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档案学研究  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (3): 69-75    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2024.03.009
  档案资源建设 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
北京联合大学应用文理学院 北京 100191
Research on Electronic Document Archiving from the Perspective of Knowledge Engineering
FANG Xiaoke,SHEN Lei
School of Applied Arts and Science, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100191
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关键词 知识工程电子公文归档    

In response to the current trend of data archiving, this article studies the archiving of electronic documents from the perspective of knowledge engineering. Based on the four stages of document collection, document arrangement, document handover and file reception in the Electronic Document Archiving Specification for Party and Government Organs, it is transformed into three tasks of Information extraction, information classification and information matching. The key of Information extraction is to extract its metadata and content information; Information classification is based on the idea of ontology to build the association between the contents of the documents; Information matching is the process of determining the ownership relationship of completed electronic documents and categorizing them into their respective directories. The documents in the State Council Policy Document Library on the Central People's Government website were used as the data source for empirical evidence to implement the feasibility of the program proposed in this article.

Key wordsknowledge engineering    electronic document    archiving
出版日期: 2024-06-28
通讯作者: 沈蕾   

房小可, 沈蕾. 知识工程视域下的电子公文归档研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2024, 38(3): 69-75.
FANG Xiaoke, SHEN Lei. Research on Electronic Document Archiving from the Perspective of Knowledge Engineering. Archives Science Study, 2024, 38(3): 69-75.

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