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档案学研究  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (4): 128-134    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2024.04.015
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1 厦门大学档案馆 厦门 361005
2 厦门大学电子科学与技术学院 厦门 361005
3 洛阳市考古研究院 洛阳 471000
Translation and Introduction: Interpretation on the Mechanism and Application of Intelligent Laser Technologies in Paper-based Archives Restoration
XIE Huabin1,SHAO Weilin2,CHENG Yahui3
1 Xiamen University Archives, Xiamen 361005
2 School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005
3 Luoyang Municipal Institute of Archaeology, Luoyang 471000
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关键词 纸质档案激光清洗墨渍真菌狐斑    

These are some bottlenecks in traditional restoration of paper archives, either physical means (e.g. scraping) or chemical means (e.g. bleaching) to treat paper archives contaminated with ink or fungi or other stains can cause varying degrees of damage to the fiber structure. In response to these bottlenecks in restoration, this paper reviews the cleaning and restoration of paper archives by laser technology over the past 30 years, summarizing the mechanism of laser action with various types of contaminants, and proposing a new idea of using intelligent laser technology to restore paper archives: Based on the principle of laser "ablation cooling" of paper fibers, the laser can be positioned precisely at the cleaning location by an intelligent control platform. The wavelength, power and polarization of the laser can be flexibly adjusted for different types of contaminants to achieve non-destructive and efficient cleaning and restoration of paper archives.

Key wordspaper archives    laser cleaning    ink dots    fungus    foxing
出版日期: 2024-08-28
通讯作者: 邵炜霖   

谢华斌, 邵炜霖, 程雅辉. 智能激光技术在纸质档案修复中的机理研究与应用译介[J]. 档案学研究, 2024, 38(4): 128-134.
XIE Huabin, SHAO Weilin, CHENG Yahui. Translation and Introduction: Interpretation on the Mechanism and Application of Intelligent Laser Technologies in Paper-based Archives Restoration. Archives Science Study, 2024, 38(4): 128-134.

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