Impacts on eco-environment from basin cascade development and corresponding measures
DIAO Qin-;Cao-Shu-You-;Li-Wen-Ping
1.State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic and Mountain River Enginerring(Sichuan University),610065;2.Sichuan Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Environment Monitoring Station,610041: Chengdu,China
Abstract:The original natural basin is one integral ecosystem,while the basin cascade development intercepts the continuum of the river and puts stress on the ecosystem so as to destroy the eco-balance of the whole system.The emerging ecological environment problems such as the influence on sediments and river channel,the reservoir flood and immigrants,the influence of water body's change,the influence on fish and biological species,the geological disaster as well as the loss of soil and water is analyzed during the process of the basin cascade development.In order to decrease the disadvantageous impacts of river cascade development, the corresponding engineering or non-engineering measures are put forward in different phases such as the planning,construction and operation.The aim to build friendly-environment water projects and realize the sustainable development of water resources is arrived at.