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档案学研究  2019, Vol. 33 Issue (4): 84-90    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2019.04.013
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南京大学历史学院 西北工业大学外国语学院 南京 210023
The Witness Oral History’s Value in the Holocaust Research
Nanjing University School of History PHD Candidate
Northwestern Polytechnical University School of Foreign Studies Associate Professor 210023
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关键词 大屠杀研究口述历史见证者历史意识    

The German Nazi massacre of Jews was a major trauma in human history in the 20th century, and whether the oral history of the Holocaust Witnesses can be included in historical writing has always been the focus of debate in the history circle. This paper believes that oral history can not only provide detailed explanations of the historical materials of the literature, but also has completeness and vividness, so it should become an important part of the history of the Holocaust. At the same time, oral history can also restore the truth of the Holocaust to the greatest extent, and is of great significance in helping people move from focusing on pure historical events to paying attention to the historical consciousness of witnesses.

Key wordsthe Holocaust research    oral history    witness    historical consciousness
出版日期: 2019-11-18

王琳. 大屠杀研究中见证者口述历史的价值[J]. 档案学研究, 2019, 33(4): 84-90.
Lin WANG. The Witness Oral History’s Value in the Holocaust Research. Archives Science Study, 2019, 33(4): 84-90.

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