情报科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 155-166.

• 业务研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-04-05 发布日期:2024-06-08

  • Online:2024-04-05 Published:2024-06-08


以构建评价体系为重点,以公共图书馆信息资源服务为研究对象,基于 CCSI模型综合运用文献调研法、专家问卷
论】构建起一套基于 CCSI模型的包括 7个一级指标和 24个二级指标的公共图书馆信息资源服务满意度评价指标


【Purpose/significance】 To further enrich the domestic research results on library satisfaction evaluation, a scientific evalua⁃
tion system of library information resource service satisfaction is constructed to improve the quality and efficiency of public library in⁃
formation resource services and enhance the satisfaction of information resource services.【Method/process】 This study focuses on con⁃
structing an evaluation system, taking the information resource services of public libraries as the research object. Based on the CCSI
model, it comprehensively uses literature research methods, expert questionnaire methods, and entropy method, among others, to con⁃
struct a public library information resource service system and uses the structural equation model to test the theoretical model and re⁃
search hypotheses.【Result/conclusion】 A set of public library information resource service satisfaction evaluation index system based
on the CCSI model, including 7 first-level indicators and 24 second-level indicators, was constructed. Through empirical research, it
is found that information services, resource services, librarian services, reader perceptions, and reader expectations have a significant
positive correlation with public library information resource services, but website services do not have a significant impact on satisfac⁃
tion.【Innovation/limitation】 This paper uses classical social science research methods to construct a scientific evaluation index
model, evaluates this model through a structural equation model, and opens up a new exploration for constructing a new evaluation
model and system. However, the coverage, balance, and representativeness of the extracted samples need to be strengthened.