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档案学研究  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (3): 37-45    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2024.03.005
  档案教育研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
1.华东政法大学政府管理学院 上海 201620
2.国家档案局档案干部教育中心 北京 100050
3.上海档案事业发展研究中心 上海 201620
Archival Vocational Education: Evolution Logic, Realistic Dilemmas and Development Strategies
LIU Lizhen1,3,DU Hengqi2
1. School of Government Management, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201620
2. The Training Center of National Archives Administration of China, Beijing 100050
3. Shanghai Archival Undertaking Development Research Center, Shanghai 201620
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关键词 档案职业教育职业分类普通教育职业教育继续教育    

Archival vocational education has developed with the historical evolution of social division of labor and the assistance of technological changes. The occupational classification and qualification certification system in our country is the external driving force for the development of archival vocational education in the new era. However, archival vocational education faces numerous challenges, including low professional identity among archival practitioners, insufficient institutional supply, lack of effective linkage, and mismatch with market demands. The long-term development of archival vocational education requires not only bottom-up practical experience but also top-down systematic planning. Only through comprehensive planning, establishment of standard systems, and improvement of supporting services, we can promote the formation of a new ecosystem in archival education and achieve high-quality development of archival vocational education.

Key wordsarchival vocational education    occupational classification    general education    vocational education    continuing education
出版日期: 2025-06-28
通讯作者: 刘丽珍   

刘丽珍, 杜恒琪. 档案职业教育:演进逻辑、现实困境与发展策略[J]. 档案学研究, 2024, 38(3): 37-45.
LIU Lizhen, DU Hengqi. Archival Vocational Education: Evolution Logic, Realistic Dilemmas and Development Strategies. Archives Science Study, 2024, 38(3): 37-45.

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