情报科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 145-154.

• 业务研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-04-05 发布日期:2024-06-08

  • Online:2024-04-05 Published:2024-06-08




【Purpose/significance】 Exploring the formation paths of users' continuous knowledge contribution behaviours in open inno⁃
vation communities is of great significance in enhancing users' enthusiasm for continuous knowledge contribution and maintaining the
sustainable development of the communities.【Method/process】 Taking MIUI community users as the research object, the extended in⁃
formation system continuous use model, perceived value theory, and heart flow theory are combined to construct a research model of
users' continuous knowledge contribution behaviour, and the method of combining structural equation modeling and fuzzy set qualita⁃
tive comparative analysis is used to carry out empirical research.【Result/conclusion】① Utility value and satisfaction positively affect
users' willingness to contribute to continuous knowledge; social value, emotional value, and heart flow experience positively affect sat⁃
isfaction and willingness to contribute to continuous knowledge; execution cost negatively affects satisfaction and willingness to con⁃
tribute to continuous knowledge; willingness to contribute to continuous knowledge positively affects continuous knowledge contribu⁃
tion behavior; ② fsQCA analysis found that there are three types of conditional groupings triggering the behavior of contributing to con⁃
tinuous knowledge, in which social value, emotional value, satisfaction, and willingness to contribute to continuous knowledge play an
important role. value, emotional value, satisfaction, and willingness to contribute knowledge play an important role.【lnnovation/limita⁃
tion】 Extending the theoretical depth of research on user behavior in open innovation communities, complex causal relationships be⁃
tween multiple variables are discussed using mixed methods, but sample data may have homogeneous variance.