情报科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 185-192.

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  • 出版日期:2021-02-01 发布日期:2021-03-11

  • Online:2021-02-01 Published:2021-03-11




【Purpose/significance】Scientific data management in China has been implemented for many years and made great prog⁃
ress. The practical achievements of scientific data management in recent years are reviewed, and the future work of scientific data man⁃
agement is prospected.【Method/process】Using the methods of network investigation and text analysis, this paper takes the events of
scientific data sharing platform, scientific data policy, scientific data journal, scientific data conference and so on, which have been car⁃
ried out since China became a member of the International Commission of scientific and technological data in 1984, as the research ob⁃
jects, and combs them.【Result/conclusion】Scientific data management system of China has been gradually improved, and the prac⁃
tice of scientific data management has been divided into four stages: muddleheaded and bleary, rudimentary growth driven by govern⁃
ment departments, active exploration and development of scientific research institutes and mature implementation driven by user em⁃
powerment. Finally, from policy, data security, data platform, data publishing, library function positioning and opening from six aspects
of scientific quality, the prospect of scientific data management is put forward.【Innovation/limitation】According to the development
process, the scientific data management system in China is divided into four stages, which are elaborated respectively, but the depth of
elaboration needs to be strengthened.