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档案学研究  2023, Vol. 37 Issue (2): 120-127    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2023.02.016
  档案信息化 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
1 武汉大学信息资源研究中心 武汉 430072
2 武汉大学信息管理学院 武汉 430072
3 中国人民大学档案事业发展研究中心 北京 100872
4 英国拉夫堡大学计算机系 拉夫堡 LE113TU
Research on Archival Data Quality Management from the Perspective of Blockchain
WANG Ping1,2,3,CHEN Xiuxiu2,LI Muyan2,HOU Jingrui4
1 Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072
2 School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072
3 Archival Undertaking Development Research Center, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872
4 Department of Computer Science, School of Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE113TU
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关键词 档案数据数据质量区块链    

With the ''data revolution'' in archives, the importance of archival data quality management is self-evident. Blockchain provides an opportunity for archival data quality management with its trustworthy technology advantage. Based on the coding analysis of data quality management indicators and archival norms, 4 first-level elements of archival data source, content, process and environmental quality and their 17 secondary quality elements are abstracted, and the corresponding requirements of archival data quality management in terms of subject, object, business and environment are analyzed. On the basis of the refined elements of archival data quality, an archival data quality management path with reliable source, available content, controllable process and credible environment is constructed from the perspective of blockchain technology. Further, this paper proposes implementation strategies in terms of standard prevention, supervision and control, think tank construction and user feedback to clarify the crux of archival data management, optimize archival data quality management and meet the public's high demand for archival data quality.

Key wordsarchival data    data quality    blockchain
出版日期: 2024-04-28

王平, 陈秀秀, 李沐妍, 侯景瑞. 区块链视角下档案数据质量管理路径研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2023, 37(2): 120-127.
WANG Ping, CHEN Xiuxiu, LI Muyan, HOU Jingrui. Research on Archival Data Quality Management from the Perspective of Blockchain. Archives Science Study, 2023, 37(2): 120-127.

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