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档案学研究  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (2): 89-96    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2022.02.013
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中国电力建设集团有限公司 北京 100048
Application of Blockchain Based on Consensus Optimization in Authenticity Guarantee of Electronic Records in Whole Life Cycle: Take Power Construction Corporation of China's Pilot Project of Electronic Records Single-set Archiving and Management as An Example
Power Construction Gorporation of China, Beijing 100048
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关键词 区块链应用电子文件管理全生命周期真实性保障    

Based on the analysis of the current common methods to ensure the authenticity of electronic records, combined with the characteristics of blockchain technology, the paper takes the single-set archiving and management of electronic records of Power Construction Corporation of China as an example, introduces the scheme design, implementation method and implementation effect of blockchain technology to solve the business pain point of low efficiency in ensuring the authenticity of electronic records. It also plans and looks forward to the application of blockchain technology to solve more business problems, so as to provide reference for better exerting the application advantages of blockchain technology in archives work scenes.

Key wordsapplication of blockchain technology    electronic records management    whole life cycle    authenticity guarantee
出版日期: 2022-04-28

王洋. 基于优化共识的区块链在电子文件全生命周期真实性保障中的应用—以中国电力建设集团有限公司电子文件单套归档和电子档案单套管理试点为例[J]. 档案学研究, 2022, 36(2): 89-96.
WANG Yang. Application of Blockchain Based on Consensus Optimization in Authenticity Guarantee of Electronic Records in Whole Life Cycle: Take Power Construction Corporation of China's Pilot Project of Electronic Records Single-set Archiving and Management as An Example. Archives Science Study, 2022, 36(2): 89-96.

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