情报科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (7): 126-135.

• 业务研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-07-01 发布日期:2022-08-05

  • Online:2022-07-01 Published:2022-08-05

摘要: 【 目的/意义】为探析研究前沿与发展趋向,突破现有跨学科科研协作研究在主题识别预测中的不足,本文提
片的形式对 SciTS 会议文本进行主题抽取,提出新兴主题测量指标,探测领域内新兴主题并构建新兴主题时间序

Abstract: Purpose/significanceTo discover research fronts and development trends and overcome the limitation of research in the recognition and prediction currently, this paper proposed a research framework for revealing the emerging topics in interdisciplinary scientific research collaboration and predicting their development trends.Method/processFirstly,this paper extracted the topics of SciTS conference text under different time series,proposed measurement indicators of emerging topics and constructed their intensity time series.Then,we used Back Propagation Neural Network and Support Vector Regression algorithms to make a prediction about the development trend of emerging topics in three years. Result/conclusionThis paper has a good performance in the recognition and pre⁃diction of emerging topics.Meanwhile,five emerging topics have been discovered.Interdisciplinary communication skills,interdisciplin⁃ary collaboration community building,interdisciplinary education and traning will be the research fronts of the follow-up SciTS confer⁃ence. Innovation/limitationThis paper made some exploration based on the SciTS conference text,which is the typical case in interdis⁃ciplinary scientific research collaboration,and to some extent enriched the width and diversity of interdisciplinary research.