中国水土保持科学  2004, Vol. 2 Issue (1): 62-68    
  研究报告 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1.中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,100091,北京;2.黄委会黄河上中游管理局,710021,西安;3.黄委会绥德水土保持科学试验站,718000,陕西绥德;4.黄委会天水水土保持科学试验站,741000,甘肃天水;5.山西省水土保持研究所 ,033000,山西离石
Allocation about Artificial Arbor Trees According to Site Adaptibility in the Key Areas of Soil and Water Losses of the Loess Plateau
HU Jian-Zhong-;Ma-Guo-Li-;Dang-Wei-Qi-;Shu-Ren-Xi-;Li-Shu-Fu
1.Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 100091, Beijing; 2. Administration Bureau of the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yellow River, the Water Conservancy Commission of the Yellow River, 710021, Xian; 3. Suide Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, the Water Conservancy Commission of the Yellow River, 718000, Suide, Shaanxi; 4. Tianshui Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, the Water Conservancy Commission of the Yellow River, 741000, Tianshui, Gansu; 5. Shanxi Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, 033000, Lishi, Shanxi: China
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