情报科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 164-172.

• 博士论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇

图书情报学混合方法的应用情境及协同策略研究 ——以四种图情学刊为例


  • 出版日期:2023-03-01 发布日期:2023-04-10

  • Online:2023-03-01 Published:2023-04-10

摘要: 【目的/意义】对图书情报学领域中混合方法的应用情境及协同策略进行挖掘,加深对混合方法研究适用场
性与延续性、加强研究结论的支持力度;定性定量方法存在 6种协同策略:补充解释、构建指导、检验推广、量化延
谨性。仅选择了国内外图书情报学科 4 本主要期刊,未来将会关注更多国内外图书情报学混合方法研究的应用

Abstract: 【Purpose/significance】This study aims to explore the application situation and collaboration strategy of Mixed Methods Re?
search in LIS, deepen the understanding of the applicable scenarios of MMR, and promote the rationalization and effectiveness of strat? egy use in research design【. Method/process】An analysis of mixed methods articles published in four representative LIS research jour? nals from 2012 to 2021, revealed the application context and strategies for collaboration of mixed method【. Result/conclusion】There are three situations mixed methods in library and information science research: bridging the technical limitations of single method, en? suring the integrity and continuity of research and strengthening the support of research conclusions. Besides, this study also illustrates six strategies for qualitative and quantitative collaboration: supplementary explanation; construction guidance; test and promotion; quantitative extension; joint guarantee and parallel coordination. Finally, we prospect the trend of MMR.【Innovation/limitation】The research conclusions are helpful for researchers to better understand how to design and apply mixed methods research, improve the quality of LIS research, and enhance the scientificity and rigor of mixed method research. We only choose 4 journals as example, but we will broaden the scope of our study in the future.