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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (4): 87-93    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.04.012
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湘潭大学公共管理学院 湘潭 411105
Analysis of Demand Characteristics of Archive Talents and Talent Cultivation Based on Recruitment Data
CHEN Xiaoting
School of Public Management,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105

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摘要: 分析网络招聘数据以挖掘档案人才需求特征,对改革“经验主义”教学、推动“数据驱动”的精准培养具有重要参考价值。通过采集档案人才网络招聘数据,挖掘档案企业与职位的人才需求、任职要求,发现:①档案人才需求量高的地区有一线城市、成都、杭州、西安等地。需求缺口最大的行业是房地产、建筑建材工程和计算机软件等。职能类型主要为图书管理员、档案管理员和资料管理员。②知识要求主要包括专业理论知识、档案实体管理知识、档案行政管理知识和计算机基本知识。③技能要求依次为与档案高度相关的管理、整理、归档档案文件等技能。④能力要求主要为熟练掌握能力、责任心、工作细心等人才个体所必需的素质,以及作为企业的一员需具备的团队合作、沟通协调能力。最后从教育发展规划、课程体系结构和专业教学过程提出档案人才培育相关建议。
Abstract:Analyzing online recruitment data can dig out the characteristics of archive talent demand, which has important reference value for reforming "empirical" teaching and promoting "data-driven" accurate training. This research collects archive talent network recruitment data, excavates the talent needs and job requirements of archive companies and positions, and finds that: ①The areas with high archive talent demand are first-tier cities, Chengdu, Hangzhou, and Xi'an. The industries with the largest demand gap are real estate, construction and building materials engineering, and computer software. The main function types are librarians, archivists and data managers. ②Knowledge requirements mainly include professional theoretical knowledge, archive entity management knowledge, archive administration knowledge and basic computer knowledge.③Skills are required for the management, sorting, and archiving skills that are highly related to archives. ④ Competence requirements are mainly required for individual talents such as proficiency, responsibility, and careful work, as well as the teamwork, communication and coordination skills required as a member of the enterprise. Finally, the study puts forward relevant suggestions on the cultivation of archives talents from the education development plan, curriculum system structure and professional teaching process.
出版日期: 2021-07-29

陈晓婷. 基于招聘数据的档案人才需求特征挖掘及人才培育分析[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(4): 87-93.
CHEN Xiaoting. Analysis of Demand Characteristics of Archive Talents and Talent Cultivation Based on Recruitment Data. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(4): 87-93.

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