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档案学研究  2020, Vol. 34 Issue (5): 44-49    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2020.05.006
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档案犯罪刑事惩治研究:反思与重构—— 基于最高人民法院公布案件的实证分析
铜陵学院法学院 铜陵 244061
Research on the Criminal Punishment of Archival Crimes: Reflection and Reconstruction—— Based on the Empirical Analysis of Cases Pronounced by the Supreme People’s Court
YAO Ming
Law School,Tongling University,Tongling 244061

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摘要: 确保档案安全需要《刑法》的有力保护。通过对我国档案犯罪案件刑事惩治的实证考察发现,当前还存在刑事立法缺乏规制的全面性,保护范围较窄;刑事司法缺乏制裁的严厉性,惩治力度较轻等问题。严重的故意毁损档案,伪造、变造档案,档案保管失职以及侵害非国有档案等达到刑法法理所要求的具有严重社会危害性的侵害档案行为目前并未纳入《刑法》予以规制。未来,应在结合我国档案保护实际,并参考借鉴域外档案犯罪刑事惩治经验的基础上,通过尽快修复档案犯罪立法漏洞,切实提升档案犯罪司法裁判力度等方式来增强我国档案犯罪刑事惩治质效。
Abstract:To ensure the security of archives needs the strong protection of Criminal Law. Through the empirical investigation of the criminal punishment of archives crime cases in China, it is found that there are still some problems at present. These problems include the lack of comprehensive criminal legislation and the narrow scope of protection, the lack of severity of punishment in criminal justice, and the light punishment and so on. Serious intentional damage to archives, forgery and alteration of archives, dereliction of duty of archives custody and infringement of non-state-owned archives, which meet the requirements of criminal law but not regulated in it. In the future, on the basis of combining the reality of archives protection in China and referring to the experience of criminal punishment for archival crimes extraterritorial, we should improve the quality and effectiveness of criminal punishment for archival crimes in China by repairing the loopholes in legislation of archival crime as soon as possible, and effectively enhancing the judicial judgment of archival crime.
出版日期: 2020-10-28

姚明. 档案犯罪刑事惩治研究:反思与重构—— 基于最高人民法院公布案件的实证分析[J]. 档案学研究, 2020, 34(5): 44-49.
YAO Ming. Research on the Criminal Punishment of Archival Crimes: Reflection and Reconstruction—— Based on the Empirical Analysis of Cases Pronounced by the Supreme People’s Court. Archives Science Study, 2020, 34(5): 44-49.

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