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档案学研究  2024, Vol. 38 Issue (2): 134-140    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2024.02.016
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1.中国人民大学信息资源管理学院 北京 100872
2.北京联合大学应用文理学院 北京 100191
A Comparative Study on the Preservation Characteristics of Three Types of Media in Sanskrit Literature
ZHANG Meifang1,SONG Xin2
1. School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872
2. College of Applied Arts and Science of Beijing Union University, Beijing 100191
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关键词 梵文文献贝叶桦树皮纸张保护与修复    

Sanskrit literature is preserved in archives, libraries, museums and other institutions, with a small collection but high value. Sanskrit literature is first-hand information on the history of Indian thought, Indian Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Sanskrit grammar. Palm leaf, birch bark, and paper are the three primary media materials for Sanskrit literature. Due to differences in their inherent formation principles, properties, and processing techniques, these three materials exhibit significant variations in aging resistance characteristics and rates. Different types of deterioration may occur during the preservation process. Although there have been abundant researches on the contents of Sanskrit literature at home and abroad, a systematic investigation into the preservation and restoration aspects, particularly the comparative study of the three media materials, is yet to be conducted. This paper reviews the historical origins and processing techniques of the three Sanskrit literature media materials. Based on the distinctive properties of these materials, the paper analyzes the mechanisms of deterioration and aging characteristics. Furthermore, the study identifies core technical issues that need to be addressed during the restoration process of these three media materials. The findings contribute theoretical foundations for the protection and longevity extension of Sanskrit literature media materials.

Key wordsSanskrit literature    palm leaf    birch bark    paper    preservation and restoration
出版日期: 2024-04-28
通讯作者: 宋欣   
Corresponding author: Xin SONG   

张美芳, 宋欣. 梵文文献三种载体材料保存特性的比较研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2024, 38(2): 134-140.
ZHANG Meifang, SONG Xin. A Comparative Study on the Preservation Characteristics of Three Types of Media in Sanskrit Literature. Archives Science Study, 2024, 38(2): 134-140.

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