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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (5): 34-43    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.05.005
  基础理论研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
档案馆 N.0:社会参与视角下档案馆的演进历程与发展趋向研究
四川大学公共管理学院 成都 610064
Research on the Evolution and Development Trend of Archives from the Perspective of Social Participation
ZHOU Wenhong
School of Public Administration,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064

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摘要: 社会参与深刻影响着档案馆的演进,理论设想与实践行动上均有长久探索。基于对缘起、主要内涵和示范实例的三层解读,本文呈现了西方世界从社会参与角度所提出的以创造面向用户的公共档案空间的档案馆2.0和构建全员参与的全景多元档案空间的档案馆3.0。通过解析可发现两类档案馆可用于启示的三个要点:档案馆的生命力机制是演进内核,档案馆应用拓展是空间上的关联全景化,档案馆的发展延伸具有时间上的非线性代际化。由此,从社会参与视角展现的档案馆演进历程也从档案馆的发展状态、档案事业的考古挖掘、未来的空间发现这三个方面向我国的档案馆演进提出探索议题。
Abstract:Social participation has a profound impact on the evolution of archives in the context of the development of society, culture and technology. Based on the interpretation of the origin, main connotation and demonstration examples, this paper presents the archives 2.0 aiming to create user-oriented public archive space and archives 3.0 targeting to build panoramic multi-archive space with full participation which were proposed by the western world from the perspective of social participation. Then three points from these two kinds of archives are put forward for enlightenment: the vitality mechanism of archives is the evolution core, the application extension of archives is the related panorama in space, and the development extension of archives has the non-linear intergenerational convex in time. Therefore, three aspects are proposed to explore the evolution of archives in China from the development status of archives, the essence of archives, and the future space discovery.
出版日期: 2020-10-28

周文泓. 档案馆 N.0:社会参与视角下档案馆的演进历程与发展趋向研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(5): 34-43.
ZHOU Wenhong. Research on the Evolution and Development Trend of Archives from the Perspective of Social Participation. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(5): 34-43.

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