Shenghui ZHAO   

赵生辉, 闵冬元. 数据态档案叙事:原理、方法与实证[J]. 档案学研究, 2024, 38(2): 116-125.
ZHAO Shenghui, MIN Dongyuan. Data-based Event Narration of Archives: Rationale, Approach and Empirical Study. Archives Science Study, 2024, 38(2): 116-125.

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