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档案学研究  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (2): 83-88    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2022.02.012
  档案资源开发 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
中山大学信息管理学院 广州 510006
Multi-participant Cooperation Mechanism for Oral Revolutionary Archives Collection and Development
NIE Yonghao,XIAO Ying
School of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006
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关键词 红色口述档案跨界合作档案采集档案开发    

The oral revolutionary archives record the words of those who experienced the revolutionary history of the Communist Party of China, and represent the historical details in a vivid way. However, the effective collection and development of this precious historical resource depends on the integration of resources and capabilities of multiple participants. Through the case study of "Dongjiang Zongdui and Sun Yat-Sen University" oral history project, this paper explores the multi-participant cooperation mechanism in the collection and development of oral revolutionary archives. In terms of operation mechanism, it is necessary to adopt multi-participant resources with common goals as the link, and implement collection work relying on complementary cross-border networks, gradually promote the use and sharing of archival resources based on the development for specific needs. Finally, the legal agreement, implementation standard, content review and risk management constitute the supporting mechanism for the multi-participant cooperation in collection and development of oral revolutionary archives.

Key wordsoral revolutionary archives    boundary-crossing cooperation    archives collection    archives development
出版日期: 2022-04-28
通讯作者: 萧颖   
Corresponding author: Ying XIAO   

聂勇浩, 萧颖. 红色口述档案采集与开发的多元主体合作机制[J]. 档案学研究, 2022, 36(2): 83-88.
NIE Yonghao, XIAO Ying. Multi-participant Cooperation Mechanism for Oral Revolutionary Archives Collection and Development. Archives Science Study, 2022, 36(2): 83-88.

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